— ��r'""�," . Y ',�F:' . q _ `�., � :� y,. �,.-�,�`,-.. ' �.^::
<br /> . — _.. L :,,.� �. .." �.'- 0.'_�...a ,h`'�!. _ � --G _ r
<br /> � .�,-_�{ Y y� �---�--�----� =� ,�� �..,
<br /> �� ( VV Y.1 , � �M1 � , `�_�_ � y K•y' 4� L k (f� `^!Jf��l��.
<br /> t S-'.1�4�:i�.t�'J� 'C.� .C.�i •. .. . t:�•�,.' �f �� �r`. . �[. t.' +4 _
<br /> � ..� �t�' , t ' . u f ' 4 p`L' _
<br /> � _,f � i,:�: . ;,. , 4 , .Fi .,n' '.. .�,t, F� . ��� ' . . ' „ -
<br /> � � } � � �� � i+ .F 4 `Q+ k '4~ 'o �+. ' _ �� t _
<br /> 4� ` ��'�' �4',(�•y:'.G., 5�.. • `f. :�� � f�t�` ��r''�c,i':. �';,�.�, �F f ` L � . f4 -
<br /> �i- . `4,` 5:.. '� - _�F; - E-..e4`` .e. - `t.:.• �.�—... ar.c:�>._, - -- -zf.F- - _
<br /> ("}� .+:i . . . , . _ . . . . ` . � ' .
<br /> - :;��'`���I `�'� � �g-� �0���
<br />_. � . ;, � .
<br /> ���:t:����..s �- , � _.
<br /> _- � -�;:���.w.;$:�., Ra3r�enfs m�Y Qo tos�gec he requiretl;az the uptian af Le�ei,if�drtgage insvrance ooverage('m the a�auctt aad for the pedod
<br /> �'- � s�� that r ires mvided an roved b be�ames av le and is obtained. Bormaer shall �
<br /> _="� �e � )P �5+ €nsuter aPP Y�r a� �1ab FaY.
<br />,�"--' � �'``�' ' ` the premi�nis required to maintain mortgage insur�ce in�ffect,or to provide a loss reserve.unul the requirement for mortgage
<br /> L•.�r:�i",�. .. ...' . .
<br /> � K. . inspr�nce ends ia accord�e with any written agreement between Borrorver and Ix�er or applicable l�w.
<br /> . , , 9.Lusged�on.[.ender or its agent may'ma►se reasona6Ie eauies apon and inspecaoas of tfce Propert3. Lender shall give
<br /> -- •`:,.:��r �� Bnrrawer nouce at the tirrie af or prior to aa inspection specifyiag reasdna6le rause for the inspestion. �
<br /> ,. 's� - " 10. Cond�ttoB.The procePds of any a�v:ud'ar cta'sm for damages.direct or con�emial.In cnnner.tion with`any, :
<br /> ,,:, . .
<br /> .. ,
<br />',;� _,�*�;`�';`� oondeawation or other taking of.any part of the Prmpe�ty,or for eon�eyance�in li�of mndemnatioa,a�hereby assigned�d '
<br /> •.-•�• . . .
<br /> ,.�.<�,_,�.�_ = _._ sbaitDe�aidtoLender. - -, -- . - - --_
<br /> �f,� - --=�t�fie event of a tural taking oP ti�e Pinperty.ltte pt+�eeGs sG2116e app![ed to the sums sectined by this Setvrity�nctmetent_-
<br /> ` '``'.' `'' �r�`; ar6ether or not then cIue, with any excess paid to Borrower.In the eveat of a partisil taking af the Peoperty in which the,fair
<br /> i.."fL�.�.�:t:�:i.y,i� • '
<br /> �;�_' ic .._�••4n_`
<br /> :y�;.,�__` warket'vatae of'the Pmperty iuunediateIy 6efoie the taking is egual w or gceazer than the amouni oF the sums sewred by tuis
<br /> ="'�;;:�� ' SECVriry Insmamedt�nmediat�ly 6efore the ta�ang,unless Botrowes amd tender otherwise agree in writing,the sum.t seenied 6y
<br /> �.., ;� ��'� dus$ecuiity I�trument shall be roduced by tt�e amount of the proceeds multiplied 6y tl�e fo!lowiag ftactIoa: (a? the.wtal ' '
<br /> __=�:� amot�mt of the stm�s secured immediatety 6efore the taking,divided[sy @)the fair markex value of the Prapetty,immedi�ately
<br /> --h�"".5fr-� `. . . bsfore t�e�Sin&Any�sha4l be paid to BarmRer.,In the eveat of a partia! �of ti�ProyertY in whici�the fa'n,
<br />_-�R�.. : �
<br /> . -•���_>—:�;� .
<br /> -,���L�'a�u�� market vatae of the Propetty im�ediatety before the taking is tess than the amount of the sums secured imR, ;arply before the �
<br /> --''''`R�--=„.'�r' ta�°g+unless Eorrqwer and Lender othernise�in vrriting or,aWess applicable law athemrise provides,t6e pzoceEQs shall _
<br /> ,. ;�}a �. 6e applied to the surns secared bythis 5ewrity Insttament whether or nat the sums are/hen dtie. �
<br /> ��'�� ' If the F�operty is abandoned hy Borrower.or if;after notice by I.ender to Bnirower tiiat the oond�nor af�ets to make an .
<br /> -----�';�:�� _a�var�or_seule_aslaim.fo�_damages,Borros�es.faiis_.w_respnad.to_i.ender within30.days_after_the�ate.the.notice.is_gixen.---.-.--_ .
<br /> �:;�:�,�� .
<br /> �,�y;��;�'�,� -----�----Lender is authnrize�!to coltect a�d apply We pr{oceeds,at iu option,�ither to reswration or re�rair of the Fragerty os to tl►e st�s
<br /> -_-_ __- -—"' � . secared iry this Security Insaamem,afiether or not thras due. ' - ' , , '
<br /> -_:_;=�`�.�� Unless Leader and Bona�ver otherwise agree ia writing, any applicadon of proceeds�to principai sbali aqt extend or
<br /> .-- _�..,,Y. � �ne ths due date of the mnIIthl cefeareti tn in 4�s i and 2 ar '
<br /> ----__-- �� , Y F� p��P rh�the amouni of such pay,utenis.
<br /> - ,,_,:�:; • - ,
<br /> :=-�„''����`'d�� ;ll.Bo#o�ver Alot Pieleased;Fo�By Leader Not'�VYaiver.Extensioi�of�the tijne for paymeat or taodification
<br /> ��
<br /> �. - - = of amortiTalion of tl�ee sums secured by this��riry Ynsuument granted by Lender to any suooessor in interest of Bor�ower shall
<br /> . -�'';�'�'• - � m-,i a�esaz�ta release ih2 Uafsility of the orig,ffai Ea�ower srr Barrower's saccessms in mteiest.Leadet shall not be reqniied to
<br /> —=-�l`�� p � paYment or otherwise mndify amartiz�tiom
<br /> - �A,.•������ commense mceedings against an}r sucre�.os in inierest or refuse w extend time for .
<br /> ;;�.:�� ' of the snms secured by this Secarity tnst�v�ent 6y reason of any dem�id made by the original Borrower or Bo:rower's
<br /> T -=�4;_,,,, suacessois in interest. Any forbeaiance by Lender ia exercising any right ar remedy shall not 6e a waiver of or preclud�e the •
<br /> ..-�'-=��:..,�.� eaercise of suy right or remedy. � •
<br /> --_ u-� � �.' D2.Suec4sso�s and�sstga�Bauad;Joiat aac��eveiai Liabflity;�o-sYgnets. The oovenants aad a�ceements of this
<br /> _________... _� c�uity Instr�.^.c_ shall bsad and benefit the sacces4a�s azW assigns of Lender aad Borrower, subjeci w We pruvisions of �
<br /> _____----�-= paragraph 17:�Burrawer's covenaats and agreements shalt be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs fhis Security .
<br /> ---_�° � Insinmment 6ut does not execut�th�Note:(s) is co-signing this Security Insicumeat only to mortgage,grant and wnvey that
<br />-------..- = Barrower's interest in the Property under the teams of this SeauitY����-p*''.• (b)is not personally ubligated W pay the saans
<br /> - s�cured by this 5e�urity Insuument;aad(c)agree.a that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbear or
<br /> csm�e aay a+xainmodations with regard to the terms of this Se�urity Instrument or the Note arithaut that Boirower's consent. •
<br /> ` 13.Lo�i Charges.If the loan sec�ued by this Security Insuum�nt is subject W a!aw which sets maximum loan cl►arges. �
<br /> --- � 'aad thai law 4s fihalty interpreted so that the interest or ather toan charges coilected or to 6e collected in wnneciion with the
<br /> [oan excee�l the pem�itted limiu,ihen:(a)azry svch taan charge shall be mduced by the ainoura nec�sary ta ieduce the charge
<br /> b the pemutted,limit;and(ii)any sums already w!lected fram Boirower whYch e��ded permiued limiu wiU be rEfanded to .
<br /> Borrower: Lender may ehoose to make this refund by reQueing the princapal asvc:ct under the Note or by malaing a direet
<br /> •— payment to Borcowec. 1f a refurtd reduces principal, the reduction will 6e tr�ted as a partial prepayment arithout any •
<br /> ______—__— . prepayment charge under the Note. � � .
<br /> _-__
<br />