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.. � __.. '�...,h,. ,'..`� ;; .. . ... * Cry� . . .'.._. <br /> .,H_.. <br /> . .y.� <br /> 'l�. �....a:.,s..iru-.: .. - _ - � -' <br /> :�. .r , <br /> - �'�Tt:''?i n � , - - ..���__�'__..-_LCx'iri.w„-.��e.,:�.:..�_ .._ <br /> .. ... . <br /> . .. ...��� .. .. . <br /> ?y�y�r�+�Trr iMi•r..;.�_..-_`-_ - <br /> �.5, ���s�� <br /> S. Hazard or i�roperty Insura�cc. 13arrower shull kccp the impravements now exiAting on c�rcaftcr erected an the <br /> Pmperty inaured ugainst toss by�re. hnzarde incl4da!within the tcrm "extended covernge"and nny other h�zards. including <br /> fl�x+cls or flcxxfinB, for whtch Lender reyuires insurnnas. This insurcmco xhnll hc maintnisecd in thc nmauntri and for the perioda = <br /> that Lender requires.Tho insurnnce carrier providing the insuranse shalt bo chasen by gorcower eubject to I,.ender'R appmvul <br /> whlch ehall noi be unrea4onubly wjthheld. if Borrowcr f�ils to maintain covcrdgo de�cribed abuve. i.cnder muy. at Londer's <br /> option,obWin covernge eo protect Lender's rights in the Pmperty in accordoncs with purusmph 7. <br /> Al!insurnnce policies und renewnts shalf be cuxepiable to Lender nnd shcilt include a Standard mortFn�e clause. Lender <br /> shall have the dght to hold the policies and renewals.If L.Gnder requires.Borrower shall promptly give to I.ender Wll receipts of <br /> paid premiums and renewnl notice.s.In the event of loss.Borrower ahaU siv�prompt nodce to the insurnrtce currier and Lender. <br /> i,cssdcr itiAy maka j;,o�f oP to5s if nat iYwde pramptly by i3acrawcr. <br /> Unless Ler►Jer and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. insurance prnceeds shall be appliod to restornt�on or repa�r of the - <br /> Property damaged,if the reswradon or repatr is eoonomically feasible and I.cnder's security ta not lessenad.If the r�storatlon or <br /> repair is not ernnomically feasibte or I.ender's securlty would be lessened.the insuranc�proceeds shall be applied to the sums <br />� secuted by this Securlty Insuument� whether or not then due,with uny excess paid to Bomnwer. If Borrower abandons the <br /> Property,or does not anawer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurnnce carrIer has offered to settla a cluim.then <br /> Lendrr u�uy coltect Qte i��sura�tce pt�uoeeds. Lender mey usa tfte proceeds to re�sair or restare the Praparty or to puy sums <br /> securect by this Security Inshument.whether or not tliea due.The 30�day period wlll begin when the nouce ls givea. - <br />, Unless Lender and Borrower otherwIse agre� !n wrldng, s�ny application of procxeds io principal sdall not extead or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payment�. If <br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acyuired by Lender. Borrower's right to eny insurance poltcies and pr�ooxils resultL�g fmm <br /> damnge to the Property prlor to tha acquisldon shall pass to Lender to the eatent of the sums secvirecl by tbis Secudty Instmment <br /> immodiately prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6.Oaupwncy,P�eservadon,Mainteaianoe a�d Protect[on of the Property;Bormwer's I.oau Applicatfon;I.easehotds. <br /> Borrower shall accupy.establish.and use tlw Property as Borrower's prIncipal residence wIthIn sixty duys after the ea�ecution of <br /> thia Secarity Insnument and shall comittue w occupy tke Property as Borrower's princlpal resldence for at least one year after <br /> the date af aecupancy.unless Leader otherwise sgrees in writing.which consent sha11 not be unreasonnbly witliheld,or unless <br /> trt�is�tin� cin:sus�taztccs rac#st which arc lsa3��atsd Barraa�cr'a roatsal. Barrau;er slsa!! aas d�tray. dsms^ae �s �r tIx <br /> Property, allow the Property to detoriorate, or commlt waste on the Ponperty. Borrower shaU be in de!'r.ttlt lf any forfeiture <br /> action or piucecdlnF, whether civil or criminal,is begun thut ln Lender's good fatth Judgment could res�lt in forfeiture uf the <br /> Property ar otherwise mater�ally impair the lien cteated by thia Security Inspument or Lender's securiry iaurest.Borrower may <br /> cure such a default aad provided in paragraph 18,by causing the ection or prooeeding to ba dismissed with a mling <br />. that. In Lendsr's good feith determinatIon, precludes forfeitw�e of the Borrower's iaterest ia the Property or other imaterial <br /> impaixaient of the liea crcatod by this Secur�ty Insuument or Leadcr's securIty iatetpst.Bortower shall also be In default if <br /> Borrower.during the loan appiication process.gave materielfy false or innccurate infonnatIon or atatemtnta to Lendcr(or fa[lal <br /> to pmvIde Lender with any mater�a�infozmation)in oonnectton with the loan evIdeaced by the Note.iacluding.but not limited <br /> `to.repnsentatIons oonceming Boirawer's oocupancy of the Property as a prIneipal t�esidence.If this Sxurity Tnstr�ment is on a <br />� leasehold, Borrnwer shall comply wtth all the provisions of the leiue. If Bor�+ower acquires fee tIda to the Property, tha <br />' leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unitss Ixnda agrees to the meiger iu�wrIang. <br /> 7.Pmta�ton of I.ender's R[ghts in the Property.If Borrower faits to�iorform the oovenatus and�eements oontainc�d in <br /> tlils Securtty Instnunent.or thene is a legal pmceediag that may slgnificarttly�affert Lender's r�ghts in the Property(such as a <br /> procealing tn banlcruptcy.pmbnte. for oondemnation or forfeiture or to enforce lawa or re�gutatiom�.then f.ender may do and <br />. puy for whatever is rteoessaty to protect the va(ue of the Propexty and Lender's rlghts �n tlte Property. Lender's aCtions cnay <br /> include paying any sums secured by a tien whieh hav priodty over this Secudty Insa�unent. appeartng in court, paying . <br /> reasonable attorneys'fas and enteriag on the Property to malce repairs.Althoug4►Lender may take action under this pare�raph <br /> 7.Lender dces noi have tu do so. <br /> Any �nounts disbursed by Lender uader this paragraph 7 shall become addidonut debt of Eon+ower socure��by�i4sis <br /> Sa�dry Insuument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to otlr.r terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest fr+om the ' <br /> date of disbursement at the IJote rate and shall be payabfe, with interest, upon notloe frorh Lender to Horrower requeutin�. <br /> payment. � <br /> 8.Martgage Insurance.If Lender required mongage lnsuranoe as a oonditIon of muking the loan sacured by this Security <br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the.premiumq requited tfl misintain the mortgage insur�►nce in effect. If. for any re.�son. the <br /> mortgage insurance coverage�+equired by Lender lapses or oeases to be in effect,Borrower shatl pay the premiums required w <br /> obtain oove.rnge substantla�ly eqv3valent to the m�rtgege insuran�e p�+evionsly in a cost substuntis(ly equivalent to the <br /> oost to Borrower of the modgage insut�nce ptevtously in efTact,fmm an alcernate martgage insw+er approved by I.ender. If <br /> substuntially equivnlent mortgage insurance ooverage ia not avaitable.Borrower shali pay to Lender cach month a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfth of the ye�riy mortgage insurance premie�m being paid by Borrower when tAe insuranoe coverage lapsed or ceasod to <br /> bc in effect.Lender will naxpt.use smd retain these payments a� a loss rescrve in lieu of raortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br />" Fo�m s028 9�90 <br /> Pep�3 W 8 <br />� - - -� --- -- --� - - <br /> -_�=.�L?E5�7�E`fa3ti»t�.�.�' � �.---- <br />--�--------°_.—�_._. 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