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<br /> S.Hwrd or PropMy I�arana. Horrowu at�ll koep ttw improvemcntv rtow axisdng or h�ter erazed oa the Proprity `
<br /> inauod�ba by flre�h�atdi includod wltbin tta mm"mctended covenge"�ad�ay Whcr haards�incl�dh►B f�oods ar _
<br /> 11aodIng,f�wfii�h LenRkr rogWns insuruirm'l�is inauranco sh�ll bo ms�intatned in the ertwunts and for the pa[ods tl�aat Lenda ..
<br /> raquin�.'The intunmco carricr pcovlding ttre in�,o�haU be ebo�en by Honower subject w Lender's�pproval which shW not _
<br /> b0 11111QitOf1/UI,y W1111h0�. I�BOROWE! �W W IfliUltl�A OOYCfij�O dWC�bOd �bDYO. LGIdEi Rtajt� at LpidC��B OQ�OI1.O�1J1
<br /> aover�a b paeca l.ender'a righta in the Pmpcny in aooardmcA wtth p�greph 7.
<br /> All fns�uice policks and re�ewals ehs�tl be aa�eptabb b Lender and eh�U lnclude a stendud mort8a8e cLute.Lender stull
<br /> h�ve tlx rlght�hoW tbo poilcies md ra�ew�ts.It I�da eequtres.Hacower ahali prumptlY ldve to I�end�er al m;eipb of ptd
<br /> ... .._.�.....r..n�t.........,n.:w�w A�.tMo.nw'a�w cletit7�nd Itadel.I.eJldtt
<br /> ptemiumt i�AO tCflewai notiDE9.in tba avcni v�wai,ou..v..a aw..8....r..,...�.. -_
<br /> msy m�lce proof ai kt�3t not made P�P�Y bY�wes.
<br /> Ua3ax=ratider and Barower Mh�rwL�e�ee in wridng.lnaua�r�o procads s1W1 6e appllod to restoa�tbn or rquir ot Ihm
<br /> p�opaty 8�auedd,if the rartorador�a repafr is aoo�homic�uy faaslub md t�eada's eec�city ia nos�ened.If the reatontioa ar
<br /> repa�r ia not economic�lly[wlbb oc L�rndet's eocurlcy woald bo 1asa,�o6.the inaunnoe peceed�a1nU be 1�pplitd W Ihe suins
<br /> aocu�oa by W1a seauriry rae�ucna��v�tba a na thcn dae,wtth my exee�v p.cd w s«row�a If s«rowe.r at►mao�u tbe
<br /> Aopaty.a does not�nawa wdthin 3t!daya a notioe 6com L�dct Ctu�thse insuraaoe c�rria hn offand to edtb a cisim.thas
<br /> l.E.-�a�c�uy colle�x dso��.I��►e�e a�ps+�eo�.s m re�!r as re-a�ae rho Pm�atiy aa w p�y suma eoc�cea _.
<br /> by d�Saauity I�umoat,wM,sher a not then d�e.'6t�e 30�day pariod wiill�egIn aha�the notice i�given.
<br /> Unles�I�ender aad Bon�owu othawlee t,gree In�vriW►B,aaY 4�P�culon of piooe�ds tu pr3ncipal stWl not e�ctsad or poaspone
<br /> tlrse due date of tbn rnorthly paymeats referred w!a p�s 1 and 2 or ct�nge ttea amount of�he g,a�yments.U under parag�ph
<br /> 21 tb P[opaty is a�qufred by L�aWfa,Bamwa'a �ht p any inaur�nca polides aod pr0000�s ro�ildn8 f�n dw�8o to d�e
<br /> �Y P����luisItic�n shaU gass to Londu oo the ta�ta►t af the sums secuted by this Sacu:ity Inswment immedi�tely
<br /> ptiar to t6e acquisttion.
<br /> f.Ooeapnc���lraxvatioe,M�etaaaoe iw!Protectioe ot the Pe�operqi 8a'row'a''� Las APPilcalioa;Leael�olds.
<br /> Ba�mwa shall ooa�pY.es�blisd.�nd nse tbe Propesty�s Bo�aoaver•a pdndpAl residenoe wItWn sixry drya�tne exacudai of
<br /> this Sa�ritY lnswmeat and st�ll aondnne m oa�py tha Pmgaty as 9amwu•a pri�tl nslda�oo fa�t least one ye+r aPoer tha
<br /> E�ta of aocnpancy. unkss La�du othawlse�tces in vKidnB, whic�t comuut shaU �ot be unn�soo�bly widfl�eld,or�n�+
<br /> �i�g��t eskfch ss�H�!�'s c�l�+�L R!�c±wcr shstl a�datmy:d�ma$e ar im}�ir the I'io�atp. ,
<br /> �Ilow tLa Propaty t�o det�erio�se,a cotnmit wu�oa the Pmpe�ty.Batower shall be in defiult it any gafdwre act�oa or
<br /> pcocading,ahetha clvtl a c�imjaaD.is begnn tt+�t in Lender's gcmd f�ith judg�na�t a�outd resWt in fasfdWro of tha Prope:ty o�
<br /> ad�►iae matai�ilY imPair tbo lia�caaWed bry►t6is Sa�ry Insuumrnt a Imder's a�urity fw�arpt.Boc�owa may ca�ra such a
<br /> d�w1t aid�e,at provldM In penge�h 18.by qusin$the action a grocee�ling to bn dianiaxd wIdt a xuUng t1W,in
<br /> Lmtws•s gaod faith daamiw�ion.l�ecl�des faf�iwie of the Ban+owrr's inta�t in the 0�opaty a otAer m�t�xlsl im�p�inneat of
<br /> tha lla�cceatod hy t6is Socurity Iaat�umant a I.aKt�s's socuricy iasa�t.Barowec sl�all aL�o be L�dafanIt if Baro��dudng the
<br /> ��PP�P�B��m�tai�lly falso ac 3naauratn infocmmian a apte�naita m LaKfa(or faileed w prwlde Lc�der�+hh
<br /> eay ro�iai�l jafamadon? in connectiou wIch tha to�► evjdeaood by tba Note, including,but nat limuted �n. reprexandona
<br /> c000mmiaa Bamnwrs's axupancy of tha P�ape�ty as a pdnctpatl ce�Wwce.If this Saxnity In�t is oa a IeaeeLola Borrovei
<br /> eh�il oomply wit1�dl the provlaians of the iwo.If�otrawer acqnlres fa tltle�d tbe Property.the leaveho3d md�Rbe fee dtLe e4all
<br /> not ma�e�I�la�rees to the metget in wr�tittg.
<br /> 7.Prota�foi of 1.adar�s 1t�Yb in ebe Prope�ry. I4 Bam�►�er fi�s a pa[orm tha ooveoaoti and agroaneats conn6�od in
<br /> thi4 Seauity Tas�ament,ar them is a Irgat Pmoeedin8 th�x awY�iG�ntly a�'ect I.�dcr's rlghts la the Prapaty(sach�s a
<br /> pc�0000djng in baotniptcy.PrW�te�,fac ocadan�don.a fafeiaue or W a�foroe 4wa ar rr:gulatioc�s).tt�en I�endn may do�d PsY
<br /> far�rhstever ia acass�ry to peatact tho vaiue of dre Prnpaty�ad Ira�da's right�in tt�e Propa�ty.L�dider's actLens may iacluda
<br /> P�Y�B any wana aaciued by a llm Mhicb lhas p�ioeiry ova this Saa�i�ry 1n�na�t�s�ppc�InB �a�• 1�Y�8�b
<br /> �toom�ya' foa aad mtaing on d�e Propasty o�malce rapeiesi.Althougli�ida may tate action w�dar dtiis�ara,gmph 7,Itndc�
<br /> does nothavetm da�.
<br /> My�aqunu disbursed by L�dor wde�tMs pann�raph 7 ahaU beoome�dditi�onal dobt of Barowa sauroct Dy this Sec�uity
<br /> lnsutnnea�Unieaa B,or[owa aod Lartla�gtoe io od�et tams of payment�tl�we omoonb aha11 bear in�xt from tbo d�oe of
<br /> di.sbue�mmt�We Na`o nio and shAtl be p�yral>b.u►ith inta�npoa uo8ee fram LaWat ir�Bortowa mq�in8 D�S���
<br /> i.Martp�e�saurana. If I�mda reqntred maetg�ge ins�noe ss a�a�di�c�n of m�iag 4�a torn secured by d�ia Socurity -
<br /> Inatnuneai. Baro�►a ehall P�Y��P��lr�5rod b aio�innin the morlgage in�aoo in effax. If�fa ney t+araa,tbe
<br /> a�o�e in�uaa�oe oovareBa rt9�d bY�nda L�S q�b be in ef�ect.Borm�a ahall p�r tho praniwi�s�1'equited W
<br /> ob�iin oov�ga subao�tiaUy tquivslent to the mo�tgagA ms�u�ncs provfonslY�effeq,at a cost su�ntially eqriivakat to tLa
<br /> eoat ta Bam�of the cnoctgage insura�ioe pceviaisly Ia cffoct.fmm ao alte�n�te moct�age iawtrr appooved by L�da. If
<br /> anbsnntWly equivafcnt ma�tgage tnsur�uxe aovaage is uot availabla Boaowa shall pay w I.ender each maath a s�ua�apal w
<br /> anodwr,tEth of the Yeacl�►mortgaBe insoranoe psemiu+n bang p�id by Bonowa whea tha insu�cove�age I�sed or oeasod to
<br /> ba�n efTact.Ireades wlll aocept.nse and retafm t4�e,va p�eqrirearta a4 a bss c�esave in llw af monga�ge inWnanoe.Los�s rexr�ve
<br /> Form SOZi 9/�0�
<br />- ��R�Nqt��p) Psp.sote Innlw:
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