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<br /> - `' ,. .t� �r' ' " . r -ti�, i�, r `'• �' . , • �� t S- _ ` - .-• '�'
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<br /> ___ ' , aalt` `.4,` F, � f`�� u,�' �,1:' 'f; .y ��{[k•.._Y�_-�lt�+4.i:1�:
<br /> . ' A••I •����'.
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<br /> _ F . • ' ��;`,,:` � "�l?.Teat�er oY tQe Pe� o�o Be�e�td�!Inte�.st in'8orro�er.if all ar any part of the Froperty or any'sntc.test in it =
<br /> _ •.;,' . .•..,. . p�y
<br /> - - °� ' is sotd or trnnsferred tar if a h-eneficiai inter�st in Borrawer is sold or tronsferred and Borrowier is aot a natural person)withnut —
<br /> ----';.;.4. �.: � i-t� LaWer's prior written oonseat. Lcader may. at iu option. require immediate paYment in full of all sucq,s s+�cured by t6ls . _
<br />�„� - �•�� ��" - S�vrity Instnunent.However,tf►isoptian shali not Ise exerci�+ed b�r Leader if euemise is pmhibited by fedemf taw a5 af the date . e
<br /> � ,� of this Secvriry insWmem. • � =
<br /> ��. �.� If i�ender exercises this option.t�ender shall give�drrower nodce of aceeleratiun.The notice shal!provide a period of not =_
<br /> ,°a._�:_ � � . less than 3Q�ays from the date the notiee is delivered or mailed�vithin w¢ich B�rrower must pay all sums suured by this =
<br /> -- ��•�� ° Sec�trity Inswment.If Sorrower fails to pay th,es$aums prior W the expiration of this period.Lend�r may imroYe acry re�ies _
<br /> `•� • �i: � � pPttnitted by this Secarity Irtstrament without farttteF notice or demand on Borrower. - ' -
<br /> � , �
<br /> t : „ - . I8. 3�asa+uc�es's Rtght W Ret�tate. If Botrower meets oe�ain ouaditions, Bomonrec sh.al! have d�ee right t� have � -
<br /> —• ..:—• .— 'Csllt°t)ft�+i1 VF l�llS Sia."'3ielI��1LS�a`t�tfU�u�(L`SCBIT[IIIIICw'S�YSIi'j 2fi1TC�rr La L�.'.t��� (3j 5�8�£.iQ!SSL�I C�.�i�O�9C. . =-
<br /> - ~ - - applica6le taw may specify for ninstatem�nt) Gefot� sale of the Praperty paistiani to any power of safe oontaiaed in ttus =-
<br /> ;•w;;. '` .�~ Secruit�Insttutneat:or(b)Entry of�j��grne�enforciag this Security Insttuncen�'t$ose wndiuons are that Borrocver.(a)PaYs =
<br /> f. ��, ne
<br /> -_:: ,.. ,-.: .`'`�. L.ender all sums nrhic6 Wen�vauld be due�iaaer this Se�rity Inswmeat suW the Note as if an aoceterution l�ad occurred: (b) .
<br /> -� ' �;u:'��"�'u* cu�s airy 8�fault of any other oovenants or.ag�eernents;(c)Pay�all expenses incvrred in enfon�ing this Security[nsn,�me�•,
<br /> '�,`'.• •�:`. Y R�, including,but not timited to.�asonable attomeys'fees•and(d)takes s�c�astian as Leader may reasonably re�quIre tg a5sure -..
<br /> � �'��"" ' '`�' that the lien of tius Sesurity Tnstnuneat,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation W pay th�sams setured by '-
<br /> , , ;,
<br /> - � r.. � ,.: a�•.,` , � �
<br /> - ::;�;, -. . this Secauity Instrument sliall oontinue anchanged. Upon miastat�t 6y �omnwer. this Sea�rity Instrament and•the -
<br /> �__�_::._.�___:: i`;- � -
<br /> ,,,:;,.,. - � oiz�gations searerl hereby shall nemain fciliy effxdve as if t[o aooetetatinn had ocwrred.However.tfis s�ght ta ris�state� _
<br /> '''�. . ;� ' not agply in the case of acceleratic+n underparagraph 17. ' -
<br /> '�"`��''�"�`':.:'�' 19.Safe of Nqtk; Change o!Lqan Sesvtcer. The Note or�partial ic►tetest in the Note (together with this SQCUSity =
<br /> � �. ' ., � �.� r Instrument)may be sotd one or moce times witt�ont pnior aotice ta Eorrower.A sale may resuIt in a change in t4e enti3y(knovra =-
<br />._�;:, µ,:� `�',;;,;��;..�: as the"Loatt Senr�cer°)that cotletts montIilY PaYm�s due uuder the Note and this Security Instrument.T6ete also may 6e one _
<br /> " ' ' ''� � or moae chang�s of tIte Loan Servi�r�mrei2fed w a sale of the Note.If tJtere is a change of the Loan Servioer,Bbrrower w�l be °
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> ...,� .,,>_�:,., .. .._._ __.. .glvenwritten�otice�of We�hange in�acoordancewith-paragraph-l4�bave�dapplicable-law:-The-notice-�viil-state-tiie naQie-aud-... _ _..- -
<br />— .:.,,}x' �� -_
<br /> �:;;._.__...;,:,�,.�,. address of the new Loan Servicer aad the addnss to which paymcnts should 6e ma�e.Tke notic,e arill also contain any ather _
<br /> - .�:�'..i,��� _ information reqdited by appGca6Ie law- ' �
<br /> �"�";':�'� ° ?A,.Ha�s�oas Sn6staao�s.Barabwer shal.l not cause or peimit the presence, use,disposal. storage. or.release of a�+ __
<br /> ,: ., �,. ..
<br /> _ '��'��'�: '� Hazandnus Suhstanres on or in the Prnperty. Barrower shall not do, nor altow �}rone eise to do, anything affecting the _
<br /> � *� .:-�.... .. .,. . Pmgerty that is in violatian of any Environmental Law..The-preteding two senteuces�Iiall.not apply.to the presence.use.•or...
<br /> ,_'.`,��`:�': .�-; ' stora e on the Pm e af stnall tities of Harandous Substances that are generally recognized ro be. reate to aormal
<br /> 3•r_�:x_��i•:c� . . g P rtY q� �r�p
<br /> ��y`�=�•;-� - t�esidential uses and to maintenance of the ProFerty. . �
<br /> - �cF�-...r�t-�:..,,..n;�e._ - -
<br /> ,;�.r;���;,;'``•t;. :.. Borrawer shall PmmptlY give Lender�vritten notice of aay investigation.claim,demand..lawsuit or oiher aqion�tiy any .
<br /> , �,,,f,<, _ �. govemmenuif ar re$ulatory agency or private party invoiving the Property and any Ha7ardaus Substance ar F�vironmental i.aw .
<br /> �'.cr�.,. �
<br /> ��i'�'�".a��`-��•, . of arhich�orro�ver has actual knowledge: If Boirower leams,ot is notified by any govemmentat or r�gulatory authority,tbat
<br /> ..a�:�,;�;,r�, ,
<br />- ,y,,;fi;�;�,:_,�;: any removal or other reme¢iation of tu�y Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shaU prompily take
<br />_ . � �� ' aIl necessary remedial actions in accordance with Envitonmental Iaw.�
<br /> - � As used in tlus paragraph 20,"I3ardndous Substauces" are those substances defiacd as toue or hazardoas.substances by
<br />- �ii...,,-:
<br /> '' r :�•�: .. Emira��� Law and the following substaiues: gasotiae. kerosene, other flammaS:�:.or toxic pehoteum pioducts. toxic
<br /> pestis���s and he�bicides.volatile solvents.materials containi�„asbestos or formaldehy�.and radioactive materiats.As nsed in
<br /> ', �4�y�'� y� ;� thls paragraph 20, "Enviranmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jvrisdiction where the Propeny is tocated tbat
<br /> °'!• relate to healW,sufery ar environmental pmtectioa.
<br /> �� ' ' NON-U1�JIFORM COVfiNANTS.Borrower and Lender further ooveuant and agree as follows: • • •
<br /> :�r,� _ �� Zl.Acoeleratton;RemedIes.Le�der shall give noike to Borrower prtor to accxteration followlqg BorroRer's 6reach
<br /> of a.¢¢� mvena�t or agr�m�n3 tn thLv Secarity Instrument (btrt rtot prIor to acceiera8on ander parag�ph 17 anless
<br /> apg�.i�Dle taw providPS otherwise). The notice sball spedf�: (a)the defaWt;(b)the actfon reqatsed 4o ciue t�+e defauQh,
<br />- (c)a date,not tess tt�an 30 days from the date the Ysnt�c�is gtven to Bormwer,6y�vhtch We defaWt must 6e car�;stasl
<br /> . (�Wat f�ilare to c�re the defaWt on os before the date specifted in tti�nottce mag tes�ilt in a�aete�attan of the s�s�
<br /> � s�md by t6is Secu�ty Iastruateat antl s�afe of ttie Prop�ty.The,uottce sLall fm�ther inform.Li'�n�ower o�We rtg6t to '..
<br /> m th
<br /> . �, �� , ` � rei��'tate s�ftcr aoceterattoc�and the rtg$t to brtag a wm�t�ton to assert We IIua�es�tegce of a defantt as any ot�er
<br />- �r,. ddcass�e af 8orrower to aaoeleration an8 sule. IS t$e deta�tt b nut cared oa or brd'i�e�g the date speciffed in tlfe notfoe,
<br /> �'„at its mptioa, may require 3mmedl�e payment t�ii�il of aU sums securec5 L'iy thts SewrIty Instr�eut;�tl�o�
<br />" fm�+�emand ttad may Invoke tf�e power of.saie and a�;other reffiedies perrnitted by applfcable/aw.l,ead�t�'h9ll he �
<br />- - ' endtled to�ott�t all expense.s incarred la pmsain;the se��slf�s prov�E�f,En tLis paragraph Zl,taduding,but�r,t lim[ted •
<br /> �'•'� � to,reasonabl�attrima�ys'�eeg�nd costs of tIti¢esideuce. � ,
<br /> � �'the powsr o?sale is tnvoked,Trustee s�alD�ns�a aoflce ot�efaWt in eacb co�ty in wHicB,any part o4 We
<br /> �. Fra�e4y is toca2e�and sf�aU mall oopieg oP such nat�ax i��,e manaer presa3be�fi�i appl3cabte law to Bomocrer aad to
<br /> ttr.atf�er persoas,prescriUed by appficabie tacv�Afier t1�I�e r�qWred by applf�hi�9aw,TrasteE shall give�ui6Edc nottoe
<br /> �i. .
<br /> oYsa4�.to We prrsuns aad in_ttce manaer gr�ibe8 by applIcn6le ta�.,'fi'�asteP, wi2�unt dema�d on Borro�;;s�3�i1�efl . �
<br /> ' - ' the�roperty at publfe aackion to the Iilghe�Isfc3der at the time ane�ce ead aaider the terms�gnated im t�e not�ce of
<br />- ' sate[n one oe mnre paroe(s aad In any orda�.'fCrustee determines.Trastee may g,��oae sale of all or any paRe1 at the
<br /> ;i:.i���� � �pe�y by pnblic annouacemeat at the tlme and p9ace of aoy prevtously sc8ted�rLfd sate. Lender or Its d�i�lnee muq
<br /> � purchase t6e Properiy at eny sate. �
<br /> ,_s�_?��.� ; ' ,, .
<br /> , , .
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