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<br /> .t.�. • I. . .. '. � . S .. . . �, t., r{.� '/.' Y Y y�� 3 ;t .
<br /> . 4 < f 4' . •`}�I' ' Y . .. • % � . .. ' . - . • . . <� .' � . .2t�.•.i, T' ` •�' -C t�, ; , .
<br /> • �
<br /> ' ' '(.. �.. � � , .ti�k`. vi Y ��' . , 4`" � `, . ' ,4 �q• < = z� .
<br /> i�jf�, ,t 'S _ 'r , . . . ,. ,�� .. « •��. : :, . ��
<br /> �4. . . �,. - ...u.��'. . . � .� --.�rr.�..5�=
<br /> __ F�'• ' ` . � �� �/�(� � ` ` .
<br /> '' ,c` - r y�t� ' . � , . �"�• �O��V� . - �i.., ..
<br /> . ` �: ' ` 16.8orsowes's Co�y.Borrow�Er shaU t�e�ivea oas coniormed capy oi the Note and of�Lia Securitq lastr�mea� � • =v
<br /> •:��`', �� 17.TrensYer o!the Property os a Heneiiclel Intepost in Borrower.If ail or any part of the Property,or eny .`��
<br /> - � interest in it is sold or transYetred`or if a beneticiat iater�est in Borrower is eald or traasPe}red ead Borra�ver ta not a "i��`
<br /> ` � aatm�ai p e t s oa)without Lenderrs prior writteii conseat,Leader�nay.at its o�ption,t+equire imruediate paYment iA fUil oi . . ,
<br /> -�. - �,�`•-`�- - -- �ell su�s secured by t�i s Se�ritq I n s t r u n ten t I i o�vever. t l u a o p t i o n s h a 1 1 n o t b e e s e r c i s e d b y L e n d e r i f e�i s .
<br /> ., 4�; ` p r o h i b i t e d b p f e d e s a l t a w a s o i t h e d a t a o 3 t t i s S e c u r i t y'I n s t r umen� � ` _
<br /> �, .If I.euder esercises ttus option.Leader sbatl give Eorrawer natice of acceleratioa.T h e notice s h�1 1 provi d e a p e r i o d ' � �
<br /> af not les�thsa 30 daYs fmm t he date thenotioa is delivered or mail e d wi t t�i n w h ic h Barrow e t m a s t ga y a l l ewns secw+ed s :.;.
<br /> �:. ,`. `�`. : b tlus Securitq Iastnuaen�I f Borrower f s i l e t o pay t h e s e s u ri m s o r t o t t U a e i r a t i o n o Y t 6 i s p�r i a d.L e a d e r ma y invoka
<br /> ��;. �. � .. .
<br /> ;�. ,.,:_. ..�. . y-...-- - . _... __ .
<br /> ���--;r. . aayretYSediiesperffiiiter3byWis�eu:ItyInstt-�::t�4�ithcsu��Ctt'...�:s�3ixer-_�s��nBarcower. ��_
<br /> -- - - - 18.HoYrower's�ight to Reiastate.If Ban+o�ser meeta certeia waditiops,Borrower sball I�ve t h e ri g ht t o�»ve `F:.
<br /> ' e n f o r ce n n e n t o f 4 t�i s S e c u r i t y I n a t r u m e n t d i s o o n t i a u e d at aa y tiine p r iar to the earlier o�(a3 5 d8Y8�or such other�eriod -
<br /> �� - as licable law s�ap specifY for reiastatenient)be4ore sale of t�a Pro �ursuaat to enypower o T s a le coa t a i a e d I n . .
<br /> ' ':. this Ins�ment;or (b)entrq o4 a �'udgneat enforciug tbis�ecunty Ins�vmen�"I'hnse ooaditions are that ,
<br /> �•� ��,�'. I3orco�ver: a�Pa3►s Lend�t all avsns which thea would be due under this Security InsOnsment and the Note e$if ao
<br /> -� . , iac�ured i� •
<br /> acceleration had occuned;(b�cures any default of aay other covenants or ageement�(c)pa�s ell espenses
<br /> . �� enforeing this Security lnstntmefl�iacluding,but aot liniited to;r�ouable attorney�fee�and(d)takes such actioa es . ..
<br /> .. -' �`'.':-<�. Lender may reasonably require to a�ure that the tiea of ti�is Security Iaswment,Lender's rights.in tha Propert9 and �.`
<br /> • "' :' �t. :, Eormwer'sobli�atioatopay thesumssecuredby thisSecurityInstr�mentshallcoatiaueuachaaged.Uponreiastatemeut �
<br /> .-� r. ., by Bormwer,tWa Security Instrument and the obligations s�.vred Qeteby ehall remain fuUy effective as if a�acceleretio� �}.,''-
<br /> � ,� . - hadooc�ure�.Iiowever.tbisrigbttoreanstateshallaotappipinthec�saofaa�leretionvndergatsgraphl7. � � �
<br /> " �"� • � '19.S�Ie mff Note;'Change o 7 L o s�Serv i c E r.T he N o t e or a p a r t i a l i n t e r e s t i n t h e N a t e(t o�e t h e r w i t h tAisSecurit S► �i
<br /> . , :
<br /> , .. ,,...-:
<br /> " : ;�, �., .;. ;;��-:•,� Inswment)mas be�ld one or more times withaut 'or aotice to Bon�o�ver.A sate inaq t�ult�a a c ia the entity
<br /> • -.� .... :;." :r�--°.<; . . .. . .(IKntow�riss�"inaffServicer"�46at-oollectsmouthtgpayments-due.imder.th�Not�.at�9f�sSecunty_lnstri�men�The� � _ .�.°°
<br /> ,' ' � elsa maq be oAS as mote c�anges af the Losn 3ervicer unrelated to a eate of Ehe Noie.If there�a cliaage of�sfie I:oau -�---� - �.
<br />- _ _ �.:._ ...��,.�_ h 14 a ve and applicable law: ' �__
<br /> ;.:'i'':.. .: .,-. Servicer�Bornower iv�l be�a�n writtea notice oi the cheuge in accqrdance with garagrap, ,,:
<br /> an �
<br /> .y- � The notice wili state the name and sddress of the new Loaa Servicer and the edd�s to wluch paymen�shauld be mg.da. . '� �.'_
<br /> ..t..
<br /> �� �•.;�,�, The untice will aE�v caataiu aay otheriaformation rcquired by applicataie law. � �or release o4 •"� .:
<br /> . .-,: �.� �.' ` 20:Hazardous�nbstanaxs.BonoWer shsll aot caise or it the psesence.use.diePosal. _ S - _
<br /> ',�� ` :''.•' eny Ha�u�dous Substances on or ia the Property.Bomower not do.aor allow anpoae else to dd,anytiungaffect�S �-,`�';'
<br /> �,;,,. �,..,- .,. . ,=•;-
<br /> :.:,•r.�, the Property tbat ie in violation of aay Envtronsaental Law.The preceding two sentences s�not app���p� Lo b�'s .:
<br /> _ -_�;�— �:,-';. pertq of saiall titi�of Hazardnus Substan�es t6at are eraU ,,,`�-T
<br /> .,:� u�e. or etorage on the Pro �?► , ��'r':
<br />° ��H.� � ::i,, agpmp 'atetomQSOmaI residen-tial uses aad to mawtenaACe af the Property., _
<br /> ��'?�" •� Bosowea�Il gromptly give�Leader writtenaotice of any investag�at�on,cisim,demaad.la�suit ar ot�er actiors by _ _
<br /> .':�` '":�:;a :' ,• aay goveram�or re�u1atory ageacy or private party involvis�,�e Property artd a�ny �Ia�ardoua Substeuce.or �, __
<br />_ ., �' ..,,,;,: overnmmtal�s e--
<br /> :�:,t;:. ., ,:;:.`�,.�: F��nmental�.aw of wliicb Borrower has actual knowledga.If Bonvwer learas,or is notified bY�Y g � �..,.-
<br /> �. .�-.��E!' � A —'
<br />- �:' .,;.�;<<f,;.�,, <<< .m.,�r:n.�iory authorit9, that ang removal or other remediation of unY Hezasd���ubstaace afPectiag the Pmgerty � —_
<br /> `,�:.,�;:''''`:':.t;,,; n�p.Borrowersl�all p:amanp�t�t8�68U fl�RSRSf9fCi71^$18�SCtiOn8fA8CCAfB3IIC�W1tYlEAVJt0IItA8AL8II�19. ___
<br /> „s.,�'��` '��`,:° Aa used iri this paragr&p&�0. Hezardoua Su6at�aces are�hase substances de�ned as toai�c or hazasdous substaaces =-_-
<br /> _ ,�,..; .::;�•:- � �._
<br /> •.�S�K,
<br /> . :�:.:�... b y E n v u o n mental Law and td�e followia�substaace�gasoliae.kerosene,other ilammable or to�c pa�vlevm pi'odu�s.
<br /> .; ..� to�c p�ticides aad, herbicides, volatile solvents. materi a l a contaisi�nag es t�e s W s or f o t m a l E 2 h y d e. a n d t a d i a a v�t i v e
<br /> . matenals.Aa used ia this para9raPh 20."Savironmentel La�v"mesns federal laws sad laws of the jurisdictioa whet+e the
<br /> � :• .�.'• "�. .. Pra�e�ty ialocatedthatre2atetohealt�►.safetybrenvironmentalprot�ectioA. ' —
<br />��,::•.::. '�`�. .; .��s' • -NON-IJNIFORMCOVENANTS.BomowerandLenderfurtherooveaaatandagreeesfoltow� � ,
<br /> 21. Accetcratioa; Rcaaedtes. Leader shsll glv� notice to Bonowor prior to acceleratfoa�ollowing
<br />`��:`� ••., ; ,�-���' Horto�ver's breacII of.say covenant or agreement ia this Securlty Itistromeat(bnt aot prios to acxe1sra3ion
<br /> y�$�� •''�': `' ':''�.� �17 untess a licable law rovidea otherwise). 1The aotice ehsll specUy:{�)the dei�nft;�b)tDe
<br /> ,�n ,, �. onder puaB�P PP P
<br />-��,.��r.�l- ; � . a c t i o a r e q u i r e d t o c u r e t he defant t; (c� a date,aot less than 30 dsys from the date the notic�is$ivem to
<br /> -,�;�T-.��;�:� Bonower,by wLicL the c"r.S�uit must be cund;snd(d)thst failure to c�sa t he d e fsu l t on or 6�S o r e t h e d a t e
<br /> ..�-�,;,.
<br /> ,.. ,..�,,a���.•;�$a : s ied ia the aotice���result in accelsntiom�the suma secured by ttrss Security InstrumeQE and sale oi
<br /> - �'�� ��L. t e Property.Tho notias s�all forttter inform Barrower af the right to reinstate dtes accelcr+�tsc��ad the
<br /> �� � � � slp,bt�0 8r�s court aation to sssert tltf noa�xisteqce oi s dei�ult or aap other deiense of 1�tnower to
<br /> f,. . �.�, ' � .•; ;:_ accetxsasicnm�,$sale.If the defautt ia pot ettred on or beidse tfle date speciiied ia the notiee�Leader,st its =
<br /> ' � � . optiom,�a��rqoire itnmediate ps ment in full�i all su�secared by this Security Instso�:at'witticsu¢. �_:__
<br /> - ``�`�� '��' � ' I` �a3ther�ea�d aad may iavolco t�e powor of s.�a�e sqd aa� othsr re�s�dies permitted by ��C�ahle I�w. _
<br /> ��,:. .
<br /> �,P"�`��} �+ ���� I(�der shal�bs entitled t�coltect all e�penses i��ned in pureuing t�e ssmedies provtded in r1t.��uagsiDL �..
<br />_ i.,'����;;":,;- ,, ,.
<br /> ;�;�?�3?� , ;;,;_�.;;,. B�,includita�g,butuotli�nn3eAto,ressmaablesttorneys'teasaa8costsoTtitleovideace. ` .�__u
<br /> ;1��
<br /> _ ,:: � ,��,: U the��avex.oi ede is invoked,7f�stee ehall r�ora a aa4r�oi delsult ia eaeh cm¢a�y in wbici�any pa�t o _
<br /> :�,,�,�* . the Property ia loested aad a1ns11 x�san�copiea oi snch aotioe a�the manner presce�ei'�d by appliesble 1sw to �_:
<br /> xt
<br /> � ., r.: . �orrowar and to the other persoas prescribed by applieable]aw.Adter the time r�aired by applicable isw, �_-;.
<br /> - � . ; ;�. T�r:steo ahaU give public aotice of sa le to t t ae persans aa d i a t he maaner pres c r i b c d b y•pp l l c s b l e l a w.T r n s t e a. �
<br /> ' • - tA:. �s�ont demand oa Bonower.ahall sell the Psoperty at public suc3ios�W the highest bidder at the time aad ____
<br /> � �, p l a c o a n�u a d e r t h e t e r m s d e a i g n a t e d i a t�e n o t i c e ot eale ia oQe or�'aa3e parcels sad ia�any order Trustee _
<br />- � � <;;: determiaes,'Frustee msy postpoae sale of all or any psrcel�i the Prm�erty by pIDl�fl��a�ooncemen t s t t ho !,�_..
<br />- � . .'�;-�, time aad ptzee of any prevlously sche dv le d sa le.L en der aa n t s 8esi�n e e m a y p u r c'��s�o 4 h e P ro p ert y at an y
<br /> . . ' s�la
<br /> . .;,.�:
<br /> - �':�':,,: �r
<br /> �,,.�:<< . °;�:�:;;'
<br />_- �,cr,;..•.' ��. G�cs 90g! 9/90 +;�,,:.
<br /> .��; �BRUYElwa�aio� v.a o e�e �n�sta:a
<br /> .. . . ' . . . {';;'
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<br /> ` .. . ., • . .. _1. ' . : ,.. . � �, • , . • •, . � , .. �_ • '�• . : ; " : .i
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