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<br /> `:+•'. � �, ',} '. • paymept�may n�longer be reguireQ.at th�option af L+end.r.if nnonga�e insuranoe coverag e asnount aad for the periad =
<br />_"��° •: `` '�. ;. that L�nder �equdres)Provided by an insurer appro�ed by I eader again 6ecomes availabte and is o6tair.ed.Boaowet shtil!pay� -
<br /> '�`'"`°�'; ;�-� `a�� ;Ihe pts:miums[Eqllsred[o m3iniaid mo![gag6 u�ssurdASY,io effect.or to provid��loss r�eserve. un1il the requirement for mnrtg�ge
<br /> �','<`:� �. �. iasursace ends in acoordance with sny written agreement bemreen Borrower and I.ender or appGcable law. `
<br /> = . - : 9.ias�on.L,�nder o:iu agert may make rea�anabte c�trics upon ared inspections af the Property.Lemier shaU gve ° -
<br /> ( � - ��-�-����g€���.��s irrs�si�on s�.-i£J':ng��.:��c,i t�e inspection.
<br /> < 10:Co�tdemn�i�oa.The praceeds nf any aw3td or cfa�im for damages.direct er coasequentiai. ia c�rucection with any • :
<br /> �� . condemnatian ar otfi�taking of any pazt o�the�roFerty,or for conveyance in li�uu of conctemnation.are h�eby a�ssign�d mid =
<br /> .:.�� s6a116e paid to Lender. ' ' . � -
<br /> •�x,�,�x_ �y (n the eveat of a total talQng af the Fraperty.the pmceeds shal!be applied to the sumg sewred by this�Security Instnunent; -
<br /> _ _
<br /> ,,;YF .- tvBet�er bi n��ien due,�wi�any excess paid to B�oriower. In the evert of a partia}taking of tfie Fragerty in ivf�ieh fhe fair -
<br /> ` •` F;.•':.•, �� trrackei value of the�ropeny immadiately 6efare the tatang is equaf to or grrater t6an the amount of the snms secured by th�s
<br /> :::�r`°;:,,;:: '`: ' Secvri�y Im�ument imme�iately befo�the taking,unless Borrawer and I.ender othenvise egi+ee in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> ,"�. � ..� �, f, ;`�•. this Ssairiry Instnu�trM shall !�e[e�uced by the amou�t of t6e pmcaed�multiplied by tbe fflllocving fia�iaa (a)the mtal
<br /> '=L; . `• . amouat af tf�e sums secured immediacely 6efore�he taking,divided by(b)the fair market valae af the Praperty�*+?e,+�a t j, . .
<br /> � _ 6eforz th�taPcing. Any bataaoe shall 6e paid to Bormwer. In the event of a partial t3fang of the Propertx in wiucl�the fair =
<br /> '•r•' `k` ._:•,`- perty immediately b�fore ti�taIdng is tess ttmn th�amount of the sums sec�ued iat�nediatety before the
<br /> <-,., ; y., ararket va1¢e of the Pro ata '
<br /> .:�._�.'.:: ,:,;T;� ,talQng;unless Bmrawer and[ender atitecwise agree in writin�;or anless appiicable!aw otherniss provides.ti�prooe�ds sf�.tl
<br /> ._.,. . �"•�; � be applied w We swns secured by tvis Se�vrity Instrument whether or uot the sums are.then due.
<br /> : ` ' Igthe Property is abandonrd by.Borrocver;or if.after aotioe by teader to Barrower that the oondemnar offets to make an .
<br /> � � .�~•` a�vazd or settle a claim fur d�nages, Borrower fails w resTsond to I.ender within 30 days aftet the�ate 3he natice is given,
<br /> .�,�`'��' Lend�is auttmrize�[o cotixt and a i the ceeds,at ics o tian,either to restontion or t of the or ta the snms
<br /> ,,..
<br /> . . ..
<br /> :.. .,.
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<br /> . . , -�--- ---- -- - --�nsunmem.- - - -- - -�-- ._........... .. ...._. --��----._....... ----.._...---..........-----�------- --- ...--��----
<br /> ,;. �.: . - - ----- -
<br /> .,..,� � by " � arnat due.
<br /> -=�u:`�°.-.-r�'re�'" � , Unless,Lz�a�d!gorrawer otherwise agree in arriting,anp aFplicaiian of praceeds tn grincipal s!n!!aai exte�d ar -
<br /> _--- ��` o the due datc afr clYe monthl ts referred Lo ia ara hs.l and 2 or the amount of such
<br /> _ , '•�.::,' P �� 9 PaY�n P &�P �P� FaYm�ts-
<br /> _ ' �;� �;�- ' • 11.fiagrocv�Not Released;Forbearaaee Bq I.eud�r Not a Natver.Extension of the time for payment or msodi5catian
<br /> -- ::�;,f uf atnortization of the sums sec�ed_by this Seauity L�sCrament grantrd by L:ender-to arry sarc�or in m2etest of Eoirawer shall-' ...
<br /> ug;;�r':'.»�� nnt opxrate to release the liab�7ity of tII�s origiaal Borrower or Borrmwer's succ�ss+ors in interest.Lender s6ai1 aot be tEquired m � .
<br /> 'l�:`;:�: . oom�ce Proce�ings�-'�ss anY successos in iflte�rest or refiue to emend tim.�for paym�or athe�cvise nadify aawrtization =
<br /> '`:;:,s�"?',�; � � of t8e snms secc�re� by ahis Security Instrvme�nt by ceacon of a�+ demau�made by.the ariginal Borrawer or Bamnvvver's
<br /> ==� �s.�x::, r . .
<br /> :���,y:�;;_, s.a;; s¢ooessflrs in interest.Any fo�beatan�by Lcnder in ex�rising�rsy righi or remedy shall not be a araiver of or pmclude t�e
<br /> - -�* exercise mff�r right or temedy. . -
<br /> --';_"�-'��;•�,� "' 12. �i.acessass and AsSfgos �oimd;Jofmt�u��vea-=,..E�i:�u�bittty.Co-signeis. 'I9�e�coveaants and agreements of ttds
<br /> �,=.�.x�.����,�- '
<br /> __t�,,,�--�;�, Saa�rity Insnvment sh.�it bind and benefit the suc�sors�zd�.usigns of l.ender and BorrAwer, subject to�e provisians of `
<br /> -- ;. '" �:'�-,� .P�B�Ph I7. �oaawr-ar�`s.covenants aIId agreements shall F'se joint and several. An Borrower who .
<br /> ,^:'�,,_;:,.: Y c�-�igns this Serurity
<br /> __ __._�'�,�- t��m,�„en*but does r��sxeeute the Note: (a)is co-signing�is S�rity Instnunent oniy to mortgage;grant and wmrey tP�at ,
<br /> "_�``:�±�.;;_� Boiroaer's interest in'�ne Pcoperty under the terms of this Security+Iastrument;(b)is not pFasonally obligated w pay the sums
<br /> • _�_--�=_= ss�ured by this Secvrity Instrument;s�nd(c)agrees tl�ai Lender and siny other Eorrower may a�to extend,tn�ify.forbear or •
<br /> --��:;a=��� ma�cee any aocomutada.aes�s with regaN w the terms of this Security Imstncmeni or the.Note witLout tLat Borrowe�'s consent. �
<br /> __ —_-- 13. Luan�.if the loaa secured 6y this S�rity Inst�meni is subject to a law whic6 seis maximum toan clt�rges, .
<br /> -----__-- , and that lacv is fia�y interpreted so tt�at the interest or other toun charges oollected or to b$oolletted.in coaaection aritts the
<br /> ------ loan excee�t tfre F�amued limits.then: (a?�►Y sach loan charge shall be rpduoed by the amount necessary w tedace the d�rge
<br /> . to the pez�iirs�limit;and(b)any snms atneady collecte�from Borrower which exoeeded permitted liarits wilt be refiux�ed to.
<br /> Barroaea. �i.ea�er i�u, r.hoose to malce this cefuns.i�y reducing the principtd oweA undes the Nofe v.c,by mal�g a direri
<br /> paym�t to Borrqwez: .Tf:a refund redaces pmtc}pi�E, the reduction will 6e treaiecD as a pattia! pr�jii�t wilhout any '
<br /> _ -- Prepaym�nt charge urr�a C6ie Note.. , � �� . ' �:";:'�
<br /> -�_
<br />