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<br /> �� ` � .� Tt1IS DEEp Of Ti�U�T.matt�t�fs doy of_ � . .
<br /> - � �� ' � att$ Jan�� �.�,i�ti71. h�v�d 8ri$t�l�e ' ' ' es Tru3tar.
<br /> — . � ��. . � J. Iii�l F . .
<br /> `R�:. ; `:.% "<� � .
<br /> .� .. : 4 :: � FIrsTEe►Sank.Na�ianat Associatlon.Omaha.Nebraska � as Trusts� .
<br /> - �.,,.<._. .� . . ,
<br /> — ; , ��.�_r� � . Firalter Brinlc.Na�onal A�r�aUon.Omaht�.f�ebraa�Ca as��eflciatY. �t: �.� +.
<br /> ' - L . =- , L"!!T!1lESS�TIf. . _ .
<br /> �.
<br /> `'' J'� _
<br /> __ .. _ That Trustvr trrevacably grents,Lransfers and asstgns to Ycustse in trus�aeiti�powar o1 sate.tho toitowing des�rtbed .
<br /> - -�--:-- -- -���ty: . _ _
<br /> -� - � �e SOUth Qlif3-Ii�].f (�yj of !� QAe (2j D R D 5�103iv3.Siorii e f
<br /> __ . . ' ' C3ty of t�and Ts7�� ��a11 QoimtY� I�*eh�ctr.�, � -
<br /> __ .� -r , � . _ � .. � . .
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<br /> . „
<br /> - — ,•r•_�•�• �tu���rwith�9l�int�rest-�aGa�-Traistnrnowhas�¢��sy�hereafter-acquire�ae�-tosald.pro�erty.arJ��r�;a�ttf.t0_(.a..�atl..... __r. :r:�'_•
<br /> --..```'~�rrf< . ` e�ementsand►ighfsatu��apPurte►�►tt4►ereto:{f��aittertements,her�ditar��°,�sts,buitdtngs.struchaQ���Arave�ts. �;�;
<br /> �.. ;�,. .;.,�. .:�:'; fixtures.equipmen�fumishings and e�acnanartce.s Row or hereafter placed thereon:(c)ail teasehoid estsie.ti�,�S�'e.� ,;;-`��.
<br /> �._ ;� ,,f,.� ;; and inte�st o4 Trustor in and to aIl leases or s��teases thereof or any poRion thereof no�r a�r��reafter exis�ng or�+St� ,t.,'
<br /> _ —.:.... _ .. ...�.... {nto.andall�igh�tiUs.ar�dtnterastotTcustorthereunder,including,withautOmita�on.allcF+��r�uritYdel��G��+'g , `�..::
<br /> �fi �
<br /> s �� : rcntata.and deposlis or payments of stmttar nature.am,�(d)etf mineral.oi#�ges aaghfs ac�d p�►water..tiu��r��hC��..d . � �:f�;':;��
<br /> �'•� r ,.-. . .
<br /> �� � ,-�:;� � ac�►�er stock.TrusUor agrees to execute and deliver.��tlme to Ume.such tu�hsr instrumenis as n►e►y��4u�'�.�9 Dy , ,':
<br /> ---�--'_ ` . -�-in �s'�eio�y ta-�-+�.�tsr�r-t��.-�-m 8� i�ot thla Q�e►t'iri�:�s�u�c�s-- -
<br /> �, •�. ��.��:.
<br /> ,; ;�,;,�.,a�.. ,. a4orementianed property.The propeRy so conveyea!to Trustee h�reunder is hereinait�r reterred to as"such pro�P�`: v _-
<br /> -- ,f�: _n
<br /> _� . , �i`�,;, � , .
<br />_---��„� ',,, .. , '. . ''t;�.'ieTrustorsbsolutstyan�irr8vmcabhlg�nt�.tra�csfiarsandasst�nstoBeneficiarytherents.Incom�.Issues,andprofiLs �_v_
<br /> —�::..:':;:%'` . ., .. .. 09 a11 properry cavered Dy 4➢�i��ed of T�ust • ,
<br /> C._` --.
<br /> --- ''. . °'�.��,.�.� •FORTHEPURROS�OFSECUft{NG: ' . . �''':
<br /> _ �. ' . •� t. Paym�ant ot the principal sum�f � � �� �� ��'OQw�— ` —_
<br />_�� ' '. • � ----�(5160,000.�0) DC���ar8 ��...� - -- __-
<br /> _. � . � evi8encedbyth�eertatnpromisaorynotedatedottiaYSndateherewith(hereinsfiterretenedtoeathe"PromigsaryNate'� ___
<br /> _ ° . ;: .�.� r� eicecutedby '�aaas J. Rill �d Janet S. Ai].1, h�sband anrisa3.£e
<br /> :� ' in saEd amc�mt apd paysbte 4�the order of.Bene�ic(ary maturing on � 1' ��9 � � ,—
<br /> . ;, •
<br /> �:,:�.T::.., ,��: tagether wit�tntesest tnereon�tate charges.and pcepayment banuses accardiag to the terms o!the Promissory Nota
<br /> �� � � and all renewais,extanslons,end modiftca4tons thereof... �
<br /> �:�.:,_>. ;..:;,;��, .
<br /> �` '" �:peAormaRCe.discharge o7 and complia�ce with every obltgation,covenant and agreemonta4Tru�tor tncarporated by
<br /> ��.�; :;_ � retsrertce or contatned herein or in any other security�agreement or deed.of trust at arry time aiven to se�ure any
<br /> �.`•.�:��:.,..,�� r :�:�ndebtedne�s hereby secured.or any part there�t . � — _
<br /> - , . . ;.: ,. � ==-
<br /> � ����°•. � �.�aymern of aU teos and charges oi Beneflciary or Trustee,whetlfer or not set fqM�erein. . ---
<br /> �'x�' �';��`!�' . .. . � .� -
<br /> _-.-:�_ :-_,,�:�.;., . .
<br /> :�ir�'.���_.'�"; ';�`�.�:�i :�TO PROTEGT THE SECURiTY OF 7HiS O�ED OF TRUST:TRU51'OA COVENANTS: � . . �r,-_
<br /> �r' 1� " .. .'GRLE;That it is tawf�tly,��dzed and possessed a3'egood and indeteasible title and estateto all at rud.�propeRy in tee � � �
<br /> �simpte nee trom any ariaei(�n or encumbrance.h�,�flod right and'lawful a�horiry eo conveythe same.and wi0 breuer �_�
<br /> , ,'�'� � warrant arM detgnd the�we thereto agair�nt the ct�ir�►s Bnd deman0$of all s�ons whoscever.that it wil! at ita exae�se °`"''_
<br /> .�'�. . ;:i,;�?.;:; p . , �•�
<br /> `,�e ;.�sf��,.,�, . malntain end t3rasen►e the lien of f�is�ed o!Trust as a flrst and paramount Iten upOn s�proRarty. __
<br /> — - "i;5r.•'� '' :
<br /> .•'�i, ��,.'v'.°
<br /> -°'� � � �MAINTENANCE To�such property in good conditlon anQ repair to complete o��estore promatJy an d in good and . �
<br /> • ;...::,.
<br /> �,'�'� �� �.�: -' ' workmantike manner any OuUding whlch may be constructed.damaSed or destroyed th9r�on end ta�ay,when due�ali
<br /> �;.; .
<br /> � claimstortaborpBrtormedandmaterfatsturnishedtheretoreandtoranyaiteretionsthereo9:tacomptywiththepravtsions ..
<br /> � � _ � � �` of all insnrance poltcies covering said premises.to compty wiYn�11 taws,ordirtartces,regutaUOn9.covenanb,coaditIons
<br /> ��'� � and restrictions aHecting such property;notto rerriove,demotisb or material(y atter any buitding�or the character or use
<br /> 4hereof at any time thereon;notto driil or extract nor to permi4 the drilUng br or extra�tion oi oil.gas ar other hyQrocarbun �
<br /> . � substances.waternranymlrteratofanykind�aatessii�wrttte,nconsentofBeneficiaryi�hadandobtain�d;e�ettocommitot •
<br /> � psrmltrinywastethereo4oranyactuponsuchprqp�rtyinvtolationofiaw;todoatlatherastsirtaUmo(yendpropErmannea ; }`,
<br /> n
<br /> � �� which frem the character or use o!such property rr��y be�easot'iahhl nece�sary to protect and preEerva sat9 secua�Gy,the
<br /> • speCific enur�era�ons her�ln not excludiosg tt�e ganerel. � ' , -�
<br /> �'
<br /> � � �CflNSTi�UCTIONOfIMPROU�MENTS:tocompEateingac�an�worlcmanlitcemanneranybuftdin�,eaimprovememor ����• ,
<br /> ' � ��� , repairretaUrtgtTteretowhtchmaybebe�unonsuch`�roper4yorcon4emplatedbytheloansecures9hstnuy.topaywhendue � . �`,•�
<br /> , � . alleostsandliabilitiesincuRedthorefore.andnottopemaitanymechanic'sltenagainstsuc�properry.Teustoratsaagres� � :z�
<br /> . � � ' anything in tAis Qe�ed of T�ust to the.contrary notvrithstarr�ing;(a)to prompUy commenca wark and to cqm�li�to the ,
<br /> propossd improvements prompfiy��b)to comptet�same in accordance with ptmns and specificatiohs as apgrav�d by
<br /> �.�'� �... � - � €�enst�c►a�y.4c?mcampt�withaOnttR�temnsotanybuitdingtoanag�eementbetweonTrustqrand�eneficituy,thetermsof •_ .
<br /> � which sre iRCOraorated Iterei�by re4erence to the same extentas it fulfy set ior4�t�erein en0 m8d��pa�toftinis 1�e�drof
<br /> , �.,°.� � � Taust�dy to allow Baneflciary to inspeot such prepetty at a0 timas durircg cens4ruction.8nd(e)to reptace arry wark or
<br /> . ,•.r . • materials unsa4tstS�ciory tp BEn�ficiary.wiihi�fiftesn(15)days after e�ritten notice from F3aneficiary of such tact vrhlch .
<br /> • ;� ; . . � no�ce may ba�given to Trustor by registered or cer�ifled mail,sent to his tas4 kno�rn address.or by personai ssnrice ot ttta
<br /> ' , .:. � ,'. �,. .' same. ' ,
<br />