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<br /> �a� w�d or P�+o�tty lnsur�u�ee. Horrower shall icap tho improvementa now exiRting or bcreafter erectad on the
<br /> pmpcAy insurcd against loss by fire.hcizards incladed within the term"extended oaverage" and any other hazards. includIng
<br /> tloode�r Qooding. for which Ler�der requires fnsurunce.This insurance sli�ll be maint•rinr�t in the umounts um1 far the perials __
<br /> that Irender roqu4res.The insurance cnrrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borcower su7�jxt to�.ender"s approval
<br /> rr
<br /> wfilch Rhall c�t bo unreasonably withheld. If Aonower fails to maintuln coverage described above, Lendcr may.at i.,ender's
<br /> �tinn.�+lusin cnear�ae w t�rotect L�nder's rlghts in the Property in accordance wtth paregraph 7.. _, __�__.» ,.►M.� �..,,a..
<br /> � Ail insuranco poli�ies and rar�twals shall be acpePtable to lxnder ena snwi �nciuiu a aua,w�� ���..,.s�a� �.�-. -------
<br /> stwll hAVe the right w hold tho nolicies nnd renewals•If I,.ender ezqufres,Borr�wer shai!pmmptly gtve to Lendes elt realpta of
<br /> poid petmiums arn!rcnewal notices.In the event of toss.Sotrower shaii g�ve prompt notice to the insurarece cerrier anct 1 ender.
<br /> L.ender mry malce proof of loss if nat msde promptiy by Borrower. r of the
<br /> Unl�ss ixnder and Aomower otherwise agrco 1a writl�g,insurance pr000ede�hall be applied to restoration or repiti
<br /> p,roperty dart�aged.if the restoration or:tipair is economleally frasible and Lender's secuciry ia not lessened.If the regwratton or
<br /> rr.pair is not economically feasible or Lender's sseudry woutd be lessened.the Insurance prouads shall be applled to the cums
<br /> secured by this S�citdry Instrument,whether or not then dae. with any excess paid to Bormwer. If Horcower abandons the
<br /> Raprttyr.or daes sro!angwer withia 3A days a notice from Lender that tha insnrance cazrier has offered to Settle a claim. then
<br /> L.ender mey cuUxt thc insurance pmceeds. i.ender may use the proaeds to npaic or nstore the I'roperty or w PeY su�i�s
<br /> sccurod by this Secudty I�utnur�ent.whether or not then duo.The 30-day perlod w111 begin whea th�nodce is given.
<br /> licallon of rocads to rinci al shull not eatend or
<br /> Unless Lendet and Hormwcr othenvise agree in wridng.uny app F P P
<br /> postpone the due d�ta of tha montlily payments nftrrcd w in paragrepha 1 and 2 or chauge the amounc of the puymente. If
<br /> w�der paragraph 21 the Pmperiy Is acquired by Leuder,Borrower's right to any insurance polieies and pc�eds�esWtiag fmm
<br /> dunage to the Praperty prfor w the acyuisItion shall pass to Lendor to tho extent of the snrn5 secured bY this Security Ias�umettt
<br /> imnxdis�tely prior w the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Oocup�nc9.Preservati�oa,Maintenanae�d Protectton o!the ProP�riYi Botrower's Loyt�s Ap�tQkatbn;I�hold�.
<br /> Horrower sliall oxupy,estabtish.aMl uso the Property es Hor1'ower's ptincipal residence within s�ty diys after the�oc�cion o�
<br /> tids Savrity?�ntrumer�t aixi at�aii coniinu�ta cxxupy thc Pt+��rty as 8orro+3ra's prin�ipai r�cidence for at least om year ufter
<br /> ����,�,n,�c�,s,n,less L�der otherwr�aA�es ia writing.which wnseat shalt not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> exlenuatIng cfrcumgtances eaist which are b�yand Borrower's coatrol. Bosrower st�all not ciesuoy. da�B�o�' ��'�
<br /> property. �Ilow the Property to deuriorate.or c�unmit waste on the ProperRY. Bosrower shaU be in default df any forfeiture
<br /> accion or prooeeding,ah�thu civil or criminal, i�begun that in Leader's good faith judgment could result ia forfeitu�+e of tho
<br /> Property or otherwlse muerially impair the llen creatod by thia Sxurity Iasmunent or Lender's securiry interest.Borrower sse»y
<br /> c�r'cs such a defeul¢and ninstate,as provided in parngraph 18, by causing tfic action or proceeding to be dismissed w�a���
<br /> thAt, ia L,ender's gopd faith deurminfulon.precli�des forEeitum of We Borcower's inurest in the Property
<br /> • imp�trn�eM of the lieu cn;ated by this Socudty Insuument or Lender's security inumst. Borrower ahall alsc�be in default if ,
<br /> Borrower,dudng the loan ap}�1�cation pmcess.gaye maudally felse or jnacc�urate i�formation or statements w Leader(or feilod
<br /> to provide l.enckr whh eny roaterial infomoatton)in oonnecttan with the loen evidenad 6y tha Note.inclnding.but t►ot limitod
<br /> to,represenwNons oonceming Borrower's oocupancy of tho Property as u RdnciPal restdence.If this Security Instumer►t is on a
<br /> leasehold, Boarower sh�ll comply w[th ali the provtsions of We teise. If Borrower acyuires fee dtle to the Pmpqsty+. the
<br /> l�asehold ud the fx Htle shall not merga unless Lecider�Borrower fails to perform�the covenants and agraanents aontainal in
<br /> 7.Protectbn oi Lender's Rights In t5e Property.
<br /> this Security Ic�strument.or there is a tegai praceodiag that may slgaificantly affoct Lender's rights in tha Pc�opertY(such�s s
<br /> proca�ding In baakruptcy.Probate.for oondemnation or forfe�ture er to enforoe laws or regutatians).thea 1.ender may do�d
<br /> pay for whakcwer is neaessary to protat thc vralue of the Property and 1Lcnder's righta in the Pxoperty. Lender's actIons may
<br /> include p�ying any sums securod by a [ien wbich has priodty over this SxurIty Inscrument,,epPearitn8 in couct. p�yta8
<br /> rcasonable attomey9'foes and enuring on the Praperty ta make repairs. Aith�ugh Leudar may take actton unc�er thIs puagcaph ,
<br /> ..
<br /> 7;Lendcr does not have w do so.
<br /> � pny amounts disbursed by Lsnder w�der this paragcaph 7 shxll beoomo additianal debt of Bomower secured by lhis
<br /> Security Instroment. Unlsss Born�wer and 1.ender agree to ather terms of paya�ent,these annot�nts shail tkar interc.st from ths
<br /> date af disbutstment at the P1ote rate and shali be payable. with inte�est, upon nodce from Lencler to Boi�oK'er mNes�nB
<br /> paycnent.
<br /> 8.Mo�ttiage Imurana.If I,ender required mortgage insurance as a eondition of msking the loan socural by tl�iis Sacurlry
<br /> Instruroent. Borrower sttall pay the premiusis na9uired tb melntain the martgage insuran�in effect. If, fur any reason, the'
<br /> mortgaga insurenoa coverage re�uired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shaU pay the prem�ums required to
<br /> obtain coverage substantiaUy equivalent to the mortgage tnsurance pteviously In sffect,at a cost substant{ally eguivaleat W the
<br /> cost to Bon�wer of ttte mostgage insuranoo prevtously irt effect, firom an altemate mortgage insurer appravod by Lender. tf
<br /> snbst�u�dally•cquivalent martgage insltranre covernge is nat available,Bonower shall pay to I.�nder each munN a sum cc�ual to
<br /> one•cwclfth af the yeaTly martgega insurance premium being paid by Borsower when thc insucanct coveraga lapsed or ccasad to
<br /> . be in effect.Lensier wlll accept.use and retnin these payments as a loss reserve in fieu of martgage insucanee. Loss reserve
<br /> Wrm 3028 8l80
<br /> aswame
<br /> � i . •
<br />