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<br /> I�10N-UNIFOFtM�VBNANTS. Borrowcr and I,ender tluther cavenant And�agree uq followa:
<br /> 17, FancloRnre Yroo�due� I[Lendata�uL�es immediue payment in fl�l�under par�agraph 9.I.�nder mny Invoke the
<br /> power of sale and my otber�emtxlias�crmtttad bY lls�bk law. Lender shall be endtlqd to oolkct all eapenaes incumed in
<br /> puntuing�be rcmedies provld�d in this�ugraph 17�luding,but not llmlttd to,re+;soanble ntt�omcyr' fas and costs of dde
<br /> avidelnrcehe�or�er ot ak ic Wvok�d.Tcwtde ab�l{resae+d a notioe ot detRUlt In e�ch rnwity tn whkh any part ot the
<br /> Pr�erty M loated�ed�!t��Y aC rut�taHce hi tbe aa�amer pteacribed b�+�pplior�ie lAw to Botyower�4 ta -
<br /> !!�e MAee�pe�soar Qetpcelbed by ip�bie 1*w. A1ter tre tlme We+ed by�ppHcabie I�w,Tnut�e,�11 dti'e Iw�Alk
<br /> e
<br /> dotiee ot ak to tl�e peso�u�urd!n tbe nMnner���by ble b�w. '!'nu+rta.wk6out daa�nd oa Bon+o�►er,
<br /> s6W�d We�r+opat9 at p�b�c�actlon to tba b�der�R t�me a�!p4�+��a tf►e tera�e d�ted fo
<br /> tbe nM1ae et pa�e tu�a�qc.mon4 wrodi#nd ta anv oeder Tnzatee dete�r�atna. Tnnta nur eak of'dl or�W
<br /> ��Y P����Y a�t AQ 4bC Wne aqd Pfn�6[cnY P��9����wiie. i.a�der oc ns
<br /> ..UPon�eo�t ot p�Yp�ent ot the pdoe bid,Twtee a�afl ddivar W t6o put+chaxr Tnutee's deed oonveyinQ tho -
<br /> Rebpe�t�. Tbe�M In t6e T�ute�'s deed�hwq be pdtn�t�ck evide�noe ot t6e trutlt ot the rtahm�nts�ude fba+dn:
<br /> �u�ta sltW�ppiy the.proae�ds ot tbe eale In ehe fdb�ankn ta) to�ll me��u►d expeara o!acescl�tbe
<br /> poaer ot ade,a�ad the aaie,t�xlt�diei�I»Y�►t oi the TnWee'�fas�etwlly ipcurred,not to;exoad tive' 96
<br /> ot t6e principd�motuit d the nnte 4t tUe thne d tbe dod�entbn ot dd�alt,aml raeonAhie�ttaraeys' f�n n
<br /> pamitted bJ'l�w:(b)to rl eumt aea�red by tl�ie Seadt�taehnn�nti�1(c)a�'exaas tu HNe pereon or Qeison
<br /> �S��utlthd b k ..
<br /> i�+ R�copve,+Woe. TJ n p�yment of all sums s�uned by tdis Security Instcum�at, LcAder shall roquest'I�usue w
<br /> e
<br /> neconvey the Propaty a�ad �11 sumendcr thts S�urlty Insmunent and all aotes evWa�cing�dcbt socured by thia Socurlty
<br /> Inswmeat w Ttvske. Tivsta shall raconvey t�t�te Pcoperty wtthout watranty end without c erge to the person or persc�ns
<br /> Ieg�Uy mfltlod w it. Suc�t�rson or persons shall pny eny nooidadon costs.
<br /> i!. SvbdlRnte Tnutee. I�ender at iu option.may from Hme w dme nmovo Tiusua and appoint s suoassor uustae to :..
<br /> any'1'cusue yPpoinud huewider. Without conveyenoe of the Pmperty. �he suoxssor tiusta sdau succad co all the tltle, ,
<br /> power aad duaes confemed upoa'llcustoe herefa abd by applicable law.
<br /> ior Notlee�. �omuwer c+eyuests that copks of the noHces�f default and sale ise sent to Bom�wer'a addi+ess
<br /> whtc��tf�e�/�Address.
<br /> lt�ns to thi�r 3oq�rit�InWnm�at If apG or more riders are oxocuted by Bott�wer eud nxorded WgWia with tbis
<br /> Sa,vrity inauvmtn�, tha cnver�nta of each suCh,rider shall be incor(soret«i into end shall amend aad supplema►t tbe
<br /> ca�asa�L and ts of t�Lg 3xudry Insuumeat as If d�rkkr(s)were in a pa�t of thia Sec�i�r Inett�at
<br /> �r-h�k.a�ttc�6��1. �.
<br /> ❑,�nl��� � o���y����. aGrowingEq�ityRlda
<br /> � . oPlamfad�UnitDevebpma�tRider o��5�� .;� „�
<br /> • � . �BY 5I4N1NCi BEIIAW,Bomowa acapt�►s�nnd aga,v to the terms wn�inod in pages 1 through 4 of Wie 3aac;nwiity
<br /> lASpiime�►t�nA in•any rida(a)tacavted by BoROwer ead tr�orAed wid►(t, � „
<br /> .. Wimess: • ' .
<br /> � � � .. /'".ZS.f� �7. � .,
<br /> � ! �r. .��—
<br /> PNIIJ.IP �A� . LII�k F FA�l1�t
<br /> , � (Seai) , (5eai)
<br /> Borcower , �
<br /> . ., (Sea!? , • B«ro�+rei
<br /> . Barowu .
<br /> ' ��� .���
<br /> Sac[�wu ,��
<br /> STATE OF NESRASKA, �W1. County ss: '
<br /> -�thia E2nd d�►y of .Septe�ber, 1995 .befon me,the unde:eigned,a No�y
<br /> �'u61j,C dWy comcnisssiantd md quaifted for said oounty.personallY� PHILi.IP R pAltl�t,Atib LII�A �
<br /> PA�IUSBAND APD 111IFlE ,
<br /> , � . .to me known to be the •
<br /> � � idtatipl person(s)whoKO n�me(s)ere subscribed w ihc foregoing Inauum�nt and acknowkdged thc exocution dtacof to Ec
<br /> their voluntary act aad doed.
<br /> .Witncss my hand ead aotatlal seal at C�ArID.ISLRND in said ca�unry.the
<br /> �1ate ufor�satd. .
<br /> . /.��_ . �� !!bf e
<br /> My Commis�ion expins: Nota rubttc
<br /> ry
<br /> GENE�AI OiMC-5�11lIe6�xY� A L It�
<br /> ' fxR1�AJ�J01l7! '
<br /> The undersignai is.the holda of the note or aotes secured by this Dad of Tivst Said nate or notes.wgether wiW�ll
<br /> other inslebtedness sxuml by this becd af Tcust,hnve ban paid in t�U. You ore hcnby d�+oCted w canal said n000 or not�.w
<br /> end this Dxd of Trust,which aro deUvered hemby.and W reronvey�withaut watrunry.aU the estnte now heId by vou under
<br /> thts Doed of'il�ust to tAc pe�son or petsons legally entitled thento.
<br /> ti�°
<br /> Date: ��'�i
<br /> , (Page 4 oJ4 pngra)
<br />