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<br /> TO(3BTHER WITH ail tho impmvemente nuw or iiereuttci c.'�t�.3 u�tke pre��;•�n+�uU cuyc���nt�.�puetcn�uur.y,end �_
<br /> fixtures now or hereufter u purt of tha property. All rcpluce;nente und nddltlons r;hnil iilnu I+c cuveral by Ihlw !�cc�t�lty
<br /> Instn►mont.All of thc forcgoing iR referred to in this Srxurtty In�trumcnt na thc"Pnq�eny."
<br /> BORROWHR COVBNAN'fS thut 8orr�wer ia luwfully��;In�d uf thc c.Stntc hcrcby ctimvcyMl wHl hn�dtr.rif�hl tu prunt uud �_
<br /> canvey the Property and thet the Property fa unencumbcr�d, except far encumbraucew of reranl. li��rmwi�r wnrruntw cu�d will
<br /> defend generally the title to the Property nguinst ull cluima nnd dcmandx,nubJcxt tn nny encumMr►►uccH��f rrrurd,
<br /> THiS SECURITY INSTRIJMBNT combines unifarm covcnuntx for muiunui uxc und m�n•unifimn cuvciumt�wilb (hnitr.d
<br /> variatIons by jurisdiction to constituto u unlfaem�ecudty inxtrument c��vcring reul propeny.
<br /> ���rn��wtTO AnMVN4P1[Inrt 1 nnAee c-nvenan!und t�(CC Ost l'ollolVA:
<br /> "vivirui�in�.v•u,.n................_...- —
<br /> 1. Paymea�t of i'rinctpAl urtd interesti Pcjee{wyment and I.utc Charg�. f�rrowcr Khnit pr�nnptly pay �vt�cn itoo mo 6
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate and any prep�ymcnt und lutc ch�irgca due tnxtcr INo N�itc,
<br /> 2. Funds for Tax�and Ipsutance.Subject ta epplicable luw nr t�a written wuivcr by l.endcr. Hurr��wcr hhull pay ���
<br /> Lender an the day monthly paymente are due under thc Note.until the Note ix puid in fu�l,u xwn("Nu��ir+")li�r:(UI yCENly({INC�
<br /> and assessmonta which muy attain priodty aver this Secudty Instrument us u Hen un the f'roperty;(b1 yct�rly Icutirh��l�t�tuy�i�cnix
<br /> ar ground rents on the Praperry.lf any;(c)yearly harurd ar pmpeRy insurance prcmiuma;(d)yeurly ili�xi Intiurnin�prcndumr,
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if a�y:und (�uny tiums puyuble by Hurcawer tu I..c�xter. In accordunro witt�
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurunce pmmiurtu►.ThC1C I�Cllib 11R'.CIiIICiI"t:srn�s+lte��s�."
<br /> Lender may. at any time, colloct und hold Funds in un amount not to exceal the nu3ximum umnunt a Icndct fi�r u fcdcrully
<br /> related mortgage loan may require for Borrower'r escrow uccnunt undcr the fcderul Reul 6statc Settlement proccdurcs Acl ��f
<br /> 1974 as wnended from tIme co time, I2 U.S.C.Sectton 260i et seq. ("RESPA"). unle+y unother Inw thut applicy a►the Nuinin
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If r,o, I.ender may. at uny clme. coilect and hold nundx in un nmount not ro ex��xd thc tesscr anxwnt.
<br /> I.ender may escimate the amount of Funds due on the baRis aP current dutu und[ca�annble cstimutea of expcnditute»uf Iluuro
<br /> Escrnw Items or otherwise in accordance with opplicublo law.
<br /> The Funds Fhali be held in an insdtution wl�ose dcpasits are insured by u fedcml agency. Inatrumcntullty, or ct�tity
<br /> (inGludjng Lender.if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fedcrnl Home I.oan Bunk.I.ct►der Fhnll apply thc Fundr tu pAy thc
<br /> Escrow Items•Lender muy not charge Borrower for holding nnd upplying the Funds,annuully unnlyzing tho euruw uccaunt.ar
<br /> verlfyinR the Fscrow Items.unless Lender paye Borrowar interest on thc PundA and appt[cnble law permit�L.cnder to mako KucN
<br /> a charge.However.Lender may rcquire Borrower to pay u one�timo chnrge for an iiu#��d�st rca!r�tat�tax s�xss!lssg�nr�"-° -
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unleas nppl�cable inw provIdes otherwise. Unless an agreement is mado or
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be p�id,Leader shall not be required to puy Borrowcr uny Interest or curninga on the Funds.
<br /> Horrower and L.ender may ag[ee in wdting. however, tk�nt interest shall be paid on the Funds. Gender ahnll g[vc to 8c►rrower.
<br /> without chnrge. an annual accounting of the Funds, showing cr+edtts und debits to the Funda cind the purpose for whtch cuch
<br />- debit to the Funds wua made.The Funds are pledged ua uddttio►u►I stixuriry for all sums secured by thia Security Instcumtnt,
<br /> If tho Funda held by L,ender exceed the umo�nts permitted to be held by applicuble law.I..ender�hall nccount to Bonnwer
<br /> for the excess Funda in accardance with the re�uiremente of applicublo law. If the anount af the Funda held by Lender at eny
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy xo notify Borrower in writing.and,in such cuse Bormwer
<br /> ahall pay to l.ender the amount necessary ca mako up tho deticfency. Borrower�hnll muke up the defictency in n�o more than
<br /> twelve monthty payments,at I.ender's sole d�scretion.
<br /> Upon payment in tLU of ali sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refl►nd tn Horrower ony
<br /> F'undn held by Lendar.If.under paragroph 21.Lender shnit ucqui�or selt the Property.Lender,prior to the ncquisitIon or salo
<br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funda held by L.ender at the dme nf acquisltion or ac�lc us n crcdit ug+tinst tho sums secu�d by
<br /> thls Secudry Insnument.
<br /> 3.ApplicAtion uf Peyraente.Unless applicable lnw provides othanvise.ull payment�►�eceivai by i.endec under paragre�hx
<br /> 1 snd 2 shatl be applied:first,to uiy pxepayment churges due under the Note:second.to amountg payabte undcr puregreph 2:
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth.tu principnl due;end lust.to any Inta charges duo under the Note.
<br /> � 4.Charges;Liens.Borrower shall pay alt texes.asscssmenta.charges. fines und impositiona attributable to tho Pmperty
<br /> which may anain prlorlty over this Securlty Iesteument.and leusehold puyments or ground renta. if any. Borrower ehu11 pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that m:u�ner.Borrower shnll pny them nn time dircctly
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly i'umish to Lender utl notices of nmount�to be paid under thiR paragrapl�.
<br /> .I�33otrower makes these paymenta dicecdy.Borrower shall pmmpdy fhrni�h to Lender receipts evidencing the puymems.
<br /> $orrower shall promptly discharge nny lien which has pdorlry over thla Securlry Instnrment untes�Hnrrower.(u)agc�ecs in
<br /> wdHng to the payment of the obligation secured by the 11en in a mnnner acceptable to Lendcr:(b)aonteste in gcwd fuith the liet�
<br /> by. or defemis against enforcement of the lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lcndtr's opinlun uperute to prcvent tho
<br /> enfnrcetnent of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien nn bgrcement�atisfactory to Ixnder suborditt.t4ng thc Itcn ta
<br /> t�is Security Instn�ment.If i.ender determjnes that uny part of the Property ta subject to a lien which mny attc►in prinriry ovcr
<br /> this Securiry Insuument,Lender may give Bosower a notice identity+ing thc licn.Borrower�hall sntiKfy the tien or tuke one or
<br /> mora of thc actions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of nottce.
<br /> Fam 802d 9l�0
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