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<br /> t`. _.x�`�. t "`._
<br /> � '.2, � , � ' -- �� . . .. � .. , . ` `+'��� ��tl��� f�.
<br /> TdEfETHEB WiTf1 nil the improvementa aoa+�or hemaftra erected oa{!te pmpe�ty.and cill'�asements.appurteoances.aad • t
<br />�°�"��''`� flxt�res aow ai fieceaftet ¢ part of"the`pmpr,sty. Ali regl�cements t�td additfons shall utso be rnvered hy tP�s Sccudty
<br /> _:`�'� � ' . Ins�ent.All oF the foregoing is referred to in titis Securiry Iast�men4 as tha"Property.° �.
<br />._Y.�.`y,. `t
<br />'<;�``•:�: �O R R O�V E f d C O V�I V A I�i'l'S t h a t 6 arrow e r i s l a w t L i l y s d�d o f t�e e s t�:e h e r e b y c ro n v e y e d a n d�h a s t h e'r i g h t t o g r a n t e h d �.
<br />.-'r,....Y<.. .
<br /> '� :�4; wnvey the'Ptopezty and that tfle Prop�rt3i i�uneacumisere�f.except f�os ertcumbmtta�o€t�eord. Eorroiver�vanants end wilI-
<br /> n �
<br /> .";,.r�,� , .defe�xi genea�lly thc title to the Pmgert3+ngninst t�l ctai�s aad demands.subject co aqy encua►hrances of record. .�
<br /> IH
<br /> '< c. : .,'['�ItS SECURTfY INSTItUMENT corabjrses uaiform covenauts for t�tional use aa�non-uniforrn a�veaants evith[imited , �.,.
<br /> _,�' vari�titstss tsy jurL�dlaxion ta sota�iit�te st�form�rnriiy ins3ium€�t coveriri�real pmpercy. ;
<br /> �� , [fNIFORM COVBNANTS.Eurrower and Irender cuven�nt uftd age�ns fo!lotvs: , (-
<br />--,:;.��:,� ` i. Fmyvaeu3 0?�';is�tpal an�;si�C;Fs�ps3m��3�-I�C�.. Eurmwer shnll pmmF�Y �"Y-tvl�en dae the ! .
<br /> '�_�,�. principat of aad'emerest an the debt evidenoeB by the Note aa3 unY Prrpaytnent and late cbarges due ur.der the Note. �
<br />:=:�f:�� 2.Fe�t�fop R'a:es�ad�nran�.5ubject w applicab2e tanr or w a wcitten waiver by Leader.Bairower shall gay to �I
<br />'.;�` Lendes oa the day tnonthly payments am due wtder the Note,uati!the Naie.ls paid'w full,a sum('Faads")for:(a)YearlY t�s. i
<br />.-�:..
<br />-'�`��:-- - end�ssessments whi�may a4tain pr�oritY over this Sesurity Insttument as a Gen on Ehe�roperdy:(by Yearly leasehold paymeats �
<br />�;� or gaund rents on the PcopPtty.if any;t�)Y�Y�or pmperty ins�usnce pre�niums;(d)Yearly ftood insvrance preminms, � ;
<br /> --��� if susy:(e)Y�Y ��P�'��P�ums.if auy';and(tj anp sums DaY?bte by Earnnwer tu I,e.nder. ia accacdanoe with. ' i
<br />-��-��� the Fro�tisiaBS of par�raph 8.ia tieu of ine payment of m�rtgage insurtm�pr�miu�ns.Ttuse items an:cafted"Escracv Item4." ;
<br /> _��. . i�nder may. at any time.wllect apd hotd �Funds in an amormt not to eaceEd the mauimum.amount a Iender for a fedemllY �. ;
<br /> - teiated mort�age iaan may require for Borcovrer•s csc�uw acouu�t uader the fedem!Real Estate Set3lc�eat Fivcedures Act of.
<br /> �:>=';�� , 1974 as aatcaded'fmm time w time. 12 U.S.C.Ser,tioa 2641 et seq. (°RESPA°).�snless ztuather law that applies to'tlte Funds•
<br /> _':;-�,� .
<br /> -- - sets a le�ser.amoum. If so. I.eader may,at any time.collect aad 6o�d�und�in an azao�ant nnt to eaceeQ the tesser�nnnt.
<br />'�_�*'� t�,,,ar roay e�timate tkis amovni af Funds due on the hasis of caaeni data.and reasonable estimates of�xpenditums of funue
<br /> --- •
<br /> ,�_�� - -�--:-- ' I ' . -
<br /> �SCrowIte�nsvroffienvrseiaacaordaanewitb-applcab281aw.-....._.......___._,_. ..._._ ._. .- .---.-. --- .......--.---._...-.---._--..-.--,.---.--.-- ..._
<br /> --=-s' The Funds sliall be hetd ia an inssitution whose depasiu are insvr+ed 6y a fedetal agency, instrument�ity. or endty .
<br />-_ � Cu�elading Lender,if Lender is 6�cQ an instituHon)or in eay Federaf Home�l.flan Bank.Lender sHall ap�Iy the Fvnds to pa�r ifce
<br /> ----- Fscrow Items.I.ender may not charge Borro�rer for hold'm�and aPP�3►ing the Funds,annualIy analyzing th�escraw aQOOUnt,or ' ,
<br /> ;��_;�„a. ..ve�ring the Fsccaw Items.anless Leader pays B�nvwer iscterest an ttie Fands and applicabte taw peradts Latder to make surh
<br />_--___� a c4aige.However,I.ender may require Borruwer to pay a�m�-ti�e charge�for ai�i�depsadent real estate t�x reyorting secviee ,
<br /> —�� � aed by Lender in coune�ion wid� tfris loan, nnless applicable law provides oth�ise. Untess an agreement is.cp�ade or
<br /> = agpincable taav r¢quires ipterest co be pald,LR,ader shall aat be required to pay Borrawer�y interest ar eatnIt�gs ou ihe Fuads.
<br /> = ��= Borcuwer aral Lemder may agree.in wrhing. Lawever,that mterest sball be paid on the�ond,.Leader sball give to Samnwer, .
<br />-w=�;�.,� � w�&�r�charge. an annuaf arwunting of the Fands.showing credits and debits w the Funds und the pnrgose fng wluch each ,
<br /> i�,:,=°-,;�;.:� , ' deIti�fr��e Fnnds aras made.'�Funds are pledged as additiana!security for all saass sewr+ed by this Sec�uity Ia�xnment.
<br /> -= If the F�nds he�d by Yxnde;exceed the amnunts peaniued to be hetd iry applicabie law.LRnder st�all a000unt m Borrower .
<br />-===r� � ' far fhe eacess Ferra�s.in a�ordaxtce with the�is of applicable da�.If th�a�nvaf of the Funds keld 6y Leader at any
<br /> -__ —_ . titu�is.aot suff c:tisrt to pay the Escrq}u Ite�ms whea due.Lender may so c�tify Sorrower in writing,and.in suc6 case Bonow�er
<br />-,._-_-- shall pay to I.eader the amount neoessary to n�ake up the�I'iciency. Homnwer shali make up the deficiency in no more thaa ,
<br /> -__—� ' twelve mnnthty payinents,ai Lender's sole disccetion. . � • '
<br /> -_ -= Upon payment in fiill of all sums secuied by this Security Instrum�nt, L�eader s6alt promptly re�rtd w Borrower any
<br /> - . Ftincts hQtd by Lender.,If,nnder paragraph�A,,�.ender shai!acqdire or seii the Prug�rty.Lender,Prior to the ecqt�isition orsate . .
<br /> of the.Property,shall apply sny Funds heId S'aj�Lender at the time of acquisiaon or sale as a credit against t6e sums seca�ed by ,
<br /> - . this$ecurit3►Instrument. � , � �
<br /> - �';�.AppltaR�an of Fay�,Unless apDlicabte ta�v prbvides otherurise,a11 payments reoeived by Lender u�d`r�paragraphs .
<br /> I.a�2 sljaall be appJied:Rtst,�t�any prepayment charges due under�the Note;seovnd.to amout►ts Fayable und��aragraph 2;
<br /> , third,w inter�dz�e•fourtb.to principal du�e;and tast,to any tate ch�g�dne under the Note. .
<br /> - � Q.Charg�tt:�ens.Boarowei r,hal�p�.w�31 taxes,assessments.charges.fia�s and impositions attributabie w the Pnnperty
<br /> �; crhi�s�nay attain priarity ovex thi's Searri�y Instnunent, and leaseho2d payraeata ar�ground r�ms,if a:ry. Bamov�er shall pay
<br /> -� ' �.. ttrce�s obl'v,;ations in the mazin�t pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in.that manae�,,�+orrowet shatl pay them�i�:?t,i,me directIy
<br /> � ` 't�,a�te person owed payment.Borrawet shall,�promptly fumish to Y.er►der a19 norices c�`amounts to be paid�ader�i��paragtaph.
<br /> �i; � If Bosrower matces these paymems di»ectly,;F�t*rrower shall promptly.fu�to Lender nreipts evidencing the paymenis. .
<br /> • Borrower shall PrompdY discharge e�►��`r�t�n which has pmority over ttiis Security Instcumsnt uriles9 Borrower(a)agees•in
<br /> -- - �iri�ng to the payment of the abligatlon sxured by the lien in a m�nner acceptable ur L,ender;(bl contests ia�goi��,,faith the liQn
<br /> --- 'tiyw'.tir defends against enfo�cent of the lien in, tegal prooeedings�which in t�r��ender's opinion opera�e;Et��prevent the •
<br /> e�ff'c�aanent of the licn;or..Fc��ecures from the holder of the lien an agreemen3 satisf�ctory+to Lender subardinating the lien W .
<br /> __ tti'ss Security inster.iment.If I.��der detemurzes that any patt of t6e E>r��etty is subject to a lien which may attain priority over.
<br /> -._ � this Security Ins+�vment,Leudl�:may give B��rower a notice identifyd��t�e lien.Borro�rer shall satisfy the lisn or talce oae q�;,•
<br /> more_of the actians set foith�anve witi�in 10 days of the giving of natice. � .
<br /> , . .
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