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. . �yy ��� <br /> - �� . , � ��. .4���iLi�.'y!J ...�.�_.-..'_...,.. <br /> � • .. <br /> i .� �' �.. . ._. .. _.__' <br /> .� . - .. .r __ <br /> �1 ' �' —_ .r.s�_�..F_��.__-- <br /> . .. .. r����3`�;:�(•.- ,�`9P�y'F".� <br /> _ ,t. <br /> . <br /> . ;.; <br /> � 'f•i5 <br /> . <br /> ,s n -- ' �__ � — <br /> : <br /> .._---�r <br /> .. .'�i:,..s -- =_—=-- --- ----------_-- -------� <br /> — – su�a:4_. <br /> ���sus7s� � <br /> ParC o� �'raational Lot 3, Alock a0, ia Arnold & �� <br /> i�bbott'e Pacld3tci.on i:v �chd Cf�,j� �£' as•�nd T�land, Hall <br /> County, Nebraed�s se shown b�r the reaorded ple�t ther�to <br /> desc�ibed as �oilowe, to w'lt: Commencing at the <br /> saorthesstarly aorner of said Fraational Lot 3, ruruiing <br /> �aa � wQe�Qx�.y direation elong the northerly line of the <br /> esid �'ractional Y,oti 3, �0 £eei: o�� a 7.ine pserrallel wi�� r <br /> the southezly iine o! 8eaoad BEreet, thenc� in a <br /> 9outherly direation on � line parallel with the <br /> eaeterly lina of the eaid Fraationa�l Lot to where it <br /> croseee the Nazth line o� the 8E1/4 �di/4 0� Seatfan <br /> � 15, Towuship il North, R�uatge 9 Weat of the 6th P.M. i <br /> �baacte Eae� along the aaid I3Qrrh Yi�te of the ea3d <br /> puarter 9ectton ta the eaeterly aide of ehe eaid <br /> Fractional Lot, thenae i� a aoxtherly direction alang <br /> the eaeterly line af the eaid Fzaational Lot to the <br /> place af t�ether �ith the followiag <br /> deeoribed property: Commenaing a� a poiue on the eaet <br /> line aE Fractianal Lot 3, ia said Bloak 20, i�. Arna].d & <br /> Abbo�t•s Addi.tion to ar�nd Ielar�id, H�11. Cou�ty, - <br /> NabrAeka, where eai.d lir�o arooses the Nortb. lfne a� the <br /> 8B1/4 $Wi/� of Seation 16 in Townehip ii North, Range 9 <br /> '�leet of the ��h �+.M., th�r�a� i.a a eoutheaaterl�r _ <br /> direction oa a line parallel with the eaid Weet line o� <br /> the eaid 91ock 20, 6 feet, the eame being a <br /> continuation af eaid Baet liae of eaid F'ractional L�ot <br /> 3, ia said Block 20 wi�haut change oP direation, thettce <br /> in a eouthwestezly direction on a parallel ].in� with <br /> the North liue of the said Bleck 20, 60 feett thenae in <br /> a aorthw�eterly dl.rection on a lina parall�l with the <br /> �$ast Iins af the s�3d Fra�t��? �t '� r� a p�,i��. � , <br /> � � � feet �ast of where the We�t line of the aaid Lot 3, ia <br /> eaid Bloak 20 croose� eaid North of the SEi/� <br /> , 9W1/4 af 8ec�ion 16, Toianehip 11 North, Raage 9 Weet of <br /> Che 6th P.I�1.; theace Saet aloag and upon eaid North � <br /> line of the eaid 9E1/4 NW1/4 of Sect3on 16, Townebip 11 , <br /> � Narth, Ranga 9 Weet af the 6th P.M. , Hall Couaty, <br /> _ ATebraeka to the place af begiruaing. <br /> � tagetfier with all build9.ngs, improvemente, Fixturec�, a�reete; , <br /> all,ey�s, paseagewaye, easemente, xighte, privilegea end appurte- <br /> aaaCee l.oaat�d thermon or in pertaiaittg thereto, e�nd ttte . • - <br /> rente. ieaueA end pxo�ite, xevr.reioae ead remaindere thexecf, a�d <br /> euch persorn�l property that ie ettached to the improvements aa ae � <br /> to constitute a fixture, includiag, but not limited to, heating � <br /> and cc�oling equ�ipment snd together with the homeetaad a�r me�i�al <br /> interegte, :i� any, which inGera�ts are hereby released and , <br /> - waived, aii af which, includittg replacamente and additians <br /> Cherete, ie hereby declared to be a gart of the real eetate� <br /> : � secured by the liea of thie Deed of Truet and a�ll of ths forego- <br /> ` ing beirig referrad to herein ae the "Pmperty", <br /> ,.. <br /> � " Z - <br /> I - <br />