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<br /> TOOBTHER WITH uil thc imp�»vemente now ar hereafur emsted on the propeny.ARd AII Ci4�5 ppu�U n�2a�"
<br /> tixtures now or �ercAfter u part of tha pmperty A�� replacemente and udditlons ehnll al+;o be coverad by thix Security
<br /> Insuumcrt. All of the foregoing ia roferrcd to tn thia Security Instrument na the"Property•"
<br /> t30AP.OVJER COVBNANTS thnt Noerower is lawfuity seis��f t�e e�tate hereby cunveyed und has the right tu grant and
<br /> convey the Property tind thut the Property ia unPncumbered, exeept for encumbrsnces of nxord. Borrower wurrnttts uncl will
<br /> defend gcnerally the title to the Prapc�ty nSninst all claims and demands.RubJect ta uny encumbmncea of record.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMBNT combines unifor�n covenants Cor nutionul use and non-uniform wvenunts wifh limited
<br /> varindons�y jurisdiction to constitute a uniform aerudty instrument cavedng real pr�perty.
<br /> �� .._.a»...........�..� nd onran t!a F(�lIQWB:
<br /> UNiFORM CpYENAN I�.norruWC�wN..�.I�..Y.W.V.......�.—-p•-
<br /> D. Paymet�t oi P�Incipal and intern� PrePaYment and I.s�te Charges. Borrower shall pmmptly puy when duc the
<br /> principul of nnd interest on the debt ev�denced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> Z.Fuads!or Tazes and Lisur�ce• Subjert to applicable law ar to o written wuiver by L.ender, Borrower ahall pay to
<br /> Lender an the day monthty paymenta era due under the Note.until the Note is p�id in fuil.u sum("Funds')for.(a)yearly tt�x�
<br /> and assessments whtch may aitnin pdority over this Securlty Instrument as u lien on the Property:(b)YearlY leasehuld payments
<br /> ar graund rents on the Pcaperty.if uny:(c)yearly ha�ard or propercy i►�urancc prertduma�(d)yearly flood insurance prem�um.s.
<br /> if any: (e)yearly mortguge 3nsurence premiums. if any: und(fl any sums payable by Aorrower to Lender, in accordrmce with
<br /> the provisiona of paragraph 8.In lieu of ti�e paYment af mortgage icesw�nce premiuma.These items are cailed�Escco�u'Items."
<br /> Ixnder may.at uny cime.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federnlly
<br /> relsted mortgege laan may require for Barrower's escrow account under the federal Aeal.Estate Seulement Procedums Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Se�tion 2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another law ehat appUes to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may. at aaY dme.coltect and hold Fw�da in an amovnt not to exoeed the lesse*emount.
<br /> Lender may estimace the amount of Funda due on the basis of wrrent data and rea5onable estimatcs af axPenditurrs of future
<br /> Bscrow Items or otherwise 1n accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an insdtudon whose deposits are insurec! by a federnl agency, insteumentality. or entity
<br /> (including Lender.if L�ender is such an Institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bsnk.I.ender sball apply the Funds ta pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not ehnrge Barrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the esctow s000unt,or
<br /> verifying the F.�crow Items,unless Lendei pays Borrower iaterest on the Funds and applicable law permitx Lender to m�nut�
<br /> a charge. Bowever.T�ctder iit�y�t�ti;rC Btvstowes!a psy s atle�i3lnt charge far an independent Yeal estAte tax tepott�n$
<br /> a�sed by Lender in cunnertion wtth this loan. unless appltcable Iaw provides otherwise. iJnloss an agreeraent is made or
<br /> applicable law ra{utrea interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to paY BortoWer eny iaterest or earnings on the Fuuds.
<br /> Borrower and Lender may agree in wrltiag,however.that interest shall be paid on tlie Funds.Lender shal!giva to Bormwer.
<br /> without chacge.an annwil acoounting ef the Funds.showing craiits add debita to the Funds and the purpose for whic6 each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.Tbe Funds arc pledged ss addittonal ser,urity for all sums secut+ed by thts Security Instrument•
<br /> If the Funds beld by Lender excead the amaunts pem�itted to be held by appltcable law.Lender shall aaount ta Bon+owr,r
<br /> for the eacess Fw�ds in nxordenoe with the re9uirements of applicable law. If the amount ot'the FurtAs held by Lender at uny
<br /> time is not suffictent to pay the F.scrow Iterns when due.Lender may so notify Bormwer in wcidng,end,in such rase Horrower
<br /> shai► puy to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bonower shatl malce up the deScteacy in n� mone than
<br /> twelve moathly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thia SecwScy Insuument. 1.e►ider shall pxompUy r�iu►xi to Borrowcr any
<br /> Funds beld by Lend$r.If,under paragraph 21. Ixnder shall acquic�e or sell tha Property.l.ender.Pdor w ihe accluisition or sale
<br /> �f the property�s}�all apply any Funds held by Ixiider at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit aguinst the suma secured by
<br /> ithhis Securiry IASaumenc.
<br /> 3.Appitcattoa�f Paytaente.Unless applicahle law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender undec paragraphs
<br /> 1 end 2 shall be applied:first.w aay PrcpaYment churges duo�nder the Note;seoond.to aa�ounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> t6lyd.to tnterest due;fourth.co pr3n+ciPa!due;and last�to any late thaeges due under the Nou.
<br /> 4.Ch�rges;Liens.Borrower stiall pay all tax��.assessments,charges.fines and imposidons�ttributable to tiu property
<br /> which may attain priorlty over this Security Insuument. and leasehold payments or gcound nents. if any.Borrower shal�PAY
<br /> nhese obligations in the munner pmv idod in p�ragraph 2.nr if not paid in that mnnner.Borrower shall pay them on time dlroctly
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shall pmmptty fun►lsh to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid undes this paragraph.
<br /> If Bornower makes these paymenta dicecdy,Born►wer shsill pmmptly fumish to I.ender re�eipts evtdencing the paymenu.
<br /> Borrower shaU prompdy discharge any lien which hes priority over this Security Insttument unless Borrower: (�)agrees in
<br /> writing to the puyment of the obligation secured by the lien in a munner acceptable to Ixndet;(b)contesta in good fst{th the lien
<br /> by. or defenda against enforcement of the lien in, legul pra�edtnga which in the Lender's opinfon operaae to �rLvent the
<br /> enforcement of the Iten;or(c)saures from the hoider of the lien on agreement satisfttctory to Lender subordinacit�g the lien to
<br /> this Secudty Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Pruperty is subjoct to a lten which may attain.�rriority over
<br /> N.ds Socuriry Instn�ment.I.ender may give Borrower a norice idendfyin�the lien.Borrower shall sutfs�y the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noitce.
<br /> Fam+8028 8l90
<br /> Paps Z o}6
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