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<br /> � TOQBTH�R WiTH ali tho improvements naw or heteuRer erecttd an thn pmperty.urtd uil easementH,appuRCi�ances,aixf
<br /> fixtuna� naw or heretlfter a part uf tho pt�perty. All tepl�oements and �fdition.r xhwll alxo bc aaver�l by thi� Secu�ity
<br /> Instrument. Atl uf the foregoing ig referrod ca in this Secudty Instrument us the"Fcoperty.`
<br /> BORROWBR WWENAN 1S that Hanower i��awPolly scisal of the t�twttl I�reby convey�l a�xf f��y tho rlgt►t ta grant ntui
<br /> convey the Property wtd that tho Ptoperty is unencumbercd,excep!for encumbnnccs oP ra�rd. Borrowcr w�rcan�s and wriU
<br /> defend gerierally the dtle t�the Property ags�inat all ciaime a�d demanAo,aubJ�ct ta uny cncumbrances of rccard.
<br /> THI$SECiJR1TY IMSTRUM6NT combines untfarm rnvans�nts ior nationaf u�se ancl non-unifarm covenants with limited
<br /> varfattons Dy�urlsOiCttan to aonstttutc a unlfornt secueiry inwtcument oavering rad praperir. '
<br /> UIVIFORNd COVBNANTS.Iior�nwer and Lendcr covenunt ariJ agr�ee oa foltawa:
<br /> 1. Pay�ent of Prindpd �nd I�ptc�sst; Prep�yrnmt �ml I.xte Clwr�ed. Bosruwer shalt promptty pay when due the
<br /> principat of�nd interest an the debt cvldeneed by the Note an�any prtpiyment and lxte charges due under the Note.
<br /> Z. �nd+for T�es and I�urapoe. Subjoct to appticabl�law or to a written waiver by I.ender, Borrower sball pay to
<br /> Londer on the day manthly peyment�are due under the Note,untll the Nute is paid in fLll,a sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly t�uces
<br /> end usessments which may attain prlority over this.Saudry Insuument as a Ifen on the Pr�pecty;(b)yeariy leasehold payments
<br /> or ground rents on the Property.if a�sy;(c)yauly hezacd or property insurance prsmIums;(d)yearly tluod insuiance prcmiuma.
<br /> iP s��y:te)yearly mortgage tnsuraf�ce premiums,if any;artd(fl any sums pa}+abla by Borrower to Lender,in aoeat�dance with
<br /> the provlslons of paragraph 8.In lieu of the payment of mortgage inaurance prominms.These items are callod"Escruw Iteans."
<br /> L.eodcr may.at sny time. ooqocc and iwid Fwids in an amount e�ot to exaod the maxiraum amounc a IenBer for+� federally
<br /> cIIlatod mortgage loan may reqWre for Borrower's escmw account under the federa!Real Estnte Settlement Proocduras Act uf
<br /> 1974 as amended from dmc to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 e1 seq. ('R.BSPA").unless another luW that app)!es to th�Fuads
<br /> seta a lesser amount. If so. L.ender ma,y.at any ti�ae, oollect and hold Funds in en amount not to escood the less�r adwunt.
<br /> Lender mry.estimate tiu anwunt of Funds due on the bagis of current data a�reasonabte esdmates of expenditures oA futcu+e
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in aeeordanoe with appiicabte law.
<br /> The Fur►ds shal! be held tn an Inst�tudon whose deposits are iasured by a federal agency. instnuaentel�ty. ot eatity
<br /> (inclnding Lcnder.if Lender is such an institution)or ia any Pederal Home I.oan Bank.L.ender shel!apply thc Furds w pay tha
<br /> Sscraw It�r.is.[.Ende.-may nat charge Baerowcr for holdicg and eQplYiag the F�ds.annua4Qy nnalyxin�the e.�owv e!x�+unt,nr
<br /> verlfying th�Escrow Iums�uNess Lender paya Borrower Interest on the FY�nds end applIcable taw pemiits Leader to m�lce such
<br /> a chaYgo.I�owever,Lender may requine Bornuwer to pny a one-ti�ne ohsrge for an independent real estate te�c reporting se�vioa
<br /> used by T.ender in oonnACdon aith tltis ioan. unless applicable law pmvidos otltetwise. Unless an egroement is made or
<br /> appltcub'ip law cequires idtere�t to�+e paid. Leader shall not bc raJuined to pay Born,wer any lntet+est or eamings on tha Fuads.
<br /> Bonvwer and Lender au�y agree�i►�wrIti�g. however,that in�r�st shaSl bo paid on thc Funds. Lender shall g[ve to Horruwer.
<br /> withoiit chargo. an annual accouAting of tho Funda,showing credits and debits w tGe FLnds and the putpose for which e�ch
<br /> , Rfebit to the Funds was made.The Funds ere ptadgad as additional secuaty for ell sucns secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> " If the Punds hetd by I.ender exaod the ampants pertniued to be held by applicable law,I,ender sludi axAUnt W Borrower
<br /> for ti�e excasa Funds in acoordance with the ttiqu'icemeats of applicablo law.If the amaunt of the Funds held by Lender et auy
<br /> • time is not�sufficient to pny the$scrow tums when dua.Lender may so ndify Bomower In writir�g,and,in such cs�se Bormwer
<br /> sh�(t pay to I.ender the amount na�,ssary to mske up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficIency in ao more than
<br /> tweive monthlY paYmenta.et I.ender's sole discntion.
<br /> Upon ptyar,�t in futl of all sums secural by this Securlty Iasuuznwt. Lender sdatl prompdy refuud to 8orrower any
<br /> �r�la heW by[.ender.If,under pan�rnph 21,Lender shall aoquire or sclt the Property.L.erakr.prtor W ihe acquistdon or sale
<br /> of ihe t'roperty.shitl apply any Funds hctd by Lcnder at thes ame of aoc;u9attion or s�le as a credtt agqinst tbe sums sxurc�by
<br /> thts S�+,c�rity lnstiument. . •
<br /> 3,:'�lpplicatba ot PqYmeMe.Unless applic,uble law pmvIdes otherwlse,aU paymetits roaived by L,¢nder under Pae�gnphs
<br /> I urd`?,shal!bo�aed:first.to any pnpayment charg�s due under tLe Nofe;second.to amounts.pR}rAble under para�raph 2;
<br /> ,tbird,iti interest dc�a;fourth.to principal due;suid last,to any lata charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ch�e�cs;I.ieas.Borrowcr shai!pay a!1 tax�, assessments,charges,fines and imposItIons atu3butable to the Y'roperty
<br /> which may atmin priarity over this Security lnstrwaent,and leasehold paymemts or ground rente, if any. Borrower shall p�y
<br /> ttkse obligations in the mantixr provtded in�acagraph 2.or if rtot patd in that mantkt,Bomower shali pay them on time dinctly
<br /> ' to the person owed paynKnt.Rorrower shal!prpmptly ti�miah to Lender a11 nosioea of irmounta ta.be paid under this paragr�ph.,'
<br /> Yf Borcower maices these payments directly, Botrowts sh�ll pmmptly fumish to[�ender�xipts evidet�citsg the payme�►ts. '
<br /> , Hcirrowa shall pmmptly dissb��rge any lten which has priotity over this Saurity lustKUment unless Borrower: (aa�gnxs in
<br /> wrcinng to the payment of the obligation secured by th•lien in e manner aooe{►table to��,bnder;(b)oontests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defenda against anforom��cnt of the lien in, Iegal pm�aedinga wh[ch in the I.cnder's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcemrnt of the lien;or(c)secures from tha�older of tlie lien an a�+�ment satisfactory W Lender 5ubordinaUng the lien to '
<br /> this Sec�dty Insccument. If L.ender determines that eny part of the Property is subject to a lien whieh may attain p�i�rlty over '
<br /> this Sectuity Instrument,L ender m�give Bornuwer a notiee identifying the I�e�.Bomower shall sattsfj�the lien or tt+f;e one or
<br /> mote of the actiona set forth abore within 10 days of the glvjng of notice. � ;
<br /> Form 5028 9/90.
<br /> - Pape 2 0/8 .
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