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<br /> , at t2�e option oY Leuder.if rnortg,age iasur�ace caverage�in the sxaount ead o e perco t tequires�
<br /> - . . �, ��},: pmvided bq an in5urer appioved by Lender egaia bxomes availabl$aad is obtained.Eorrower shsll paq tho premiums _.
<br /> ° ` � � require�w maiamin mortguge iASUrance ia e�Pec�,or w piovida a lass r�erve;uatil the requirement for martg�ge _
<br /> --- � ,.�, `:°`�.:. � iaswance eads ia•sixordaace wIffi any written ag�m�ttt betw�a Borrower aad Leader or applicah2a taw. =-,
<br /> � .
<br /> ,'';'. ��.:�. , 9.paspeoHau Lender or its ageat may make reasona6le enteies upon aad iaspections of the F'mperty.Ikuder e�ll _
<br /> �_ :.�,<':�.F���: �. give�orroRer aotice at the time of or prior to asi iaspectioa specifying reasonoble cavse for the inspectioa _ -
<br /> • fl0.Cou�e�eiion.The prooeeds of any award or clni�ior damag�.direct or c�nsequeatial,ia c�nnec�oa witi� _
<br /> �-- _ -,� °�:-, aay caademnation os athar takiag oi aay p�Y oi th�Pcoperey.or far caavepance ia lieu oi caademaatioa,are het�eby :
<br /> `. �' .`� � asvgned attd'shell ba paid to I.ender. �.
<br /> " �'° �-"""'��.:" In th�event o4 a.torat mkia of the Pro the c�s sha11 be n lie.d to the sums secured b this Securiry
<br /> _�: ';.; ,..., ' h� � P�9.. , PTa Fl� p �
<br /> .. --- - i���ri�e`�zr��ut�����ffia�s��i�ta�.'srs-�....ES 3aY�e�i�s�c+'.�t!A�,�ftlee��yia -, _
<br /> .,. .y. ��'. ,y - --which tha fais market value of ths Propectg�mmediately before the takiag is equal to or geeater thaa t�e amouat of tLe °
<br /> � � `,�.�.;;:,. eams secured bp tbis Sewritq Inswment immediaisly before the taking.unless BonoWer ead Leader atherwise agree =
<br /> 1'y. �.. .:.�• .- . in writing.the suma�e�.vsed by this Secitt�Ity Instrumens small.be reduced by the sAnouat af the proceeda muttiplied by -
<br /> - : �x:; ..� :' the following fraction:(e)the wtat smounE of the su:ns secured imm�iately before the taking,&vided by(bl the fair -
<br /> �.':��,:�;., ;.. . °.:;i
<br /> ,.. ;•., market value of the Pmperty iiamediately beforte the taYiag.Any balaace shaU be paid to Bosrower.In tha eveat of a -
<br /> .;:;`-ss;• ' grsr4ial takiag of the Ftoperty in which the fair market value of the Ptopert9 immediatelg before the taYiag is le�t1�an ,
<br /> ` � � the apnount of the sums secured imm�linteiy befare tiie taking.unless Bnrrawer aad Len=der othercvise agree iu�vriting
<br /> , �
<br /> �' .�,,:�,r '"�:.'�:~ , , or uul�applicable law oiherwise provides. the pr�ceeds eLall be spplied to tha su�s s�cured by this S$curitg
<br /> �,,�_. .�z. .y . Iastrumeatwheth$r or not the su�s�are then due. � . .
<br /> ` If the Propert�y is abaadoaed'by Bmrower.or if,after antioe bp Lender to Borrower�E the coadenri�or offetsto ,
<br /> '°r `�`` � � ''� � ` make sm award or sattte a claim for 8amages.Bomower faila to t�ond to Leader wit�e s0 daqa efoer the date�
<br /> , . ...
<br /> �: ' f_:_.!.-....a�.. �
<br /> •... :
<br /> _. ,�J,- : .. .,,—_�T.-^ --- aQtice�s gipen,Lender is surthorized to wllect aad a,p�]y_the�racceds,at its optiou,either rto�atoration or re�r of t�
<br /> .� ° . �ti�`_ ---�-- ------�b---:��-----�-:- � _-� � tii--�--t-- - - -- -..__.... .__. ................ ..�-----•..... .------ -- .
<br /> -,1�' � � ,. ,,;�'.�:. .Prnperty or to the sums sec�red y th�s Securitq.- men w e er ox no th�ctu� � _
<br /> - }�;��T•,-�_: Unl�Letcder and Bormwer oth�rwise agree in writiag,aay applichtion of�ds to principal s�l nat eatend or -
<br /> ;f'r..:;��:.;:,b � postpone the due date o�the moathly payments re4erred to,in paragraPbs 1 and 2 or chenge the amouat of such
<br /> ,•;., .
<br /> := :�, ; : •-- .' FaYmenta , - =
<br /> . ;�.�. ... ,
<br /> `, i. . � : r; � -.. .---. .�1.Hosrower Not Released:Forbearance By Lender ATot��VVaiver.Bstensia�.r�:,�te.time for paym�ator -
<br /> �a:�..,�~�:,s�;' �'• modi�ica3ion of'aaiortization of the sums sec�ued by thia Securitq Instrument g�auted 4sg II�adet t�a�ay successor ia =
<br /> :. 1.�. ` _;�.r � ' intetest oY Borrower ehall not operate to release the liaLility of the ariginal �orrower ar�arrom�'s�uot�nrs�i�
<br /> ;a�s'..� ,r�..�.�'�:` �,.. . . .-. ' ..
<br />.��a�;�r.:� �..; � iatetest.Lender shaU uot be required to c�mmence p�ga egainst anY sacsz�r in�atsrest i���tise to eYtend
<br /> ��_.:�,-:=-;_`�,,:_
<br /> ...,: ,,�.,. 'f .= time for payment or otitervrise madify amartizativa of the sums sQCUred by tbis Securitg F,�;..�iraIInen��"teasoa of a�►Y
<br /> �� � , �' . demand made by the origiaal Bonorer or Borrower`s suc�sors ia iate�.Any forbe�ace bq I�ea��r�a sseccidag
<br /> ,s': ::��`.•,� . : '�:; a�►y right o.r�edy ehall not be a waiveroi o,.preclude theesercise of any rigbt or remedy.
<br /> - -` � ���,�,��»� 12.Sa�cssara mrad Assigns Bound;Joint and Several tiability;�-sighern.�The covet�an�aasl agr�emerite
<br /> .1�_�.-� .:::.;.���� ��of this 3e�ritF Iascn.�*snent sha11 bind and benefit the suooe�4re and assigas of Leader and Boreower.sub�ect to the
<br /> � �: ,. . h,
<br /> • :;.:,;.:.;�.. provisious of P3ra�raPh 17.Borrower's�ovenants nnd a�eements sha116a joim an$several.AnY Bonower who co gigas
<br /> �''�` k� tbig.Sec�uat�IInstrument but do�aot esecute the Note: 4a} �eo-siguiag tbie Sec�u�ity Insprum�at onlp to mortgage. .
<br /> _�.':'•��.�;�.; ��,:�� ,;, . gni
<br /> =�s:�...-;,� � � gras►t and convey thut Borrowe�'s intetest.in the Property uader the terms of thia Seciuity Instrumen�(6) is nos .
<br /> '��-at.�;;s.`�.<.. `•' � personally obligated to pay the some secvred•by this Secunty�Iastrument;and(cj agre�s that Lender ead enp other
<br /> f �'""�1i�L � Bonower mny aq�es to eatend.modify.totbear or make any accomrnadations witA regard to the tetma af th'sg SectuIty
<br /> • >> .� .:, .�, m
<br /> ��'Tf.'..� ; � • Instrument at the Nota withnut that Bonawet's ooasent, � . .
<br /> '"a'� � 13.Loaa Charges.If the luan sec�ued by thie Security Instrument is sub�ect to a Iaw�which�m masi�num tueu
<br /> e,. ..
<br /> __ charges,and that latv ia finally interpreted so that ihe tnterest or other loan charges collected or W be.wllecte�l in
<br /> --- - - . . connection with the iqan eacead the permitted limits.theu: (a� aay sucb laaa chasge sLaU be reduoed bp tLe amovat
<br />_ _- -- . .ttece�sary to reduce the charga�to the peTmitted U�mit; aad (b)any su�rs e�ready�llected fsmsn Borrower w�ich .
<br />- -_--_- - ': �-sceeded permitted lim4ts will ba refunded to He�wer.Lendet may cf�w make tLie refuhd.by reQuciag the�
<br /> ������'� Brtacigal m�+ed under the Nots or by makiag a direcr yaymeat to Borrower.t�+��refund reduces�iucipal,the reauczion ' .
<br /> -
<br />