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<br /> TO(3ETii�R WITH all the lmprovements nuw or hemafter enxud on the property, an�ements,a���and
<br /> fixtures nnw or hereufter n part of tho property. All replacements und additions shctU also be covered by tbis Securlty
<br /> Instrument.AU of the foregoing is refarrcd ta In thls Securlty Insuument as tho"Property.'
<br /> BOR.QOWBR COVBNANTS thnt 8armwer ia lawlLlty seised of the estute hereby canveyed and has the dght to grant aad
<br /> convey the Property nnd that tke Propetty is unencum�ered.exce�+t for enc�imbmnc�of rernrd. Borrower wenancs end wil!
<br /> defend generally tha ttUe ta tha Property against�II ciaims nnd demanda,subject to uny encumbrances of reconl.
<br /> THIS 5HCUttITY 1NSTRUI�IHNT combirt�s uniform covenants far nadonal use and nun-uniform covenants with llmited
<br /> vuriations by judsdiction to constitute a uniform securfty instrument cover�ng real praperty.
<br /> UNIEORM COVENANTS. 8onower and Lender covenant and atuec�s follows:
<br /> 1. koyment of IMncipnl and Interesti Prepayment and Lute Charges. Borrower shall proraptly pay when due the
<br /> prtncipal of aad lnterest as the debt evidenced by the Nota end nny prepayment and lat�charg�due urtder the Note.
<br /> 2.t�tinds far 7iuces and Insurnnce. Subject to applicuble!aw or to a wr�tten wulver by LeQS1er,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the dsty monthly payments are due under tha Note.untll the Note ts paid ia ti�ll.a aum("Funds")fur:(a)yea�ly taxes
<br /> and assessmeata which may uttain pdor�ty over thia Security Instiument as a Ilen on the Prope�ty;(b)yearly leasehold payuients
<br /> or ground rents on the Ptoperty,If uny:(cy yearly ha7ard ar property insurance premivms;(d)yearly flood insuranca premiums,
<br /> lf any;(e)yearly mortgage insuranc�e premiums.if eny;ead(�any sums payable by Aorrower ta L.ender,in accordancs wIth
<br /> the provtsions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payn�ent of mortgage insurance pnemiums.l'hesa Items are caltad"Essrow Items."
<br /> L�ender may. at any time,collect nnd 6old Funda in an amount aot to exooed We maatmura amount a lettder for a federally
<br /> related mongage loa�may require for Borrower's escrow aocount under the federal Real Bstate Settlement Procodures Act of
<br /> 1974 as nmended fmm time to ttme, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RE3PA"). unlcss enother law that appltes to the Funds
<br /> aets a lesser amount.If so. L.ender may, at eny time, ooUect and hold Funds ia an amount not w exoe�d We lesser amouat.
<br /> Lender may estimnta the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> Escrow Items ar otherwise in accordartce with applicuble law.
<br /> The Funds sh�ll be held in an insdtution whose deposits aro Insured by a federal agency. Instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> (Includidg Lender, if I.ender ts such en instltution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Esecow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying tl�e Funds,cu�nually analyxing the escrow aecount.or
<br /> ve�lfytng the Escrow Items,unless Lender paya Bomower intenest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its Lender ta malce such
<br /> a chacge.However.I.ender rnay require Borrower to pay a one-ti�ae charge for en Independent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> use�i by I.eACtci t�i iu���i:ttv� witi� ti►ia t�, untass applic�ib3� iaw prvvides 3ti►�wtse. U�tess a� ag�ve�t i� �d��rr
<br /> appJicable law nqains Interest to be Da�d.Lender shcll not be rEquired to�ay Borrower anr Intemst or eamina3 on the FwtEs.
<br /> Bor�awer end Lender may agrre in wridng,however.that interest shaU be paid on the Fuada. Lender shall�ive to Bormwcr,
<br /> without charge. an annueil acoounting af the Funds. showing crediu and debita to the Funds and the puipose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.`The Fuads are pledged av additIonal securlty for all sums securad by this Securlty Instrnment.
<br /> [f the Funds held by Lender exceod the amounts permitted w be held by applicable law.Le�►der shall accau�t 2o Borrower
<br />.. for the excess H'unds tn aocordance with tbe requirements of applicable�Aw.If the amount of the Fwids held by Lender at anyr
<br /> time is not sufTcient to p�ay the Bscrow Itetns when due,Lender may so nodfy Borrower In writing.and,In such•cas�Borrower
<br /> st�91 puy to I,ertder the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower ah�li�take up the defieiency ir�Av more tha�n
<br /> twelve monthly payments,ax Leader's sola discretIon. ' '
<br /> Upon payment in fuii of all sums secared by this Security Inspumept. Lehder ahall promptly nfiind to�Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Geader.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shail a�utre or sell the Property.L.ender.p�ar to the acquisi�ion or sale
<br /> of the Froperty,shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the tiir�e of suquiaition or sale as a credit egeInst the aums sxural hy
<br /> this Security I�strurnent. �
<br /> 3.ApplicAtbn of Payments.Unless applicable!aw provides otherwIse,all paya�ents receivad by Lender nnflyr paragraph�
<br /> 1�12 shall be applied:first,W any prcpayment charges due wider the Note: second,to amounts payable widEr pazagraph 2;
<br /> third,to intenest due;fourth.to principal due;and last.to any late chargr�due under the Nece.
<br /> �.Chatges;Liens.Borrower shafl pay all wxes.assessments,charges,flnes and impositions attributable ta.tke Property
<br /> which may tittain prlvrity over this Security Insaument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Born�wer shall pay
<br /> these abligat�ons in the manner provtded in paragraph 2.or jf not paid in.thnt manncr,Bornower shall pay them q�1 dme dirodly
<br /> to the person owed p�yment. Borrower shall promptly fnmish to Lender all noticES of aaeounts to be pald under.tht3 paragmph.
<br /> � IP Rorrower makes these payments dlrectty,Borrower shall prompdy flimish ro I.end,er receipts aviAencing.the paymenta.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dischUrge nny lien whicfi has priorlty over thia Security�nstrwnent unless Borrower:(a)ngrees ln
<br /> wridng to the payment of the obligation securod by the lien in u mentter accept�ble to Len�er;(b)contests In good faith the Iten
<br /> by, or defends against enfarcement af die lien in. legtil pmceedings which in the E.ender'a opuuon operate to pnvent the
<br /> enfuroement of the lten:or(c)�ecures from the holdex of the lten un agreement satiefactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> , this Securit�Instrumem.If Lender determines that any p�st of the Propetty ts subject ta a lien which may ettain prtority c►veR
<br /> this Securiry Instnunent.i.ender may Sive Borrower a noHce idenHfying the Iden.Bornower shull satisfy the lien ot talce one or
<br /> more of t6e actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> FMm 3028 8180
<br /> Pope 2 ora .
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