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<br /> S. H�td or Property Insurstnce. Borrower shall keap tho improvementa now exfsting or here�fter emcted on the
<br /> Property insured aguinst toss by firo. huuuds Included�vtthtn the term"extended cov�rege"and mny othor hazards. including
<br /> flaods or flaodirtg,for which[.ender requires lnaurance. This insurnnce shall be maintatncd fn thc amounu und for the pedoci.a �_
<br /> that I.ender rcquires. The insurance carrter providing the insurance shell be chosen by Borrawer subject to Lender's appmval
<br /> which ahall not be unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintnin coverage describe� above, i,ender muy, at Lender's
<br /> aption.obtain coverage ta protect I.e�►der's r�ghts in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br />, AU insuraiue poticies nnd renewnls shali be acceptable to I.ender and shall include a suuidard mortgage cluuse. Lenderp
<br /> �_ ic��...�«.e..�.i.wo Rn.w..uo.a0.o.11 n�mm�ftv�IVP tA I.PMIP.�AII Ml.C�D�9 I�!
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<br /> paid premiums and renawal noticea.In the eveat of toss.Borrower s1�a11 S�ve prompt aadcc�to thc insurnncc carrier and Lender.
<br /> r.ender may ms�lce proof of loss if not mada pmmptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Unless l,ender and Botrower otherwise agree In wr�ting. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> property damaged,if the restoradan or repair is economicxtlly feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.If the restoratIon or
<br /> repair fs not economically feasible ar L.ender's secudty wauld be lessened.the insurance pmceeda ahall be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Securlry Instnunent. whether or nat then due,wlth any exceas paId to Borrower. If Borrower abandona the
<br /> Pr�perty, ar does not oustiver wlthtn 30 cinyA a notice fmm Lender thai the insurance carrjer has dffered to settle a cleim,then
<br /> Lendcr muy collect the iusurance praceeds• Gender may use the proreeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Sccurlry Instrurnent,whether or not then duo.The 30-daY �i�ain of b r$oceedaet�nci at shall not eutead or
<br /> Unless Lender and Borcower atherwtse agree in wr1Qa8� �Y aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br />� postpflne the due date af the monthly gayments rofeaed to in paragrap
<br /> under paragrapi�21 tha Property Is acquired by i.ender. Honnwer's right to any insurance policies aaid pmce�ls cesulNng from
<br /> dnmage to the Froperty pdor to the ncquisitton shaU pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums se�ured by this Secudty Inssrument
<br /> immediutely priot to the acquisition. Itcation;I.easehold9.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,PreservaHon,Matntenance end Protection ot the ProgPity;Bonvwer's Lo�u► App
<br /> Borrower�halt occupy.establish,and use che Property es Borrower's prfacipal residence within slaty days after the exerution of
<br /> this 5ecurIsy Instcument end slwll continua to�ccupy the Property as Horrower's pr�aeipal resideme for at teast one year after
<br /> tbe dats af r�x�eganey. ��n4� Lendar otherwlse a�rees in writing,which consent shall not be uareasonably withheld,or uniess
<br /> extenuating clrcumstances eaist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shail not destroy. damage or iuiPair tbo
<br /> property� al(uw the property to deteriorata. or commit waste on the Pr�perty. Borrower shall be ia defau?t if any forfeiture
<br /> act3an or proc:eediag,whether civil or crin�iaal. ia begun that in I.ender's good faith judgtnent could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> ptnperty or othctwlse materlaliy impair the lien created by this Security Instsument or Lender's serurity interest.Bosower may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,es provided in paragcaph 18.by causing the actton or prooedd:ng to be dismissed with a mli�8
<br /> that. tn Lender's good fatth determination. precludes forfeitute of tha Borrawcr's interest in thc Pcoperty or other materlal
<br /> irapairment of the lten created by thls Secvrity [nstrument or L.e�►der's securlcy interESt. Horrower shati also be ja default if �
<br /> Borrower,during the loan applicadon process,gave materfally faise or lnaccucate inforroatioa or statements to Lender(or feilc�d
<br /> to provide I.ender wIth any material tnfom�ation)In connec:ion with thn loan evidenaed by the Note,icucluding,but not litnited
<br /> to.representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Progerty as a principal residenca If tlila Security Instmment is on a
<br /> leasehotd. Borrower ah�lt comply with all the provisions of the leasa.if Borrower acyuires fee dtla to tlie Property. the
<br /> leasehold aud the fee title shall not merge unless I.ender agc+ees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights tn the Property.If Borrawer fails to perform the covenants and agreements contairxd Iu
<br /> this Secoriry Instrument,or tiure is a Iegal procet�ding that tnaY eiSniflranuY affa'��S►�der•s rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> procwd[ag in bankru�tcy.probnte. for condemnution or forfeiture or ta enfprce taws or regulattops),then I.cnder msy do sad ,
<br /> paY for whatever ts neccssary to protert the valua of the Property aad Iander's rights in the Property. Lendcr's actioru►may
<br /> Include ppying uny sums r+ecured by a Iien whfcb has prtority over this SerurIry Insaume�ri, appearing in caurt, paying.
<br /> reasonable nttomeys'fees and entering on the Pmperty io mako rePa�rs• Although Ixnder may takc ncdon under tiila parag�apb
<br /> �,L.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall be�ome additional debt of Bornnwer socured by thia
<br /> Security Instrument.Unless Ber►nwer and Lender agt�ee to other terms of payment,these amounts shatl bear iMerest fmm the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate snd shall be payable.with interest� upon notice from Lender to Bonawer requesting.
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Morig�e Ltsurence.If Lender reyuiral mortgage insurance as a aondttion of ms�lCing the loan seauced by this Securtty
<br /> Instnament,Borrower shail pay the premfums reguired to maintain the mortgage insur�nce in effect. If. for any reason, ttu
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage requirod by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effect, Borrower shall p�y the prentiums requlred to
<br /> obtain covetuge substnntlally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost eubstantlalty e�uiyalent to the
<br /> wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, fmm an altemate mortgage in9urer approvcd by Lender. If
<br /> snbstantially equivulent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shail pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one•twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insuranre premium being paid by Borrower when the in�wance voverage tapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effect.Lender will aacept,use and retain these pziyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage ittsurance. Loss ceserve
<br /> � Form SOZB 9/80
<br /> . Pege 3 of 6� �
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