_n. s �µ.i -;::<<_� � _ � �, �r• .� ,��° <g - — - � - :.'-'[T:"
<br /> . . .
<br /> . � . . .
<br /> , _ _..—..�.�.�a__.-- - --
<br /> - -- -�------:._-----•-� �— �--=—�� �...��-m-@''�T _ _ T�.. s
<br /> � �». �.� ,. 4..
<br />�� . _ -•---r-.9 _ . . . - � -- � � � � . -•- - -- .. . -� .- � - -...�_•_:�''�.y ., - -- - 1 r_-
<br /> - � . . ` . ti'"' �,�:. .�71 .. � . '7.i,-a.�.��.� . 1�1� � ,;� . } .4 � � .. •�'i3�� �� . , F.<.
<br /> .; . ' . . �' `��l ( .. � � 4 ` ��,. � ' � .!_._ K) . _ ' .., '
<br /> _ t . .. [ _. � - ' t. 2��.}.-l. -.!' �` k`t -
<br /> R • i ._ � • .4• {. •���.�,...ti�_` .
<br /> �'Fw� t .�. ` � . � . ..<i < <
<br /> ,ti , � � ' �j •�' .W
<br /> _— ,.1 a= - -;�q= -, - - . V��'° . ���"� _ . ..
<br /> �.•`'�_' � . . ' . i ' .' � � . � `�� . .i�,Tk. .
<br /> - . , . . . . :4.. .
<br /> -- `' �. .' • �7. Err+irta�il Qamain.Lender is horeby esstgned aA t�mpensatlan.awsrds.Qamages snd aN�r paymants or reli9f(herelnaiter - •
<br /> --��•�`�,.;�-.�( '��_:,.. .� "Proceeds'�inconneettcnv�IthcondemnaUonorothertaktngotthePraperryarpartthereof.ortarconveyancetnlieuotcondamna- . . ,�' •�
<br /> � ' '`a ' tlon.tender ahetl De enUtled at i�oyUart m cammertce,appaa►U end prosscute tn!te own n8me any gctton or prpeeedinga,Esnd ' •
<br /> sn
<br /> ': . .�. � :
<br /> � • � shelt atso be enUtied to ma[ce any campromtse or seWoment fn connection wlih euoh fftkinp ar damege.ln the evant eny portlan of �'°�.`�;�
<br /> � . ` � ' •� � tite Pr6perty ts so ffiken en 6amIIged LendRr shal!have the opUon,ln ita so►e and absotute discreflon.to agpty e11 auch P�aceetta� � �"�� '�
<br /> - •• a'fter deducting theretrom al{costs and expen3ea incuaed by it in canneatlart with auch Proceed&up0aany IndsBtednasas�cursd �` u .,� __ ' '�
<br /> �V � - ' `h8reb�F and in e�cA order as i.ender msy dotertnine:or to appiy ell euch Proceeds.efter such deduatlons,to the restor6tlon oi the � 7 � � , �::
<br />�p ',`�� - Properry upon auchcandiUons as Lsnder maydetermine.Any applica8on ot ProGeedato indabtedness shali natextend or p0atpona __ . . �`��,,,
<br />�`` - __ �� the Bue date nt�ny paym�nts under tha Note,or cure any detauil thereunder or Aereurtder.My une,ppUed tund�sha11 be petA to _� ;
<br /> .'s,'��r;-_- tNStOf. • , c .. ''.r .
<br /> , �-`' , 8.Pertomt�s 6y L�ttder.Upon the occurrence ot an Evont ot Oefauk hereunder.or if any act is ffiken or tegal praceeding � '..
<br /> _,° -, -. -��dnsiiii:iiiri�a�:.otD��..3:�l.�t�t'g�t3!�ElnthstQ�nafN_,l.9AdArmBV(nitsawnd18cr8lfAA.DutWlth6utOLltg8l4lOtltOdO_ --'- -
<br /> - -
<br /> - ' � • so,an�without norice t�or demand upon Trustor and vdtAOUt releasing Trust�r iram any obtiga8on,do any aci wfiich trusto7tis3 - -- �5•T v,.
<br /> ...�._ .- - - _ • agreed Dut fatts to do and may gisodo any ot�er act tt deerrts necessa�ta proiect the securiry hereot TrusRor sltat4 FmmedtateSy ;.� . _ , •,...�-•.:'°
<br /> , �� ru o � . .,,
<br /> �• �, �. . . , ` upon demertd therefor by 1 es�der.payto Lender ell cosffi and expenssa tncuired eu+d suma enpended 6y Lender in cann�cUon witlf . °• `. , ,
<br />= «, '���,��•� 5 theexercisebyLsnderottt�etoregoingrfghts,toge3herwifhi�terestther8onatthadetautirataprovldedinNeNote.whict�ehalitse ' f°� " , ,,.
<br /> .. :•,�•., ' r `;1
<br /> L � � - add�d to the tndebtadn@ss secure�hereby.Lertder sha11 not[acur any Itabitiry 6ecauae c1 anythfng it may da or omit to do �: ,•.
<br />_�,k-. hereundar. • . . ` '
<br />- _ ;. .• •.�. `' . , �• � 8.Hazardaus Alatsrtafs.Trustor s.h�ll keeP tNe Propertfl tn com{tit8nce with eI19PDqcabte taars.ordinanee.a end regWattcns .
<br /> � f : °,:
<br /> . � ��: -�; c;-;:'. `�� refattrtgYa irtdustrte!hygiena ar envlranm�i protecttor;r.�t9ativety re48rred t�heretn as"Envfrr�mnen�l Laws�.Truator s?talf ' _ � ..
<br /> - ksapthePropeRytreefromallsubstancesdeemedtobehazardousottDxicunderanyEm►ironm�n�llaws(cottectivety�efer�dto _,:�. ; ,.
<br /> -' �� � � herein�s"Ha7srdous Mate�fats").Trus�cr here�y warrants and represenls ta lender tl�at there are no Hazandous MaLertsla on or , .. .�• ••:..�-. .
<br /> -.i, ' �•.�,�.:�..`�
<br /> � �nderthe ProyBRy.Trusmr herebyagreesLoindemnitysnd�old harmlASS Lender,t�a ddrectore.officersr emplayeesand agente�end ��:-.�
<br /> � any s�cecessars to LenQe�s i�erest.ira.�rn�against any 8nd a11 aia(ms.damagea.tos3es and tlabiliUes arising tn connectlon with , �,.._�,.,,.;•.�;
<br /> ' ' tha presence.use.dlspasa!or trans�ct a7 any Hazardous Matedata on,under,irom or about fhe P►aaetty.THE FORE(iOti�i3, . . . _,. .
<br /> a: - ``.�.', .� r�;,, •.` U C�p OF THlS DEED OF TRUST. -- -
<br /> �, ..� .. 3 q1�tE_Fi� A[V_�ANCE E ---- .
<br /> � -,�.:: -�.�
<br /> _.,- .. ::�s-'w i0.A!•���+!a!R�.'fnisfas tiei�iyi esstgna fo i.ender ffie��e��.Tssiies�BAd�ptafi�6fth�"Ptope►ty;pro�ided-thatTnistor .. -- .' ,,r�.
<br /> �� � '. ' shatl,untli tAeocCUrrence ofan Eventof Ctd�c..*�thereunder.havefhe rlgM W cofiectand reffiin such renta.issuesend prafit�ssts�ey � �--,``�--i�,,;��--
<br /> - �� ;4�� � • • become due and payabte.Upon ttie occ�:ur�se of an Event otDefaut��ender may,either in person or by agent wittl orwithout , . `"�-j 5��
<br /> -� � �%��; " bdnging any ectlon or proceedin$,or by a c�ewivar appointed by a couR and withaut rega�d to the adequacy ot its secud .eMar :
<br /> .- . ty ' �.�,,;��-�-
<br />-. - ' ,.w1=- uponandffikepossesstanotthePropaRy.oranyparttheteot.iaibownnameorinthenameoftheTntstee.anddoenyactswhirfiit _,�_,, ;��R
<br /> - ' ,: , �9e�msnecessary►ordesirabfatbpre�rvetheeelue.tna�tcstabilityarrenffibiliryaftheProperty,orenypaRtnereoi.ortnterestihereir�
<br /> �+ tacts�se tl�e lncome thereirarri or protect the securtty hereoi and.wlth ar wtthout fakiog possesston o!the Properry,sue tar ar ,_�:; _
<br />- Y" � " otherwfse colteCt the rents,issues artd�ra51�thereat,inctuding tP�ose pa�st due and unpaid,and appty the Satt�0.less casts e�a! ►;;
<br /> `�� _ . � expenses o!aysratlon and coltecUon irt��g attomeys'tees.upon aray indebtednes3 secured hereby,ell(n such oNsr.as L�t� .•>� ���
<br /> , - � . • may determina The entering upon an��.�possesslon oi the Prope�►,the coitecBon a4 such renb.issus9 and profits 8s�d� .''' '`
<br /> . : • • � �qpftcation thereoi as aior�said,shall na!cuta or w�Err�any detautt or noUce ot defauit hereunder or im�aiba4e anp aet'don3 i;i ,:,��' '�:� '� ; � . .
<br /> .,',:.'•
<br /> � � mspansetosuchdetaultorpursuant4osuchnoticeofC�auttand,notwtthstandingt?�o�antteuancetnposseaslon¢fflieRtoperiyor �;,,,:.��',� �t��• �
<br /> - the collectfon,receipt and aADiicstlon of rents.Issues or profits,and Tcustea ar.d lender sriai!be enUUed to ex�sa every�ight +�r�� ' ��; y `
<br /> � ...�;. `�r �; • provWediorinearyoltheLoanOocumenSeebyPawuponoccurrenceolanyEventofO�tBUtt,tnctudtngwithoutlimita'aonthe�fghtto ,�_�A� .�.. ' �
<br /> � - • , exercise the pm��ar ot sate.Pocther,L¢n�:`s r9gMs a�d remediea uc�dar this paragra9h shat!be c�ceeulativa wftb,end in no way e f.
<br /> . ._�. _ • IimitaUonon,lenderartghtsandremec�as�.,nderanyassignmeMOfteasesandrentsrecardedagats�.t�9PropertyLeflQer,Trusfe9 ��`
<br /> � and tha receiver shatl be lia�lato account oniy tliose ierris actualiy reoeivstl. '=`�;...
<br />- � �� 11. Erenb o!Oefauil.FC's3 foltowing shall constltute an Event oi QefauR under tnis Deed of Trust "'��;-"�
<br /> . � .,�; .� (a) Faiiure to pay a;ry ins�iliment oi princfpal or tnterest of any other sum secured hereby when due; `
<br /> `_ (b) Abreachotordefaultunderanyprovisionconteinedlnthallote.this0ee00�Tru5t.anyoftheLoanOaeuments,orany � .;�+g {;
<br /> � . � oUter Iisn or encumbrance uDOn ths ProAefir, � `'� �
<br /> (e)A writ of exacutton oratffichment or any simitar process s:"sa;l be enter�d againstTrustor whtch sh911 becomea IEen on ��a=T:---==
<br /> � � ..� � the PropeRy or any portion thereol or interest therein; '_;;�4�
<br /> ' � �[ (d)There shatl be Qted by or against Trustor or Borrower an ectlon under any pressnt or tuture tederal,sta4e or oti�er __ _ - -
<br /> ��.�- .`. =.���.' statute.law or re�utation retating to bankruptcy',tnsohrency or other retief tot debtors;or there shail be appointed anyr truste9. . _-'--
<br />- . ,. . •. .- �'� receiver or Iiquidator o!Trostcr or Bo►rower cr otall or any paR ot the Properiy,or the�ents,issues or protNS ihereol.or TntgWr —__-__ _
<br /> ' ' • or BoRawer shall make any gener�t+�tgnment tor the benefrt of creditors; �::s�_-
<br /> � ;,•��� , ., (e)The�sate,transfe�lease,a�gr�ment conveyance or tuAher encumbrance of etl or any pari ot or any interest In the F:=�_,_.:_
<br /> - ' �'r:" � Property,elthor voluntarfly or involuntarity.without tAe express wrllten consent o1 Lender.provtded tha!Trustor sha11 be �_��_.
<br /> � �• :3� .� permitted to execute a IAase of the Property that does not contain an opUon to purcfiase and the term oi which does notexceed ::;�,�=�
<br /> �� F one ysar. . � Y�'°.,��-
<br />_ (q�Abandonment of the Property;or �%�` ---_.
<br /> ".��<. �'� � (g)ItTrustoris�ol8nindividual,thetssuance,sale,banster,assignmenLconveyanceorencumbranceofmorethanatotal , ��-'��==•�-
<br />_��.;� � :.. . -"�''� 'F- �r
<br /> •..�j� .,..�.sxn
<br /> .•..�-�=1ii' -::.�.�,_
<br /> • � of.�_Dercent of(if a corporatfan)its issued and outstanding stock or(N e partnership)a tofaf nt� perc�ta7. � •,��:�,�;:,: ;--
<br /> . � p�rtne►ship Intereab d�iring the peNod thls Deed at 4rust remains a Uen on the Property. � . • � `�h�Y '-'-`;�:`.� �
<br /> -.;;.. . �,;;. ,•., :,. ..�� .
<br /> •12. Remedtes;Accsfm�li�n Upon Qefauti.in t�e evantol any Event of Oefautt Lr�der may,wfthout noUce ezoa�tR a3 required by -n;,a._:�. :,�, _�;�°•
<br /> ' • •� law.dectare etl indeDtedrta�seca�vd�tereby to de due and payable end the sartso ahail thereupon become CUe and.payabie � 'g»{•:���;•�,_��;.�;�.•':.�
<br />- � � " , � ' without any presentrnent,demand,prab�c or noUeo of any kind.Theraafter Lender may. ':''.�::;�!�:"�"'� '.',".
<br /> ,<. .�. •_r
<br /> . . (a) Demand tfiat Trustea eze�i33 the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustea ahall thereafter cause Trustor's :: � i''„•,:
<br /> � � ' tnterest in the Properry ta be sctd�.cr�fhe proceeds to be dtstributed,all In the manner provideQ in the Nebraske Trust�oed9 ;•._"��1'' "'��"�
<br /> .;,.
<br /> � ,. . • ±�,;;}:.;�:�:%'•�,-�.
<br /> •�t���;: ' � � A�
<br /> _.;s�yt:..;::c,'.-.: .
<br /> (b) ExerelseanyErtd211rightsprovidedtorinenyoftheLOanDocuments�rL^ytawuponoccurrenceofar�gEventotQefaulk , , ,, ;
<br /> , . •
<br /> � • �. •�+',-, � �d(c)Commenceanactiontotareclosethis0eedolTrustasa�rortgsge,agyc:ntarecetver,orspeCiflc8ltyenforeeflnyotthe � ��'���-�.
<br /> . . :f . ,,:���.. � .,. • .
<br /> ,��••° covenanis hereof. .. . •
<br /> �•"`'?r;°�� tVo remedy herein conferred upon or�crved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exctustve ef�ny other remedy hereln.in 17�8 ',�rtF��;�� ;
<br /> ;� . Loan�ocumenfs or by taw provida0 or�ermitted,but each shail be e�mutative,sh.all be in eddition to every other remedy gis+an • �'�yir�.,
<br /> ,'•��� • hereunder,intheLOanDOCUmentsornoworhereafterenistingatl8worinequityocbystatute,endmaybeexercisedconcurrentry. • �'�� .
<br /> ,;�;: . ' ..
<br /> - . :. independentty or successively. . ,i�; ' •
<br /> . ' 19.Truitee.7he Trustea anay resign at any time without cause,and Lender n�ay at eny time and wlffiout cause appaint a , , •'_; ; ,
<br /> � . . successor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shaif not tie liabte to any party,7ricludir�g without liinttatlon t�ntl�r.8or►ower,T�ustor ararry �;, . �; . ';+��,�•}1.,; .
<br /> � � p u r c h a s e t o f t t t e P r o p e�t y,(or an y loss or dama ge unless due to recktess or willtul misconduct,and shall not Oe requtred totake sny :•rS;�,;s.:, �
<br /> ' actlon irt connection with the eniorcemeM of this Deed of Trust untess indemnllied,tn wNUng,tor atl costs.compansaUon or '�"'��� �—
<br /> � expenses whtch may bo assoclated therewith.ln addiUon,Trustee may 6ecame a purchaser at any seie of the Property Qudtcial or ' •, :
<br /> " � under the powar of Sate graoted herein);postpone the sat�of sU or any portion o!the PropeKy,as proYlded by law;or se(I ti�o � - •
<br /> � • ' P�epeRy as a vrhote,or in separate parcels or lois at Trustee's discretion. • • • . .
<br /> . .14. Fees and Eappnses.tn the event Trustee selts the Propariy by exercise of power of sate.Trustee ahail be entitted to app�y • .
<br /> • ' . 8ny 9�te pracasds Tirst to payment of all eostsan0 expenss9 of exercising power of sate,including ait Trustee s taes,and LenduPa . , ,:•,
<br /> � and Truaffie's attornsy's tees,actuatty incurred to eutent permitted by appi:calrie law.in the event Borrov�e�or Trustor oxercise98ny , . •
<br /> ..' ' - _ .._,_. Nght proviQad by taw to cure an�vent of Oefautt,Lender shall 6e anti8ed to recOver from Trastor al!costs and expenses actualty � �
<br /> .:__ .
<br /> _ -- ----:-
<br /> � � incurt8a as a resutt of Yrustofs defautt irtchrdirtg wiUraut iimiYatia�r aii irusteEr'b and ettorney's tees.ta the extent pamsittsi�y '- '
<br /> . .. apAlicabte fav�. • ��
<br /> +t� � ' . ' . ° .
<br /> . T. . .
<br /> .' 's . :�, . • , , .,; ,. '' : .
<br />