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<br /> TM.u��.� � Se ,t�g by ond�nton0�%\� _
<br />---� � THIS DEEO OF TRUST,i�mads as of the ��th -day of p�
<br /> _-� N ths T�uetor, Leo_L Lukee a Debnra C Lukea , husband and vife Ne 68803-5910 �
<br /> 1709 �f Louise St tirand Iel�nd
<br /> � — whoas malllnp address Is (hKSin"Th+W�r;'whslMr on�or moMb
<br /> - tha Tru�tee, Five Points Bank, a Nebraska Corporation .,
<br /> -_— P.O. Box 1507 t3rand Ialand, NE 68802 m��«T��«��and `
<br /> whoae mnliln�address Is
<br /> � tha eeneflciary, F�ve Pointo Hank �
<br /> 2013 N. BroQdxell Gread Island. NE. b8802-1907 me�n M��,
<br /> whoss mailtnp addrsss i� 1.eo L Luk�s
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CONSiDERATION,inctuding leader'a extenalon of credft Identifled herein to
<br /> -- � Debora C Lukes (hereln Aorcowe�',whetl�ar ons or moro)�nd the tr�tt haNn er�aMd.
<br />- - the receipt of which ie hereby aaknowtedped.Troator hereby irrevocabty prante,tranefsr�,com►�fi+a�d�st10n�to�T�+sM�.�N
<br /> � TPUgt��1��T,y�pp���YEp Qp 8Al.�,tar the benefit and eecurlty o!Lender.under and aubJeot to ths tem►s�nc!conditlons h�r�inatl�t Mt f
<br /> --- t�RACTIQ1�61. 1.07'�TMO��a������HAL BLQCH THIRTY FOUR, IH CHARI.ES MASMEA'S
<br /> ��— GRANO ISLAND,C HALL COUN'�Y, N BRASKA;I��� ��� �EIKti lDpT�toKS TO THE _
<br /> To�ettiar wfth all bulidinps,Improvements,8xtures.straete.alleye,paeai9ewaya,eaeemunt�.dphts,PflvO�pa and�WPu�'
<br /> nanc�s locnted thenon or in anywiae peAaininp thereto,mnd the ronte,isaus�and Protita,revat�lona and remtir�n�t.�nd
<br /> ----- such peraonal property that is�tteched to the Improvementa eo aa to con�titute a Nnture,inatudlnp.but not ltmi�d to,fNatlnp snd
<br /> � — ¢ootlnp eQuipmsr�and topett�er with the homestead or marltal Intereste.if any,whlah Interesta ars hasby reteatW�nd waW�d:d�
<br /> of which,includinp roplacemsMS and addltiondthereto,la hereby deolnrsd to be a paR ot ths►eit esrite ssoured by th�Ibn rat fhh
<br /> _ Deed ot Trust and alt ot tho torepoinq befnp reterrod to horefn as the"Properly"•
<br /> Tptls peed of Truit ehail aeoura(a)the payment ot the princtpal aum and intereffi evidenced by a Vrom��so�►^°w°r���t
<br /> - -- � SQate�ber 19tA 1995 havinp a matudly dete of 5�D`��`P !� �'�' —' '
<br /> epresment dated
<br /> fn ths ori�inat p�inClpai amount ot s 25.000.00 ,and eny and ell modNlCatlona.exanllons uv1 r�ww�� --
<br /> �erp}a thKSto and ar�r and alt tutu�e advencea and readvaneea to BoROwer(or any ot tttom It mon t�an on�)Mt�und�w'
<br /> pur�uaRt to ono ot mors promleaory not�s or crodit epreementa(hsreln catled"Not�"};(b)th�p�ym�nt M cftMr w+mt�d�►�^�
<br /> LN►drr W proqictths e�aurity ot the Note;(a)ths performanae of sll covenanb and aSreements ot Tn�tor�et toM�ntn:a^d(dl 1
<br /> papwluL�oe on�npsM�and whsther aNainp by nate.punranry,�ova dyraft or ott�erw�es.The Nate tl►1�DNd of T��nd�anY��1
<br /> othKdoautenbthRtseauretheNoteorotherwlseexecuted�nconneadontherowlth,includlnpwHhoutlimftatt�nowrar�.aecu�it�' _
<br /> •prNmmts and u�ipnments of teasea end ronts,ehn��be referred to hereln as the"Lwn Oo¢umsnU". �
<br /> Trwtor covanants end��rees wich Lender na 4otlowa:
<br /> — �. p�t d��d�dydnsN.AII Indebtadness aecured hereby ehall be paid when dus.
<br /> -- 2.TIM�.Tru�tor Is the owner of the Propert�t,hae the�ipht and authority to conve�►the PropedY.aed warranu that tA�tun
<br /> Q��fienby b a Hr�t and prlar Iien on the Properiy,excep�tor Iiens and encumbrances ast torlh by Ttuito►�n vrrFtin��nd
<br /> � dstivsred to Lender�etor�exeautlon of thle Oeod al7rust,and the exeauQon and Eetivsry of Mia Oeed of Ttust doss not v}o1►b�ny
<br /> aontraat or athur odllpttlon to whi�h TruaWr la aubjeat.
<br /> � 3. Tnu�,A��b.Yo paY betbre dellnquenay sIl texes.speetal aesesementa and all other aharpe�a0ainit ths Propeely
<br /> — noM ar herettter tsvlod.
<br /> ���' �, inwwnce.To kesp tha Prppnryr Inaured epalnat damape by flre,havsrda Inatuded wtthin ths tert�n"extended covKKN�°.a�
<br /> --- euch otM�huerds as Lendsr may�equiro,In amounta and wlt�aompanlas�aceptaWs to I.�r.mminp L�nder u ru+�Mlonal
<br /> — • �amed Insured.wlth tais payable t�Mo Londer.ln ceae of lase under suah poticNs.ths L,et►der 1!�uthorizsd 10�d1�K��t and
<br /> - --_— cpmpromta�,allolaltnatherounderandshnithavatheopUonotepplylnpallorpartofthslnaurancsprocesdsihl�en�►��x1M�d�
<br /> -` --— seaured hereby and In euch order as Lender may determine,(II�to the Truetor to be uaed tor the repalror rostoratton ot ths Prop�Ay
<br /> or(111)fu�any0tlter purposeor objeot eaUstaato�l►to Lender wlthoutaHeatlnp th911en otthfe Deed ot Ttustfortftefull amou��ecurod
<br /> „�:��. Aereby batoto ffwaA paYment ever took place.Any eppllcatfon oi proceeds to Indebtedrtess ahalt not extend or po�ons the dus
<br /> ��•�.- , date ot any peynerde under the Ndte,or eure eny default thereunder or herounder.
<br />'����� 6. �secow.Upon written demer�d by Lender,Ttustor ehall pay to Lender,ln eueh manner ne Lendor may designate,sutNOfsnt
<br />- :� u:mo t�„��iv iui tl ed�oremu ma on M8 p opertf►insuranee re4ulred hareurt d.and pUj the p�iemsiums o any mor�eps nw�ranos -
<br /> -�� requlred by Lemler. _
<br /> :--:.:„...;•_ g. MeU�t�nanp�R�palrs�nd Com011anc�wlth Laws.T�ustor shall keap tAe Property In good aonefitlon and roptlr.ehall �
<br />�°.`��.-`; promPUy repatr,o�roP���any tmprovement whtch meY be damape�or deatroyed:shnll not commtt or permft any wa�e or _
<br />;_,_`�;,�,.
<br /> a:�� '� � deterloratlqn of the Properiy:ehait not remove,dumollsh or substanUally alter any of the ImprovemeMa on tl►e Propsrty;ehall not
<br />��ti��'�,
<br /> z•.,.-�:;.�� commlt auMx or permR any aotto be done In or upon the ProperN In vlotatlon of any law.ordlnnnce,or roputatton;and ahall pay and
<br />�"-.`��'�� Properly or anY paR th��o�s coat and oxpense alt Ilena enaumbrances nnd chargee tevled.lmposed or aaseassd apfinst the =
<br /> �k
<br /> ; � -
<br /> � .�{TF,• ,i. _
<br /> "�v.' '
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