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<br /> pagmems may no longcr t�e rcquired.nt thc nption of l,ender.if mortgugo insurance covcrago(in the nmount and Por the peria# `
<br /> thnt Lender requires)providcd by an insurer uppraved by L,ender ugain berom�avoilable and ia abtainrd.Biortowcr shall pny
<br /> the pt�mtums reyuired to n�aintaia mortgagc(nsurunce in effect.or tc►�rovide a loqs rexerve.until the requirement for moRgoge r
<br /> insurnnce ends in uccordnace with any written ag[eement[xtween Borrower nnd[.ender or appltcuble Iaw.
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or it�agent may��e reosonable entrles upon and inspecttons af the Pmperty Lender shall glve
<br /> Borcower not�ce at the time of or prior to un inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspertion.
<br /> 10. Condemnation. Tha proceeds of eny uwurd or claim for damagcs,direct or consequential. in cosu►ection with any
<br /> ......a.......,.t.......,ahsu�takino�f anv narl af ths PXOACrtY.or f�r conveyance in lieu nf oondemnutIan,ere hereby ossisned and
<br /> shall be naid ta I.ender.
<br /> ln the event of a totnl taking of the Properry.the proceeda shall be applted to tha surrt secured by this Securiry instnunent.
<br /> whethcr or nat then due,with aay sacess paid to Horrower. In the event of a paYtlal tak[nS of We ProPercY in whicb the fair
<br /> rnarket v�lue of tha Praperty immediately before the taking is eqnal to or greates than the amount of the sums secure�by thjs
<br /> Security Instrument immediately before the taking.unless Borcower and Lender otherwise agree in wrtting.the sums secured by
<br /> this Secudty instnim�nt shall be recluced by the amount af the proceeds multiPlied by the followiag ftaction: ta) the total
<br /> amount uf the sums securcd immaiiately t+efore the taking.divided by (b) ttte falr market value of the Property tmmodiauly
<br /> � before the tttking. Any balunce shalt be paid to 8orrower. In the event uf a pariiel taldng of the Propetty in whlch the fair _._
<br /> matket value of the Property imn►ediatelY before the taking is less than the amaunt of the sums securecl immediately befon the
<br /> talcing, ualcss Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In writin�or unless applicable law otherwlse pmvides. the procteds shall
<br /> bo applied to the sun�s secured by this Securlty Insavment whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If ihe Property!s abandon�d�y Borrower.or if,after.nottce by I.ender to Hormwer that the condemnor offers W make an
<br /> awatd ar acttle a ciaim for damages. Bomnwer fails to res�ond co Lender wlthin 3Q days ufter the date the c�otIee ia glven.
<br /> Ler�ler is authorized to collect a�►d apply the pmoaeds.at Its oPdon.either to restoration or[�pa�r of the Property or W the swns
<br /> secured by this Sec►�tity Instrument,whether ar not then due. �;�tton of roceeds ta rincl al shall not extend a�
<br /> Unless I..ender and Bomower otherwise agree in writing, any app P P P
<br /> postpane die due datc of tha monthly payments referred to in�parggraphs 1 and 2 or chrinnge the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrnwer Nat Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not�Walver.Extension of the tlrae for payment or malificatlon
<br /> of amortizatton of the swns secureA by this�ecuriry Instrumer►i y,c�►t�d b3'L,�3ar ta�st1�°r�n�nLr?�t"f Rc�rmwer shaii .
<br /> not operate to rele�se the liability of the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shaU not be roqui�cd to
<br /> oomtrrence prooeedings against eny successor In interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse modify mnartizAtion
<br /> of the sums secut�ed by this Security Instrument by reason of rany demand made by the odginal Borrower or Borrow�r's
<br /> suocessors in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any rigbt or remody shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exerclse of any right or r�mrdy.
<br /> � 12.Suoceasors pnd Assstgos Bound;Yoint aad Several LiabiUty; Co-slgaere. The covensmts and agreements of tlus
<br /> Sccurity Instniment shall bind And ben�fit tke successors and assigns df Lender and Borrower. subjext to the pmvisions of
<br /> para�aph 17. Bmm�wer's oo�+enants and agreements shall be,�aint aad se�eral• A�►Y Burno�n'er who oo-signs this 5ecutlty
<br /> Instn�ment t+ut does not eaecute the Note: (a),is co-signing this Serurity Instrun►ent only to mortgagr.grant end canvey that
<br /> Bomower's jntecest in the Pmperty under the.terans of this Security Instcument;(b)is not personaUy�obligated co pay tha sums
<br /> sccute�by this Seeurity Inswment;cuid(e)ag�ees that Lender and ac►y uti►er Bormwer may egc�ee ta extend, modify,forbear or
<br /> malc�c any aaoommodadons with t�egard to the terma of this S�curity Instrument ur the Note without thnt Botr�wer's consent.
<br /> 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by thia Security Instrum�nt is subject to a law which sets max�mnm lonn charges,
<br /> and that law is flnally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected'or to be wllected in connectioln with the
<br /> loan exeued the perrnitted limits.then: (A)aay.such loan charge sha11 be reduoed�y the'amount aecessury to riduce the charge
<br /> to the perm[tted limit:and(b)aroy sums�Iready collected from Borrower which exceoded permitted limits wllt be refiu�ded to .�..
<br /> Boirower. Lender may choose to make this cefund by ceducing the principal owed�nder the Note or by making a direct
<br /> paymertt to Born►wer. If u reflmd reduces pdncipal. the teduction will be treatecl as a paRlul prepay�rient without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the FVote.
<br /> 14.Notta�s.Any nodee to Borcower provided for in thia Secudty Instcument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by tirst class mail u�less applicable 1aw requires use of another method. 1he notIce shall be directeil to the Frnperty Address
<br /> or any othcr address Borrower destgnates by notice to[.ender. Any notice to Lender shuli be giv�n by first class mail Yo
<br /> I.endcr's address stated herein or any oiher address Lender designates by notice to Bonower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Sacairity Instniment shall be deemed to have been siven to Borrower or Lender when given ns pmvided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.GovernS� Lawi Severablltty. This Ser.urlty Instrument shall be governed by federai taw and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in wAlch 1he Propetty is locatod. In the event that any provIstan or clause of this Security Inst�ument or che Nuu
<br /> oonflicts wIth applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvlsions of this Secudty Instrument or the Note whIch can be
<br /> �iven effect without the conflicNng prov[sion.To this end the provisions of thts Security Insmiment and the Note are declered
<br /> w bo severable.
<br /> ib.Bornower's Copy.Barrower shall be given one oonformed copy of the Nnte and of this S�curity Insuument.
<br /> w.m soae s�so
<br /> Pagv 4 of 8
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