I •, . ST'1'. .. .. . ' .� '� .ieYl���� - ._ -..
<br /> �
<br /> �::�.�w� '. . _. . ;. . • . .. ..- .".,;_ ....•_.:.:..."'. ' _ _ ' ..... -r-_-- -�—
<br /> 7�., . . ..:a2�..,..,�SYi��...'T�'7��!$�:�."�� -- - - - - - —`°--
<br /> � 9�- 1�t63'�'
<br /> '7, Eminsnl poc�tn.Lender to hereby adsigned all compenaatlon,awards,dameges nrtd other paymante or�aliei(hsrNmMe►
<br /> "Proceoda'y In conne�tlon with condemnatlon or other takln8 otthe P�operiy or part theraof,or tor convoyance tn Ifeu of canesmns-
<br /> tlon.I..ender shatl be entitled st Ite aptton to commence,appear in�nd pra»auts in Ita own�ams eny aaUon or procssdtnp�,end
<br /> shatl also bs�ntidsd to maks any compram�ss or�ril�m�nt In conn�otlon with suoh tAklnp or damaps.In the evant any pontcn o1
<br /> tha�rop�riy 1�w ak�n or damap�d,L�nd�r�hall i�RVe ths aptton,ln lu sols and absotut�dl�orHlon.to apply all wch P�oc�od�.
<br /> afterde�uadnp thereirom all cos4s and�xpe:�sa Inaur�ed by it In conn�ation wltA ruoh Prccs�d�,upon any Ir►dsl�t�tlnN�Nour�d
<br /> h��by�nd in suah a►d�r as I.snd�r nu�y d�tKmim,or to apply�II suoh Procwdt,aft�r woh d�duatlons,to th�ratoradon ot tM
<br /> Praperty upon�uAh condltlone as L:�nd�r rru�y dNNmin�.Ilny�ppf taaUon of P►onwds W IndsbtadeNw�I�aii not�xMnd or po�aw
<br /> G�duo dw4e oi any payr��cnta undor tho�fatc.or curo nrry dctnul!Heereunder e�hereunder.Any unepplied tund�thail bs pald t0 ,
<br /> T►up�.
<br /> �, pw�ormt�c�by l�nd�r.Upan ths ocaurrenc�Qf an Ewn!ot D�huit hsrwndsr.or H any aot Is tak�n ar Ispai proc�lnp
<br /> e�mrtwnc�d whlah ma�iv aft�ct�t�neNr'o Ent�nst!n th�P�ap�ry.Vrtder maY tn I�own dl�aatlon.but wifhout aMipationlo do
<br /> so,and wltbout nodes b or d�mand upan Yruetar�nd�tmout r�twismp i►utoor nom arry abiip�iior�.oo wra�:Y:���.�':s Tr�'±�!!'.�'
<br /> a�rad but talls to do artd may aisa da any oth�r ent it d�m�n�oeatry tc Probot th��ourriy h�reot Truttor ahall,Imm�di�Nfy
<br /> upon d�mand therofor by�endsr.psy W L�r►Nr all casts ond�xp�nsa inaurnd and sumt exp�nd�d by L�d�r�n connscGon w(th
<br /> the exerclee by Lender o!M�toropotnp d{}hb.topath�r with tnt�aat M�r�on R�th�d�fauft rate provid�d In tM MoM.whtoh a�l b�
<br /> add�t to ths Ind�btedness aeaured henby. L�nd�r shdl not Inaur�ny Iiablilry b�csurs of anythlnp It may do or omif 10 do
<br /> fN►+urod�t.
<br /> �. H,j�dOw�paM�UN.�I�tieator�11 kwp IM PrqpKb tn can k�wltA 1�I!applicabN tavw�ordin�r�cM and��+��
<br /> �ua�no so�nawtirt.t nrQi.n.a.n�ronm«+�i�rw.ouon tca tN�r►�d to h�rNn�s"Environm�nW iaara'�.Ttu�fa MMtI
<br /> k�ep fA�PropeRy ftee trom all wbstnnCa dpemed to be haurdouscrtoxla undsr any ErnlronmaMSl Lswe(aolleotively ret�ned to
<br /> hKNn u"Maz�rdous MatNlals'7.Trustor hereby warrants and�sp�6alnb to Lsndsr that thsrs are no Hwrdous MatKlal�on or
<br /> undYr ths Prop�rt�r.TnisEOr hereby apna to Ind�mnity and hold harmlNS L�ndor,Ib dlrscMr�i.otHeen.�nptoYaM��d���
<br /> e�ny eucea�3oro hf(,e�Nrs tnten�t,trom and ap�in�t at►y Rnd RII af�ina,d�msOw,las�and Ii�btlttta ufttn0ln aonn�ctlon wilh
<br /> tris pr�rtcs,uss,dispoiat ar trantport of any Hsr�rdous Mat�rlai�on,unaer,t�om qr�bout th�P�opsrti•TNE FQiiEOCftiti
<br /> 10.AsN��nt W R�nf+w.Trustor hereby assfpns ta Lender ths rents.issues and prolits of the PropKty:Providsd that Tnrs�or
<br /> �II,untll ths ocaumncs ot a�n Ewnt of Oefauit AKeundK.hsvs tM�i0ht to coileatand�Naln such nnb,is�u�s�tr+d ProMs eu�1h�!►
<br /> becoms du�and payable.Upon ths ocaurronoe of an IEvent at OefnuR Lendar may.elther in peraon w by a�snt,wHh ar wia+out
<br /> bflrgirp+�ny action or procwdloQ.or b,y�recRiver appoUt�d by s couR and without re�ard to the�d0qwc�►of Ib�ecutity,MNK
<br /> upon and taks po�tession of ihs Pro�evty.or any part Menof,in its own nam�or in tt�e nems otths Trusbs.��d do arty acb whfch k
<br /> dearns n�eaRUY or daetrableto pre�sn►sthevalw.market�bilit�la nnfabtlity of ths PropeRY.or anyporttl�enatorlM�nNl1��In.
<br /> incnaN tb�tncoms th�ret�om or protect ths saouriry hereot and,with or without tskinp Rosaeaalon of ths P�,��a�
<br /> ofharwits calt�ct the ronb,ietues and proftfs therwL includtn�thoso past due anC unpafd,and appty t1�e s+ame.
<br /> �cp�nsa of opsratlon and colleeUan inctudin�attomeya'teas,upon any indebtedne►ss secured hereb�r,dl in wcb prd�r�s��
<br /> mxy d�tKmin�.The entarinp upo�and takirtp pousaslon ot the Prop�rty,ths ootleation ct such rerets.tssusi an�
<br /> apptiCSYOn Ihsreofi as afores�i�i.sfiaii not curo or w+iiva ar+y r��i at��!QziassN!�^r Inv�lldats an�aat dnns In
<br /> �e�por+�s W auch dMault ar pureuar►t to euch�oUce ot deteult and,notwNhatrndinp tl�s ca►tlnuance In posesesiore ohhs P�op�rty c►
<br /> the eollscNon,�ecetpt and nppticaUon oi rer�b,fsau�s or proflts.and Truste�and 4ender ehalt bs entiYtlsd to exerc�at�verll�•_
<br /> pmvidsdtorinanyoftheLOSnOocumenisorbytuwuponoccuaenoeofanyErentofDefauit.includlrpwithout8mitatlonths►i0htto �
<br /> e,xarclae the power of aate.Funher,Lender's riphta and romedles under this pa►epraph shalt be cumuiative wIM,and in no way a
<br /> timhstionon,le�►dsre�iphtaand ro�Pdiesunderanyaasipnmentoffeesesendrer►tsnecordedapatnatthoProp�rtfl.�anOn�.T�u�ee
<br /> �nd the r�ceiver ahall be Iiabte tc►account only,thosa rente actueily reoeived.
<br /> t t.Ewi�b o0 MhuN.The btiowfnp aha0 connitute an Evant ot Detaat!under thte Deed ot Ttn�t
<br /> � (a) Faiturs to pay any�n�lallrt�t of principal or Interest of�ny othsr sum securod hsrewy when due:
<br /> (b) Abro�chofordehultunderanyprovisbncontairadlntheNote,thl�DsedofTn�st.anyofthsl.asnDocuma�tf.a�nY
<br /> a�lien or eneumbanee upon the PrapertY:
<br /> Se)�!w�it ot e,cen�akK►or aHaohment or any afmiinr p�oceas�MII bs antered apalns4 Trus�Or which shall Meoms e Iien on
<br /> thd Prope�ty or eny pordon theroot or interest tnerein;
<br /> (d)Thsre ahall be flied b�►or a�alnat 7rustor or Borrower an actlon under mny pressnt or tuturo fsderab staSs ar othK
<br /> statuM,taw or r�ulatlun rsta�np to bankruptcy,insolvency ar otMr reltef for dsbtots;or there ehalt bs appolMed eny trutle�.
<br /> recsiver or Ifquldator of 7irustor or Bonower or of�il or any paR otthe Properry.ar H1e ront�,laaues or proftis tta�eireoL or Tnutor
<br /> ur 9orrower ahs0 maks�ny pansral assi�nment tor tt►s beneflt ot creditora; �:
<br /> � (e)Ths�saie,tramter,leass,assipnment,conveyance or further encumbrnnce of alt or t�ny part of a any Interest in the
<br /> � Propsrry,Nthw voluntarlly or invoiuntarfly. without the exprerae writte� conaent of Lendes:.provided that TruaD�r sha�F�e
<br /> psrmltted to sxecute a lea�e of the Property thst doe�not conuin en opUon no purchese and Me term of whtch dos�nnt excMaF
<br /> ane year.
<br /> (�Abandonment ot the Properyr,or
<br /> (� B Truator Is not mn tndlvidunl,the�sauanca,sale,transfer.aeslgnment,conv�yance or encumbrance oT moro than�tuta�
<br /> of.�.�._..percent ot(it�!corporaUon)!b lesued and oubts�ding atock or(if a partnenshlp�a total of psrcent ot
<br /> pA�t�ne�fMip InWrests dchinp ths pe�iod thia Deed ot 7ruat rotnatns n Ilen on tha Property.
<br /> 12. R��;Aeaal�ration tJpon ONtutl.In tho event ot any Cvent of Detault lender may,without notice exaept I�s roqulror}by
<br /> law.deataro a�l indebtedneas eeaured heteby to be due and payab�e and Me sa�ne ehatl thereupon isecome dus and payabk
<br /> �rNhout any presentmenL damand,protdnt or noUce of•eny kind.Thereatter Lender may: �
<br /> (s) D�amand that Tiwtes e�cerclae the pOW�R OF$ALE aranted herein,and Truat��ahall thereattsr cause Trostors
<br /> interest ih_Me Property ta be sold artd the proceeds to be ctisrtrabNted,atl in the manner proviWQd in the Nebresk4 7ru�tt Deeda
<br /> Ack .
<br /> (b) FxerclseanyandgitrlghtaprovidedtorinanyoftheLoanDacumenteor�ytawuponoccurrenceofanyEveMofOMau�;
<br /> s�d(c) Commenee an acUon W foreclose thls Deed of Trust ae e mortgage,appoint e reaelver,or apealticatiy enforee eny of the
<br /> covenar�s hereoi.
<br /> No remedyi►eretn eonterred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be exclualve of eny other remedy heroln,fn the
<br /> Laen tfoaumenta or by taw providecl or pe►mitted,but e�oh eheil be eumutaHve,ehatt be in addiNan to every other remedy.9h►eo
<br /> Aereundet,tn the Loan Doeuments ar now or hereafter existing et law or in equity oe by atatute,and may be exerctsed concu►renUY�
<br /> Mdependently or euC�xssivety.
<br /> 13.Tnnt�.The T►ustee may�aign at any ttme without ceuse,and Lender may at any time and withdut cauae appoint e
<br /> __.._.�...�T._.._T..ms�tt.�.,��t�nwin tn anv narN.tncludlRO w►thOUt limiffitl011 Le�dE�,Borrower,7tusfor or any
<br /> oii�aov±v�ov.rww.o. ..o..�.. ���.._...•------�----. .,
<br /> purehaser of tlte Praparty.4or eny lose or damage unless due to reakleas or wllltul mleconduat and�hatl not be required to taRe atry
<br /> actlon In conneadon with the entorcemont ot this Deed ot Trust unless indemntfted,�n w�itinp,lor ali costs,compensation or
<br /> expenaes whieh may be assoalated therewiM,�n edditton,Truatee may become e purchaser at eny eale of the Property UudiGiat or
<br /> under U►e powor ot aaie grented herein);poatpone the eaie ot�!I or any portlon of the Property,as provided by Iuw;or eNi ths
<br /> properiy ae a vrhole,o►in separate Parcel8 or lote at 7ruatee's dlaaretlon.
<br /> 14. FNS and Exp�nx�a.ln the event T�uOtee selts the P►operly by exerci�e ot power of eate,T►uate�ehail be enUUed to appty
<br /> any aate proceeds tiret ta paymont of alt eosts and oxpenaes ot exerelsi�g power ot sate,Ineiuding atl Trustee'e teea,and Lender's
<br /> and Trustee'e attArney's tees,aotualty inourred to extent permltted by eppllcabto law.in the event Borrower or Ttuetor exercis�ts nny
<br /> rtpht provided by!aw to cure an Even!of Detault,Lender ahail be entlUed to recover hom Tnistor all costs and expenaea eatuatry
<br /> inaurred ae a resutt of Trustor's dotauit,inc�uding without Iimitalfon all Trustee's and ettorney's feea,to the extent pemnitted by
<br /> eppNcable law.
<br /> . `
<br />