<br /> � . .. :,::
<br /> � . '
<br /> w�- ; '.:.... . ..� •. - �� - -
<br /> ,�, - - . _:.. ..� .. - -r.- - _- - —�. , . --- _ - ;t,=�.�.,- -v-n--� ,�—��__ -_
<br /> _.�';-. _ "i < . �-. . -- 'f�q� . . r�, '�^ .t t i
<br /> _ _ . �. V'i �'�,4r . "e� . �' ' F ��r�•- , r' r .N� ,. , �yy.:
<br /> -! .�..'
<br /> . �`5 �^` '�' ` .` .,� t 4�- , .�>. - x•�•- - � �
<br /> _ . ` . . =i�� .
<br /> -C` ' -. � �' P • . . �.:: • ';: �.�<, i-
<br /> ����..:. d.:: �. ` _ . . , � : g5_ 1���5► • -�`_'��F � . �
<br /> �,. ,�� .
<br /> +
<br /> .-<. . , - - -
<br /> - ,``.` • ,`` ' :, ;�' '`. ' 15. Futurs A4vanees.Upon�request of Barrower.Lsnder may.at i4s opUOn.make additionai and tuture edvancf+s and re- � E` -;�,, �±`i� ! -
<br /> �?`� advances ta Bnrrower.SuCh advaaces and readvancea with interest therean,shatl be secured by this Desd ol7rust At no time shall
<br />_ ' ? , the princ3pat smount ot tt�e indq�gdn�s�eSlired by this 0eed olTrusL95.►�D00 00&ums gdvanced to protsctthe securiry olMis ` , 1,�;`.,,v
<br /> , ' ` ' Oeed of Tas��xcesd the oaa�AflY�ritfa,p�di��mount stated herein.or$ vrhichever is greater. , � ,�., <
<br /> `_ ,; ��"'.. 18. M[tcella�tt�eis Pmvt�toas. . , ..�`.� '�.• '-; � •
<br /> ; � ; � � • (a�garepwer t�otRetaasad.Extension of the time tor paymentor modific&tion of amortizaCOn orthe sums seCUfed by thts =• .
<br /> . �..,, � ' • Oead ot�rustgranted Gy Eenderto any successor i�interest ot Borrower s[;all not operate to retease.in any rr�nner the liabflity " � '` ; �>
<br />-- '` , otth�original8orrower end 6oRawePa auccessors in interest Lender shall not he requiredto Commsnce proceedingsagainst °�' •
<br /> --``, ~ - sucha�cces3ororrefusetoextendtimatorpaymentorothenuisemadityamortiratiortoftAesumssecuradbYthisOeedofTrust ,_: ,�.�� ,{`.�.'`-
<br /> ` - _ py�son ot any damands mad�by the original Barrower and Borrowsr's successors in iMerest • � �h� � -
<br /> ,f� , (p)I.pnder'o Powe3s.Wifhoui aftecting the liabiliry 4t any.other person liabte tor ttte paymertt of am► �
<br /> .. ��� mentioned.and�vithaut aftacting the ifen orchargs of this Deed of Tnist upon any portion otthe Propa notthen artheretofore �
<br /> ... �,��iam�+}rnt�satturiaak4aEGgations.Lendermay.tromtimetQtimeandw'�outnotice(�releassarry
<br /> �ao � <
<br /> -- - - - -' j�tksngisv �'!f�' at _ -
<br /> _ - - . - -
<br /> ' -� ,personsoliebte.(i)8xtendthematurityoreiteranyofthetermsofanysuc�obtrgavorts.fnilgra�t�uten;"�::����=��7P��?-`1 -? -
<br />� � or reconvey,or cause to 6o released or recanveyed at any dme at lender s aptian eay parcel,portfon or a8 oi the Praperty.
<br /> ... .�... .«- - - `.•.' .
<br />_ ;'.,��f;: •-�.. ,,a..;;.�,,.� � (h taKe o►rete8se 8ny othes or additional ssc�sriry iw arry_obtir�atio�fier�iri mentioned.or(vi)make compasitions or other � 4 � , .
<br /> ` x. aRangemenb with deEtors in relatton thereto.` ' .. : '- •�=..''i , . �' ' .
<br /> ' `r��e�a�vance��y Lerider in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or �, �,
<br /> ' ; � (c)�orbearanes by Lender Not a Wat{rer:.A�►Y x4_ ���'
<br /> 'f �,.. :�� - � . , otherwise allordeO by appticabte law.sha�!not 6e a v�aiver of oc prgcEq�de the exercise ot any such[!ght ur remedy.The „
<br />,� _.. prccurement otinsurartce or tha payment ot taxeso►othe�tiens or charges Ey Lender shail rtot be a waiverof LendePsdghtto
<br /> _. � �'•. ' au:elerate the rttaturity o1 tlte inde6tedness secured by this Oeed ot Trast � , •.; �'` . �;
<br /> = .�:�s:_...`:.�L•^•-.-- ..
<br /> .. . . ' . (�'8ucesssms ar+d Assfarls Boand;Joint and Saverall.ta�A�i71:CaptTans.The covenants and agreements herein con- ' _ ' :_r-.,:.
<br /> � ° ` � tained ehall bl�d,and the rigfits hereunder shali inure to,the tespective successors and assigns ot I.end hs of thi9 Deed o4 ^" ` �
<br /> • ' cpvenants and agreemenl5 of Trustor shall be jo+nt and severai.The cap�ons artd headings ot the paragrap •�"
<br />_ �`<<;�, � TtuSt are tar canvenience oniy'and are not to,6e used to interpYet or define Ne provisions hereat. , ��:-y•�;:.;_ . .
<br /> � (e)Reqtsesttorti�ess.ThepartiesherebyrequestS�atacopydtanynoticeafdetaulthereunderandacopyolanynotic0 ,,,:..;. �. .
<br /> • of sale hereunder be mailed to each perty.to�his Deed at Trwt at the address set foRh above in the manner prescdbed Dy �;��.�,vi��:u'�� .:.
<br /> ' ,., . `::
<br /> ,., • . . . '
<br /> ' =- � - - $�i�ti�t�taw:�Excepttorar�y other-notice�required.uader appticablalaw to as giv_en in anotAer martner.any n�ss provided '.�-, --T7--T-,�-
<br />� � �`:-� �.`"""�""�� � for in tt�is Oaad of Trust sha!!bo g[ven by maifing such norice by certifled mail addressed to 4he other paR7es,e[�o 2a0f8s���eY .. ._ : , `�
<br /> " �f• , � �� � brth above.Any noUce provided for in this Desd at Trust shail baeffective upon mailinp in tiie ma�7:+ee�esEgrsa�.i hsrs(ss.!! ---T:. ° =
<br /> � �
<br /> �� ' — Trustbr is more tha�one person,notice s.�t to tAe address set fortt�above shali be notice to a11 sualt persans. , ' ,. N„�..
<br /> " �� � (�In=gle8on.Lender may rs:ake or cause to h�made reasonabte entrfes upon and inspectionsr�f�e Property.provtde9d . : �•,�_'
<br /> �.�• `� �4 , that Lender shall give Trostor notice prior to any sucA inspection specifying reasonabte cause therator related to tender'e �� '..„���°'
<br /> `�, � � , interest in ffie Property. .��. .;;a;���.
<br /> �°'"' (g) R�e¢aa�ayance.Upan payment of a11 sumssecured by this Qeed�f Trusk lendar shall reqaest Trusteeto reconvey the
<br /> :�:��. , -:..�..,.:: � ' _ _���. ,
<br />�' � f • Properryands'ha�saurrenderthis�eedof7rustandallnotesevEQenairt�iasde�tednasasecuredbythisOeedotTrusttoTrusteo- �� � �, ,
<br /> °"' � ' � '. • Tiustes shall er�convey the PropeRy without warranry.and without cA3r�e to the person or persons legally entrited thereta .;"•, ,
<br />_ - . . �� Trostor shati pay ait casts ot recordation,i4 any. ,• '`��
<br /> .-s.
<br /> (p� pepanal p�operty;�acudty AgroemenL As additional seeurity tor the pay:rrant of Me Note.Trustor her��grants� ��,'��5:4�ffi f *.�� }.'
<br /> + r�Y„ t
<br /> - ' • !ender under the Nebraska UnKorm Commercia!Code a security irnerest in ai!fixtures,equipmenL and othar persor�¢raparty' ', •.�,4�:��, ,�;$,t
<br /> �sed in connecUon wfth the reat estate or iastprovements tocated thereon,and aot othanvise declared or deemed����der ' �' ` °
<br /> Uie�eat estate secur�d hereby.Thts inatru��nt shall ba C�nstrued ss a Security Agreement ynder s8id Code, . '� �. ;^' .
<br /> • _ U ,
<br /> �;'�. .
<br /> ' shsll have a1t the rtghts and�emedtes pf e sacured party under said CaaE+n additton to tne rEgbts�r�Pemedtes created under , �,;.,
<br /> .:t�.' .....
<br /> � ° �� and accorded the Lsnder pursuant to this Oeed of Trust provld�d that f..e,�d�r's rigfic�and remedtes undorthis paragrapti sha0 � . f.:„r;;.
<br /> ' De cumutative with.and in no v�ay a Iimitatton on,Lender's righis ertd remedies urtd���ny other security agreement signed by -,.,;,�.;,, q 1,
<br /> .. ';..,.' . BorrowerorTruator.. ' . '.,�a�``;�� •
<br />° � (q Utns and Eneumbranees.Yrustor hereby warranLg and represess�s:.'�at there�s no detautt under the provisIons of eny j �T . : j
<br />�'�!` • • •~, mortgage.desd of bust.(eese or purohase contract desCrlbing all or a,��att oi the PropeRy.or othe►contract,in�trumant or .. _
<br />�-�.; ;. ` • _ agreoment consUtuUng a lien or encumbrance against ail or any paR af the Property(coUer:Uvety,"Uens'}.oxiatlrtg as ot the •�:.;;r,;�,�
<br />— �� dats of thia Qeed of Truat,and that any an0 etl existlng Uens remain unmodfRed except es disctosed to l.end�r in Tnufors .,. .,�
<br /> � written disclasure olltens and encumbraeces provided for herein.Trustor shali timety peAorm ali ot Trustor's obligations, 'y��;'..�"�
<br /> �:�,--
<br /> � �� covenanta representations and warranUes unQer any and all exislBng andtuture Uens,shall prompUy forward to Lenaer eoptes ��,
<br /> •' • �.�'� of all noUces ot detauit sent in connecuon with any and ail exlsUng or future Liena and shatl rtot witftout LendePa priar written =--=
<br /> • � ;�`' consent In arry maaner mad(fy tt�e provistons of or ailow sny tuwre advanees under any existlag or future Uena� _______
<br /> �r � Q)/lpptka8on o1 Paynunt�.Untess o i l sener lse requ tr e d b y 1 a w.o u m s p a l d t o L e n Q e r h er eun der,inCtudin g without limiffitfon �_=_r
<br /> ' . paymenta of prlacipal and interes�insur-,:,�aa prooeeds.cortdemnati�R proceeds and rer�and pratlts,shatl be eppfied by ��::
<br /> � ��.{,�,�� Lender to tlte amounb due and owi�g iror.:�'rusto�aod Borrower in su.c7�crder as Lender in its sote discreUon deema Qss(rebte.
<br /> � ' ::�c'� (g) gs�rfra'bil[ry,li any provlaton o1 this Qeed ot Trust conflfcts witA apA�tcabte la�a or is decfared Invatid or othemise �'�'ts`.,���_
<br />- � � � unenforceabte,such contltct or inva�idity ehatl not aftect the other provisons af thts Qaed of Trust or the Note whicb can be ��,;.-s�l�_ ---
<br /> ;;�:.,�._.� "
<br /> � . ' givenBHeCtwlthoutfheeonfliCUngprovis:on,andtothfsen4theprovtatonsotthiaQeedolTruatandiheNofearedeelatedtobe .,;t��a;:'°`-""
<br /> • ' • . . ' severabla . :'r:.=:'�:,;��,x::;
<br />_ , �...:.
<br /> -� p)•Terms.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall inctude botb stngular and plural,and when the Truator and Borrow�. `,` r:':�F,;:•;�z��,;--�,.�.
<br /> �,"��;.•�•° er�e ttfe same persan(s),thaao�erms as used fn this�eed o}Trust shall be interehartgeabte. •.,.•.`;. ' ��
<br /> • "�'�:; �.. w.Tt��eed af Truat shail be gau�med by the 18ws O!the Stata ot Nedraska � .';'�'�- - ;��*°;
<br /> .; , (m)Qov�mtn�La . �`'4```.� �.
<br /> trustor P�as executed thia Oeed of Trust es of the date wrl rt ab ve. , ,F : '��'`',-=.;�.
<br />-.� , � �:. M ��� � ����;,;:.�� .
<br />-:: .
<br /> ' PA7'RICIA M HQOKER TRU9►E�� .�� ���
<br /> :.'�k;.�:. :�,..;
<br /> . l' ! '
<br /> - l . . ,ti,,���k�•. .. .
<br /> ' ;:,:rY�y , .
<br /> ' ':, AND HER SUCCESSOR5 Iti��R�9T '�,•w'`;'�:� . .
<br /> . . �.,.
<br /> � . � UNDER THE PATRICIA M HOOKER ; • �
<br />� ' � REVOCABLE tRUST � �� . �
<br /> _:r . . . . . , ' ' ..,�,: . • ' '
<br /> t . ,. . . . . � ..
<br />- .. . , • ' • •;�;:�.
<br /> ��u ...' ' , . : ' .
<br /> .• � '. : ' , � ' � . , .
<br /> . •.' •:" .. ,
<br /> �, . ,
<br />- �: -.. . . . - •- ,
<br />