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<br /> �� -,5�i .`�2:.i�r. `.tl t .2�, 'cJ:Sd_ ";..i.�'_�`q� t "•B.eS-F..-,..5 (t�-.. '`..ii�a i„, .�s�s+ -_
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<br />' paymeats qe�p�nu lpnger be sequired.at the agtion of lander.if mnrt�age insuraaoe eovemge(in the�dount and for the period
<br /> • thai I.eezder requir�s)Pmvic2�d by an insumr apgraved by I.eader again�ecomes evaitable and is obtained.,Berr+ower shatl�►ay —
<br /> the preui;wnrs raquir�f[o maintain�aortgage insuranoe in effect.or to�pmvide a loss rzsetve.�nt'sl the mqui�nent for�ortgage . _
<br /> iASVraaQe eQds in accorda�tce with�ny writtea a�reement between Boirower and•Lender.or sipplicable law. . � °
<br /> ' 9- Iflsgediom.Lender or its agena�nay make reasoaable eatries upon and inspections of tho Property.Lensier s�all give �
<br /> �flrruwer notice at tbe titne af or prior to aa inspettion speciiying reasbnaUle cause far the inspe�tian.• . . v
<br />: ' � 10.Cot�ea4aatton.The pre�eds of any a�w�rd or ctaim for daawgas,direct or consequential. in oonne�ion wi3h any _
<br /> _. Coudem`hatioa ar othec taging of i►ny part of the Propetty.or for canveyance in liei�of condemnat?on,are hereby assigned and . _
<br /> , _._�__. --- -�- .. �--
<br />: sl�alt be paid fo�xnder. • . . . � •-- ---�---,. _ �._ ... _ .. . _-
<br /> Ia the event of a tota3 taking of the Property,We proce��shall be applied to t1�e sdms secuced by this Sscurity L�suament, _
<br /> � whet�er or not then due.wiih any excgss paid to Borrower.�tn the event of a partial taking oY th,e Pmper4y in wtuch tivz faia —
<br /> � market vatu,e of the Property immediateiy before the taking is equal to or greatea than the amount of the siuns�by this
<br /> SeGUrity Iastnimetrt immediately before the taI�ing,unless Bomoarer and Lertder otherw}se agree in'writing,the sums secnred by _
<br /> this Seruriry Instrument sball be reduced by the amaunt pf the pracr�eds muitiplied[ry the foUarring fraction: (a)tlte_total ' , __
<br /> amount of the su�ps secured immsdiatety 6efon the taking,divided by(b�the fair market vaiva of ttte Pi+nperty imm�rii�tely '
<br /> beEore the taking. Auy balance shall be paid to Barrower. In the event of a�par6ai taking of the Pragerty in whic.h tLe fair -
<br /> maTket.vu(¢e af the Ptvperty immediatety befon tl�e talaiag is less than the amoant of the svms seaued imfaediately 6efQre tIIe
<br /> � ' tskmg, unIess Borrower aad Lender otherwise agree in wsiting or un2ess agplica6le!aw otlteitvise pravide.�,the pmcaeeds sliall __
<br /> b�appiied to the swm secured by tnis Securityr Insavment a�ether or not the sams are then due. , ,: . �,
<br /> � •[f the Prvgerty is aba�ioned fiy Bosrower.or if.after natice[ry Leader ta Eorrower tttat the condemnar gffets to ma�ce an -
<br /> .--
<br /> ---�----- award or settte a ctaiai,foi��amages,Horiotirer fails�lo iespond�to Leiider ant6iii 30 days�afte�the�date-tfie-aotice is givea,... ;
<br /> Lender is author�zed to coltec2 aad apply the pmceeds.at its opdon.eitber to restasation os rcpair of the Propexty or.w the susns� _
<br /> - � secumd by�his Serurity Instfume�►t,wheffier or noi then due. . . '
<br /> Unlers L�nder and Hnrrovier othelwise agree in writiag:any application of prvice�s to principal s]�alZ not eatend or �
<br />_ gostpone the due date�of 4he monYlily paym�►ts refernd co in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �.,.;,
<br /> � 11.Borno�er Aiot Reteased;Forbearatcce By�Lender Not a Waiver.�actension of the time for payment or madifiqrio� '� `
<br /> .of stmortization of the sun�s,secuted�by�is Sea�rity Ii�mcnt granted by Ixnder to any suco�sor in irtten.st af Bntrower sLal! ' ,u�;..;�.
<br /> aoi operate ta celease the liabitity of ti�e original Bonowes or Borrower's successo:s in interest.Lender shall not be.required w
<br /> oommeuce gror�etlings against any s�ooessor in int�rest or�use to extend time for payment or otberwlse�nodil'y aanortixadon
<br /> • of the su�s secured by�thi� Secuait�`[�struanent by reason of any demand made by the o;iginal Botro�er ar•Barrower's
<br /> succe�sso�s in interest. Any forb�ce by Lender in exercisitrg any right or remedy shall not he a waiver of or preclude ttte .
<br /> e�ercise of any rigl►t or remedy. ' : • �.� .
<br /> , ' 12.Successors anA Asst�s Boumd;Joint cund Sevcral Liability; Co-signers.The eorenants and ageeenienis of this
<br /> Security Inswm.ent shull bind aad benefit the sac+xssors actd assigas of LeQder and BorroPSer, su6jecE to the provtsiaas of�
<br /> paiagaph 1?. Borrower's'coveaants and agreements shall be joint.and 'several. Any Borrower who co-si�os thLt Secnrity •
<br /> • Insfiuuent but does not execute the Note:(a)is oo-signing this Security Instrum�nt onl�+to mortgage,gtant aad convey that .
<br /> Borrower's intere.st in thc Property under the terms of this Security Insuument;4b)is not personally ob�gated w pay tftee sums � _
<br /> .secured by this Security Instroment;'and(c)•agrees that Lender and any othep Borrower may a�rree t�o eatead,modit�+.€orbear or
<br /> ' make�y accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secvrity Instrument or t}te Note vrifiTc�ut that Barrocver's consent. � •
<br /> .13.�Luas Ch3�g�.If tl�e laaa s�cured by this Security Insttument is subject to a la�v wiLich sets maximnm loan charges, .
<br /> and that law is fmafly interpreted ss�t�at the interest or other toan charges cotlected or to be wlIecte�ica,00nae�xlon.witi�the
<br /> taan exceed the pecmitte�,iimits.then:.{a)aay sacb:l�n charge shal!be rcdaceri:by the amount a t�reduce tbe eJrarge
<br /> to the peravtted li�i�;::c�i�(6?anysr�s.alnady co3:ected fram Eorrowet�i�'rt,�n�i:uceeded permitt���;±arill 6e refunded to .
<br /> • Rorrow,r:.�.ender;�,•'�ctwose.tn.rauU:�this�Fefund by reducur�th� princ��i owed under the Note oi by maldng a di�ect
<br /> payment to Borr�wer.�If a refimd: i�uces principal, the reduction will•De treated as a Qartial preparyment wlth+out eny , .�
<br /> � prepayment char�e w�t5�.he Note.' : `. �. . • .' �
<br /> � 14.Notfces.Ait�'�u�gice ta Eoaower provided for in this�Securiry InstYUmci�►t shall be given by deli�i�zng it or by maiiing ,
<br /> nt by fust�lasa mai�tin�t,�s applicable law requires use of artother methad.'Pii��r�s�ice shal{be directed to t�ie Prope.�ty Address
<br /> or any uifi��address Borrower desi�caates by notice tq. Lender. Any notic�id Lender ;t;udl be �iven by fust class mail to
<br /> I.ender`s address stsitcd herein or an,�;qther address Lender designates by�notice�to Borramer. �ny notice provided fnc�cn this
<br /> � 5ecudty lnstr�ment shall 6e deemed to ftave been glven to Borrower or Lende�'•ca•hen given as provided in t�is.patagtapb.�
<br /> 1S.Coverning H,�,pv; 5everability. This Security lnsuument shall 6�',�:uvemed by federal t�v al�t� the law of the
<br /> �, jurisd'cction in whicl�the Property is Iocated. In the event that any provlsion cr clause of this Secwity I�ttttimeat ar the Note
<br /> coMicts cyiW appliqble law.sach conflIct shall not affect other provisions of this Security Inswment or the Note whic�i.can be .
<br /> givea effect wif�tout the oonflicting piovision:To tius end the pmvislons of this Security Isistrument and the Note.are.tit�cta:'ed
<br /> to 6eseverabie. •
<br /> 16.Bor�+nw�r's Ct�{fy.Bortower shall be given one wnformed oopy of the Note and of this Seca�rity Instmment. ', .
<br /> • farm 30?$ 9/90 .
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