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<br /> S.Hutard ar l�reperty Incur�no� Harowa shW kxp tdo lmprovaaeats now axiadng or txreafter ereetod on ttio Propaty
<br /> inaurod�gdnet to�s by firo,hsunrde lacluded w[thin tha trr�m"axtended coverage"and any ather haz�rde.inaluding fioud�a
<br /> floodin��fa which I�ea►der roquires insue�x�.'lt�is I�surance shaU ba maintaL�cd in Uw�nounts ond far dte pxrta�s that I.ender �
<br /> rcqui[+w,The inaurmcs carrkr provldiug the iaaueanca�ll�e chosen by�arowa aubJect to Lenda'a approv�t which aiwll not
<br /> bo tu�reatoruhly wlth4�eW.If Hott�owu fiila to m�atatn �ovetNge ddcrl6od above.Lander Lender'e opdon.obtain
<br /> coverage to ptotect L�etMer't t9ghta ia the Peopaty in�cootdanoe wlth paril�rMh 7.
<br /> ♦t1 in���rane�s aa�licirs md rerev�sls ah�ll be�nbh to i�dr�and ahall iaelude s snndaN mott�alto oteuse.Lretider shall
<br /> t�sve the�Ight�o tw�d the Pulida ead reaawals.If L�eadcr ra(�res.Barowu shs11 P�P�7►S�ve t�Leader a11 rxeipta of psW
<br /> pnmium�uid re,ne�val�.Ia tbe event of 1oss.Borr�wer shali giva promPt notke to tha ins�uanco caeria aad Leader Lender
<br /> msy m�loc pcoof of bss if not made P�P�Y bY Bosowa.
<br /> Unkgs I,enda�ad Boaowa od�awibo ogroe in wridng�iasumr�ca p�+ococds sdaU be applicd to roswwtton or n�of da
<br /> �Y�S�d if tbe nso�a�ion or t�pttr ts acoaomically feaslbb and Laeder's eocutity is not ks.��cd.If tha r�or►a
<br /> rqmir�a rwt aconomicaUy fea4ible a Latdat's sectulty would ba les.x��ed�the i�autance praoeedg sdall ba applled ta tho sums
<br /> aecurod by tlils Sacu�ity Inatrument�whetlrc.r ar not thea du0. ardtb aay eacce�paid to Horrawu.If So�mwa abandona the
<br /> Pcoputy.or does not enswa wlthin 30 dsya s notice from Lendar thu tha insu�anca�bas o�'aed to edtle a clalm,thm
<br /> �uda msy couaa cta insuranca preooeae.I.m►aer may use d,e prnoecda w rcp�r or rasto�+e the Propaty►or w pay a�uas securea
<br /> by d�ia Security Inst�umeat,at�cthu or aot thea dne.Trie 30-d�y perlod wlll6egia when the nodce!s gtvea.
<br /> Un{ess Lenda and aarrowe�o�awlse ag�e in arltinB.eQY ePPli�tion of proaeds to peiACipal ehall aot o�ctaid or postpone
<br /> d�e dne da�e of tho monthlY P�Y��refared to ia p�a�pl�s 1 ana 2 a cbange tbs anKwat of thE paymeata.df unda par�ra�h
<br /> 21 dse Pcopeny!s ac;qnircd by L�der�Honower's rigi�c m eny insuranca poiides And p�oceeda nsuldng from Eamaga ro d�a
<br /> �9 P�m tbe acquisWon sd�il pa4s w I.a�der tfl tba extwt of tho sums secured by thia Securlry Iaaonuna�t immodiately
<br /> ptlot�o d�e ecqn�eidon.
<br /> 6.Oocupanc�,Preaervatbn,ll�tenanoe�nd Pe�otection of Wa Propertyi Borrewer's I.oan App)tcatbn;I,.eae�olds.
<br /> Bamowcr afWl oocupy�acmblish�and usa tbe Propaty ss Bacoaa•a principal residaioe wlthin aixry tWya afta dn executba o�
<br /> this Saurity Insaua�a�t sad shaU oontinua t,o accnpy the Acopaty a4 Bonowa's prl�raatdea�o for at k�at one yar afta tba
<br /> d�ta of oca�pancy, yn{ass L�der al�erwLse agroes in wrrttlng. wD�ich conseat s1�a!!nat be�onab�y wltbheid.or unkss -
<br /> extaiuedng clncnn�oes a�cisc which are beyand Boaawar°a control.Barower aA�u not desor�y�dnwge a impa�r tbe�'�Y, -
<br /> aUow the Propaty co det�oraoe,or cammtt a�asta oa the Propaty. Bormwa ehail be ta defautt if any fafetwra acti�on�or
<br /> pta�oding.wt�etbei civtl a aiminal�is begun diat in Lenda'a gaod fatth judgmeat coWd reaalt in forfeid�ra of tbe Pmpaty a �
<br /> ,�sLawl�e maurially Lnpair tbe lka creared by dds Secudty IASUUment a Ix,nda'a saauiry fntaesR.Bamwer m�y cune such e
<br /> detwit md rr,insWa►a� pro�tded in p�cagraph 18�bY e�ain8 thcs acdon a pmcaeding�o be disa►iaxd wIth a rWiag t6�t.�a
<br /> Lpdet•e gaod faUh�minatM0.P�ludes farfetpue of the Boaowes's jntaast in tlte P�opaty or od�a�matal�l im�inaae�t of
<br /> the 1ia�a�ated 6y d�Sa�rlty Insaun�aat a L�a�der's aocuriry intaest.Barowar ahall Weo be in dcf�u[t if Sama�var.d�utn�the
<br /> lox►apDlic+dfon pcacess.8a►e mata�i�lty fatao a in�ocu�te iat'om�lian a�ts w L�der(or fnttod q pcovida I�enda with
<br /> any tmuai�l lafamtadon)in oonnoction �vtth the lo�evldex�d by the No�0. 1�udin8.but not limited to. repa�ea�Ons
<br /> oonoeming�arowu's oocupe�cy of We Pfro�aty aq a pdncip�l�.If th3s Sa�uiry�nstrunae�t is on a leaxhold,Baro�ver
<br /> aw�l1 cos�gly n+�e!1 tl�e grovL�ans of t�e!M�!►.Lf Bo��v�er����f�e t�r1�tn rhe Prqx�»e leavet�oW and the foe�irle s6sri
<br /> not ma�e u�iless Lenda�groes to tbe ma�,ta In wtlti�ug.
<br /> 7.Pe�otee8o�ot Leader'�RijhW t�t4 Prapert�. If Harower faib to petfatat tbe oovetants Aad�roettbab cantainoc!i�
<br /> a�ts s«�s4ty ras�nseat,a tkse is a l�al praot�ing�t a�►�ay aErect t,euaer's rig�ta in ua r�openy(such b a
<br /> pc�ooeedhg in bAnimiptcy.poi�to.far coadaewtion a fafelaua a w ad'aroe 4wa a reguWloo�).dku I�da an�y do md WY
<br /> for Mf�►a i�aeoessary m pmteet the vituo of tbe ProQaty and Lenda's�ighb ia da Peepaty.L�e+�der's�c�aas m�y L�clude.
<br /> � payLr,g�ex�_sw�eec�red by a Ilsn whiah hag pc�ority ova d�ia 5ec�rity Insoeument�appari�og in ca�nt.PaYinB re�bb
<br /> mtpp�ya• feea aad a►taring an tt�o Pr�ety tfl mWce:r�trs.Ndwngh I.a�r may taka acttou w�der tbis pe�g�r�ph 7.Treader
<br /> �doesaothaveLOdo�o. ,,�
<br /> Any mwanW disb�by I.a�irt unda Ws paragrapb 7 stWl boeome idditbnal dtM of Botmwer eocurod by this SecutQy
<br /> LWmmait Unkas Bomnwu end LeR►da�gree to otha temis of p�ymrnt,theso amounts sl�ati.Uwr intaest ficram d�e dd�e of
<br /> disb�reaneat at the Noro rate and ahaU be payabb.wGh interest��on Ao�ce tmm I�ender W Bomn�w�er[a1�8 P��
<br /> ' i.MortpEe Imsnrana. If L�dor requhr.d mastgage ins�nce aa a c�aditbn of nuking't'¢e loaa aecuued by thia Seauity
<br /> . Jnatrwnat�Barrowar ahait pay tba premivma required to mair►roict the tnortg�ge ia,wrmrtce in e.ft'ect.U, for aay reaaon� tho ,
<br /> ' atatg�ge insurenca wve�gb a�equitad by I.ender lapses or oeascs to be in effa7.Bo�rmwa sl�l!pay dio praniums cequtred to
<br /> obtain covaaga subsmntlatty equivaknt to the ma�gago Insu:an�e pcaviously in effact�at a oo�subsmaually eqaivabat to tha
<br /> t�at to BCtiowar uf du�mottgage ins�uanoe ptevbusly ia effoct,�COm an atttn►ate cnartgage insucer apprOved by I,atder. 1f
<br /> aubstantittlyy oquivaknt mortgage insuranoo oove�go is aot�vailabb.Barower sNall pay oo I.ender each aaoath r sum equsl to •
<br /> aaata►eW�of the yearlY ano�tgega insurance P���8 P�by Horrowa when the Insuranoe wvaago l�psed or aa�ed w �
<br /> ba in eFfax.Leadar vv�l aoapt,usa and remin thesa payments a4 a bss rose�ve in liw of mo:tgaga ins�nranoe.Lflss mserva
<br /> Fonn�02��190
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