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<br /> 89 doprsa� ��' �3" W �la+nD ��i� nnr�horly ripHL--aY-woy linc� �►i Hu��cer Niphw�Y•
<br /> t_.3►.�i_71 �evts �to tiP�� pl!►e� �st be�i»»inq� efxcupCinQ a traet ot l�Md n►ore
<br /> pirtf.ru�lArly deac•ri�b�rd ws Tc+i:.vw�►: - --
<br /> � tract ut l�nd roMpriainp � pwrtc ot Chc 8authe�st Q�t+�rt�r ot t�• t�ou�neaDL
<br /> Qua►rt�r �aE1.�4 �ri/4) oi' 3�lr�ion 7w�nty Six t�63, Yaanship C1QVe» tily North* � _
<br /> R�nq� T�n �10) , Weab ai the 6th F'.M..• in tfie City ot Orand �81wnd, H�►11 Coun�y,
<br /> N�braska, n�pre particular�ly deserib�d aa ioilows: CA�t�� Ea��tra
<br /> 8�girening at tba northe�at�cornar oi La� Thirty Two �33),
<br /> 8ubAiviaio»� ��e�co runni»g aouthwesterly Aio��q th� northaeet�rly line of I.o�
<br /> Thirt�► Two t38) and Lot Thirty •One <31). Cwstle ERta�teQ 8«bdiv�sion� on wri
<br /> p3��Mhd Bssri��q of S 4� dQprQ�a 10• 12" W, • di�t�»co At On� Hun�dr�d S�xty
<br /> (ib0.QI teet to the northw�at carner of Lo£ 'Phi�ty Otrto t31!9 G�Rt�R �s��ti�� ---
<br /> Subdivisio». thettce runrtittg N 4S degr�aes SO' 23" W� a dit�tx»co o� 0ne Hu�dred
<br /> TN��ty Five �lES.0) teeta thev►ce runnirg N 44 dagr��s lA• 12" Er a distanct oi
<br /> On� Hu»dred Sixty (160.0) fee� tio o point on th• SauthwQStorly litte ot K�ights
<br /> Ro�td, CAatle Estatas Subdiviaion, thence running 8 �i5 degro�s 30• 23" E. a lora
<br /> th• aou�hwe�ctarLy li��a ot !�ni�}h�s Road, Ca�tle Ca�aties Subdivitsioni a dist+�rce
<br /> oi One Nunc4�er¢� Twen�y F3ve (12S.4I fee� to th� poi.nt of be�i.n�in�.
<br /> �' PAI2CEL MS . . . •
<br /> p trwct af land co�+priaing a parC of the SoutAwe+�t Quwrter ot th• Northwast
<br /> , Qua�r'��r �3Wi�+1 i�ii�i3. o� �ae�#.ssn 3rs�n�Y �!tt 4P6)� 7orenshiD E1w�Hail1�un��h� �
<br /> R�n�� Y�n ���� Wa�►t of the fath P'.Pl. in tho City ot:.,0ir,il�ind Island� Ys:.
<br /> N�Brwska� a+ora� p�rt4cularly deacribed �►s foliawsa ,.
<br /> 8t4inning At the sou�hwest rarn�r ot aa�id 5outihwe�� QuartQr ot the Northe�ttt `
<br /> I�luart�r tBWi/4 NEl/�!) ; �h�ena� ruaninq narth wlong Che MMS� lina at xwi+d ••�
<br /> SOItthMMit Ru�►rter of the North�w$t Aur�ter t8Wi/4 NE1/4), on wn Assu��d Bewring
<br /> at N 00 do�re�a 11• 89" W w diatance of ���nc� conti�nui+ny�morthd�►lat+�sth�6M��t
<br /> tl�t� to th� ACTUAL point at b�pinnimq;
<br /> .li»� of said Southwast QuarC�r 'oi the Nor�ha�st Guarb�r tSWi/� NE1/'4�„ m� +►ri
<br /> a�sur�d b��►ri nq ot N 00 d�pr�rws 11• L9" W, • d is��►nc� ot Fou�r Hun�r�d Fi f�r Nf a�r
<br /> ,�nd 3�vwn�y 3�ven �tundr�Qths �489.77� t��t� thrncR rumni�q £ �9 O�Or��s @9• S6"
<br /> E 4 di�t�,n�� of ��� Hur►dr�d SixtY S�v�r wrd Nieetr Thr�t Huc�dr�dths tb6�.9�y
<br /> � �f�r�t, to tha northwest corn�r ot l.�t t�n �iQ), tir�nd Island Industrial Pwrk H�st
<br /> 8ubdivis�p�, +n Addition to tshe Cfty oi Or�sn�l Isiaad. N�brwska�.•th�na� ranniny S
<br /> QO d�yr��� 40� 53" C �long tha Net�t litn� ot Lot Tnn �10)� Chiwt xndusirfal P�Tk
<br /> Subdivision� ��n� its vxte�sior�, a� d3strancQ oi Four Hu�drMd Fi 1�r. N3nR xnd EiqhLy
<br /> '!l�re�e Hundredths t�S9.83� f�et;, th�nc� +run»ing H 89 d��r��s 30' 09" w a dist�nc�
<br /> o�� Six Hu��irre�d S�vtnbr On� and Eighty Sev�er HundY•�dths t671.�7� tatet� to th�
<br /> ACTUAI. pofnt ot' b�gi�ning. .
<br /> PAG� ,
<br /> - --- —�� - — - �_�.. —�-- ---
<br /> � Vy'�W� i -:- ---- , ��.�,- �;�.. � —
<br /> - _ ti{Cal�°iy�� `����` ,.�4".,'' ��iiu� Y�� — :� - _ ��--._-..
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