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<br /> 5. Hwrd or Prupsrty Insurance• Dorruwer shalf kap the impcavementa nuw exi�tfng on c�nufter erxiai m� the
<br /> pcaperty insural against luss by fire, hazards i�cluded within the term "extended coverago' and nny ather huzards.inrluding
<br /> tloads or flooding.for which 1.cnder ra�uir�es insurnnoe.This insutartce shu11 be maintoinod i�the amounts etrt for the perioda
<br /> that L�acder reqe�irRw. The ln�urnnce c�nirr pmviding the insurance shull be chosen by Borrawer subjett to Lender's approval _
<br /> which ehaU not be unraiwnsbly withheld. If Hortower fhils to maintajn coverage descrtbod ubove, I.ender may,at Le�wlet'e
<br /> optIon.obtnin ooverage to pn�tat Londer's rights in tl�e Praperty in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> AII insurance policies and nnawals shall be acaptuble to 1.onder enrl shall include a standard mortgoge clause. l.ender
<br /> �,:�::��:�;���,�,�.,w.��a�r,w^,I.e.w..wlc. If[ws�ler m.nwire:,9.Banower s6a11 pmmpdv sive so i.endsr all receipts of
<br /> paid premiunu c►nd�encwal nuttas•In the cvent of toss,Bor:ower shall give prompt notIr,e to thc insurunce cnrrter and I.ender.
<br /> l.ender may ma�ce proaf of(ass if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Ualess Lei►der and Borrower otheitivlse sgra in writi�g.insurana proctcds shall be applied to restorntion or repair of the
<br /> prnperty damaged.if the reswratIon or repair ia economically Q'easible and Lender's secudty is not lessened.If the reswratian or
<br /> repnir Is not Eroonomtcally feasiblt or Lender's secudty would be lxssened. the insurance pmoe�ds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> sesurCd by this Secarity insirument. whethcr or not then due,with any eaass paid to Borrower. If Horrower ab�ndons thse
<br /> Property.or das mt anawer wlthin 30 days a nodoe from I.ender that the uuurance c�arrier has offeral ta scttle a claim, then
<br /> Lender may oollxt tbe insurance pnoceeds. Lender may use tha pnoceebs to �epair or rescore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> &ecured by this Security hutru►►�it.whether�r not ihen duo.The 34 day period���ill be�►�srhtin the nntlee is�iven,
<br /> Uniess Lender and Bonower ot6erwIse a�+ce in writIng. any applicadon of prooeeds to p�incipal shail not extend or
<br /> postponc tho due date of the monthly payments referrod to in paragraphs 1 end 2 ar chaase the amowtt of the puyments.If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is aoquired by l.ender.Borrower's right to eny Insurunce polictes and prnoeeds resultit�g from
<br /> dazaage to the Property pr[or to the aoquisiden shall pass w D,xnder to the eatent of the sums secured by this Secudty Iasuument
<br /> ima�edtately prior w the acquisidon.
<br /> �.Qecupwncy�Pt+�servation,Maintmanoe amd ProtecUon ot tlte Propa tyi B�urcower's Loan AppUcadon;I.e�se6oldr.
<br /> Bom�wer shall occa�py.establtsh.and use the Property a9 9otrower's pr�ncipal t+�sidenoe wIthin siuty days after the eacxution of
<br /> tbis Security InsUnunent and s6a11 oontinuo to occupy the Proportp as Borrower's principal resideace for at least one yeu after
<br /> tP�e date of ooa�parN.y.unless L,ender osherwisc agras in w►iting. which oonsent shall not be unre�sonably withheld�cft uNa.e
<br /> eatenuaQiag circumstunoes exist whlch are beyocd Borrower's cuntrol. Borrawer sl�all rtoi desttoy. dams�ge ar irapair the
<br /> t�opetiy, att�i 'wt I-'t�-�ty�rs drxcriaraic�ar�tssts�.�te ost ske Pmgsny. B�re�v!�r�?!I tr_�dn�ic.�,u,lc if.an�e.f�rfeit�ne .
<br /> •ction or procaeding,whett�er civil or crimiaal.is begun that in L,ender's good feith judgmcnt could�rsult in forfeiture of the
<br /> Piroperty or otheiwise mater[elly impair the lien created by this Secudry Iustnunent ar Lender's security IatetCSt.8osmwec my
<br /> aua such p default and ninstate.as pmvided in paragraph 18.by cxusing the action or proceoding to be dlsmissod witb a ntlin�
<br /> that, in Lender's good faith determination. preclud�s farfelture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or otha m�tetial
<br /> it�pttm�tnt of the lien creacod by this 5ocurity Insa�umem or Lender's secvrIrto�inurest. Boirower shall ad:,o be in defs�uuit if
<br /> 8ortower.d�ring ihe[uan application prnoess.gavc materleUy false or ineocurate infocmation or statemmts to Lemer(or fatlod �
<br /> to pmvido Lender with any matedsl fnfom�tion)in connection with the loan evidencxd by the Note.tncluding,but not limitcd
<br /> t4.repre�its�d,ons oonoerning Bomuwer's occupancy uf the Property as a principal rr,sidenoe. If this Saurlry Insmunaa,�rfi§on a
<br /> - lease6old. Bomnwer sh�ll eomply with alt the P�vislons of the lease. If Bntrower acqutns fee fltle to the Pr+opwis.'yr. thc
<br /> leaaehold and tho foe dde shall not merge wtless Lender ag�+ees to the merg�r ia wrlt�ng. •
<br /> q.plrotactioe of I�eede�'s Wghts tn t6e Propa'tY.If Bormwer fails tv perfoim the oovenuus and ag�eements cont�irtad in
<br /> thie Security Insuurr�nt,ar tt�e�+e ia a legal proeeadin8 thai may significantly affect L�nder's dghts in the Pcnperty(such a�a
<br /> pnooeading la b�k�upery.pmisate.for oondcmnation or forfeIture or 4o enforce taws or regu�ations),tM.m Ltnder inay do�nd
<br /> pay for wiwtever is n�ry to pmtoct tke vaIue of the Property and Lender's rigitts in t7ic Pt�perty. Lender's actions mry
<br /> includo P'�Y�B �►Y su�s,sewcat by a llem whicb hes pdority ov�r ttus$�rity Insuumeat. aPpes�nq8 in oourt, P�Y�S .
<br /> . re�somble atwmeys'fbes`und entering on the property to make repairs.Althoug}i Lender may tAke acx�cm.ander tlns p�r�grq�h . ....
<br /> ��'�.t,ender does rat dave to do so.
<br /> .Any:dmounts disbursed by Leixler undcr this parogiaph.�s6ali beoome addltionat debt of Bomnwer suumd by thIs
<br /> , „ Securicy I'tissuurnent, ilntess Bom�wer and Laxier agra to othar�temu of payment.these emounts shall besic interest�iom the
<br /> ':.:'date of disMir3ement et the Note rate and shail be�ayablc. with intenst.upon riotiae frum Lender to Borrower c+equesting
<br /> . . PaYmeat•
<br /> 8.Moetgrga�ranoe•If Lendtr requiral mortgego insurance as a co�dition of maldmg the loar►sea�ral by t�is Securicy
<br /> imtrument. Bormwer shaU pay the,p�e�niums ra►uired to mairttdin the mortgage insuranoe in effoc�. If, for any reaspn.the
<br /> martgage insuranoe coverage raquirod by Lender lapses or oeases to be in cffect,Borrower shal!pay the prcmiums�equired to
<br /> obta�n coveragc subst�islly equivalent to the mortgage insurance prt,wIously in effax. at a eost substantiaUy'equivdent tu the
<br /> ' . cosc to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previovsly in effax.from ma altemate mortgags insurer epproved by Lender.If �
<br /> substantially oquivalent martgago insuranoe ooverage is not avaiiable.Borrower shall pay W Lender exh ux�nttt a sum e�ual to
<br /> m�rtwelfth of the yearly mortgage insuranoe pread�un being paiG by Borrower when the insuranoe ooverage lapse�ur aa.�d to
<br /> 6e in effea.Lender wiU aoocpt.use a�xi r�sin tAese paymenu es a toss reseNe in lisu of murtgage insur�attoe. Loss seserve
<br /> Fann 90R8 918�D
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