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<br /> Eaatory to Len�3or without uf�oetimg �ha 1i.en o� thie Deed of
<br /> TrueC �or the �ull amount �e�u�ed hexaby begore euch paymgat evex
<br /> taok plaae. Any appiiaatton oP proaeode to indebtednees ehall
<br /> r�ot extend o� poerprane Ehe due date of eay paymenta under the
<br /> NoLe, or ause say default thexeunder or h�rauader.
<br /> s. �. v�oa wr+ttan demancY by Lender, Truator ehall
<br /> . pagr to Leader, in euah m�nner ae Lender may desigaate, eufff.cieat
<br /> sume to �nable Lender to pay ae they beaome due cne or more of
<br /> the fal].cwing� ti) �11 taxea, aeseeemente and other chargee
<br /> aga�.net the Property: (ii) the premiume on the proparty ineurance
<br /> required hereuader, an8 (iii) the premiume on auiy mortgage iar�ur-
<br /> et3oe required by �i,ender.
<br /> 6• Truetor
<br /> shall keep th� Proparty n good aonditi.ca aad repairj ehall
<br /> promptly repair, or replace, any improv�ement whiah may be damaged
<br /> or deatroyedlt ehall not commit or permit any waete or deteriors-
<br /> tion of the propaxtyf shal]. not remove, demcliah or eubaCan��a�.�y
<br /> alter aay of the im�rovemehts an Che Propertyj �hall not cortaniti,
<br /> euffer or pez�nit asiy aat to be doae im or upon the Property in
<br /> violation of ariy law, ordinaaae os xegulationj and ehall promptly
<br /> di.acharge at Truator's caat and escpansa all lieae, encumbraaae8
<br /> axid charges levied, impoeed or sesessed againat the Proparty or
<br /> any pazt thereof. �
<br /> 7. Een�nent D�ma�n� Lendex f a hereby aeeigaed all compenen- �
<br /> tion, awards, damages arid other paymen�s or relief thereinafte� �
<br /> "Proeen8s") in conneation with condemnatian oz othAr taking of
<br /> the Property or p�r� th�reo�, or �ox aonveyatica in lieu of con-
<br /> denuistion. Lender ehall be entitled at ite option to commeaee,
<br /> appear in and pro�eaute in ite own name any action or proG�ed- �
<br /> inge, and ��all aloa be entitled to make asiy �ompra.�nise or set- �
<br /> �].emen� in :connection with euch taking or dan�age. In the eveat
<br /> any parCicn of th� Proger�y ie eo taken or damaged, Lender shall �
<br /> have the option, 3z� its eole and absolute diecretion, to apply �
<br /> aII euch Proceede, af�er dedaating therefrom all aoats and
<br /> expenees incurred by it in conaeatioa with auch �roceada, .�pon
<br /> any indebtedneea aeaurad hereby and ia eueh order ae �ender may .
<br /> detezmina, ox to apply all euch Preaeeds, gfGer euah de�uctions,
<br /> tio t�� ��e�c��a��on c�� the Property u,poa euch canditione ae Le�de�
<br /> may de�ermi.ne. Any apglication of 8roceede ta indebtedne4e� �hall
<br /> n�t extead ox postpoae the due date of any paymen�e under the
<br /> Note, or cure any defaulC thsreuador or hereuader. Any unappl3ed
<br /> fqnda ahall be pnid to Tzuetor. , �
<br /> 8. per4ormg r�ye by .enae+-, t�pon the occurrence of an Eveat �
<br /> of De�au].t hereurider, or i.f asiy act ie taken or legal proceeding
<br /> Conuaence�, wbiah matezially affecte Leader�e interest ia the
<br /> . Propex�y, Lender may 3n it� owr� diecretion, 19ut without obliga-
<br /> tioA to do so, aad w3thout notice to or d�emand upoa Truetor and
<br /> v�ithout releaeing Truetox from any obligation, do any act whiah
<br /> Tru�tor ha� agreed but £�ile �a do and may aleo do ariy otb�r aat
<br /> . � 3 •
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