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<br /> �u!FD���� �
<br /> 'P0�81I�R WITH o11 tha imprnvaneaU►now or hereatte+r erecud on the praperty.and all eawnents.t�purten�noea��nd �
<br /> fiuwce9 naw or Iwedta s p�t of the p�opaty.All repLcxma►a�nd�ddi+�ons ehaU dso bo oovued by thb Securl.ty lnsutunarL
<br /> All of iE�tcz�o:ug i�refesre�to�a this S�cerity Insdument As the"Pi�pe�ty." �
<br /> BORRQWSR COV�VAt�'TS dq�t Borrowa la 4wtlilly eeisod of tha es�e kenb3►convayed and ht�tue rlght to gnnt�nd
<br /> ooavey the Propaty md dut thc Propeety ta w�aacumbaad,a�c�pt for ertcumbsa��of cecosd Bonowe�wartanta aad�+Ill
<br /> d�faid gaKS�11y tl�se ti�tle to tda Rap�ty�gait�at�11 c1l�ims end dananda,subJxt m aay a�cwnbranoes of r000rd.
<br /> THIS 5BCIJRITY IIdS1RUN�NYP t�ab3aea tu►ifam ooven�ttta far a�tional nse aad non•nnifam coverynta wlth Iimftad
<br /> vaci�tioas by�urladic�on w consdtute s unifam eec�uity tnsuummt covaiing re�i property _
<br /> UN1t�URM COVBIVANfS.Ho�ruwer onQ 1�enOw covannt an6 ag�oe�i..naws: when duo die `
<br /> 1.Pa�nnent of Pti�dp�l aid Lterest6 Prepr�mat and I.Rte Clur�. Bomnwer sl�all P�P�Y FaY
<br /> petncipat of aod inttirat on the deM evlder�ead by the Note and any�Ytaan and lau claar8es clue undec tue Note.
<br /> 2.Fa�da tor Tua aad Iarur�na. Snbjece w tipplkx�blo Iaw or to a wrltua aeiva by Leader.Aamwa stiall pay to
<br /> I.eMa aa the day aaathly puytnenta ma due under the Note.undl ihe Note is p�d in fu11.a sum("Funds��)for:(�Yqtly taxes
<br /> �od assesseaants which a�y amin pdatitY over this 3acudry Iustnunent a9 a 1kn on ttie Propatr N)Y�ly leasehold p�yma►ts
<br /> a ground�b on the Pmpaty.if my;(a)Y�Y�'��P�P�Y�pneminm�;(d)Yearly fiood h�u�t�ca premiwns.if
<br /> u►Y:(C)Yae1Y�B�Bo�P���it ef'iy:�d(�s�Y b'�F�Y�►�bY��wes to L+e,ndEr,in accordaoce wWi the .
<br /> provlsiona of pu�ge�pb 8�in liw of tba paymec►t of nwctgagd iusu�ance praniuma These Items am cellod"Bs�oa Itans." .
<br /> Iaead�r may.et euY Wne.oollect and 6old�+uuds in an amount not to exoeed eho meximmn anoount a leader fa a faderelty re,latod
<br /> mn�Bo 1aa map►ralnt�e for Barower•s esc�ow aocount undar the fe,deral Real Bstate Settkaieat Pr000dmres Act of 1974 as
<br /> amaidad f�om tlme to thne,l2 U.S.C.Soctba 2601 et arq. ("RBSPA"�.�andhu taw tt�t a�pp.lks w tbe Ptund�ee�sa a ksser
<br /> .woun�u su.�may�at any tLae.couea aad twm Funas in an anaount aot to e�coeoa me l�ser aanam�I.e�der mslr
<br /> �a�he�notmt of Funda due an the batis of cu�ceat data and n�sunabb a�m�of axpa�diwns oi fntuce S�exnw Iteau or
<br /> uthawise ia�000cdanoe wLh appli�bb law.
<br /> 1b�a Fuads shill ba held ia an inattauioa ah000 deposlts ara ins�rcd by a federal aga�'.iasuumentalitY.a�d�Y(�I�S
<br /> I.eader.�f I:eadet is auch rn �t1on)�In any Fedeial Home La�ti Ba�ilc.I.endes shall apply the Funda io pa�y tho Bscmw
<br /> Itema.I�ender may not ch�r8e Bcxmwa for hoWng and applyIng tho Feuids.aanuallY�Y�B�exrow�000unL or vaifyin8
<br /> tba S�cco�►i�nu,unies4 La,iier�a 8��ass!�e Fs�s4s sn�!���w��Irada m mak�a s�b s ChPrga
<br /> Howevar.Lmcla may zoquire Bamnwer u►paY a onadme char8e fa an 1�t real eatate tax reponi�g x�vioe used by
<br /> Laxkr in cannociion whh thia bn.unkss aPPlkabb law Ixovides otha�se.Unless an agroaneat is m�de ot�pplipbb law
<br /> tequic�es intarst W be pdd,La�det sd�ll not be required m pe�y Botrower any iataGSt or amings an tbe Fru►ds.Barm�d'�ad
<br /> i,adei mty�g�ce Ia wruing,6owaves.that�ntrrest stuill!�e paid oa tha Frmds.Lreada ehall giva to Barc�ow�.witLoat clncge.an .
<br /> aonu�l aooa�mting of tAe�.shuwing cradits snd debim W tGa Funds and tLe p�oee fot ah�ch each debit to dte Fu�t�ds was
<br /> m�de.T6a�uids aro pbdgad ss additiooal eaaultY fot alt aums scc�n'�d by dds Socudty L�ument �
<br /> 1f d�a Ftinds deld by a.eada exaeed the awounb pamtued to ba�eld by aDP]icabb l�w►.I�a�det sltall�coamt 10 Baroaa for .
<br /> the oxass Fuodt in awurdrmoo wIth d�o nquirema►ts of applicxbb law.If ths amouat of tha Funds hetd by i,eadei at�ny tim�it
<br /> not�t�o pay dio Bacrow Itaas wt�m 6ue�Leuda maY so t�o�f'Y Baa�owec in w�iting,and.in sucA case Barmwer shall pay
<br /> Oo I�fer d�a an»unt nooess�ey► w tnalce up ihe defiickocY• Bvn+uwer shall m8tx ap tbo def dencY ia no mae tt�twelvd
<br /> �Y P�m•at I�a�dti's eole df�a+edon. � refiuid w Bamo�aiy Pqnda
<br /> Upim payaunt In fuU of a11 sums eecund by thi.s Stcu�ItY Inshurt�en�I�mder ahaU p�omPt1S►
<br /> hdd by I�odor.If.nnde�p��graph 21.IrendEr sbat8�iuina a se1D the P�opacy.L�ender.lxta to the sal�ist�on a��ab of t6o
<br /> Atipaty�sh�U apply any Fuada heW by I.ender at t�tisme ot aoquisition a aale as a credit ag�inst the sums aocu�nd by this
<br /> �AppYp4doa a!P�,ptmts. Unkss applk�bb iaw ptovidrs��huwlse.all ptymeata recdvod by Lender und�r prt�7�pl�s ,,. •
<br /> 1�od 2 ah�be�pplicd:�Grst.oo anY P�P�Y�►t�B�dna w�er the Na�:�ooend,to aaiount�pw►ya6b uader p�fi'�; �
<br /> d�d.a inarast dua famrth,�o�cincip�!doo;and 1�at.ta anY late ef�ac8es doe une�cr the Nota ,
<br /> 4.CY�r�esz Liq�s. Ho�aowrr sh1i1 psy aU tnXCS,�as�ts.ch�g��snd impoeitions awib�nbb to tbe Pronaty
<br /> which.�y�ia p�io�lty over t4�is�oe�ty.3asuumas�and kaxhold paymeata a gi�au�d rrau,if my.sarowa a6au p�y diese
<br /> ob]ig�fin We�r p�ovided ia�rar;�ph 2„ar if ac�t paid in that m�r,Ba�rnwer�h�41 p�ay tham m�dma dfrealy�o dse
<br /> ��: peteon o�ved p�yn�mt Boaowex s6a�1i pcompdy fin�nlsh io I.d�dar ell notioe� of amounts w tio p4id undat this p�gr�pb. If
<br /> �:;��'8onca�ra m�ices diwe p�ymeats directly.Bomowac shall D�aPdY fu:n�to I.ar�s teoeipb�vida�dn8 the p�y�a�te• .
<br /> Bo�ro�va ahill promptlY di.a�ch�u8e any tia�which has p�i o r i t y oves d�s 5 o�r i t y I n a a u m e nt uakss Bamwa:(ta e g�c e s in . .
<br /> w,iang w the payment oi the obv�ion secnna by tho uer,ia•rn�oner acceptatM m i.eaaa;N)aonresta tn gaoa faitn are iien
<br /> by,ar defeods�eafacaanau of the liea in. kgsl prooeodiags�ahich in tha Leatda's opinion operato 0o Rs�aat t6e
<br /> eofa�neat nf tba Itao:a(c)saaire�fmm t6e I�Wv of the lien an�t�etoeY'Fu Landci sutio�df�a�ieg ths.lien to
<br /> t1��oautty lamnmeaL If L�snOa claamioes tlat my pa�t of ma Propaty is snbject to a tk�which mty st�in grbifty ova thi� .
<br /> Ser�riry In��mm�L,mdet ao�y gtva Bamwer a not�:a ideatityimg the llm.Bamwrr shall satisfY the 11m a take oaa a mace
<br />- oi tde act�oos set foeth abmve wlttdo 10 du,ys of t�e giviag of notioa.
<br /> • Rorm�04/!ro0
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