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<br /> :. � ``4`� �..�•`<`y S. E�z.�d OP PBOP�► ?ns�iss�nc4: Boirower sball keep the icapmvemeats aa�v ea�sting or he�eaRer erested on the =_
<br /> _��;,,,i: :.� ��: r,.
<br /> `-�`;":1;:��:.�y°�`.''' Proper�-is�nred agai.nst lobs by fire.ha�ds engladed Evitriin the derm'extcaded wverage'anc!any other hazards.inc[uding _
<br />,-°-:�-�:x., � �_�.�., ` floads or ttoading.for arhich�Leader iequires iasuraace.This insun�nce stiall be maiataiaed in the amaunts and for the pedads, --
<br />, �... _ .�r ,:� --
<br /> �:��."�'` '` that Lender requirzs.The insar�ace cariier groviding thc insarance sf►all be cdiase�hy$orrower subje�x to Le�tskr's appmval __.
<br /> r . ;: .�„ ::`''`- which sha11•ans be unreasonably withheld. If Baaower fails to maintain rnverage d�cn"tted above. I.Qnd�r rt�y.aE Lendefs =°
<br /> " opuon,obfain co�erage to protect L�ader's rigbts in the Property in accordanoe with paragraph 7.. � -
<br /> � ;:;,�� Ail'[nsmmmce policies md maiecvats sba!! be aoc�ptabie to I�uder end s�tali msiu�e a standard mnstgsge claas�. LestdQr =
<br /> : `'��'`_.•'", ' shall have the.right to ho�d the policie5 and reaewals.if L�nder mquires,Borrower s9�tl prumptiy give to L�euder ull rceiPts of =
<br /> �*_•, e
<br />`=.:��,:;�' - p�d Pre�mas�d renewai��tices:In the eveat o€�o:;s.Sorris�xer st�t!give prompi notice to the.insuranre carrier and Leader.. :
<br /> �,f;; I,ender may malce pmof of loss if not mad:c promptiy by$orrawer. . - � -
<br />,;_�.,--.'t..,. �,.'�:�,. � Unkss Lender and Sormwer otherwise agn�in writing,insu�ance prom.�ds shnll 6e applced to restoiation or repair of the _
<br /> _.�.:' ` '°:�;•- Froperty damaged,if the restaration or repair is economically feasible aad Lender's s�curity is aot lessened.If tbe cestomtian or
<br /> -�:a-..s�-�.,,,::- �'o,�,, . � .
<br />__`."'-�'r";'`�;�` -repair is aot economically fea�le or 1�nder's security wouid be lessened.the insor�ce pmceeds sliall be applied to the su.tits
<br />���'�'�-�'-'�, secured by this Securiry Insdrament,whether or aot then du� vrith any excess paid to Borrower: If Borrower aba�wis the
<br /> r�����_ i'::.;'�:
<br /> •;�,;.-_.. ;_:�_°-,��•;. Pcoperty.ar does n�t answu within 30 days a notice from Lender[hat the insurance caitier has offered w settle a clai,m,thea
<br /> --�-�...��<=x�;� L�ader ms}r coltect c6�vssaraa�e pmceeds. Lender may use the pmoeeds to r�rair or restore the Property ar w•PaY s�ms
<br /> �W ,�..r.��•�s.
<br /> .�:`�,� �� ' secured by this Secarit���xument,w�ether or not theu dae.'1Y�e 30-day period wi}l 6egin when ttce aotice is given. • ,
<br /> -;�`�' Untess L.ender�id��l�srrower otherwise agrer in writin8.az►Y a�►Plication of•prnceeds to prins:ipal shall nnt extsnd or.
<br /> -_"'x4:.'...ti:'=:.-,1•-..
<br />_.:.. :,. x,.. ,,. �pont the�due d�te di�'?3�e mnuthly p�ayru�ts refetred to in parag[aphs 1 and Z or'change the amowrt af t6e payments. If
<br />'�:df':�,y_'.?....'�;.5.'..j ' - � ,
<br /> :.--:�::°,'`;'..i•;;.�;�: , uude(pazagraPh 2i tbe Property is s�equired by Leader;Bnrrower s righi to say insarance polidas and proc�ds resulting fmm
<br /> ` _;,� �• damage ta the Propecty prior to the z�stion shall pass to Lendet W the exteut of the sums secnred by this 5ecurity Ins� .
<br /> � -�---� �----. . ....-----�--�........ . ...... .
<br /> ... _......_... ---�-,-�---........_.._..--�� --
<br /> ._ . .- -- --'
<br /> ` :t�:� � �---. .. . iinmed�iate7q pnoi to iiie acqiiisiiion.- -���--�----- . ,
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