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<br /> �,_�.sxs„ssv�•s4c.�;ea+i��z�.r�^- t;e �`f 4 [ F ��x�.. .�.�a r• �c �4: .a �• _ r __
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<br /> . 5. He7ard or�ogPrty �ns�r�te. Borro�7irer sl�all kee�►the imprnvemEnts now existeng br hereaRer erected on xhe `
<br /> , PrOPert3► insnred'against loss by f�re.ha7ards inciaded withia the term'extended coverag�"and any other hazar�s, inctuding �
<br />- t�oads or flaoding,for which Lender requit�es inswraace.Tt�is�nsurance shall be n+a;nra+*�ed in the amounts and far ttie periods � .
<br />� thai 1s,�sier re�uins..'I'�e ins�uance carrier pmviding the�nq.�nce sHatI be c�iosen by Barrov�er snbjea to Lender's.aPpmva3 _
<br />_ wluch�6all aot be uareasonably withheld if Borrower fails ao a►aintaia coverage descn'bed above, Leader may, at Len�er's
<br /> • option.obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights ia the Property in accordaace widt paragiaph 7. '
<br /> All insuianr,e g+olicies aad cenewaLs shatl be�cc�eptable ta Lend�r:and shaii iaclude a stan8aid,mortgage�lause. Lender ' _
<br /> , s�all have the dghi to holdthe policies and rpaeauats.If Iender neqnires,Borrower s6a1J pmmpt[y give to L�ender aII receipts of
<br /> paid premiums and reaewal notices.ln the event of loss,Bormwer shall give prompt notioe tathe insurance carrier and LEnder.
<br /> _.__....._ I�ender a±�„v�s prt+�f,ef i�s€nc�t r�ds�+*vmp�ly Ity�$�rm��r.. - _.--: _ �_: -----:_:-- _ .. . _ .__ , .. __ .
<br /> Untess Lender arcd Bomower othenvise agree ia writing,insurance�roceeds shall be applie�t?ii:i�estoration or repair of the
<br /> F�uperty damaged,if tfle restoration or repair is e�onomic�lly feasfble ai�il Lendei's�ec.-arity is unF3essened.If ihe�estaration or
<br /> tepair is not economicaUy feasibte or Lender's seauity amuld be tesseaed,th���n�pmeeeds,sh�I!be�?�1 to the sums
<br /> secured by t3us Se�a�rity Instnuneru, whether or not t��due,wit�h aay.excess pai��to Bo�rower.•I�.Bar�.�abaudons the
<br /> Property,or does aot answer wiihin 30 days a notice fra�s t,euder'thai,the inc��rance carrier has o�e�ed to settIe a ctaim.then ,
<br /> I,ender aray colted ttce insu�nce procceds. Lender may use the �x�3s to,m�air or�stor��:�operty ot`ta pay smns '
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity InSwment,whether or not then due.The 30�ty F:tiod vrilt�egin whc;�:3�notice'is g�r�. � '.
<br /> UnIess Lender and Eornower atherwise agree in wrid.,g, iny ap�t'�Hon�'�•:�icezds t�x principal � �`�.�:�iof eatend or
<br /> . postpone the duc�date of tpe:�nttily payments referred to in paragraphs 1 an�2��.cl�ange a.�amount of�,��ray�►ents.If .
<br /> ander paragraph 21 the Pr+n r.,is�quiii�;by Lender.Bosrower's ri,�t to any i��a,se polic,i�s and pmoee�ts�restilting fmm
<br /> � damage W the ProP�Y imor w the a��i��n shall pass w Leuder w ti�e3►tient af•ttt:,snms s�.3iy this Sec�ity in�,. ,
<br /> � . . .. . .
<br /> .
<br /> fmmedia�ely pnor to the ecqu�s�qo��� ' ' ' ,
<br /> 6.Qsa�ancy,Preservation.Mainieaance and Protedfon of the 1P�perty;�aower's Laan Ap�lIca�ton;L�se.'��s. ._
<br /> B3�ower shall occupy,estahlish,and ase the Property as Boaower's�pri}tcipat r����e within sixty days after the execution of. �.
<br /> t�is Security Incrn,m..+r and shall continue to occupy tfie Property as Barrowu's pririeipal residence�'or at leasi one year after
<br /> � the daie o€oac�:�ancy.unless Leader oti�r.wise�grees in writin�,w�ic4t'coasent shal}•nui be unreasana�Iy wiihhetd,ar aaless �
<br /> extenuating cirr.amstanoes exist which are'beyond Borrower's cozt�. Horrower shall uot destroy, damage or Impair the .
<br /> Pm�erty;altow the 1?roperty to deterioiate, or oommit waste on thg�roperty. Eannwer s�all�e in defautt if ar�y,fo�eiture
<br /> ac�in or,pmceed�ng;wAetber civil or crimi�ai,is begnn c�at iri L+ender's good�'r?a:3udgment eoald result in fr�feinu�of the ,
<br /> Property or othetwise materialiy impair the lien created�y tIvs Secusity Ia�dvm�nt�z:Lgnder's security interest:Bonower may
<br /> care such a defaWt and reinstate,as provid•�in paragrapb�18;by rausi�the act'ion or proceeding to be dismissed with a,. tT'. . '
<br /> . that, in I.ender's good faitL determinatic�, �arecludes forfeiture of d1��orrower's interest in a�'�roperty or other maiec„�,'
<br /> , im�airmettt of t�is lien created by tvis S�iy In �*n�t or Leacter's'secvrity��si. Bonower.shall also ba in defauIt���'
<br /> Borrower,duriag the loan applIcatioa pmcess,gave maierialty false or ivaccurate�i;�o�ation os statem�ms to Lender(os faited� . �
<br /> to pmvide Lender witb any inaterial in�ormation)in connecxion with the toas evideaced by the ATote.including,bu�aat iimited _
<br /> to.representations coaceming Borroaier's occupancy of the Property as a priacipal residence.If tfus S�rity Insuument is os a �
<br /> lessehold, Burrower shall compiy with all the provIsions of We lease. If Borrower acquires fee ritle to the•P�+operty, the
<br /> leasshold artd t6e fee title shall noi merge unless Lender agrees W the merg¢r in writing. � ,
<br /> 7.Prvtectiom oY I ender's Rights in the Froperi�.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agee�nents con±ained in
<br /> Uris Secuiiry Instrumen�or there is a tegal�roceeding that may sipiificantly affect Lender's rights in the Pioperty (sucl�os'a ,
<br /> proc�eding in 6ankr�ptcy,probate.for.coIIdemnation or forfeitare ar W enforce laas or regula�ons),thea Lender may do ar�a:
<br /> : . pay for whatever_is necessary w pmtecC e�ie yalue of the Properiy and Leader's rlghts in ihe F�.zn}r. Lender's actio�s m�,;.
<br /> inctude paying any sums sac�red b�r a lien which has priority over.this Secudty.Instrument, appearing in coutt, pay:✓�;,'
<br /> . re�soaabie attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although P.r�ermay take acrion nnder this patagraph. '
<br /> ?.I.ender does not fiave ro do so. • • � � • • � •
<br /> . Any amounta disbursed by Len�ier under this parngtapb ? st�li become additional debt of Borrawer secured by th3s
<br /> S�curity Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terat�cf paymens,these amounts shatl bear Iniemst from�,, �� �
<br /> date of disbursement at ttxe Note rate and shal! be payable, atith lnt��t, upon noticr fivm Lender w Bonower mqu�i::a '
<br /> payment. • �
<br /> . � 8.Mactgage Insurnao�tf Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition pf mnldng the lonn seeured by this Security
<br /> Inswment. Boxrower sha11 ppy the premz;:.�s required to maintain the mortgage inswance in effect: If, for any reaso».� .�; � _
<br /> . �mortgage insuianse coverage required by P.r�der lapses or ceases to be ib effect,Borrower s�all pay the premiurps reauirecF.t�:;
<br /> obtain coverage substaniially equivalent to�e mortgage ihsuraz►ce pre�::ously in:effect,at a cost�:�stantially equivalent to d�..
<br /> cost to Borrowe�of the mortgage ansurance previously en effect, from an altemate mortg�e insuier appra�r�:�y L,ender, 1'if•
<br />; substanrially equivalent mongage insurance ooverage is flea available,Bonower shaF!�ay to Lender each me-'.,�:.���sum eqval W �
<br /> ' one-twetfth of the year►y mortgage insurar�cc premium�Seing paid b�Bo�rower when the ins�uance c�verage laFised ar ceased t� �
<br /> " be in effect.br�er will accept,use and retain these payments as a'e�ss reserve in lieu of mor�$� insurance. Loss r�� •
<br /> . , . . • Ftmn 8028 8/a�!
<br /> , Pe�3a}8 . . '
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