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<br /> i� deems neaeeoary to p���oct the e�curit}/ hexoof. Tzu�ooLendQr �
<br /> ehall, �mmediahely upon demand thazeEor try Leader, gay
<br /> all coete and expensee inaurxed and sume expeaded by Lender in
<br /> eaaaeation with the exeraiee by Lender of the foregoing rights,
<br /> to�e�her catth intereat thereon ak the dle�ault rate provi�ed in
<br /> �he Note, whiah ehall We addeli 2o t�xa iadek��sedrieee secured
<br /> hereby. Lendesc ehall�o h reunder�.Y lit+bility beeauee of anythiag
<br /> it may do or omft to
<br /> 9. ' . Truator ehall keep the Property in
<br /> compliance with all applicable lawe, ordinaaaes and regulationa —
<br /> Yelatiag to iaduserial hygietie or envisonatental proteati�a �_
<br /> tcoilecti�vely re�erred to herein as "Environmental Lawe"I .
<br /> Trustor ehe�ll keep the Property fzee from all substancee deemed
<br /> to be haaardous or toxic under as►y Environmental Lawa
<br /> (colleatively re�erred to herein as "Hazardoue Materials") .
<br /> Trustor hereby warrants and repre�eats to Lender that thez'e are
<br /> no H�aaxdoua Materials on or under the Pro�erty. Txuetar hereby
<br /> agreea to indemnify aad hc�Yc1 has�nle�g �suaae8sorsdtoeLender'e
<br /> of fi.�pre, employees and agents, and aay
<br /> intnre�t, fram and againeC �►y and all alaime, damagms, loeees
<br /> aad liabil3Cies arioing in con��ction with the presence, usQ dis- �
<br /> poeal or tranepozt e£ any Hazardoua Materiale an, unc�er, from or
<br /> about tl�e Property. THE FORE(30INa WARRANTIk�B AND RBPRESE�ITATIO�T,
<br /> 10. Aaca i er+m�nt of R�nte. Trus�or hereby a�pvided thatn��r
<br /> tlze zent�. iesues and p� og the Property, p
<br /> Truator shaii, until the accurre��a �g aa 8':�at �f nsfauit hera- ,
<br /> have the right to colleat aad retaia sueh rea�e� iseuee
<br /> under, n the oaaurrence
<br /> and profits ae th�y become c�ue and payable. Up�
<br /> of an Evont of Default, Leader may, either in p�YSOn or by agent.
<br /> w3.th o� wtthout briagiag any +�c��on or proceadin9. or by a
<br /> raaeiver appol�nted by a aou�ct arid wi.thout regard to the adequacty
<br /> of ite seaurity, enter upon an.d take poeaeeeion of the Property, _
<br /> or aay part thereof, in ite own name or in the name o� the .
<br /> Tru.atee, an8 do auiy acts which it deeme neceeeary or desirable to
<br /> pzeeerve th� value, marketability or zenxa�i�C��aseftheeinc mer�Y•
<br /> - os any part thereo�, or inCerest thereia.
<br /> there£rom, or pratect tihe eecusity thereoE, and, with n�e without
<br /> talGing poeeeeeion of the Property, sue for, or otherwiee collect,
<br /> the rents, ieauae eund pra��ts there�of, inoluding thoee past due
<br /> and unpaid, and a�ply the eame,. leas coets and e�xPA�Y indebtnd-
<br /> tion and collection iaoluding attorney e fees, up
<br /> ne�e aecured hereby, all in auah order as Leader may determine. .
<br /> The enter3ng ugca and taking po�aeeeeion of �he Propes�y, the aol-
<br /> lectioa o� suah reats, ie�ues and pro�its �rud Lhe appi�.aation
<br /> � therea,f ae a�oreeaid, shall not eure or waive any default or
<br /> notiae oE default hereundar or invalidate anY act doae ia
<br /> reaponee to �uch default or pursua�nt to such no�ice o� default
<br /> and, notwithe�anding the continuanc:e in poaeeeeion of ��e Prop-
<br /> � erty or the oollection, seaeipti and application of rente� iseues
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