�r. .:"._.,,:.��,..c_.�..t. . _-"- " - . , L:��+�'�"� ��o. .4.
<br /> - • � '• .4r:��U < .. ... -' _ .,—.� .i �..:-,.— ....�� � I' -T'
<br /> , ��y, 4p� � . �-� S3 -�T �—�� .r'- � �... .c {r "" 4' 'k_'_ _ t ..
<br /> �'� �. ` , � 3 .. ' (. f t.. ( . .{ .", .'_�� -_: +Y .
<br /> , '4.c�`. ..°Y, �t":. ,. �� ,y` fi `�� 7 Z .�y a ;�+y�y� Tf�`
<br /> a,` _ .,. � : c 4r rS.._t'�c4 - � �;R � ' � ' -L. < <,�'�„�..
<br /> ' � Y . ..'ts�ti��t" a �4 ( t� � , �.•.-
<br /> 4 . �,�k.a :(� s .� Y .r '�' a � � � .h +. .
<br /> . a 4 `.'r • .; .. ' ,• ., . .. ..r ° , E �`i. ��,
<br /> .. . � ,� 9 �� � - � ``i�. .Y.;, '�` .��'`, `q� . .< . �4ti� Y ' .�i _
<br />.. �,(cC.'' ' f....'_ . • ` . :� � •�i7�1 ����� • —
<br />._ � ' �,���'�� -: `� . . �
<br /> .':'•',�. . � 17:Trunsfes ot t�te Fru�ty or a��efld�t bi[er�t in Borro�cer.If all or any p�f the Property or any inteuest in it
<br /> ���+ ;F ••,'��l:,,'; is sbtd or aansferc�d(or if a benefcei�l inter�t in 8omn�vec is sold or tcansferred and Horro�ver is not a t�aturaill pPCSOn)without _
<br /> �.r; ' . • - , Lender's prior writt�n consent. Lsnder may, ut its opsion. reqoire immediaze payment in fuli of ali sum� sacured by thLs --
<br /> " Sac�riry Instnunent.Kowever,this optivn shat!not�e exercised by Lender if ea�ercise'�s prohibited by federal la�v�s of the date _
<br /> � • , of this Security Instnunent. . , ' � ` --
<br /> _ If Lettd�rexercise.c this option:I.Qnder shaal give Borrower notite of aoceieration:'ilie notice shaU provide a period of not _
<br /> - -- Iess than 30 days from the date ti�ttoti��is d�'�ar is�tat uiE'mn ukis�'t-�Stus.�s s�u�st�y�stt�-Fta��-t�;�lsi.F•_:-
<br /> S�curiry[nstrument.if Bomower fails to pay these sucsu prtor to the expir.�Yion of this peaad.Leader may invoke any remedies
<br /> Lt- --tt�� J��mit�by�hic��rsty Instn��rt witho�t furiher rtotioe or deman�on Barro�ves.' _
<br /> r :. -�: _
<br /> .�,.� 18. Bnsro�reti's Ed�tt to Rei�state. [f Borrower meets oertain conditians. Borrawer sh311 have the rig6t W tiave
<br /> s'� enforcemeat of Wis Seeuri InsElrumetu discomitnted at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 dsys(o:such other period as _
<br /> ��.--�°�`::� •ty r o . . this -
<br /> __ � ,�=_ ._ , applirahle law may sp��fy for ceinstatement)hefore sale af the Proper.y pursuant to atry Qowe f sale contamed m
<br /> �T _. Sa,vnfy Inshvment;or�(b)euuY�a.I�b'���8 dnis Suviiiy isra�iiuri��t.T,t„�c c-vi�irilv�u a��t3uu S43ru�i:fai�i� . _
<br /> `�.�. Lender ail sums which then wouid be due emder this Secu�ity Insbument and the Note�s if no acceleration had oocurrod:(b) � _
<br /> . . . cums any default of uay other,00venants ar a�eetuents:tc)paYs all expenses incurrad in enfo�iug tt�is Security Inst�ument. -
<br /> �k:..-,;.. .',. ��9 inciuding.6ut wot liarited to.reasonabte attoraeys'fe�.s;and(d}takes such acaen as LendeF inay rea�onably eeqnire w essure _.
<br /> `' �° . '', tl�at the tien of this Sewauity Instruinem.Lender'g rights in the Property and Borrotiver's o6ligation to pay the sums aecured by .
<br /> ui
<br /> . dus Sea�aity Inshument shall contiawe unchan�ed. Upon reinstatemeru by Borrower. tins Security Instniment and tfie =
<br /> ., .,. ai
<br /> - ' •�•.,•.�:;� �•obligadons:serumd hereby sha}1 remain fnlly effettive as if no zcceler�tion had aoarred. However,this right to reinstate sI�al} , _
<br /> _r`:.::: "•'..a„�• . nnt appIy in the case of acceleratioa under�uagraph I7. � �' _
<br /> °`- � .� .: •`'•, . 19. Sale oi�tut� Cgange of Iaaa Servt�er..The Note or a partial interest in the Note (togetl�.r with this Secarity ._
<br />-,.-r��: ,.- .,:- ,>_
<br /> - •t,�':�� Instnunent)may be sold one o1r more ames svithout prior nofice to Bormwer.A sale may result in a chHnge in the entity(tmown
<br /> "'.',;'�``..:_��� t s d a e u n d e r t h e N o t e aad this S ��+*+�R+s^t.Theic alsa ma y 6e one -
<br /> : . ..;;-a. . as t he"L o a n Servicer')t v az co ll e c t s anon i q l lY P a Y m e�► �i Y t , _
<br /> .�:_. ffi
<br /> ,••'.i . � � � ervnoie cfianges of the Loan'Servicer anretated to a sale of t�e Note.If there is a c6ange of the Loan Servicer.Borrower witt Ise =
<br /> '� ' � �.'� �%'�,' given tivrittea�tice of the change in accordanoe with�paragraph 14 above and applicabte la�v.'Fhe nntice Rn'II state the name and _
<br />- ._ �e�.��a:.:..a....
<br /> :: �...: ,:�:�;�-,�� .----. . .ad8ress_of the neav_Loan Servioer and the�ddress to which paymeats_�fluld 6e maAe.T6e aotix will also oontain anY athea
<br /> ,. - - . �---. . . ... . .....- .... ....... .. .. �-�--�-�-�-�•--- -.._._._.__ .._._..--- --------- ._... --
<br /> ��,� infoi�mahon req�b9 aPPlicalife 1aav: �
<br /> ��.w+�� 20 Na�ardons Sabsia.cr�es. Borrower�hall not cause or permit the Qresence, use.disposal,scorage.or reiease of aay , �
<br /> ;�� _"'"',�_ � . Hazandous Substanaes on ar in the Property. Borrower shaU not do, nor allow anyone else to do, aaything affec�ng the
<br /> -����; " � Property ti�at is in violation of aay Environmental law. The preceding two senrences shall aot apply to tiis preseace.use,or , _
<br /> r�:`��.,°,-.--- e stozage on the Fcpperty of small quantiaes of Hazardnus Snbstanccs that are geueially teeognized to be a�rpropriate to normal .
<br /> � - -- �sideiitial"uses and to m3inteaance of the Peoperty.
<br /> '_'�*'_,-�''�'+� � . Borrower si�all PiomptlY giqe L�eader written aatice of any investigation.claim,demand,lawseut or other action by aay
<br /> ''.;:;•��:�:�..s.. . �u ry � �Y P P�Y� 8 �P�Y
<br /> -�- • govemmental or re lato u en or rivate mvolvin the and any Hazardous Substance or Eavimamental Law
<br /> =ry�:'''�y':`K;' s' of which�Barrower has artual Imowledge.If Borrocver learm.or u aotified by any govemmeatai or iegutatory duthority.'that
<br /> = � ., aay t+emoval or ather remediatiov of aay Hazardflus Subs�ance affectiug t�e Pt�percy�s aeoessary,Borrower shall prompdy take
<br /> r all aecessary m,�cdial actions in accordance with Emirotunental Law_ , . '.
<br /> . - � <.�„ As used i�dtis paragrapb Z0. 'Hazardous Su6stanaes`ase dw�e ett�stamces defiaed as to�ic or ha7ardous su6stances b1r ,
<br /> -•��+��;�,�.,',.:.r;�; • Envir+nnmsatal �w and tke following substances: gasaline. keroseae, oth�er tlammabte or toxic peoroleum products, toaic
<br /> - T.±�,��F:-�`� pesticides ared herbicides,.vcr�e soIvents.materiais cantaining asbestos or fomialde�3 de.and�adioachve materials.As used in
<br /> �:`;�''"=`=•' `� dtis paragraph 20, 'Envirg�ntal Iaw" means federal taws and taws of the jurisdiction where the Prioperty is tocated ti�i
<br /> .r�.�--
<br /> _ � zefate to health,safetY or environn�erttal pro2ection. . � ,
<br /> "��p�" �''�:� NON-1J1��4�RM COVENANTS.Borrower and Ixnder further ons�n3nt.and agrce as follows: � '� �
<br /> •�.:�_�.ea,o.� y. Zl.�eCelaatIon;RemedIes.I.ender shall give nottce W Borm*�er prtor to acreteraHon foIlowtng Borroww's bneas�a. .
<br /> < «x��
<br /> of any oovenaat or agreement in tAls Secaeity Ins�a��n4 (but not prFor to aoceierat�on uuder �rs�r�17 anqess
<br /> _ :���'� a�ltrable!aw pmvldes othe�v�se).The Qotice shal��ecif�y: (a)the defaWt;(b)the adtoa r�i4 c¢c��he deFantt;
<br /> --°-.-�:�� (c�a date,not less fban 30 days from the date We¢�ise is givea to Boiro�er.bY�v�ich the dcfaWt mast b�e cvrr�;ar.�.
<br /> __,�_--�� (�Wat faIIare to care the defautt on or bdore tiae date specif€ed in We notke may rnsnit in,aooeleration of the ac�� �. •
<br /> - secured by this Secarity L�str�ment and sate of the Property:'H9�¢motice shall fartLer infor�c 1Bor�wer of the rtght r�,- .
<br /> _- --.- �instate aRer aooeIcaatton and the right ro bfing o oourt aed�aat to assert 4he Qon-e�dsteao�of s�defsmt or anp othea.
<br /> drtease of Borrawer to uoaeteistion aad sAt� U the deSaWt is tu�',t corPd on or 6etor�t�e date specifted i»We notioe,
<br /> �� Lender,at fts option,ma�c¢quire imacediate pay�eu3:iri fiill ot aU sams se�eed 6y th3s S�car�ty Instrument v�ft6oat
<br /> —=_�:;n. 1'uNhet dE�Antt 8nd may�oke tLe puwet o!s31e ari�:6;�y oi6e!1'+e�nYdtes pe�slttR4ed bp�p�fiaab2e law.Lender shall be
<br /> =====_- antitied to ool�ect al!espeascs inc�red ia�rsuing 3ht remedieg y�deA in tmLs paragrapin Z�;_3acluding,Dut ao!Itmited�
<br /> _:=�`-� � to,�rasorta8te r�araeys'fees and costs oS tiile evidence. . .
<br /> r=��„, . If�the po�ver of sate is inr•aicat,Trostee shall recorc�a noii�of defaWt in eacb oarrn2�in�6ict�ttny part oF tUi:
<br /> c
<br /> ---n� Piroperty is[orated and sball mail oup3es ot sacb dfluce tn 4he mannerp�i�e�6y appl�cabie It►w to Barrawer end ta
<br /> — ---- the other persons pr�cnbed by appllcable law.After tdie time e�qoird y6 npp'�caLle 1aw,Tr�stee sflall give pu6lic aotice
<br /> °=����'� � of saie to ttie peraoas and in the manner pmscribed�applic�ble ta�v.'[Y�stee,without�emand on Bosrower,sLall re�
<br /> -------.;,_. u,5i:
<br /> _-;-�:-�� . the Property at pubfis andtoa to the highest bfdder et the time s�nd place and ander the tera�desfigoated ia the aotfce of
<br /> """�" '�'�" sate in one or rr.�rn parcets amd[n any order 7'n�.stee determines.Trustee may post�one saT�o,�all or an}r'paroe!oi t�ie .
<br /> ...�.,:�s'�±=r�f�n_giak� �
<br /> -°—-•�-_�°-�-��^ . Frope�ty bp pr�9ic an�ouztaemeat at the time and piaoe o!any pnevtously sdteduled sa�e.II�der or its deslgaee may
<br /> - _ :""_„�'�'`�9f Rarchase the Fro�ert�a.�a�y sa[e.
<br /> `-�.,;�''r; � • '
<br /> ;,'�f;; ..
<br /> �iL„.� , . ,. ,
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