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<br /> t7.1'runsfcr of ihc Pruperty,or a R�enciicinl Internst in Aurmwcr.if uit�r any part of the�i-i��rtty or any imcnst in i1 __
<br /> is sn!d ar tmmYcrrcd(or if u benef�clul Interest in�orrnwer is r;ol d or trnnrferred und Borrawer i�+not n nutural person) withaut _
<br /> � t.�nder's prlur wrltten cunsent, l.endcr ntuy. �u itx npticm, require immcdintc paynTent in full ��F ull suma sccmul by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Nowever,tiiis optiuu,f�uii nat bc cxerci�ec3 by l.emler if esercl-e fs prvhibi�ed hy fcdcrnt tuw c�of the dute ,
<br /> af this 5ecurlty Instn�ment.
<br /> " If Lcndcr excrcines thi�:optic�n,l.endcr hhatl givc Bano���er e�oticc��f ncccicratian. The nnticc�+hull prnvidc a perl�K1 nf nat
<br /> lesr thun 3Q dAyx from thc datc the n�nicc iw delivercd cir muilcd within which Barm�vcr must pay ull �ums nc�ur�ti1 by �his
<br /> Security Instrumcnt. If B�m��wcr ti►ilx to pny these tiums priar ta thc capi�utiim of t�is perEod,l.endrr muy inv��ke uny remcdies
<br /> pctmittai by this Security instrunlent withuut funinr uuticc or acouand uit Bt�rcawer. e
<br /> l8. Borrower•e Rfght to Reinstute. If Borruwer meets certnin canditians, Bun�uwer Fhull have the ��ght to huve
<br /> enfiirccmcnt of this Sccurlry Inestrument dir�cuntinuod ut uny timc pdor ro thc carlicr of: (01 3 Juys tor nurh othcr pedud ns
<br /> upplicisble luw muy specify for r+einstutement)befum sale aP the Property pursuunt to uny puwer uf sule contulned In thia
<br /> Security lnstrument:ar Ib)cntry af u judgment enforcing this Security lnstrument.Thosc randitlans are thut Rurtuwcr: (nl pays
<br /> l.ender all su�res which then wou�Ld bc due uttder this Sccurity Instmment nnd the Nate us if no acceleratiun htul occuired: (b1
<br /> cures uny defuult of nny other covennnta �tt ug�eements;(c)pays:�I expense.r• incurred in enfarcing this Sccurity lnstrument.
<br /> including. but nat limitc�i to.rwsonublc uaomeys' fccs;and(d) tak�s such action :�s l.ender may nusanably requim to ussure
<br /> that the lien of this Security instrument.L.cnder's rights in the P�ruperiy wid Bur�owcr's obligutian to puy the sun�s hecumd by
<br /> this Secttrity Instntment sh�ll caaUnue•unchangod. Upan reinstntement by Bocrower. this Secutity Instruntent and the
<br /> abligutions stcured hereby shail remain Pully effective as if na ucoelerAtion had occumed. Huwever, this right tn relnstate shnll
<br /> not appty in the case of acceleratton under puragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oi Note= Change of Loan Sravicer. 'fhe Note or n p:utiul interest in the Natc (tngethcr with this Security
<br /> Instn►ment)may be sold ane or more times without prior natice to Barrower.A sole may result in u chan�e in the entity(krtown
<br /> as the'Lopn Servicer")thnt collects monthiy paymentc,due under the Note and this Secunty Instcument.Them nlsu may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the N ote.if there is a chunge of the Loan Scrviccr.Borrawe�wi16 be
<br /> �iven written nottce of the chunge in aocordunce with paragraph 14 above nnd appltcable luw.Thc notice will swte the�ume and
<br /> addmss of the new l.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also wntain any other
<br /> [nformadon required by applicablc law.
<br /> 2p, H�rdous Su6sWnces.Borrower shall not cause or permit the pt�ence. use. dlsposal. stornge. or velease of any
<br /> Ha�.�dous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall Rot da. nor allow anyone clse to do, anything aff'ecting the
<br /> Property that is in violatIon of any Environmental Law. 7'he prereding hvo sentences shall not upply to the pres�nce,use,or
<br /> storase on the Propeny of small quantities of Hazazdous Substances that are generally rocognized to be uppropriate to normal
<br /> residential nses and to maintenance af the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give I.ender wrinen notice af any lnvestigation,claim. demand.lawsult or other actlon by uny
<br /> govemmenial or re�ulatory agenzy or private party involving the Property and any Hs�aardous Substanoe or Environmental [stw
<br /> of which Sorrower has actual knowled�e. If Borrower teams.or Qs notified by any governmenW or re�ulatory authority. that
<br /> anv revwval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectin�the Pn�perty is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> a11 necessary nemodial actions in aoocirdac►ce wtth�nvironmentai i.�tw. "
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazsudous Substances" a►�e those substances defined as toxic or ha7ar�dous substances by
<br /> Environmental Lnwr and the foUowing substenoes: �asoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxle petcoleum�roducts, toxlc
<br /> pesdcIdes and herbicides.volatide solvents,matedrils containtng acbestos or fatmaldehyde.and tadioacrive�raatenals.As used in
<br /> this parascaph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of�he jurisdictlon where the Prop�rty is locuted tiiaat
<br /> relate ta heatth.sefety or enviconmental proicxdon.
<br /> NON-UPIIFORM COVENANTS.Borro�ver and Lender fuathcr uovenant and ag�as follo�vs:
<br /> 21.Aoceleration;RemediFS.LRnder sl�ll gtve notloe to Borrower prior to aaceferation[ollowing Borro�ver's b�rasch
<br /> of any oovenant or uge�nent W t6is Security Inst�vment (but not prlor to aooeler�t�on nmder pArugruph 17 unless
<br /> oppiip�ble law pmvides oiherwise).The no8ce shall specify (a)the detanit;(6) the setlon required to cue+e the defs�Wt;
<br /> (c)a date,not less than 30 dnya trom the dute the aotice[s given to Bormwer,by whlch t6e detault�ust be cund; and
<br /> (d)tl�t iaflure W cure the defaWt on or 6etore the date specifled !n t6e nodce may resutt in aooelerAtlon of the su�s
<br /> secue+ed by tbis Security Iasteument pnd sale of the Ptoperty.Thc notice sh�l1 fiutder iuform Borrawer of tbe rlght to
<br /> re�nstate atter saderation and We rtght w bring a oourt s�dfon to ass�t t6e aon�ctstenoe ot a ddault or any other
<br /> defease oi Borrower w��roelerj►tton nnd sale. lf the detaWt is not cured on or before the dnte spedfied in t6e notke,
<br /> t.ender,at its optioa,may requte+e lmmediate puyment In full of all sums secured by thts Securiity Instrumeat wittiout
<br /> tkrther denwnd pud may invoBe the power oi sole�nd any ather remedles pexmEtted by app!icable law.I.tnder sh�ll be
<br /> eaNtled to oollect nll exPeases incurred in puesuing the remedies pmvided in this paragcaph�1,ie�cluding,b�ut aot Wnited
<br /> to,rE�asonable attoraeys'[ens and costs of title evidenoe.
<br /> Ii the power o!sale ts tnvoked, 'Tn�.�tee shall ceooM 8 notioe of defaWt f�a each rnunty in whfch�p�ut oi We
<br /> .P�raperty is tocated and shalt msil aopies of s�nch nodce in the marmer pnscribc�by appltcabte law to Ba»wer an�M
<br /> the other pe�sons presceibed by applica6le la�v.Attec We tfine�equired by appltcable law,Tn�stee sl�all gtve pu61k ndtoe
<br /> of st+le to the persons and in the manner prescrtbed by eppilcable Ipm.Tructee, without demand oa Borrower,shatl se�l
<br /> the Property at pubiic auctton to the hSghest bidder at ttie t[me and plstc�and und�the terms designtited in t6e aotice ot
<br /> sale in one or more pntrels aad in any order Tni.ctee detenn[nes.Tnistee may postpone sole of all or any parod oi the
<br /> Pe+opaty by publlc annoancement at the t{me end pt�ce of any prevtously sa�ealWed sale. Leuder or its dssfgnee may
<br /> puce6ase ehe Fropeity at uqy sule.
<br /> F�nnn 3028 9180
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