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<br /> } � t !S r c Ye:. - r.y�.�r,o.�:sys.t#�a4�x<.`�tktb'''�<t� -(q.•.,�3w`,5j��.•vi,i3.e+�ss,*Mx-;• �.`€Y.''t":n'�:'..`«�.��,';�,5-��.F�,r�,`"+3 �• - _
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<br /> PaJ►ments may no tonger be pequired.as th�opdua of L�hder.iE mortgag�insuiance coverage(in the amouat and for the period,
<br /> ,. tLat I.ender requires)Pr4vid�d bY an insurer appr4ved by ixndee again becomes availab2e and is obmined..Sarrower Shali pay
<br /> � the premiums�r�aired ta�aint�tn mortg�ga.iasuranc�e in effecc.or`[o provide a ioss resecve.until�he requirem�nt far mortgage
<br /> insucance ends sn accordanc�with any anittea agreemsnt 6enxeen B�aower and Leader oi applirable law."
<br /> � . 9.fi�spa�ton.t,ender or its agent may make reasonabte enUries apan and inspec�ians of th��roperty.Lendet_sha11 Bive
<br /> Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifyirag r�sonnbte rause for tf�e inspe�xion. ' , ' .
<br /> 10.CamdemnaSon.Tiie proce�s of any sivand or sisim for damages.direct or wnseqaeatIal: in cdnaeciiaa with�y _
<br /> oondempation or other takiag of any part of the Progerty:or far conveyau�in iien of condemrmtiou;are hc�bg assi�d asi� ,-
<br /> shatl!�e Paid to Lender. � ' � ' -
<br /> ' In the event of a total ta!Ung of the Property,the proc�eeds.sl�ll be applied tv the sums secared by t6is Sewsity Insuum�t,
<br /> ;. - — �
<br /> whet�er or rioi�then dii0,an't7i�aup ex�ss paid fo�lioti�`av�ei.Fn�the-ererit"ofi-a par�a�'�ca4ciug of tt�Fi��rty i�w�scl�tt�€asr
<br /> market value of the Property immediatety befnre the t�Idng is equa3 ca or g�eazer than tiie amount of tlte surns secured by tlnis
<br /> Security inshumeat iinmediatety before the taldng,nntess Bortower and I.ender otherwise ag�ee in writing,the sums secured by •
<br /> this 5ec�riay Instrument shall be reduced by the amoum of the proceeds mult�plied Isy ttte followiag ftaaron: (a)the mtal
<br /> amount of the s�ums secured imm�diately before the taking,divid�d by(b)dze fair market value of the Property izumediatelY
<br /> befor�the tatdng. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partial taidng of the Property in which tlie fau'
<br /> market vatue of the Progerty immediateiy Defore the tafdng is,iess thaq tfie ama�of the sums secx�red i�rediatriy before We `
<br /> tatcing,unless Borrower s�cd Lender othenvise agree in'writing or an2e�appli�Ie law othersvise provides�the pmceeds sha14
<br /> � 6e appGed to the sums secvre{16y this S�ecurity Inshument whether or not the simos are tl�en due. •: .
<br /> � If th�Prdperty is abaadoried by�orroarer.or if,a8er aoqce by Lender ta Eomower that the coademnar affers w maFm'a�`
<br /> ` award or settis a claim far damages.-Bo�row�r fails to c�spond ta Leflder vQitt�,30 days nf�er the date th�notice is g�`�, •
<br /> Lender is authorized to ooltect,and app�y the praoeEds.at its option,eitlter w re.s�alation or.r+epaa of the Property or to the s'� ' .
<br /> ....-�---.... .. ._�-- - - �� ------.-----------..- --...:---------:__.----- -----_..___._...--�---.,��:•_--- ...
<br /> secured try this Security L►st�iiineiit,whe2her or not tlien due. ' �
<br /> • Uztless Le�sder and Bbn•awcr othcrwisc agri:e in writing,'any applitation o�.�roceeds w princigal shall noi,eate�#9:or • :
<br /> ' postpons the dne date of the montfily paymsnis referred to in par3giaphs 1 and Z or change the amount of siuh payme�s. ;, .
<br /> ' � 11.�orrov�er Not ReEeased;Farhearanc��y Lcnd�r Not a Wafver.E�rension of the ttme for paymr��`nr madificstioa
<br /> of amorti2ation of the sums,seaued by this Secarity Insuument giaated by Lc�.�to anyr s�tccessai�n interest:�f Horcower.shaU ..
<br /> � nnt operats to release the l�ab�7ity of We original Bomnwer or Bord�ser's sncies"soss in intcrest.'L�nder s6al!not be requice�,to •
<br /> co�ce praceedings againy�a,-ry successar in iaterest qr refu�:;"��te,nd i�me for paymenc or othetavise ur�dify ama�n
<br /> � of the s�ms_secured by this �ecurity'Instrument by reason of�j dem�c�ade by the origina! Bom�wer or Boa�!�t's; .:
<br /> snecessurs in interest.Att}• forbearaace by Lender in exeteising airy right or t+�t�^.�dy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the: ;',;.'.
<br /> e�rcise of a�r risht ar i��y. ' � .
<br />' � ' 1Z. Su�cessass and Ass�gns Bo�nd:Joint aad Seeeral 'Ir�ility,�o-si�neis. 'I�e covenants and agreEments of,tt�s .
<br /> Security Y�dr�ment shall bind and ber�t the suooessors and ass=,gns of I.ender and Boms�a�,.subject to the prc+vi�ar�of
<br /> .paragra�h P�;: Bornower's covenents arnl agreements shall be joint an� several. My Born�er who oo-signs tLis.5�ity. �
<br /> �Inswmer�t bu[does not execute t1�e Note:(a) is oa-signing this Security Insunmem only to mortgage.gr�,.�.end couvey that. ;
<br /> Borrower's interesr in the Property under the temrs of'this Security In�rnt.nsnt; (b)is not pe�sonally obligateti to pay the sums
<br /> • sr.cured iry tius Security.Inst=ument;and(r.)agrees thai Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or
<br /> matce an}r u�ammodations wit6 regard to tho terms of this Security Instrument oz the Note witkout that�orrower's con�ent.
<br /> ' 13.I.oaq Charges.If the toan secared by this Sesurity I�savment is subject to a law w6ich sets maxiffium toaa charges, .
<br /> and that law is fintilly�i�terpreted so that the interest or other loan charges co1lected or to be collectee in connection with the
<br /> Ioaa ezceed the permic�i limits,then: (a)any such loan ci�arge shall be reduce�by the amount neoesssary to reduce the ciiarge ,
<br /> ,. ' to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected froan Bonower whieh exceeded pernntted�iauts wiU be.rafunded ta
<br /> � Bprrower..�ertder may ehflose td make this cefuad•by reduein;the principa! owed nndea the Note or by making a¢iceet
<br /> payment fo �oitower.'Tf a refund reduces principal, the re�;�on will be treatad as a partial prepayment with�itr r�ny .
<br /> prepayment ahaxge u�}der the Note. ' ; . , ��.
<br /> � 14.�1Votias.l�,ny nbrice to Borrower provided�s in this Security Instrament shall be given by deliveair,�it Qr by rn�ling �
<br /> � it fi�+first class mail unless applicabte lasv r�quires use of another method.The notice shall be d'ueae�to tlte property�#d�tress �.
<br /> or any,a�adchess Borrower des'sg�ates by notice to Len�er. r�ny notice to Lender shal!be given�.by fiist elass cts.�iR to
<br /> Lendet's�f��ss stated herein'or any othet address Lender desig��tes by norice to Borrower.Any norise pmvided f¢e,i'�ti�is.
<br /> � Sesurity Tns:rument sha]l be deemed to have been gi>>en to Borrower or Lender wP�en given as provided in this para�aph•_ •� ••
<br /> i5.Govemtng lL��v; Severnbilitp.�This Security Inst:ument shall be govemed by federal !aw and the law of th� • •
<br /> jurisdiction in wbich the Prapert,y is ioqted. In tAe event that eny provision or clause of ti�is Securitgr Insuument or the Note
<br /> oonflicu with applicable taw.,such oonflict shall not affect other prnvislons of this Security Insttument or the Idate°whici�4r•.a be ,
<br /> given e4�'cr,�.without the conflictirtg provision.To this end the pnz�isions�of this Security Instnunent and the Note are d�;C�red
<br /> to be severnble. � ' ' ' .
<br /> . 26.Boseowe�'s Copy.Borrower shall be�iveu c�e aonformed capy of the Nate and of this Security I�eRr�meat.
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