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�" ' ;1' . , . • 1 1' ��,�„r�c_� <br /> �M " ',�� • � ![�' .�iuJ9.'.—. . �� __ :r..-- - <br /> • , „ - '--- — ���`eS�lls��lWT��.. j'���,_.. :�S-2fi�T� �_ -'�• _�—_ <br /> ..�..r.- r_-,�an.m�=—. � <br /> ----. . _ _. _ . __ _ �.. <br /> — �--��---- .. . .. <br /> 95-�.U���9 -- <br /> 7. Condemnntbn. 'tito procetda o8 any ewnrd pr claim for damage.9.dir�ct or consequentfal in canncxdon wIth any <br /> enndesnnpttcyn ar other taking of any purt of the P�npen�y.or for eonveyunce In plaee of condemna�cn.are hereby assi ned <br /> 0 <br /> mid xhxil bo patd to I.en�er to the extcnt of the full amount of tha indebtWne�+thut remnins unp�ld under the Note aut thia <br /> Sccurtry inatrumen� l.cnder ehdl upply xuch procoeds w the t�educdon of tho indebtedness under thc Nose und this 3ecuuiry <br /> GixWtmnt, fln+t ta any dciinyuent anount� npplied in the order pmvlded ln Porogcnph 3. and then to prepayment of <br /> pdrcslpN. Any applicuduu uf the prcK:cui�+ tu the prlaclpal ek�nat extend �r�gtp�ne the due dnte of tho monthly � <br /> prymcntx, which aro refeaed to in PareBeuph 2,or change the amaunt of such paymenta. My excesa pmceeda over an <br /> atmwnt roqulc�ad toppy rll ou�9tanding indebtedneR.9 under the Nota ehall be puid to the cn8cy legally endtled thereto. <br /> tl. F�cs. Lender mny coilect fas und rharges autharized by the Sercetary. <br /> 9. Orounds[or�lcceks�tbn ot l�eb� <br /> tal t��lt. I.eudar mav.�uecent as limited by reguiudona Issued by the Sxretary in tho case of pAyment defuul�9, _ <br /> rcyuiro imme�isuo payment in full of aU sums Recuren cy�his aecudq i�nuua�an�u: _ <br /> (i)8otrower def�ultR by fatling to pny ln full iuty monthly puyment required by thia Securtry Inssrument pdor <br /> ta or an the due date of tha n�xt monthly pnyment,or <br /> (ii)Bom�wcr defaulGV by fsiling.for tt period of thi�ty days,W perform any other obligatiana contalned In thIs <br /> Securlty insWment <br /> (A)B�b Wlthaut Credtt Approvd. Lencter sholl�If pexmitted by applicuble law cu�d with the prtor approval of the <br /> 5crreterY.require immrdtnte puyment in fiill of ap the sumq sxurai by thia Securtty Instnumnt lf <br /> a+►hAerwlce aa sfer ed(o�ther�hen by ddvlse ar dicscent)by the Bosowe 8�d or part of the Propeity,is sold or <br /> (it)Tlus Property ie not occupied by the purchaser or gcanteo ea hts ar her prineipr�l residencx.or the purchaser <br /> or grentso doe� so occapy tho !'roprrty but hia or her c�xiit ha�'not I�een appraved in arcordas�ce - <br /> with the requiremeR�g of the 3a�retary <br /> (e)No Wdrer. IP circumatances occur thut wouldpermit Lender to require immedlate payment in Poll,but i.ender <br /> daes not�y ufro auch pay mcnta.Lender does not wa�ve Ita righte wIth respect to subsequem eventa. <br /> (d)KeRui�ib»ot HUD 8ecret�q'� In many clrcwnstanas reguladons iasued by the Sccntary will limit Lendes's <br /> Nghu� io the casc of paym�ent defuults, to rEquire immediate payment in Poll and forecloso if not paid. This <br /> Secur�ty[neUUment doea not uuthorl�.e acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by c�egulndons of the Sxretary. <br /> (�)Moet��e Not Itrured. Bosower ageees that should this Securiry Ins�nt aad the note secured the�ym nhoe <br /> bo eNgibla for inaurance under the NnNonul Housing Act wlthin 8 nonths <br /> d�u hcreof,Lender itx opdnn end notwithstandlag anything in PeraBraPh 9�r'�9uire;m�lat°paYmeAt ia <br /> ti�ll of o11 nums r�ecured by tMis Sxudty InsuumenG A wdtten staument of any authorized agent aY the Secretary <br /> deted eubscqurnt[u 8 bont fram the date kereaf,dteW�Iag w ittaum thiR Securiry - <br /> tneuument and the�ote xecured�he�y,shetI be damest cxnn:tualvE praaf af su�incSgib33ity. I3an:�ls4srtsadis:g . <br /> the fot�going.this opdon may rtot be e�erclsu!by Lendcr when the unavailabillty of lasuranca Ia solely due to <br /> l.ender e failure to remit n mortg�go inRUmnce premiwm co the SecretaiY• <br /> 10. ReltifatenKn� Bm*rower has a dght to be reinststed if Lend�r has required iramedtatepayment ia ful!bccause of <br /> Hc�crower a fitlure to pay an amount due under the Nou or this Securlty Instcuuxnt This dght epplies•evea eftar forcctos�ue <br /> ��d inj�an inadtutod. To relnstate the 5ecurIty Inswmen�Bonower ehaU tender la a iump eum a�l amounta requi�ed to <br /> 6rin�{BwYnwa'e Bxount cun+ent tho exunt they aro obl3gadons of Borrower under tdis Securlty Jnsnvment, <br /> foroctaure coa� anA rc�somble end cuatom�y�attomeys' fxs and expenses pmperly agsocietad with tbe forxlosure <br /> �xeedia . Upon rcimtuement by Bocrower.ttiia Securicy Iasuument and tha obligedons that it secures shall remaia�in <br /> effect e�f�l.endcr hd not roquired immcdlaGO payment in fuU. However.Lender is not roquirGd to pecrnit relnstatement ifc <br /> t�)lRnder h��ceeptAd «inatatement uiter the commertament of forxlosure proccedings wldiln two Yeazs immsdiatety <br /> �x�acedtn thn commenament of a cument forcclosure procadtn8,<!i)reinstatement wiU proclude fq reclosure on diffenat <br /> Rround��n the Nturo.or pi�)rctmtaumxnt wW adversely affe�tt the prloriry of tha lien creAtcd by this Securlty Inatrument. <br /> 1�. roreower Not Rskasedi �o�� by Leader Not a Wdrer. Bxtension of tha dma of pay meat or <br /> modifkdio�►ot�unortJ9tation ot tho sums secural by this Securlty Insnument granted by Lender w any.suooessor in intenst <br /> oP Huaower xhdl not operate to rele�e tde Qabitity of the orlg3nal Bonower or Boirower's succes�dr in interest. I.ender <br /> �lall nui Ne uired to camnxnoo prooeedinge ag�inst aay sucxessor in interest or refuse to aeoend dme for pa nt or <br /> ��w�� md�y v►wttizadon of tbe sums sxuctd by thia Saa�rlty Wauu�nent by rc�.son of eny demond �y the <br /> url�{n�l H�xmwer or Elorrower'd sucxxssors in interes� Aoy focbearu►ce by i.eader in oaercjsing any dght or remedy shall <br /> n�N be N w�lver�f ar p�aclude tbr e�nlae of�ny right or c�emedy. <br /> 1�. Ka�o�om w�d AMI�s Boitadi Jofat�ed 5everd LLMl�tyc Co-Stsnere. The covens�ts and ta of this <br /> t��urfly ►nwtrumatt ahtll bind attd beneflt tho eucoessors and es�igns of Lender end Boirower.sub�ect to t�he�pro�visions of <br /> {'�e�rp�h g(b). Bexrowcta coven�nta and ments ehell be�oint and severat. Any Borrower wfio co•sIgns this Se¢ueisy . <br /> Intittumq�t Nui dn+e�nnt executo tho Noto: (a ia co-si nin this�5ecurity Inateurnent only W mort�gaga 8���d convey that <br /> Hixmwer'�+Interent in tho Anperty undcr tlw terma of t��x�ty Insaumenx(b)is uot personaUy obllgatal to pay tha sums <br /> ���o���wc�:ommai�Uo wlth re8ard m�o teemscof t1►t�dSe�ctiity Inst�ument r�the Note wItho�ut'd�B rmwe�fs <br /> cun�etn. , <br /> 11. NMkv�r. Any n�tico ta 8nrrowcr providod for in this 5ecurlty Instrument s6aU be gtven by deUvering it or by <br /> nu►illn� It by tirFt cix�x m�tl unle.r� a+^plicablo lew eoquires use of another method. Zl�e notia shall bo dirocted to die <br /> Pn�rity A�irc�M ur Nny whar addrcsy�urrow�er designates by nodca to i,cnder. My nodce w Lender shaU be gIven by first <br /> �:I�u�m�fl to lxn�ie�'x nddrcxa Rtated hcrcin or nray Lendet designaus by nofloe to Bomdwer. Any notic� pmvtdal <br /> f�x(n Ihb 5aurity[n�trument Ritdi bo deemod w hwve ban given to Sorrower or Loadcr wAen glven as pr�vided in this <br /> ���� bl�ty Thtx Saur[� InaWment ehali be govemed by Ftderal law and ttte law of the <br /> 1 . �tlarerninx la�w� 8eret� . <br /> Jud�4�ti�x►�n whkh the Propeity i�loca�ed. (n the even @tet eny pc+eviaion or clause of tWs Saurity Iastivment or the Note <br /> �ti�►flk1�wlth rpplkNhb I�w.nunc�oaQict eh�ll not affec�other provisions of thia Sxurfty inatcument or the Nou which can <br /> Iw Ivtn eTfect wfthuut Eho confllcdng provlslon. To this end the pmvisions of this Secuety Instrumont aad the Note are <br /> �k�:�wcd t+�1+�+�cverwbk. <br /> �!, Numiwer'w Cupy. H��nnwer�hnll bo given one confarnx�cupy of this Security InahumenG <br /> A. Ap�pip�fNnA�enmt rot�t mltenl�• Bnrrowcr uneortdlUnnally nss��ns and tmnsfere to Lender�the�ni n a�oen�u��f <br /> ��s��� �. ■i4,�1�1^►'.,"""'.•�iC'IA�IAICI�II�{LIIO�L 1(f�{:IIV1 W W1fW�Yti�H�W mir�v�w�ws�w��.ww� ��� ���.�_.._-_. <br /> �An lhupr�ty tu{+uy tlto renty tu I�cndcr�r l.cndcr'n ugcn�. However.prlor to Lsnder's nocice to Bornower of Bomower's <br />- 1►r��h��i'Nny c��venNnt ur ugrecnxnt In the Sccudty InRttumen�Borrower shall coll�xt and receive all rents and revenues of <br /> �t�I�r�Hxrt��r tru�tcr fur�ha henctlt of Lcndcr imd Boimwcr. 1UiR a�lgamsnt of rcnts consdtutea un ubsolute assignment <br /> a�ul u,N wn N,+IKmi�cm!'i�r u�kfUtunul�;ccurtty anly. <br /> lt I,ei►+kr�Ivr�nntl��e nf hriach tu 9arrawcr: fa)+►II rentv rece[ved by Borrower shaU be held by Borrower as wswe <br />- 1�►r he�+eilt u1'I,�mkr�ailx. t�►twu�►pltcd u�tho suma sccw�ed by �he Sxurlty Insuutnen� (b)Lender shali be entlded eo <br /> rulk�t�md��tivn al)oC 1hc irntr uY tho Prupctty;and(c)curh tenant of the Property�hatl puy all tent�due and unpnid to <br /> !�mter�K 1��Hkr'x agrnt un I��t�ic�'a wrlttcn dcmand tu thc tcnunt. <br /> - U���rnv►�rr h►►�u��1 eRC�utcd any ptinr nssi1�nmcnt of tho t+entx nnd hnx nat and will not pedorm any c►ct thnt would <br />= p��rc�U!�:n�k�r Ib�nn e�c��l�ing it��ighty w�dcr ttila{'urogroph IH. <br /> I,c•n�kr whcdl nu�ho�c���itcd tu cnter upon.tako rontn►I nf or maintufn the Property before or otter givtng no8ce of <br /> b�tiu+h lu (l���iuHCr. H��wevcr. I�ender ur n judiclully uppointed receiver muy do so at uny dme there ia e breach. Any <br /> �q►plt►xt►��u uC rcnt�hUatl not�urc or wnivo uny dcFuult or invatldata uny nthcr right ur rcmedy nf Lender. Thts assignment of <br /> �cmr��1'iho Iku�x�r�y hhull terminuro wk�n the debt necureet by the Securiry instrumeet iR puid in tt�l[, <br /> tYug�3 nJ4µtige�l . • „c.n <br />