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<br /> �.ASSItiNMBNT QF LEASFS.Upon LRndex's reques�Hoimwar ahali atsign w Lrenda�i!6n�sea of iho
<br /> Prc►petty and aU soctuity deposits tnede ln aMnoct�on wIth k.a�es of the Propaty.U'pon ttte axsignma►t,I.ender •
<br /> t�uil h�va she dght 0�modify.extzud a te�minato tho a�clsdng kabe,v and w e�xuu new kases.in I.eader's aok
<br /> Al9a�edon,A�ueed in rhis paregrapb Ci�the woM"lease"ahall mean°subleasa°if t6a SocurIry lnswment ia on a
<br /> leaut�old.
<br /> Boemwa absatutely aad unoondiBonslly a9sfgas and aansfas to Lender a11 the reuta end nvenues("Rmts"�of the
<br /> Piq�aty.regatdkss of to whan ihe Ra►ts of tlra Property aze payabla.Boemwu euthorizss Lenda or Lendu's
<br /> �geats to col{act t�e Renta.and ag[ces that each tenaat of the Pnmaty sha�l pay the Reutv w I.endar or L�der'a
<br /> •ganta.Howava,Barnwa at�all recxive tha Reate un�1(j)L�nda has Biven Hoimwa reodoe of default pu�suant w
<br /> p�ry�h 21 ot tho Seciulty L�tnuti►eAt and(ii)Leada da�givea notioe to tha t�nt(s)tl�at[he Reats are m be
<br /> paid tA Imder or Leader's �ga►t �is a�game�t of Rwts coastlwks aa abaoluta asaignmant end aot an .
<br /> uaig�uneat fm�addidonW�acudry only.
<br /> If Laxla givea aWioo of bs�ach w aormaer:(�aU Rents raeedved by Barowa sl�all be beld by Baaawes as
<br /> bv�tee Qor the btnefit of�.suder only�to be applied ta the sums soc�ued by the Se�ttrl.ty InsWnu9A�(ii)Lender al�all
<br /> be andtled tu colloct an�recatva ell u!�he Renta ug.the Pm�xscy: (�)�arco�var.eigi+ecs tt�at eaich ca�ane�f.the _
<br /> �Y�PQY�R�nu ibe aad unp�sid w I:�nid�t or Lendea"s egeats upnn�adu's wduen�demend.�u'the
<br /> xnao� Cv)unless applDcable l�w gr�vl�es othawise��il Rettts ct��ed by Lwda or Lender's ageuts ahall:be
<br /> eppUed&st to the costa of teldng oo�iDrol of end ma�naging tho I�to�erty and aoltestlug tha Rutts�iacluding,but.nat
<br /> limited w.attomays'fee,9,raxiva's fers.Prw�iums an reoaivu's'doads,npaLc and mau�oeaance costa,�ns�nanca
<br /> prerttiwns.�a,asx.tsments aAd a�ter ai�ar8es on tbe Pm�ty.and d�W the snma secured by tbe SecurIty
<br /> Inawmea�(�)I�nda.La�der'e agenis ae snY judkfallY appointad rooeiv�a sdall bo liabb to acoount for only those
<br /> Rents actwUy cocdved;and(v,�La�da st�li be eadtled w dsva a raxiva e�ppuinted to talce po�n of and
<br /> mftu�e the Propesty and colkct tbe Reuts tnd pcofW Qetived from tho�mpaty ait�oat�y abo�viuB a.io ii�o _ °
<br /> ir�foqwcy oP die r�opacy ss exurlry.
<br /> U the Ra►ta of We I'ro�ty �not auf�t to oovar tha c�ts of t:idng�oaauol of�nd m�nt� the
<br /> Pcoqaty and ot oodkcdng tha Rentr�ay fiands eo�pencbd bY Lond�i far auch purpoees ah�ll babme Indebt�edrxa oi
<br /> He�rowet�p L�der�ocivad by the Sacutity Insuumcntpunu�t W Uttifam Covawnt 7. ..
<br /> Bo�row�ar rap[eren�md w�mnUe d�at Samwa hn uot exer.noed aY P'la w�eat oi da Rante rad i�s
<br /> not�nd wW not perfama�ay�t th�t would proeau Iraida�8oim exa�cWn�its�ueoda this p�pb.
<br /> Lender�a Lada'��ar�judh'.Li►Y�PP�ialed reoetva,ed�ll oot be nquic�ed to aua upoa.Wce control
<br /> ot ot m�k�q�t tha Arapaty before or�fier givin�natbe of dei�ult to�amuwa.Nowevet.L,aM1a. a L�et�da'�
<br /> �ganb ar a judicWlY y�pointed raaetva��Y do a at tu���me whaf a defa�lt xcnen.My epplic�tioci oi Reata
<br /> �pip aot c�ure a w�ive aay�afwk a IavalldMa my dbu right ar raaodY of I.enda.'I]�is asaigna�ais of Reats of
<br /> d�e Propetty sh�f iamin�to Rrhea�U tt�a uua�recurod 6Y tLe�CitY Inatnuna►t�e pdd ln full.
<br /> �CRO�DEFA[II.T PRO'ViSIOI�l. Baiowa's def�ult a bre�ch nada aay nde a a�groanau in
<br /> Mhieh Laider ht m inla�eat ad�ll be t�eeach u�tbe SecucitY Tnatcutpa►t aod I�{er awy iavdca su�}r of the
<br /> ro�nedies pan�ibod 1ry d�e 5e�xh�► t
<br /> BY SK3 G BBtAW. ,ioapts aad asees a d�e cam�aact q�ovlsiaos cannined in tLis i-a F�mily
<br /> , Rider. ,
<br /> r ) �
<br /> (S�) � �IIl' (St�
<br /> $ R •Samwer RICgBLL$ J LLAti -Barowcr �
<br /> (SCel� --.��
<br /> •Harorver -Ap+�'a
<br /> �•b7 (i704{ Pap�IIot2 �r�OR1Y34��113
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