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<br /> ���?�`".':� •� ��;, � �. Payment in fuII of sI!ssrms�by tbis S�uiry Insuument Homevea.mis agtioa stiall unt i�eaeecised Ey -
<br /> -- ` ��h=_�``":_.'' I�:adex if exerdse is prohib�d by fed°ra1 law as of�e date of fhis Se�urity�nsu[�mcat. _ _-
<br /> - '�'- .<; ��=-:
<br /> • F.:i ,; . If Leadec exeidsts th�s optloa,I�adea shaD gdve Boimara natFre of accelerstion. 7�e aotice shall pravide � _
<br /> z:';�.;,,.� ' a petiod of�t lres @saa 30 days fmffi fhe da�the natice is detivezed or m�ed wsihin�vLisL Soaawer mnst pay
<br /> `:: �. ,:"�' • . aII s�ms�by this Seauity�u^mimem. If Boarawer fa7stu pay thrse sums pri�i tn the expirazson af tbis
<br /> •,:;
<br /> �',•',r",c. .`,_• •• ." , jlE�O�LCIIdCI IDf13/�LitIQg6 SIIS►[Ci$EdIC.9 jlCiIIll1��/1�S S�;IlS�IIiIICli3 9Pi�l0II[�11fhC[IIO�E Of QCS12II�
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<br /> �•.s:;' F:�. UNII�RM QOVENAI�T l7 O�'£�SECiJRiTY,Il�iST�iffJ��i'�Sa�LY.HIL�ANi�ir'F1'�Z�READ AS F�1d�i/ZVS:
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<br /> .,�.._::,._ „�. �lr�nsfe�oi ths Pmperty ar a BeaeIIcial Yuhi�st$a Bo;r�z+� If all or aay part of the Property or azry _
<br /> ----�•°�., uaierest ut it Is sold or.nangferred(or if a benefccial�si in Eac�cuet.�&oId or.traasfeaed an�.Bauawer is..'. . ' -
<br /> , , ..�z: �
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<br /> au�r � <;��ss'� . ;•., —
<br /> �1�'rt r�.3,��f ' . IIOL a a3tU[dl.pCISOnj WIthOII! I CDdCi S pT�Of W[i�'Ti_G�SCIIt. I�i ID8y►.8i �QIQ�lODr IeQ11�1[C ImmC�b- , .
<br /> ,1 r .,!�.`:3 in Siil of all sums secvcM�Y t�SaurIty Ynsciv�enr. Hawever.this aptian ahafl not be'a�erclse�i� :
<br /> --- _�- _..,-.._ - - -- ' - -
<br />--�;.�;�c.'.,a..; ;:�::� -�-Len�er�ea�eicTse�s pro�6y federal Iaw as o�S�e date oY�is S�i tnsicume�t. i�ender alsa shati�:.,,-,-.'--- _
<br /> ,r�+, ` : :,�. • essxcise6�is optioa i�(a)Boriower causes to be sabmitted w Leadez infa�atioa requ3red bY Lsnde�to eva�� ,. � � __
<br />_ __-`,�._,;::. :,��^::� . tl�e ianended t�ansferee asffanew Wan weiebelq$made to the uansferee:and(b)I.ende=reasonably dttermiaes .. ,";� -
<br /> ���s � , ,�,;• -�� � 8�at Lender's seau'rry aall not be impatred Isy tLe toazs ass�p�on and that the risk of a 6reash oY airy wvenant ' • �
<br /> �°K`-.r;�'?� , �ur agteement in this Sec�citg Easttumeat is accepta�L�;E�I.eader. -
<br /> _�-,.r���,',� , To tL�ea0eni F��Y�P1tcaDle taw,�bay charges a�+easoaab� 15ae as a condition w Lea�ei's�.: ..
<br /> - :.�°:: •_.�_ _.
<br /> -_=�-�--,:;�: .'consettt ta t1�Wan agsump'�un. I.endec atso may ceqnue du uaasferee w sig�:�assamptioa agreement �.::: -.
<br /> —_�s��✓i?;^;',.'� , is acceprib2e w Lender aud tLat oDligates the uamgferee to keep�9�e promises and a�reemen� made in�
<br /> ��-���,;�.t`�. ' Fdote ana ia tLis S�c�iry Ins�ameat Bo:rawer will condmia �be obligaoed uader the Nnte�and dds Secarityr �-
<br /> -.-:�Cc�.�; r*+ me*±• uatESS Lendss releases 8onaarer tn writmg.
<br /> ----_�,;!�r:'�'.�: ' . If Lender exerc�ses tL�optioa w reqnire immediate payment�ftill�Lender sLxU give Bormwer nodcx of
<br /> acceieradaa 3te aottce sball provide a period o�not Iess tLan 30 daya from t$e daoe tII�natice is deliv�r�d or
<br /> ---- ==��' m�iled adth�n wbic�►Boirowar maat pay sU sama secnred hy dila.Sec�Iry ln.s�a�en� If Borrawar fa�s t�pay
<br /> ��.`,m.d QLZS,, sams prlos to the expirarIon af tbis p2rIad.Lender may iavo:e a�remedtes permitted by�la Seauity .
<br /> - . �e� wtthout fiuthei nodce or demaad on Barrawer.
<br />' --- BY SIGPiII�a HEl.OW, Bosrowes accepis aa� t�o tIIe terms and v contaiatd 9a pages i and 2 of ihis
<br /> ="=="'°` • Fixe4/Adjustable Ra� Fttder. �
<br /> ��;ra�3.� � .
<br /> ���� . .
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