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<br /> ���r�c�� a� � . t��9 5-� 1CN's5�
<br /> A truc� Oi l�rid COA1p��8�T1� a pt�rt Qf ti�1@ {�Q£►�'ir h��T 01' LJ10 L/0UL(1W@b'G tRilQ('4f9�' -
<br /> ' tWl/2 �Wi/4) of 8ection Yo.Q►�ty 8ix t�6), 'ioa�iship �leve» tli) Nor�h� R�nge ]'en
<br /> �1�� W�f►� at the bth P.M.� �Na�li Countr� Nebr�skH� n�ore par�ici�larly duacribcd as
<br /> fol ioan�.o
<br /> 8�$i��inr� ati a poir►t where the Wea'� l�ine of aaid iJi/� ot seid SWi./4 itn�ersac�a
<br /> thw �iouth Rig��t-ot-W�y Li��e ot the Unian Paaific Railroad, �he»ae Norbhnasterly
<br /> �slong �nd upon thc� South Ripht oi Way line ot the Union Rariiic Ctailro�d a
<br /> di�at�nc� of Q►te Thauaa��d �ive� Hundred farty Seven and Nfna T�nths Si,S47.9) le��
<br /> �o a pain� an the E�tat line ot st�id W1/8 8W1/4, thence 8outherly �lorip a�d upo»
<br /> th� �a�st ��»e c�i o�id W1/2 8W1/4 � distwna� of Three Hund�red iwQrsty NinQ wnd �
<br /> Six�e�n Hundredth� t3P9.ifa) feat; thence Southwesterly and parallel to the South
<br /> Right ot War af the Union Pac�ific Railroad a distance of One Thounand ��ve
<br /> Hundr�d For�y Eight and Sevar�ty-seven Nundredtha (1,548.7'7) teeC to the point on
<br /> �h• Weat li»a of said 4!L/? 8W1/4, thenae �iortherly alon� And upon �hs Wees�h lins
<br /> ot s�id Wi/2 8Wi/4 w dia�anc� of Threa Hur�dred Twen�y Nin� end Sixty T�vt7r, '�„
<br /> Hundreeiths �389.b8D feet to the .;�ai�� oP beginnia�g
<br /> • ANA . .
<br /> A �r�ct of Y�nd comprisin� pwr� At the Ea�� �lslt ot tbe 8outhw�st Quarter
<br /> <Ei/2 $Wi/4), oi 9�ctinx� ,Twar�ty Six t26)� Townahilp E�even tii) Nor'�h, Ranp� Yen
<br /> t14) W�st of t:s� 6th P.tti.� Hall CAUnty� Nebr�ska, more parbicul�rly dea���b�d as
<br /> . .YnII�Mtie . _
<br /> . ','s�o��nciny �t x,poirt on the Nor�CO� line �t s+►i� ���L SWi/4, said Aointi bMi�p
<br /> •t�i�v�n Huridrad 'i'�a�n�y a��d Eighlsy�l'ivQ Huadredtha t•9P0.8S) fe�t 1Jest ot the
<br /> Nor�hwaa� corn�r oi �wid Ei/2 SW1/4; �hence conti�uing W�st�rly w1onQ wnd upan�
<br /> th� North line of said Ei/2 SW1/4� w diesta�c� ot �n� Hundrwd Thirty-�hr�� wnd
<br /> 8ixtr-fiv� Nundredths �133,b5) i��t tio a point nn �ht Sou�h�Rrlr Ri�h� ot Wwy of
<br /> th� Unior Paoific Raiiroad� tf�a»ae BpUthM�Bti@11'ly alo»g and upon �the 8outherly
<br /> FtiphL of Wwy l�ne o1 the Union PAaific Rwiira�d w dfst�►�cs oi Piv� Hundr�d
<br /> Far�y-tiv� and Eigh�E TernChs <845.A) fe�t to A point �n th• Wvsb lin• o/' said
<br /> Ei%� SMt/4� th�nce Sautherlr a�lang and upan �he Wesb line o�' swid E1/2 SWi/b a�
<br /> dis�ana� of Ei�hty Ot�� and 8ixCy Faur Hundr�rd�hs 18i.6A) l��t� th�n�a �
<br /> • North��ntfrib �nd pwr�ii�l ta th• 8ou�h�rly lirwR ot the Unio» Paaitic RwilroRd w
<br /> distanc� of 5�van Nundred Two �►nd Ei�tvsn Hundr�d�h� �702.11) t��t to th• point „
<br /> di bMQinninp.
<br /> . ANA
<br /> � �� Part of th• NortihM4st Quarti�r lN{ii/4) ot Sec�ion Tw�nty 8ix �26)� ToMnship
<br /> El�v�n <li) North, RwnpM Tan 110) W��t oi the 6th P.M.� which 1i�s Sou�h�rly �nd
<br /> „ E�stierly of th� Riph� e�f Way ot �he U►iion AACi tic Rai lroad Co�pany as�•now
<br /> constructed *nd op�rat�ed through said 8ection TwQnty 8ix tE6D. w11 in H�11
<br /> Cqun�t.� Hebra�ska„
<br /> ,;�4+ARCE4 M7 •
<br /> Ln�s Fivv t5�, 8ix t6), 8e�ea t7)� Eight t8)�•Nies (9) t�nd Ten li0)� Gr�nd
<br /> Yslatild I�dustrial Parlc West Subdivi$3on, f» Hali County� N�bra�ska�.
<br /> CON7IM1fED
<br /> RAtiE 5 �
<br /> _-�":�.���-�==—=--
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