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<br /> �:95.. �Q64Z�
<br /> P1'��may no loe�a bA nquirod,�t tha opNos�of Lardcr.it moct��e�e cuva�go(in the�tnou�t nd[ar tha perlad
<br /> dut I.anda nx�ulrea)provlded by m inaunx�ppe�oved by Ltnder�gatn 6ecartx,�avaWble and!e obWnod.Btu�owcr eh�U psy the
<br /> prcrr�iur►�a e�quLad to n�ini�in riw�y�q�a ineurmoo in effxt�or to prcWde a bsa raave. nnW the roqu�mer�t for moitg�e
<br /> inauranoe a�ds in�woocd�nce with�ny wrluai agcoen�ent betNeai Barower�ad L�da a�pplk�isb law.
<br /> A.impccdoa. Lender or ite�gcat miy rtuke rea�onabio entrk�upon�nd taspecdorts of the Pr�pa.y.LanQex ehaU givo
<br /> Hacnnwer notico�t tho dme of ar prior to an lnapuctbon�poctfying reuon�bb cause fa tlw in�ectbn.
<br /> 10.Co�dlfmatioa. 71rs onv�wl��v.ny.a�,.�n.�.1,a�n e„�el.magye;Air.r1�.rnn�wmtW.In coanecdon with mv
<br /> �e�otha tskiag of ay�ttt of the Propaty.a fa eonvayance in!iw of candemnetbn�uo i�aeby�Ignod md
<br /> ahall bo��a1d ta I�esdor.
<br /> 1n tbe avent of a tot�l nidng of the Propaty.tha pr000eda ala�U be applkd to tbe a�uAS soeurod by thla SecurIry Inawment,
<br /> whetha oc'aot tha�d►b+widi�r►y axass Paid w Barowa.lu tde avent of a p�rtW taidng ot tde Ptoperiy!n whkh tde fair mui�et
<br /> va�ue of tltie Prope�ty immaQi�tely beforo tba taking is eqwl ro a gir,aur than the amount of tde aiuna aoc�tad by this Saauiry
<br /> Insuument itnmedivaly 6aforo tde uking.nnku Boerowet�nd Lencler othaaisa�c�ee in wddn8� tho sums sxurod by this
<br /> Se�aarity Instnunent etull be mduoed by the mwimt of the procouds multipUed hy tbe folbwtng fraction:(s)the tonl�rnount of
<br /> t�c sa�nst aeceu�ed imnbdi�tely beforo tha Wdng,dividod bY(b)tl�e fafir muket value of the Pnopaty bamedi�t�ly bef�x�s tl�e
<br /> �8.�y��11 be p�id W Bamwa.ln the aveat of a prrtW Wdng of tua Property in which the f�ir n�ariret value of tl�sa
<br /> �acty �mmedi�tely before the uking is ksa th�a d� anwur►t of tho aurt�s eecured immadiotely befa+s tbs nldng. uakas
<br /> Bamwer�r►d L�tder odiawdse agtae tn wrWng or uniess epplic�ble I�w otherwlse provldes.tbe pmoeods sd�U be applled ta the
<br /> sums secueed by this Sec�rIty I�uma►t wbaha ar not tl�a auma aro then dua
<br /> If tlise Prapaty ts abmdonod by Barowa,at if.after nodce by Letber w Bamwer that the coademn�offexs�o mal�o an
<br /> aw�rd or sdtb�c1�im far d�rn�ea.Bonowa fails to r�eapond to I.eader widiia 30 days afta tbe date tbo notice fs given,I,aider
<br /> is wthotizod to cAlleet at�d agply the pcaoeeds.et its opdon�tidnr to testorado�t cc t+epsir of the Ptqxzty or W d�e sntas aecuted
<br /> bY��Y��.whaha a not dx�dua
<br /> UNeas I�ei,dx iu�Boamwa otha�wiaer qgr+ee in wridnB.anY aAAUcation of pmceeda ta psIncipal ahall aoc extead ar post�ona
<br /> tbo dne dste of the monthlY PsY�+►ts refemed to in par�aphs 1 aad 2 os chaage the amount of tu�ch�ay�nttats.
<br /> ii,Ban+o�rtr Piot Itdasedi F�na By Y.e�der Na a wdve' BuDprsZon of tho tima fa psymeat ar modi6cadon
<br /> of�a�or�doa o�tDe a�una seCiuod by tWs Secoriry Losaun�t gartted by I�eadu to�y�in inte�l of SannNa etull
<br /> A0�OQC81D fD tl�ESSO d1C�1�IIQ/Of f1iC O�p�I BdLOWQ 0!AOIIONll�B 8110Cld60lS�Il�AkiG1L LrGI�C QII�II p0�bC RiOQ�Dd b
<br /> cana�a►�o prooeodinge agafast any svcoessor!a iata�st a nfusa o0 oxtead Wae for payaknt a od�envlse modify an�ord�a�tion of
<br /> tha suums sxuted by this Securlty Instcument by re�an of Auy de�nand made by tbe origL�l BoROwar a Boa�ot�a•a¢uoceseota
<br /> in inte�est.My fa�boftinoe by Lauier ia exencising aay right or nmaly atull not be a a►�va of or procluda tAe axe+�ciee of�oy
<br /> rlgbt a rrmedy.
<br /> �� 12.Sa�aea�ors and A�Boo�d=Jotat a�d Several Li.biNb;Co�,'na covemnts and a�eandia of d�ia �
<br /> � Secivity Inso�uma�t sh�ll biad aud ba�efit tbe�aud u�3gna of I:ender and Horto�ver, eabject oo the provlsio��af
<br /> p�ragrapii 17. Bamwa's oovwnb �nd �greanenta abmll be jofit and aaven�l. My Baerowei wbo co-sigas diiu Socu�rlty
<br /> Limuma�t 6at does not e�cecute the Nota:(a)is casigning tbia Sacnriry lnauument only�o a�a�tg�ge+8�aat�nd ooavoY du�2
<br /> BomoMa�:mtrnsc in mo Pt�oputy uader me t�tma of thi�r soc�u3ty Uutrumeu�(b)�t na p�o�wffr obligtled q pay the�ms
<br /> �vrod bY d�Sa�nrity�nsdnunai�aad(c)s�O,y 16at La�da aad my otba Baerowa maY�groe I�o exand.modity►fabar a
<br /> a�e any�000mtnodat�ans wit6 nsgud to the ia�n�af this Secaruy L�ument or d�e No�e wid�attt ttwt Bamw�"e�t
<br /> . 13.tawr Char�n. If the tavn aeciu+ed by tbia Sepndty In.�autaent Ls aubjxt W t 1gw which uts muiqtwn lo�n charges.
<br /> . and tiut law b 6naily�inferpceted ao t�t tho iatarst a atha bm Cbargea aoi{pctcd os to bt'cplbcobd ie oonnecdon wId�Ihe lo�n
<br /> axoeed tbe Pam�Od l�rdls.d�an:(t)aDy ttuch 104n Ch�rgO 81n11 ba rOdlxed by;dle amount o00ea�t�cy b rodtx�e dio Ch�e 10 the
<br /> Pa�aiped 1in�md(b)�nY s�ms alre�dy ioollectod�oaa Sorrower which exceedod patrtittted 11mlts wlU be trfiinded lo Bo�t�a�a.
<br />; La�d�er may cl�voeo to m�ke t1�cGfiwd bY�Cin8 d�e p�c�1 ewod unda Iha Nae ac by m�idn`a d�oct pRympu b �
<br />,c�, Bor�oa�x. �f s re�nd reduoat pdocip�.fbe reduction wiIl ba tme�ed�a a p�tLl pmpaymeat wttbout
<br /> tiada die Na�,. a°Y����°
<br /> i�.Notica. Aay notloe t�Baro�ver provided foc in tWs Secunity L�suua�ait st�tli ba givai by deliverlAg h a by Qo�ilin�g it
<br /> ''� by firet cL�s m�il unbaa�pplicable 4w eequines use of anotha mahod.�uot�oe s1W1 be diraeted oa►t6e pmpniy Address a
<br /> 'any odkr rddc�a�Bomowes des�tes by no�oe to Iu�der.Any,aodce to I�da at�U be givai by&a class mdl io��ajda'a
<br /> ' adQcrsa;�ed hada a Any othet�dd�es�t Le�tda desigoatcs.by tadoe tn Barower.Any ootko provided f�ia ihi�Securlry
<br /> Inatnnneat a1W1 be dertnod w bave Ueea gtven to Boerowa or I.aockr ahat givai�s piovidod in this paca�ph.
<br /> ,::.., 1S.Cw�erai�Lnw�3everabWty. 11da 5a�uity Inswnknt s1�aU 6e govemod by fedaal law �nd the law of tho
<br /> '? � juiiisdiedon in whieh the Pnopr�ty is located.In the avent that aay povisios►or elwse of this Seeurity L�cwment a the Noto
<br /> ��' oontlicts wtih applipbb law,euch oonfik;t st�all nat affact otl�r pmvL�[ons of this Seeurity L�u�ment a the Noto which twn be
<br /> , gfven effax without tho contllceag provtsion.7b thia end the�oviatons of Wis Socurity Insuument aad the Note aro docl�ed w
<br /> ba eeverabla.
<br /> ;':�` Fo�a�sOZt 9/Y0
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