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<br /> S. NazArd or Property It�u�nce. BorraW'cr slwll keep the impravement€now exlst n�g"�t�hercu����� the .
<br /> Property insurcd ag�inst loas bp 8re.huzards included within the term "extended covernge" and any athcr haznnda, including
<br /> f�axls ur tlawtie�g, for which Lender requlres Insurnnce•This insuranre ahali be maintc�ined in the amounts and for the periods .
<br /> that Lender requirea. The insurance cattler pmviding the insucance ehall be chosen by Borrower subject to I.ender'�approval
<br /> which shwil not be unreasonably withheld. If 8orrower fuils to maintnln coveraga descdbed nbove� Lender mny. nt Lender's
<br /> option,obtuin coverage to protect Lender's rlghts in the Property M accorder�c�e with paragraph 7.
<br /> All insurnnce pa�icIes and renewals shall he acoepu►ble to i.tnder and shnll inctuda a swrdard mortgu�e efAUSe. Lender
<br /> • o• i....��..l...w� �..�w:'..».��...�� raM1u..iva�n i w rl�.q_II Mnn�efa Af ..
<br /> 6IItt1l I18Y6 I[IB Gstlt[O ROIa UlG�10IICIq pttu�e�xwtua.aa a.i�inaan ��v��w� ... r:..».r.v e'•" r.
<br /> paid pmmiusns and mnewal notices.In th�event of lass.Borrower shall give prompt rtotIce to the insurance caMer nnd x.ender.
<br /> Lender ma,y meke proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and B,�rrower otherwise agree in writing.insurance prooeeds shali be applied to restaradon or repair af the
<br /> property dumnged,if the restoration c�r repair is economically feasible and Lender's se�urity is noi tessene�.If the restoradon or
<br /> repair is not econom�tcally feaslble or I.ender's security would be lesszned. the inswance pmceeds Rhall be applled to the sums
<br /> secu�cd by th(s 3ecurity Insuument, whether or not then due, with any ea�cess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property.or does not answer within 30 days a notire fmm Lender that the insurance cairter has offered to sectle u ctaim,then
<br /> Lender ntay collect the insurance pra�is• I.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restorc tho Pcoperty or w pay sums
<br /> secured by this Seru�Ity Insttument,whether or not thon due.The 30-day perIad wlll begin when the natice is gtven.
<br /> Ualess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of proc�eds to priacipal shaU rcot eatend or
<br /> postpone the due dute oF the monthly paymenta referred to in paragrapha 1 ancf 2 or change the amowat of the pay�rtenta. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 tho Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's dght to any insuranoe poltcies and prooeeda resulting from
<br /> damage to the Property priar to the acqulsttloa shall pass to Lender to the eatent of the sums secured by thle Security Instrument
<br /> . immedtately pdor to the acquisiuon.
<br /> 6.pccuppncy,Preserv�.tion,Matatenanoe and I'rotedlon oi the Property;Borrawer's Lopw Applicadoa;I.e�eholds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's prIncipal residence withfn sixty days after the execuflon of
<br /> this 5ecurity Instmment and shall continue to oocupy the Property as Borrower's princIpal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the date of oaupancy.uNess Lender otherwise agrees in wrldng.which oansrait shall not be unreasanably wlthheld.or unlesa
<br /> eatenuariAg eireamsranoes eust which are bayv,�d &,��e's contral. Borress�r sha!! aot �sroy. �ags or �r t!�
<br /> Property.allow the Pmperty to deteriorate. or commit �vaste on the Property. Borrower shall be in d�fault if eny farFeit�re
<br /> action or praceeding.whether ctvil or cr�minal.is begun that!a Lender's good faith judgment ruuld result in forfeltura of the
<br /> Property or otherw[se matedally impair the lien crEated by this Secudty L�suument or Lender's secudty interest.�on+nwer may ,
<br /> cure such a default and reiastate.es provtded in pamgraph 18.by causing the action•.or proceeding to be dismissod with a[ullng
<br /> that. in Lender's good falth determinatton, procludes forfeiture oY tho Rormwer's interest In the Property or other materiat
<br /> irapairment of the lien crr,sud by thIs Security Insuument or Lender's security inurest. Borrower sball also ba in defau[t if
<br /> Borrower.dudng the loan application pmcess.ghve materially fglse or iriaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender whh any matedal infom�ation)in cannection wlth the loan evldenced by the�Iote.including,but not limited
<br /> w.representadons oonxrning Borrower's occupancy of the Propesty as a prin4�pai r�sidence.If tbis Sacurity Instiument!s on a
<br />- lea..�hoid. Borr.xswc; r.lu�lf cm�+�sly +vtth s!2 tlse gra:�4sio� af the le�e. If P�rr�wer ���res f!M ���tn r� pmpr..ty, che
<br /> leasehold and the Fa titla shall not meege unless Lendar agc�es w the merger in wdting. �
<br /> 7.Antatlon o!Lender's Rigl�te ta the prnpeity.If Borrower fails to perform tha covenants and agreements oontained 1n
<br /> this Sccurlty In�ument, or therc is u legai pmc�.eeding tbat may slgaifccandy�ffect Lender's rights in the Property (euch us a
<br /> prooeating in banlaupuy.probate. for oondemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce lawa or regulutions).then Lender may do und
<br /> pay for whatever ls neassary to protect the value of the Property c�nd Lender's rights in the Propeity. Ixnder's aciions may �
<br /> include.paying airy sums sxured by a lien which haa priority over.this Securiry Instrument,�eppearing in coutt. payiqq
<br /> reasonable a.Kornys'fas and entering on the�'raperty to make repairs.Atthoagh Ltnder may take acdon under thia paragra�.+h '.
<br /> 7,Lender daas ttot have to do so. •.
<br /> . Any amounts disbursod by Lender under this p�agreph 7 shalt become additional debt of Borrow�r securaf by this � :
<br /> Secudty Insttument. Unless Borrower ond I.ender agrce to other terms of payment,_these amouats shsll bear in�erest fcom the
<br /> date of dlsbwsement at the Note rate and shall be paynbl�. with interest. ugon notice from Lender to Borrower reqaestinffi
<br /> PaYment. '
<br /> 8.Mort�ge Iacuraneg.If L.ender�equired mortgnge Insurc�nnce as a oondit�ou of makiag she loan secured by this Socariry
<br /> Instiument. Bonrower sha]g�ay the prem[umv rcquieed to m.�intain the mortgage insuraua in effect. If, for any reason. the
<br /> mortgage insurance covez.�s rcquired by I.ender lapseg or ceases to be in effect.Homower shall pay ttre premiums required to
<br /> obtain coverage subst�ntitilly equivalent to the mo�tgage insurance prov�ousiy in effect,at a wst substantially equivalent to the
<br /> oost to tiorrower of d�e rnortgage insurnnce previously in effxt. from un alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substantislly equivalent mortgage insurance ooverage is not avaitable.Borrower shall pay co Lender esch month a sum oqual to
<br /> one-tweifth of the yearty mortgagc insurance premiwn bcing paid by Borrower when the insuranoe rnverage tapsed or ceascd to
<br /> be in effect.Lender will accept,use and ntain these payments as a loss reserve tn lieu of mortgage Insunuioo. Loss rescrve
<br /> Foim 3�28 8/90
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