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<br />_ *. ` ` �. . � � , . . .
<br /> �^'`��c` ° '� `�` FIRE,����l��f:�ID+DTHER 11VSURAfVGE:To keap sucp prcpeAyr iasured agains!losa o�damage by Pire�nQ ather .� . :`_
<br /> ��`�` �, ..���,-•�:`. � �' . ,��flSk•n�f19k8 4YAICA.tn ltie�[e aptnion ot e8nefiCfary shoula ba insured�gslnat,und�r poltctes of insuranae raft�[o�s, • :;' �
<br /> ° ` payabl�Yo�en��ici�ry M torm.amount andcompanles accapia�fp to�srtettclery.5eld potictas sha1�be deiivered to and ` ,,;.�'
<br /> -- . .. � � . remafntnpossassibnof8on�tiCia�yasfurthnrsacurityltorthetafthWlpartormancobt4he3eo6llgatEwis,�vfllehdelLveryehall - .
<br /> �
<br /> ` ' �• Cona4ituta en a�iflnment by T�uat r to BeRetlelary at si!rigP►ts.thQieunder,inatuding all roturn premiums;to deti�er to � �
<br /> ` �� `.- . � ' Bgt�o�ict��ryr e polt�y or policles ren�wfng or exten�fag any oxplring lnsarertce wfih a resceipt staawing premtum�paf�et � . �
<br /> � � [e8st thirry{30)dAya botoro expiration.lf Yntstor f�iils tc!so�eliver any renawal polictes,B9�eft�iary may pr�curo such
<br /> _ � � � fn�urBnCA as I9 m8y�ts�t and t�ay m�ke R�YfiQnt of premiums 4h9r�on,which�ayment ia�epayabt�on deman@.Heltber f��� :
<br /> � • T�ustee nor�aneftciary ahall be responsi6le tor oDtatning or maintaininfl such fr�surance.8anettciery.irom timeto tlme,
<br /> _�_ _ _ mayfurniahtoeny�nsurance�gencyarco�nRany,oranyotherperson.anyintarmationaontafnedinoroxtractadtromany
<br /> � . �.�;_# _ insur�ce polic�t tt�ereto4ore deit�rerad to�artaitciary pursuant hereto.and any informa�tan concerning t4�e loan seCUred "
<br /> � �� ��.: here0y.in�d everR artd�vhether or not deiautt ttereundgr has accurred sfiati�aneficlary.Oy the tact of aparavirsg, =
<br /> accep�ngorobta3ningsuchlns+frarice,incurenylfabilitytorthdamountotsuchinsurance.thePartnortegalsufficiencytat ��
<br /> �� _ � �<L- i�surance convacts.sfllvertcy of insnrers,or payment o9 fosses by I�surers.artd Truator h�reby expressty assumes tutl <:;,i
<br /> � , -...:=;s::-r= :,:..:.: _ -.
<br /> - . . . � -� rsspansibility therafore and liabitity.it any,thereunder.tn ths event at loss.Tn�stor shatlgtv�immediate written not[ce to
<br /> � `'�-�'�� ���.:: ��.�; Bene�ciary.andBeneficiarymay,butisnotobtigatedt�.makeprootollossif�otmadeprompYlyb}tTrustor.tncaseolany ,
<br /> �� :•' r tassthsamountcoltectedunderanypnitcyotinsuranceonsuchpropectymay,aithea�UonofUaeBeneficiary.beapplied -.�t.� .
<br /> . '� ',� � byBereefciaryuPonanyindebtQdnessand/arflbligaUansecureclhBrebyandinsuchorderandatnour�tas6eneficia�may �
<br /> determirte;cr satd emaunt or any'portion thereof may.at the opifon of the Beneficiary,either bs used in repiacing or °��rt:4
<br /> ' . restoringthe improversents par�alty ortotally destroyed to a condition satls[actory to said Benettclary,or sai0 amountor
<br /> '�. ':�,-,.� ,-:, . any poRion thereof may ha reieased te the T�ustor.(n any such event neither the Trustee nor the Beneficiary shalF be
<br /> � � obiigated to ses to the properappiication thereof norshatl the amount so released or used bsdeemed a paymenton arry ,
<br /> � '4��`�.� ' . ; 4:; ' indebtednesssecure�hereby.Suchappfication,useand/orrelea�eshatlnotcureorwaivesnydefauitornoticeafdatault •,
<br /> . �:'���-� '� �.�reund<r a•invalic'ate any act done pu�suant to suGh noGce.Any unexpired insurarce and all retumable insurance �^;�
<br /> - � premiumsshallinsuretothebenefitoi,andpassto,thepurc6aseroffhepropertycover�dtltarebyatanyTn�stee'ssateitatd �
<br /> '"' , . ���� h�reunder.lisatdproperiyissoldpursuanttothepowarofsalecontainedhereinorpursuantto�nydecreeofforectasure, �� ��f:
<br /> ;: .. .: . �,..: . .
<br /> ,..,.. .
<br /> :,:. -
<br /> '�' `.;��-_-;,�����;�-•�"=��-; aii►igh�EitteartdiAterestofTirustorin���totheproceedsoffireandoth8rinsurancQ�otictesfordama eprivrtothe�ale, _
<br /> S
<br /> s�:�� , -- � � w?iicti;'���ds a�e�fot��ec�tve���aria�a'r�t�e�date-otsaid�sale,-shaN betongto�ere��F�ry:�rustor�wiN compt�sstith such--.-... .- :
<br /> '� _ ofher�inementsandp�ovidesi�26��t3rnt�eotinsuranceasBeneficiarymayregu�:�tromtlmetotimetortit�iec4on �
<br /> '-� `: , � by.+rtsurancs ot tfie interest of the respec���'i�es hereto. ` . � � . `��
<br /> r-
<br /> .'�'_�, '`` �,� � , . >•
<br /> ,. . . . . .� , . �
<br /> :. , ,,':*�,. . .
<br /> ;.•..,
<br /> • •.•,. , ..
<br /> ��. ,._�".._...,.: ."��''. "�` ' TA1�AN�OTHER SUMS DUE:To�pay�sati band discharge.at leas�to ten(10)d�aya befote d�}�uent�r.a'9.geae�2xC � . v-.-
<br /> ,r � " �nd s��i2i�tax�s and assess�eetts an o�er pu iio charges.and in no everit tater . n the date su amouo,s,��co;�- � - �f .
<br /> �'r�- � � ..,.due�nd��ti�sxth�r��:�!h�n��?��7?�ea.uested:(1)allencum6rattceS.charS@s�ndl:c�t�witt►InteresRQnsuchptoperty;a�r � _.
<br /> ��, �- � �r '.4:.�' �anypartthereaf,eY�Ea�t�re.or2�tpe�rtoben�4fciary.initssol�discretio�c�4abepf�or�a�su9eria��rreto:t2��Ircos��t� � �;
<br /> � andexpensesot�'�i�,,.�wh�3:rErmrnotd��r.�badherein.(3jfeesas�l`r�sgesfacs�ySC�t�-n�rt�3rdingtheobligatton .� , �=,
<br /> -��' � secured hereby in a;:y�rnauru�cP��riaed�y�ane�iciary.nat to exa�i�b.r�4ax3m��:r:�c.�;�un��"�d by law theretore at ., .
<br /> - ; '��; ., thetime�vhensuchrequestisir��e��4�sucho'�erchas as�sthe�e��5c�€aetilma �ardasonat�l�iorservicesrendered �-`'
<br /> . � Y. a �::..
<br /> byBenetFciaryandfumishedattherequestofTrustoro�ar�suc+cess�zt�rnvst�restta�'cu.�tor.(5)ifsuchpropertyincludesa ��,_
<br /> � ''�� �. � �; "_, � leasehotd esta4e:ap payments and oblfgaUons roquire�of the Tru�tor��his successor in inte�e�t�ender the terms of the '
<br /> . ' , instrument or instruments creat+ng such teasehofd.(6)ait payments a�zf monetary obliga�ons�equire9 0!tha owner af �._,�..
<br /> . � � � such property umler any deciatatton ot cnvenants, condi�ons and restrictIons pertaining to suCh prope�ty 4r any =
<br /> . modiftcation tnereo�(7)all mortgage in�urance orguara�ry tees,premiums,or charges of any natUre pertaining to such _
<br /> `.. property.TrustoragreestonotityBenaficiaryimmediate(yuponreceiptbyTrustorofnotEceofanyincreaselnthe,assesssd � _
<br /> , ���,;`���� val�e of such property and sgr�s that Benef�ciary.in the name of Trustor,may contest by appro�riate prvicesdings sueh =_-
<br /> � " � � increasa in assessmenL � �"-
<br /> . . . .��.�
<br /> --. . . � . �J.s �
<br /> �, .�.�;: tn the event of the passsge ot any lavy deducting trom the value of real property for the purposes ot taxation any lien
<br /> :�,:--' � ( �:''-' the�eonorchariginginanywaythetawstortP�etaxationotdeedsoftrustordebtssecuredbydeedaotfru�stiorstateortocal
<br /> �, .-�; � �
<br /> t';�`` t�-� ` purposes.orthemannerofthecoflectionofanysuchtaxeg.soastoaffecithis0eedotTrust,thehoiderolthispeedafTrust
<br /> �'�=�,��: ;�,��'='�`�; and ot the obiigations wfitch�t secures shalt have the right to declare a8 sums secured hereby due as o!a date to be
<br /> -. " � "���`��`%� specii�ed by not tess tt�an�30 days'written nart�ce to tre.givon to Trustor by Beneftciary;provided.howaver.that such
<br /> ��-fi � eledion sitall be ineiiective if Trustor is permittea by la�v to pay the whote of such tax in eddit3on Eo a11 other paymants
<br /> �; • required hereunder and It.prior to such�pecified date.doas pay such tax art�agreos to pay any such tEUC when hereafter
<br /> levied o�assessed againsxsucte�e�perty,and such ag��cr�nt shalf conatitute a modiflcaUon o!this DeeQ o!'��st =�
<br /> ''t` •,.: �$-`�.. ,
<br /> � -��-= -.�E = FUNDS FOA YAXES AND INSURANCE:tf Beneflciary shait so request,Trustor agrees thatthere shali be adQed to tC�e�. �? _
<br /> :r,..:•' .;:.." : r
<br /> �; . � • . periodical payment re$ui�ed to be made hereetmder an amount estlmat�d by Trusted to be eufficientto enable Trust�r fa. . ' - _
<br /> _ � pay.at teast thirty r30}days before delinquerscy,ait genoral and s�actral taxes,assossments:or other pu3�lic charges � �::-_:
<br /> � ' � againstsuch ro e thePromisSOryHoto,oru�onoronacco�a�tafthedebtorthepenofthisbeedofTrust.togetherwitl� �'-`_
<br /> �`��: �'�' P P rlY� �"s:��.
<br /> . : �� � .�remiuma tor insurance required to be.provided under ctua Deed oi Trust and all�noRgaga inswance or guaranty tees. ��;
<br /> , � - "..��:�•� piemiums or simitar charges arsd no intere�2�shall be p�yable to Tnt,.�or in�espect thereot.ldpon demand by Trustee. • _-
<br /> � �. � ,, �: , T►ustorshatldetivertoTrusteesuchadditioraisumsofmoneyasarerss�ssarytomakaupenyd�lYcte�cyintheamavn�s ,. �,_
<br /> � : - necessary to ena��:Trustea to pay any o1 ti c�goregoing i4ems. . � ___-
<br /> . . ,. . . � =,;��
<br /> � ' � SUMS ADVANCEDTO BEAR INTEREST:To pay immediatety upon demand gny suma advances ar paid by B�eneilciary -
<br /> . � o►Trusteeunderanyclauseorprovisionofthis0eedofTrustAnysuchsumS,untilsorepaid,shatibesecuredherebyand
<br /> .. . � bear interesttrom the date advanced or paid etthe same rate as setforth in such Promissory Note and shall be secured by
<br /> =t: � � . this Qeed o!Trust . . . • .
<br /> ' ASSIGNMENT OF pEPOSlTS:That as addilional secutiry if this be a construction taan,Trustor hereby transters and
<br /> � � � asslgns to Beneficiary during eontinuance oi these T�usts,sil Nght titia and inierest to any and ap monies deposited by �
<br /> � - Yrustorordepos�tedonbahatfofTrustorwlthanycity.county.pubticDadyoragertcy,sanitarydistriot,gasand/orelectric
<br /> :��, . � company,telephonecompanyan�anyotherbodyoragency.tortheinsiatlaUonortosQCUrstl�elnstallattanolanyutilityby
<br /> � „ . Trustor.pertafning to t4tis properry. � .
<br /> . FAILUREOFTRUSTORTOCOMPLYWITHOEEOOFTRUST:Int�eeventTrustorshoutdtailtomakearrypaymsn�orto �
<br /> ' ., . , do any act as provIded In this Qeed of Trus�or fait to perform any obtigatien secured by this Oeed of T►us�t.or do anyaet
<br /> °..��_ ' •• Trustor agreed not ta do.Bsneficiary,bu4 without obtigation s�to do and withoui rtotice to or demand upon Trustor and
<br /> ,. withautreteasingTruster�romanyobligaUonhe►eofandwithoutcontestingthevatidityoramountalthesame.an�y(g)pay. .
<br /> � � make or do the�ame in such manner and to such extent as it may Qeem necessaty ta pr�tect the security hereot.
<br /> .. ..:.� .
<br /> - �_. _,
<br /> - - -- - BenBficiary beir�� autn�rize� to ente► uptm strcfi ProFsrtS►for suci� Wrnqses.ana� f�i p`�Y.b�uri,►e�e, ccir�?es� t,� -
<br /> ' � ' compromiseanyencumbrance,chargeorlten,vihichinibjudgementisorappearstabeprtororsu0eriorhereto,and(C�.
<br /> ` r�ti � . . � . � � � in exercising any such povrer,pay rtecessaey casts,fess,and expenses,emptay counsel and pay counsef's reasoa►aDte
<br /> .. , � ' � tees.Trustor agrees to repay any arrv�unt so expended on demand of BeneTiciary. :
<br /> �. , , .
<br />