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<br /> TO(l6TEiER W1TH�11 the impravementa now or herafter erected on ehq prapeny.nnd sill easements.appuctenances;end
<br /> Gxcuces now or hereafter a p�st of the property. AI! replacer►xnta and addiNons ehull ulso be covered by thia Sccudty
<br /> Insttucncnt.AI!of the fone�oing ie refornci to in this Secarity Irattumant as the"Property."
<br /> B�RROWBR COVBNANTS that Aorrower ia lawNily seised of the eswte hercby oonveyed and has the right to grant u�d
<br /> a+nvcy thc Pro�rty cutd 1h�t th�Property is ��nr.nct�mbcreci, e�scept for enEUmbmrtces nf rccord. Borro�ver���arrnnts ertd wiH -
<br /> defend gencrally the title to the Property agdn�t�Il clalms u�d demandR,subject to aay encumbrances of rccord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines un9form cx�venanta for national use e��d non-untform cavenants wlth timlted
<br /> varl�t�ons by jur�sdIctian to constitute s uniform secur�ty instmment covering nnl pmpeny.
<br /> !)NMORbi COVENANTS_Barrowcrand Ir.nder esvcnsnt w�d aarec as&�llowx� '
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Prl�cipl end �atereat; Prspryirdent �nd Lnte Char�es. Borrower shall prompdy pay when due t!!e
<br /> principal of'and intercst on the debt evldenced by thc Note end sny prepaymcnt end late chazges dus under the NMo.
<br /> 2.FLad4 for T�a►es�utd Inwntt�ce.5ubJat to upplicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall piy to
<br /> Lendcr on We da�monxhly paymKnts are dua undor the Note.unul the Note is paid in tLQ.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly wces
<br /> ond assessaients which cnay att�in priortty aver this Securiry Lnsm►ment As a lIen on tho Ikoperty;(b)yeady leaselwld p4ynxnts
<br /> or ground�ents on tho Prop�rty. tf any:(c)YearlY hazard or property insurance premiu�:(d)Yearly ftood Iraura�ce pseustwns,
<br /> !f�ny:(e)YeArly mortgaga insuranx pnmlum.g.i�Y amr:end(fl Any sun�psyable by Bormwer to I.ender.in aeoocd�nc�wittt
<br /> the pmviaiom of paragmph 8,ira liw of the payment of mortgage insuranca premtums.These Items ere c�ilod `Lscrow[teaia."
<br /> t.�rdcr may. at any tlmo.coiloct wid hold Funds in an amount not to a�ocad the maximum amount a lerder for a fodc�lly
<br /> �elated mortgage toan may require for Aorrower's escrow eceount under tUa federa!Rea! Estate Sadement Pm�od�na.�ct of
<br /> 1974 ns amendod from time to ti.me, ?2 U.S.C.Secttoa 26Q1 et seq.("RESPA")�unless aiwther law that app�lies to the Fuads
<br /> sets a lesse�amount. If so� Lender may, at eay time.wllcct apd hold Fuuds!n an amount not to exoeed the le,uer rmnount.
<br /> I.erider may estiu►ata the amcwnt of FuMs due on the basia of eurnat dnta and reasonable estiatate.s of eacpe�nditures of future
<br /> Escmw Items or otherwtse itt eccon�ance with appltcable law.
<br /> 'Ihe Funds ahall be held in en lnsiitutlon whose deposits are insured by a federel agettcy. iashum�nta�ity, or emity
<br /> (tncladiag Lender,if I.etder ie s�ch nn lnatitution)or[n any Federal Hame Loan Bank.Le�er shall apply the Puxds W pxy the
<br /> Bscrow Items.I.erder msy not charge Borrowar for holding and applying ttse Fuuds.annualty analyzing the es�crow a000ttnt,or
<br /> • verifying the Fscrow Iums,Unless Lender pays Bonnwer interest on the Funds and applicable law peimita LeaQe�W"m�ke sucb
<br /> a charge.Howaver.i.ender enay �uire Borrower to pay a ono-tIme charge for an independcnt real estate Rax nporting servtce
<br /> - u�# tsy-�-F ia ttxt�tita�tt �ttt� #hIs-ios�-�. urdcss t�ppiic�Silc iuw pruvid�s otherwix. i3nIess an agraeuxrnt is msdo�r -
<br /> qrplicAble law reqpins Interest to be paid. Lender ehal!not be required to pay Borrower any intec�est or eirnings arr tbe Fuads.
<br /> Borrower and LeMer may agne in writing,dowever.that interest sdall be paid an th�Funds. Lender shaDl give ta,�omower.
<br /> , witiaout charge, an annual accounung of tbo Fwnds, showtng andits and debits to the Funds ead the purpose far whkh eacl�
<br /> deDit w the Funds was n'�sde. The Funds az+e picdged os add3tionul r,ecarity for�II swds securod by thia Secusity in�truma�i. '
<br /> Tf the Funda Letd by I.�ider exceed thc amounts permittal ta be held by applicable law.Lendor sl�ell awouat w Bormwer
<br /> for the excess Fu�}s in aceordance with tho nequle�ements of appllcable law. If the aznaunt of the Fwids held by I,et�dei at�ny �;
<br />' tlme is not sofficient to pxy the Escmw Items when du�.[.ender may so nodfy Borrower�n wridng.and,ia s¢ch c�se Bormwer.
<br /> adall PsY to Ler�der tha amount�cessary to makc up tke deficiency. Eorrowar shall mai�e up the de�iclency�in no mo�ttwa
<br /> twelvG rntmthiX WY��.#t Lender's sole discntl�n. � �
<br /> Upon psyma�t iri fiill Qf all sums seanod by this SecurEty Inswment,I.ender sdall pmmptly refund to Bor�wer a�y �
<br /> Funda held by I.ender.If,under pu*gr�gh 21. Lender sd�ll aoquir�or sell tha Property.I.ender,pdor to the wcquisttion o�'�s�te
<br /> . of Rhp Pm�erty.sh�ll yrply any Puads lxtd by Lender at the timG of acquisition or sale as a cndit againse the sua�n secar�ed by
<br /> dds:.��curity Ir�strucnent.
<br /> �., �.Appiication ot P�ynaeata.Unless appl�cable!aw pmWdes othcrwlse.atl paymeuts�+eoeivod by Lender uncica;,petagrq�Its
<br /> . l ud 2 shdl ba appllod: first,to enY Prepsyinent charges due�der tho Noto;seoond.tu amounts payable uoder p�agraph 2:.
<br /> ' third.to imereat doe;fourth, to pr3nclpal due;.�ii�d last,to any late chuges due under the Note.
<br />-'. �.Cpat�;1.teo�. Sorrower shall�ay ar�1 taxes,assessments,cl�arges. fines u+d imposiHons attrlbutabla to the Pna�perty
<br /> wf�ch mRy auai��pdoriCy o�er¢�t►is So�vrity Instniment,und iwsr.lwld payments or gropud�+eats.jf any. Bormwer ahaU l�Y
<br /> ttrae obUgatlans m the rhannsr�p'rovidt.d in paragruph 2,or if not paid ia.ttut n�utier,Borrower shali pey th�,m on 6medinctly
<br /> �to the pereon owud payment. Botruwer st�all ptomp8y fumish to I.eader all nottces of amounts to bb paid under this pa�g�aph.
<br /> ' If Borrower m�kes theat pryments diroctly,Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender reoeipts evidenclr►g tha payrnents.
<br /> . Borrower abal!promptlydischuge any I[en whtch has prloriry aver this Security Instrument unless Borrow�r:.(a)ag�es in
<br /> . writ.iz��to the payment of the obligntion secucad by the lien an a manner axeptable to L�nder,(b)contests in goo��'aith tlse lie'n
<br /> bf�;�or dcfonds against entor�emeat of the lten in, legal procadings whIch in the Lernier's opinion opefate tv prevent the
<br /> enforcement of thp llen;mr(c)sea�ns from the hotder of thc lien an agrecment satisfacWry to i.ender subordlnating the I ieu to
<br /> thia Secudty instrument. If Lender deurmiaes [Lut any part of the Pcope�ty �s subject to a lien which mny etwin priority over
<br />� thls Sa�urity Instrument. Lender may give Bomower a nodce identifyfng the lten.Ho�rower shall satisfy the lien or take ono or
<br /> more uf the a�xions set foitih a6ova wIthin 10 days of thc giving of notice.
<br /> , Form 9028 i/i0
<br /> v.o.zore
<br />