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<br /> �`-:`,��`.�- !-:;_ ,,, � � 5: �or`Pru�rty Insur�ttete. 8orrocver s6atf keep the unpmvemcnts now enistin� or �ereafter ere�ted on the ,
<br />,'_.� z'`a T`:�::''i`. Pco,perty insurEd ag�inst Wsg by fire.hazards tnctudeQ�vithin ttt�term°extended covert�e"and any other hauusis.n4ctuding
<br /> �"'��ti.'"E:.� �.t:�,
<br /> ,; . . ; ,�i�. itaads or ftaading.for wtiich Lerider requires i�uraace.This insurance shul!be maintaine�d in the tunounts aad for the periods�
<br />�f:�;:�Y�-«;�•�`' that Lender requires.The insur.�nce canier rovidin the us,cnr.mce shnll be chosen by Borro�ver subJect to L.ender's agpruval�.
<br />:=;.,} ;�r,*-'.z'. r}, P �
<br /> �•°�� ��`�`� which s1�11 not be unreasonably withheld. If Borro�vzr faits to niaintain caveFUge desrn'bed abave. l.ettder may. at Leades's �
<br />:��,=�F.�q"ri� � �,. .. �. .
<br />..._��.y.. �' �;: _� -
<br /> .. �,. _ ,:� option.o6tain�mvera�e to prot�et t�nder's ri�Y�hts in tise Broperty in aocorda�ce with paregraph 7.
<br /> ' ' ' AU insurauce policies and ienetivals shalt be:�sceptabSe to Lender aad sha11 inctude a standar� mort�age clanse. I�er
<br /> .. `��.�` shall haveth�right to hoid the policies aad reaetvals.If l,ender requires.Bo=mwer shali promptly give to Lender all.receip4s of _
<br /> ,:;;_a'�:�_ pa�d premiunis and tenewal Qotires.In the eve�t of toss.�aam��rer shall give prompt nudce ta the insurance carrier and Q.eader. _.
<br />����� F Lender may m�ilce proof of loss if aat made pramptty by Bornower. � ' . _
<br /> *,.
<br /> ;3F= .`� . Unless Lender and Borrmver othern�ice agree in writin�,insuraate pmceeds sdall be appiied to restoratioa or e�epair of the
<br /> ��'::'��:-: " ' `' Pm�+vr�d��e�.if tl�e�stiiration ur�pair is ec�nnminUY feasible siM Lender's secari is not tessened.If the restoration or .
<br /> • _ . �_ _
<br /> -�*���._ .`, re�air is nut em�omicatTy feasible or Lerider's secuiiry�ioutd 6e t�sen�f,the insuiance prooee�ls shall be apptie8 to tlte sums
<br /> ti:�--r`. .•.:
<br /> . �'.:r`'� �`, ' secur�d by this Security [nstrument, w�ether os noi then dne. �vith eny eacozss pa�d tu Bomatvet. If Borrorrc�abandons thc
<br />�sT_��� t�
<br />_- Prepe�ty,or doe�not aaswer tivithin 30 days a notice from Lendcr t6at the insurance camer lias affered to settle a ctaim,then
<br />��:��,��,�� Lender iaay coltect the insutancc proceeds. Ixnder may use t�e pmceeds to_rep�ir or restnre the Progerty ar w pap swns
<br /> -_,'�:s ,�
<br />-_�:Q;°u�;:,�� secured 6y tlus S�rity Iasonnhent.whether or aot then due.'I4�e 30-day period wil!begin when the natias is givea. .
<br /> �'��i�v '- Uiitess Leuder.aad 8orrower oth$rnvise egree in wtiting, anY aPPUcation of pmceeds.to principal sLa�1 not extead�r
<br />��,,�-���-��� � postpone the d¢e date of the mon�y payments referred to in pata�aphs 1 and Z or change the�amount►if ttte payments. If =
<br />-:;�,=s,:1:_s�, . _
<br /> =�.��� under paragraph 21 ttxe Property is acquired by Ixader. Borro�ver's rig6t to any insur�nce policies aad proceeds r�sntting from
<br /> x�%�s�-�i , dam�ge to the Property prinr to the acquisition shall pass m Lender to the extEnt of the suaLS secured b�r tUis Se�auity Insuumettt
<br /> , ','�'tl` immediately priar t�the acquisitiort. - �
<br /> ..._�t,� 6.p�paasy,prese�v�ttaa,Mainteaaa�e and PCotedtoa uf the Ptopeaty;Borru�ver's Loan ApplFcatiaaq Le�ehutds. � .
<br /> _<-����� ..---.--Bomnwer_shall_ac�qPy.,.establish�.artd use_the Pm�perty as.Bomnwer's ' �' residence mthm after the eaecution of •
<br />_.:. .,_. 2nnnPai---.--...__ . �.,s'?nY�ays--
<br />�=.- .-�� . this Security instrumeut and shall cantiaue to aowpy the Prn�erty as Botrower's principal restdence�or at�Ceast oue yeai alter. .; ._..._.
<br /> -----��s�. the datr.af octnpancy,unless I�nder ottteiwise ag�es ia arriting;whicb wnsent s6a11 not.he onreasonably wifl�hd�,or unless
<br /> '_�=� . e�ite.nnating.circumstznces exist which are beyrand BQrrower's control. Bosrower shall aot desuoy. d�nage or imFair the.
<br /> `�=�=9-� . Pnuperty.allow the Property to deteriorate,or oo�mit waste an th�Property- Borrawer shaU b�in defanit if any forfeaturE
<br />-m::="Y��'� action.or pra,oe�ing;w6ether civil or criminal;is tisgun that in Le�tda'$gaad faith judgsseiu rnuld res�lt in forfeitiue of the . . .
<br /> _ -_- Qroperty or othenvise materially impair the lien created by ahis Security Inswment os Lender's security interest.Bormwear may
<br /> __ ;.;:�..�� - ---=rar�-sas#a�,.^fautt asu!�i�€��.as�avi�a�paragragh l�,byrausing the�ction�piur�g�cr�re-d3s�i�ss3�a�s�
<br /> - _=�M�:� • that,in Lender's gond.faith detenniaation,precIucfes forfeiture of the Borrowu's interest u►d�Property or other material
<br /> ���y� impaimiem of�thz lien crcated by ttis Seauity lnswment or Lend�r's security inteiest. Borrower e�all also 6e.ia default if ,
<br /> -�L�� Borrotiv�r.during the loan applica2ion pracess.�ce materially false or inaxarate informatian or sta�rts to Lender(ot faitect �.
<br />"�=s--�'�-�-�''�-'�'� w provide Lender with acry maLerial infarmatioa)in wnaection with the Ioan e�idenced 6y the PTote,�.ctu�ing,bu;not liauted .•
<br /> _ - -_--- to,re�reseatations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the l�uperty as a principa!resid�e.If this Ser,arity Ias�ent is on a� .
<br /> ___���� 'leasr,hatd, Bomower shall �ly with all th�prov:sions of the tease. If Borrower aaquinzs fee tide W the �rC;�e�ty, the � .
<br /> -_= 2easehotd and the fee tide shall not mer�e unless Lender agees to the��erger in wtiting. . '''� • '�
<br /> -_— - ' 7.Protdet�on of i.eudei's Itigbts in the�operty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agnewents coatained En,.:
<br /> -=---- thls Security InsII�usnea�or there is a tegal prooeeding that may sign'sfcantIy affect Leader's rights in the ProFertY(such�ag a�' .
<br /> - - � � ', prmc�eding in bankcupicy.probate.for cond�emnation ur forfeitote or w enforce laws Qr regulations),then LenBer tna�do and
<br /> -; �,�..::.;.,•,. lpay 4`or wha2ever is necessary to proteot tfle value of the Ptopeny and Lender's rig6ts in the Ptoperty.l:Ender's'�cxions may.
<br /> - inciude payin� any sums secured by a iien which has priarity ovet this Security Listrumene, ap�eari�g Qn court, Day'Ing
<br />_ '.;��, reasanable attomeys'fe�.s and entering on the Property to matce repairs.AIt�iaagh Lender may take aciion wtder thLs'FatagraPh
<br /> 7,icnder does mot have xo do so. ' �
<br /> Anp amowits disbnrsed by Lender under this paiagrapb 7 st�all berome additi.prat debt of Botrower seau�d by•this
<br /> Security Iastnimene. Untess Borrower and Lender agree w other tetms of payment,dt�s¢�;.�mounts shaU 6ear intai,.°�3'som the
<br /> �,,:
<br /> . , date of disbursemens�at the IVote rate and shall 6e payable. with inierest. upon uodoc����to Borroweir're�uesdng
<br /> — P�;• • '
<br /> -'� 8.1l�urtguge Iosasunoe.If L�nder required mortgage inswance as�as�onditinn of maldn$tpie loa�secura!by this SecurKy _
<br /> tnsuument, Borrower sl�all pay the premiums sequired to maintain the cimrtgage insurence in effect. If, for any reason,the
<br /> raortgage insurance coverage reqeired by l,tnder lapses or eeases to be in eifect.Bomoaer sha1�pay the prem3ums required to
<br /> obtain oaver�ge substantially eqaivalent w the mortgage insarattce previously in effect;at a oost sch.�tantialyy equivaleat to the .
<br /> _. —_ uost t�i Borrowes o€the mort�ge insurance prevlously in effect, frvm a�.�Itemate mnrtgage in�uri�.apprnved by Lender..�:''�� .
<br /> •. sobstantial�y equivalent mnrtgage insaraace oovetage is�not avai.table.Bam3wer shall pay to l.ex,der��c:sch month a svm eqaal t1a�;i:•
<br /> oa�tweJfth oY the yeazly mortgage insuiance premium beia„�aid by Sorrower whea the inswance ooverage lapsad ot oea�tio+`
<br /> ----- be in effect.Leader will accept,use and retain these Qay�cecsrs as a loss nesasve in liw o� mort��ge insivance. Lass n�r.y�i .
<br /> -- : . ,
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