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<br /> S. Hw�a�vl or Praperly �nsuranre. �i��rrower�hnll keep tho impravementK naw existing ui hcrwfter c►-ected c.n thc
<br /> E�roperly lnsural oguinst la.r•s by flrc. hn�.urda included withln thc tcrm "exrcnded caverugo" und uny ather haxards.istcluding
<br /> floadx ar Iloixtir�.fc�r which I.ender rcquircs Insurunce. Thiy insurmice�hall be maintained in the amaunts and for the perlads
<br /> thut I.ender reyuires. Thc inturance currter providdng the insuriu�cc tihuU be chuseu by Durr��wer hubjcct to l.endtr's upprovul
<br /> which ehull �iat be unmasanubly wtthheld. If Barrawcr fn{le ta mufntain coverngc dcscribed abnve. L.cnder muy,at l.ender's
<br /> aptian,a6tuin cavemge ta pmtect Lender'a riglns in the Property in accardnnce with pumgruph 7.
<br /> All insunrncc palicies und renewals shnll bo o,eceptable ta t ender unc�shull i�clude u standard martgage clause. L.cnder
<br /> ehnll havc the right to hold the palictes and renewals.If L.ender requircw.Darmwer shall promptly give to I.endar all rea:tpts of
<br /> . .a � .s...... �...�.��•��..�:�.� t;..^"'^;;'°.!g,1.�1f aiva nr�m�i nnt�CC t0 I�IC�I1SIlTARCO Ca1if�ClAlld I.FIIdCi.
<br /> paiu yictiiiuiii5 dTn�win';�a�iw.�w.,. .. � . ••-- u• -.
<br /> I.ender may make pcoof oi lass if not madc prorr�Atly by Borrowcr.
<br /> Uniess l.ender unJ Borrower oiherwine agrec in writing. insurancR proceeds sluill be uppliod ta reritoretion nr cepair uf the
<br /> Propeny damage.d.if the rcstorauon or tepair is economfcully fevslble und I.,endet's s;ecuriry Is not lessened.If the �toratloa ot
<br /> repair is not economically feasihle or l.ender's security wuuld ba Iessened.the insurnnoe pmceeds Fhall be applied to the sum9
<br /> seturod by thla SecurIty Instrument. whethcr��r rtot then due. with tu�y excess patd to Borrower. If Borcower abandons the
<br /> Property�or does nat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance cnrrler hua offered to settle a cicdm.thea
<br /> I.ender may a�llect We insurance proc��eds. L�ender muy use the proceCds ta rcpair or restore the Properiy or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insuu�reent,whether or not then due.Thc 30-duy pertod will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lcnder und Horrower otherwise ap,ree in wdting. nny upplicadon of prooeeds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the emount af the payments. If
<br /> und�r paragraph 21 the Pmperty ia ecquired by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance polictes and proceeds eesulting from
<br /> damage to the Properry prior to the acquisition shull pass to Lender ro the extent of ttte sums securrd by thi�Securlty Instrument
<br /> immediaxcly prior W the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Oceupwncy,Pre�ervadon,Mt+tt�¢enance nnd Protectlon oi the Property;Borrower's Loan Applicatton;L.euseholde.
<br /> Borro�ver shall occupy,establish.and use the Property as Borrower's prineipal residence within sixty days after the eaecutton of
<br /> this Security Insuvment and shall continue ta ovcupy the Pmperty as Bornnwer's princtpat residence for at least one ycar eRcr
<br /> the date of occupuncy.un[ess L.ender otherwise agcces i�writing, which consent sht�11 rtot be unreasorutbly withheld,or unles,g
<br /> extenuatin� clrcumstances exist whiGh ure 6eyond Borrower's control. Bomower shall not destroy. damage ar Impair the
<br /> Propert`+,atlow the Property ta det�rlorate. or commlt waste on the Praperty.Borrower shatl be in deTeult if aay iorfeit�m
<br /> action or proceeding. wheWer civil or criminal, is begun that in Leader's good teith judgment could result in fodeiture of tha
<br /> Property or otherwise mater�al[y impatr We lien created by this Securlty Iashument or Lender's secur[ty interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a clefault and reinstate.es pmvided ln paragraph 18.by causing the acdon or proc�eding to be dis�nissed wlth a�ultng
<br /> that, in I.endcr's good faith determinacion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest In the Pmperty or ottaer materitil
<br /> impalrment of the lien created by this Security Insuument or I.ender's secudty interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower.dudng the loan applicadon process,gave mater[ally false or inaccurnte infomnation ar statements to Lemder(or faitod
<br /> to pmvide Lender with any matedal informadon)in connettlon wlth the loan evidenoed by the Note,including.but not limitcd
<br /> to, re�resentations concerntng Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal resldence. If this Secuaity Instnicr�ent�s on a
<br /> Irasehold, Borrower shali comply wlth ell the pmvtsions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fet tide to the Property. the
<br /> leasehold unci the fee title shall not mer�e untess Leader agrees to the merger in writiag.
<br /> ?.Protection ot Lender's Idtghts In the Property.If Borrower fails to perfomn the covenen�s and agtrenienu conWnal in
<br /> tbis Security instrsment.�,r therB is a legal proccedtng that n�ay slgnificantly aff'ect Lender's dghts in the Property(such as u
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.probate, for oondemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatlons).then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is rtaxssary to protect the vnlue of the Property and L.ender's righta in the Property. Lender's acdons may
<br /> include payins any sums secured by a lien which has priority over thia Security Inswmeat. appeazing i� wure, paying
<br /> resisonable.�tromeys' fees and entcdng on the Pcoperty to make repairs.Although L�ender may take action usxler this paragraph
<br /> .7,L.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under [hiF�arugraph 7 shaU became eddidonal debt of Borrower securcd by thia
<br /> Socurlty Insttument. Unless Borrower and L.ender agree w other terms of payment.these amounts shall besi iaterest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. wtth interest. upon nodce fram Lender to Borcower requesting
<br /> payment. .
<br /> , 8.Mortgage Insuemnce.If i.cnder required mortgage insuraux as a cond3don of making the loan,securod bg�thts Securtty
<br /> Insuument, Bornower shatl pay the prerniums cequirpd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the •
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or oeases to 6e in affcxt,Bflrrower shalt pay the pmaaiums c�quired to
<br /> obtatn coverage substerttially equivalent to the mortgage insuranae previously in effect. at u cost substandally equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance pt+eviously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer appF+oved by I.er�fler. if
<br /> substandally equivalent mortgage Insurance coverage is not available.Horrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> - one-twelfth of the yearly mortguge insarance premium bein�paid by Borcower when the insurance ooverage fapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lteu of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Fartn 3028 9180
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