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<br /> .,� . � ' � ; . p�tfon to i�nec,o ���.'� �.���a�
<br /> ."` ` - . . � LsSSORS herebg gran� �o Lss�BS �he,op�ioa tc rene� �h�.s l��sQ
<br /> : f ��� � for three (33 addf�ional terms of five �5) years each,. the`f��t
<br />�.�.",-���' such renewal tPxm ccmmencinq on igay 1, 2000 at 12 c 01 a.m. a�d .
<br /> . .__ . _ �:�.
<br /> .'„ :;.�,.,�= -- _ _ .
<br /> ,�::_��.,::-... r .-, - --,- ��#ag'ciri �prii 36; c�GS�a� �-�z�ti����r���; :.�s�M�..�-�r����?.tP*� �:
<br /> R� � - comffiencing on �tag_1, 2005 at 12:01 a.m. and endiug or� April 30, •�_
<br /> ` �t.
<br /> �_, �� ..:.��; y;°�, 2010 at 22:Od midnac�ht; and the third renewal term beqi�as�ing on May =
<br /> - � � �':��- 2, 2010 at l2s01 a.m. and ending on Apsil 3Q, 2015 at 12:00
<br /> '.'.;::r:�`` midnight. 8ach of the renewaZ terms �aY emd saaaer as p�onided
<br /> `` .` �`° � ' '� hereia and ali rea��]. terms. sball be subject to aal the psovisioais _
<br /> �,�.�_.�. ;. .- , ,,�,� .
<br /> -�- � af thfs �eage �cept the rental - rate ans3 the r�ne�ra2 oPtian
<br /> -- �= y�-�;�� � caatained in this p�ovision. The .rea� for each renewal perioc� . _
<br /> .'��',''.;,:Y �� s1na1l, be azi amaunt. .ta be determiaed by� I,BSSORS artd I�ESSBB by
<br /> :.:�-"'-�':' :`. .'�.,
<br /> .. .:,.:, revf.�oaang t�,e,val�xe.�cr��;the pxoperty and the.fair re�ta2 value of _
<br /> , �`. ,::',: .:;,;.-..; othe�� prog�aes � :�e aicinit�r of t&e demised premises. �he =-
<br /> ;'.:-;,:.
<br /> -_.,, .�.��:.�_.:..
<br /> - .,. ,..-:_�. .�.�, .. .. . ...__. .._.rental rat� fos-.eacta �aewa�.��rm shall� be, dete�nined withsn n�.nety� -_.
<br /> . � , � 9O �d S ps�CP �O �t�fC��C0�7II�1TC8Ia£t1�-0�-8A �T�'II.Gf�I-L-@rlt1.-�--Tllt3•$SAt-.-----�---....._:_... _
<br /> ---�----- � yr.
<br /> -;V�,�,: �-<'�� ��:�,� du�ing �acR_ �reaec�� '.tex� shall be payabg� s.n eqtial �thlp .-
<br /> ;= i�.
<br /> E .�, �fi; �' in��allments fa advaPS�ce on the first day of each month for that _
<br /> `` '' `� months rental aurf.ag each renewal texm at �he placey an�i in the.
<br /> ...0 '•,..: �
<br /> , °J • . .-manne�c aad upon.the.same terms as �he=rent_dur�9 the_�nitiaZ term •
<br /> s-•:�,.,., of �he lease.� In the event �.SSSB� desires to exercise any opt�on - -
<br /> r :`` `�
<br /> �''�� =��� �� -- - -tn_renew �ereby_9ranted, i.ESSEB 'shal]. .qive LE�S�RS_ s�otice �t Ieast , _ . - - .
<br /> �:; ,` "�_�1�. r " �ix months in adva�ace-o��ie co�anenceme� of �ny �cea�wa ferai�, .
<br /> 4 � �i�::_} 1 . - .. , . .
<br /> - - . �,; Add�.tional Rent � . ,:.
<br /> _ `,1,: -. .
<br /> � A: ���;� � � A11 taxes, charges�-. casts and expenaes t�at LLSSEE assumes os �
<br /> ='"���.�:, aq�ees to,pay hereunder, together with all interes� anc� penalties
<br /> i =«��"-- �hat may accru� thereon i.a the event� af the failure oP LSSSEE ta
<br /> y=;��,.;:;�;,�� pay t8ose items, and a22 other da�ges, costs, .expenses and sums
<br /> ___���•'� that bE�SORS may suffer or fnaur, or that may ��eome due, by reasoa
<br /> ---- --��� of aa�y, defaul� of I,ESSBB or failure by LSSS� to c�mplp wSt& t�e
<br /> --_- - - � ' � ' tesms and conditions of this �ease shall be dc��.ed to 1oe. additio�al
<br /> -�---_—= ren�, and, in ttie event of non-payment:, LES54t�tSS s�all haae t�e �
<br /> ----__��=�; ria3h�ts and remedies as herefn provid�d for lEailure to pay ren�. .
<br /> == Aite�ca fons. Adc#itions and �mng��'ements •
<br /> ---= ' LBSSBS sAall obtain the wrftten approval of L�&3oRS prior ta
<br /> =
<br />