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<br /> - • .� .. ' i7.T�umsfer o!8he PM+npe�Yy or o BeaeiZdsal Interest in Borrower.If all ar any p�ta of ahe Property or a�r interesc in it °t.�
<br /> !-'t', ��•�,.:"`.� `��''` is sold or transferced for if a bene$cial inte�.st in Bosro�r is sold or uaasfened and Borrotiver is aot a natur�l petson)�vithout �.
<br /> � ,Y.. .:., � Lender'e prior writteat oonsent.;Lender may. at it� optiom. require immediate payment ip full of alE swns secureal by this 'i
<br /> _ . Security Instrument.'However.this.option sh�ll aot 6e exermis�seA by Lender if exerc'ise is prohibited 6y federa!taw as of the daYe�
<br /> _ _ ° �'•��"• of this Security Instruritent. �
<br /> , , , , If Lender exercises this aption. Ler.der shall give Bornower natice o:F acceleration.The notice shall provide a peri�d of nnt
<br /> - . � � � ' less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivemd or maited�vithin which Borrower must pay alt sums secured by this
<br /> _. �_ , S�curity Instrua�enu.[f Snrro�rer fails m pay these sums prior m the expiration af this.periad.Lxnder may invoice any remedies
<br /> - - --�_. ' .' p..^rusittd!sy tHis�e.�ity 3 �_ � witho.it fiuth?r siotice or demaed an Borrower. '
<br /> . . ,�,,...�,�.:: f8. Borra�rer's Ri�t to Retastate. If Earrower meeis certain condirions, Bormwes shall have the rig,ht to have ,
<br /> ' '-'t'��` . enforcemem of this Securiry InsnuYnent discantfiued at�mry time praar to the e�iier oF: (a)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> '''�`"''�;�'� lira6le law ma for reinstatement) before sala of the Pro e ursuant to an ower of sale wntained in this
<br /> � � � ..,�..�� S�ea�rity Instrument o�r @j entry oi a judgment enforcing this Security Ipns�wmpent.Thase conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> r
<br />= Lender a!1 sums whic6 then wwild be dne under this S�curity In�nument and the A'ote as if no acceleration had occ�rmd;(6) -
<br /> �. � cures any default of any other covenants or-agreements; (c)pays al! expeases incurred ia enforcing tbis Securiry Insuument, �:�<
<br /> �: �r�� .r 'iIICllidiAg.but aot limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees;•and(d)takes such aaron as Lender may reasonably require to assure �;;;
<br /> . �� � that the lien of this Seauity Inswment. [xnder's rig6ts in the Property aad Eorrower's obligation tu pay the s}ims secured by
<br /> this Se�rity Instrurscent shall continue und�anged. Upan reinstatement by Borcotver, this Security Insnnment�•and the . ��•
<br />- . ..�:� obligatidns sesvied hereby shall remaia fu1[y effectivE as if no acceleration had oaurred.However.this right ta neinstate shall !"��:`
<br /> e
<br /> � Qot apply in the caseof acceleration under paragrapb 17. � _ _ �
<br /> ' �,7 ;� 19. Sale of Pfote; C6aoge of Loan Servicer..The Note or a partial Interest in the Note (together with this Security �,":
<br /> ��•
<br /> - [nstrument)may he so2d one or more times withnut prior aotice to Bormwer.A sale m�y result in a cl�ange in the entity(knowa :,�
<br /> - :!''f ,,.''''.Y��., as the"Laan Senricer°)that coltects monthlY paYments due uader the Note and this Security Instrument.T6e�also may be one . ,
<br /> . � - '..' �', or mnre changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of tt:e Note.If there is a change of ihe i.oan Servirer.Borrow�r will 6; '?._
<br /> �.: . ;. .
<br /> =� -�r-•��� � � ' en written notice af the c6an e in accordaace with ara h 14 above and lipble law.The rtotice will state the name =-y�
<br /> . �... . ... �----�- -- - -. .�g - - -P �P eAP� �
<br /> • ., `, ..�:r. . -� - � address of the�neui"Loan�Senncer and-tlie addr�ss to aluc6�iayinetit��shaiii��ls�rti�tte�TK��otit��rill atsa�txfntarin��fing��a�her� --. . . _- �"
<br /> .,. � - `:� informarion required by applicable law. ' "-°-
<br /> ; ...R,..' . . . .,y
<br /> ,:r;�.1y. : .
<br /> - .°������. �•�; ��';: . 20.Hsrardoug Substaitaes.Bomuwer sha11 nat cause or permit the�tresence.use. disposal. storage,ar rclease of arry "=
<br /> - ` '�� Ha�udous Substances oa or in the Property. $orrower shall nflt do, nor alIaw anyone else to do, anything affecting'the �_'_
<br /> ' � Property that is in vialation of a�Eavimnmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not appiy to the presence,use,or �_-
<br /> - �rz�-'.: �.� . , stora e on the Property of small uantities of�iazardous Su6stances that are enerall reco �'--`.
<br /> � 9 8 Y S�to be:appropriate to normal - �:;
<br /> ��';r•: ,;:: . �`'." residenpal uses and to maintenancz of the Property. .�'=._.
<br /> �%• :°.,�,�;�. �.� Eorrower shall pmmptly give I.ender writtert notice of any investigation,claim, demand,lawsuit or ottter action by any �"
<br /> �;,:,, ,�.;'..:�':�-":�,. govemmental or�gulatory ageacy or private party imoIving the Property and any Hazardous_Substance or Eavim�ental Iaw �
<br />