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<br />:';`';' '`�`<`- � 19.Tsansfer of the FeopertY os a Qen�fIc�l Iate�st in[iorrower.It ell or any payt of the Piraperty or aay interest in it
<br />--�f�-'��t`-�:`� ,. is'soid or transferred(og if a beneficial intesest in Bo�ower ts sold or transfemed and�ue'�ower as nat a aatura!petson)arithout , �
<br /> -� �`;'`=.�`�.. Leader's pr�or ivritten coasent. L�ddea may. at'its c�tion, t�ume immedlate payrrc�nt in ful{ of all sums secured by this � -
<br /> Security insuument.However.this option sha9f aoi be ezercised by E.ender if exerc�se�s prdhibite�by federal iaw as of the date � _-
<br /> ' of this Security tnstiuinent. � -
<br /> . if Lendet eaercises tisis apiion.Lettdet siiall give Barcower ttottce of a�celeration.The nasice staall provide a periad of ttart =
<br /> -f,k :"�<�'�;�:`;�; . � tess thsui 30 d�ys from tfle Qate the notic�is de�iveteii or.maitai wittiin whic��arrcwet�nsst pay al! swns�red by ti�is � _
<br />-�_�- ` S�urity�Instruiuent.If BormNer faits to pay these sums Qrior to the expira4ian of this period.Lender may iavoke any remedies -_
<br /> �� _ permitted by this Security Innrument withous further uotiee or demand on Borrower. � � _
<br /> "_ ,.•_�:._� . �.
<br />-_^�;`.�.� I8. BnrmESe�s Rigbi� tm �ie. U Bm4ov�st tueets ce�lain wnditia;isr 8osrn�r� shatt have;the tight to Iiave . . _
<br /> ,�� enf�rceme�►t of du�Security Instnzment disoontinued�i any dme priar to the eartier of: (a)5 days(or sucb other period as
<br /> ���':��;,�,z appiicabte !aw may spesify for reinsWtement) 6efore sale of the Pcagerty puzsuant co anY power of sale contained in this _
<br />` .".,� °.y:'`•: Seauity Insttou�ent:or(6)eatry of a judgment enforcing this Security Ia�trament.77ws�oonditians are that Barrower:(a)paYs
<br /> s�```'`'� �` Lendgr aIl sums arhich th�n wouid be dne under tS�is Sesuuty instrumeat and the Note as i�no aa�icratinn l�ad accurred;(b)
<br /> n
<br /> �`,r:�F��
<br /> :�-:.�,: .:....;. cnnes any default of an}r offier covenants or agreements:(c?Pays all expenses incuned in eaforctng t6is Security Instiument, -
<br /> -�=�.:-=�, inciuding,bnt not liarited to,reasanable suomeys'fees:and(d)ta��s such acxion as Lender may reasonably require to assure -
<br />_ .,,'h �f:`".-
<br />-==��.� ' that the_lien of t�is Sa�vrity insttument,[.emter's rights in the Property and Bomnwer's abiigation w pay thc sums sec+►red by.
<br /> 'c_ - �� • ' this g�cvrity Insuument�s6all continae unchang�. Upoa reiostatement by Botrower. this Secunty insuument and the , -
<br /> r�'��'"-�r o613gations secared hemby shall ce;nain fully effective as if no acceleration Nad o�.Mowever, tLis right w reinstate sha11
<br />;.=��;�� aot apply in the�ase of acoeleratian under paragraph 17. �
<br />-'..�,:'•_.:�� , 19. Sale of 1�Iot� C6a�e of Loan Servtcer. The Note or�par�ial interest in!he Note(together,with tLis Secatity _
<br /> r' '•;� Instrumem)may be sold one or raore times without prior notice to Barrower.A sale may result in a ch2Uge in the entity{[cnocvn`
<br /> - �_._
<br /> '' '�'�`-=-'�-�� as the"Loan Seavices"�tt�at coAects moathly payments due under the Note,and this Securiry Inswment.There also be oIIe _
<br /> ..,:;:�'�: ?''�.. ._....._- or eno�z changes-of the-LoanServicer nnreiazed toasale of the-Note.lf.ti}ere is.a.change of.th�Loan Serxiser,�nim�ariU be. _..._ ._._
<br />,� 'Y�:�� ' givea written nouoe of the clrange in acoordance�vith paraSraPh 14 above and applicabte taw.The aotioe w71 state the name and _
<br />;�.�� , addness of the�ew Loan Servicer and the addr��cv which paymeats shovld bs made.The natiue wIll also contain any o�er
<br />"_�-�� information requiied by aPpGrab3e law.
<br />.-_:�=�:��� 20. Ha�r�nas�ntsstan�es. Eorrower shal!not cause or permit the presence, use.disposal. s�orege, or release of aay
<br /> ,���. • Hazardous Suhstances nn or in the Property. 8orrower shall_c►ot.dn,_ttor.allow_azryone eise to do. anythmg affecting the
<br />==��=� Prnperty t6at is in violation of any Environm�ntal Law.Ttte preceding two sentences shall not appfy W the preseace;use.or
<br /> `��� s�ora�ge an the Property of amall quaatifies of Hazardous Sabstaaces that ar'e generallY reoognized to be apprapriate to aormal
<br /> 1s:��� t�esidential ases and to mairrtenanc�e of the Property. • ' • -
<br /> .,,�,N�� Horrower shall pmmpdy give L�ender wntten notice of any investigation,claim,demand.,lawsnit or other action by asy
<br />;�:.�;:���� . gover�entai or regalatory agency or private party involving the Propetty aad any Hazardaus Substaace or F.mrtmnmeutal faw -
<br /> :,���� st
<br /> of cshi�ch Bmro�ver has actual.lcuowledge. If Borrower teams.or i�nasified by any�g�vemmen4al or regul8tory autl4ority.tUat . .
<br /> „.?,�,;,� a�removal or other nmediation of any Harardous Substance afferxing the Property is'necessary.Eorrower shall promptty take
<br />'_`
<br />