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<br /> `' ° '% � � paymenis may�tonger 6e required,at the ogtioa of Lemder,if mort�ge insuran�wvxzage the amo for e rind -
<br />' f that Ler.der requires)Provide8 ay an insur�t appmved by L�ttder again becomes ava�able and is obta�ned.Bor�uv�er shal!pay
<br /> ._ .��.�,� . the ptemiiwnc required to maintaia mortga�e enswaace ia effect.or to provide a loss re�rve,wuii the requinement for atortgage. _
<br /> ���ea¢s in acoordamce with a,ny written agreemetR 6etween Borrower and Lender or apglicable taw. , =
<br /> ce
<br /> ° 4.Insge�tlon.Lender or its ageat may make reasonabte entries upan and inspedions of the Praperty.Lender shail give _
<br /> . Barrower nntiae at_�e bnae of ar paior to�u inspec3ion specifying reasana6te c�nss fcsr the inspecdon. _
<br /> `:'-`�� t0�ou�ucra. 'i'�p;.�c�ds uf�}r ar,rand ar d�im for dansa��,dicect or aoasen,uenii�I.in c�omiection wifh�. -
<br /> c •
<br />_;"��..t_. : . =
<br /> �. ,rs.�,.,: oondemnation or other tai�ng of atry part of the Praperty,or for oonveyance in lieu of candemnation,are hereby assigned� _
<br />:-�;-.,- -.� •
<br /> • .•�. • sitall�e paid m I.eadsr. _
<br /> 'V `,;1..,':.'K Yn the event of a to3al ta�of the Progerty,the proceeds shall be ap�lied to the sums se�vied by this Secasity tn�xn,n,gn� _
<br /> . .°,''= whe,ther or aot ihen due.with any excess:paid w�o�a�er.In ths event of a partial taking af the PropertY in which the fais =-
<br /> ' �.'��� �;.�;� market value of the Property imutediatety befoie ahe ra�is equal to or greater t6an the aznount of the sams s�6y tbis
<br />��=;,;����.� ��,� &ecurity Instmment 6mmediately 6efore the taking,unless Eorrower and LeIIder otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by _
<br /> .� �:�;� this Seauity Insaimnent shall be reduced 6y ttie amannt of tlie praoeeds rmiltiplied by the follawing fca�tian: (a) the total ' _
<br /> = "��" � amoum of the sams s�imme�iately before the taldng.divided by N)the fair market valae oF the Property immediateIy -
<br />_-.,��� ;yz.,�,.
<br /> ,r:.:�.-�.. ;�:. 6efote the tafung. Any Balance shall 6e paid tn Borrower. Ia the event of a partiai ta�ng of the Pcoperty in whicir the fair _
<br /> ;.,�,..-.,_
<br /> �s e:� . market value of the P�ope�ty immediately 6efone the ta�is l�ss than th�amou�of ttie sams s��immediately befor�ihe
<br />':`''��'�r, ta�ing,unless Eorrower and Lender otiierwise agree in v.-ecting or anless applicab2e[a�atherarise provides,ths proceeds s5a1!
<br /> `,,,�•:,� `i�`�� 6eapptied to the sums secureci by this Secaritg Insuument w�esher or nv�i�.°sums are then dQe. � =
<br /> - W�����'r c ,. If the P�+��r is abandaned.by Borm�u;or if,aftea noticx by Lender w Borrowea that the condemaor offers to make an
<br /> ,r.
<br />,.-:;_.
<br /> '��=:���`�'. awac�or.seale.a�claim.for_�amages,-Bornnvsrer fa�7s_W_r�pond to Iender witfrin_30_. after the dete the aotice:is
<br /> ........... �..._._......_ ... . --��e-°-"- ----._ _ .
<br /> :�,.� .. .. - - ---�---.__
<br />^t ',:,��, ,. I vr�ci'��s a�sthori�d to oollect and apply tbe'proceeds.at ffs option,either to cesto�atian or repair of the Praperty or to the su�s -
<br />:_=:V:�., sew�ed hy this Sec�rity Insuume�t.wh�ether or nnt then�. , � :
<br /> � .�•, �� Unless l�uder ansl Borrowec otheiwise agrge.u►writing, any applic�rion of proce�ds to principat s6a11 noY excead or
<br /> ;,:;� ,
<br />�°; •.- postpone.the due date oi the mnntiily gay�ents refemett to➢n paragiaphs 1 aad 2 or change the anmriuG;�f such payments.
<br /> :•;�s.�:�7��
<br /> -.��k�:� ll.Bor�ver Na�Rc[�ed;For6earunce Ey Lender Noi�Waives.Extension of the u�fasr`PaYment as modification� .
<br />-';,°;;�,�`�-�.=-- � of amorti7aSon af the sums seauad by�Wis Seauity.Instram�nnt granted by Lender w any snccessua ia interes!of Bor�awer shall
<br /> x t'"�" not opecate to mlease the liabn'Sisy of the original Borrawer or Bormwer's successors ia interest.Le�der sha11 nat be.required u►
<br /> ��,_�.__` vommpc�e proceedings against any succes„rpc i�interest ar refuse to ext?�time for paynaent or vti�+�.wise modify amartizatIoa .
<br /> s •, of the soms ,s�ruted by this Security Ir�tt^.�.�-�t by reason of arry,d��nd made by the orignsafi�onower or Botl+�wer's:
<br /> ������' sucoessors in ri�l�st• Any forbearance b g Y � p ,
<br />__ _ ,-�_,.� y�r in exeTSisin an r� u or remedy shall not b:a.va�iver of or, reclade tb.c;
<br /> � � ex��cise of any ri�ht or cemedy.
<br /> �,�;� 12: Suctessnrs and As�i�t Bouad;.�aiat aad SFV'eral'Liaf�illty. Co�slgaeis.T3�e wveaantc and a�ents of this _
<br /> --_: -Q� Secority instrument shall biad and benefci t�s�5uccessors and assigns af Leuder and Borrower. s:bjeet to the ptovisions of
<br /> -�=}:. �aragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and.�{a eemeats shall be joiut 2r.� several. Any Bortower �ho co-signs this S�,urlty
<br />"�``='�''�'�'�� Insuvmpi but daes not execute ths IHota:(a)is co-sigaing this Sec.�ri"ty Insuoment only to mort�e, grant aad ronvey Qhat . .
<br /> � ���� Bomnwer's interest in the Property under'the terms of this Security Insmunent;(b)is nnt petsonalty obligated to pay the sums
<br /> - -'���-� . sCCURd by thls SeCtltity Ynctre*nn'3*x;ancl(c)agrees that Lekder and aay other Borrow�r may"agree w extend.m�dify.for6eor or ,
<br /> , -- ---' make aay aocommodations vrit;1 re�a,ard co the terms of tl�iis Security Insdumeat or the IVote witkout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> —_ . 13.Loan{:ha�es. If the toan securc�by this Secvrity Insaument is subject to a law wLich sets tnaximum toan'ctiarges�� •
<br /> and that.ta�v is finally is�urpiwted So that the interest or other toan charges collected or to 6e coltected in oonnection wtth tIue:.;
<br /> loan exer,ed the pemvued limits,thea: (a)any such Iaaa charge sha116e.redaoed by the amount rtecessary to reduoe the chayge' , .
<br /> to the pemtitted limit:aad @}eny s�s alrady rolleexed:�vm Borrower which e�ceeded permttted l�mits wiA be refandeil w
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose co make tbis refund b�+�callucing the priacipa� awe�d arcder the Note or by making a d�rect
<br /> - - - paytnent to Botrower. If a reiund'ieduces principal. tiie reduction will be aeated as a'partia! prepaymeat withaut any
<br /> _ - . prepayment charge under the Note. . • '
<br /> ----___=--= 14.NoSce9.Atry nodoe to Borrower prvvided for in tlus�ecurity Insaument shali be given by delivering it or�by mailiug �
<br /> it by fust class mail unless ap��:c�2ble law requires use of aaother,mQthod.The notice shnll be directed w the Property Addnss
<br />-=__=_---= or azry other addcess $oaowc-�designates by nodce �o I.ender. Any no8tx to L�.ti�r shall be given by first class mail ta
<br /> —= Lender•s addriess stated herein or any othet address Lender designatr�By notice to Borrower.My notice provided for in thi�
<br /> °-=- =``"'-' Security Iastrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower cr f,t.�tder when given as provided in this paragragh.
<br /> - l5.Goveming Iraw; Sevesability: Ttis Securiry.�nstrument s'hall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> -�- ;jitr�s�iction in which the Property is tocated. In the evr�t t�at any provision or clause of this Security Instrumerlt or the Note
<br /> __.-___- �ci�flicts with applicable law.such oanflict shall not aff�other provisions of this Security Insvument or the 1Votc which can be
<br /> _ ___- given effect without the conflicting provisian�To tltis ead the prnvisia�s of this'Secuaity Insuument aIId the Note are declare4
<br />--��=�.:=;��: � to be severable.. .
<br /> �;�-�F;`�� � ' 16.Borrawer's Copy.Borrower shall Le given one coaformed�cpy of the Note and of this Sewrity Instrument.
<br /> -- �I��i� Farmaoas 9rsn
<br /> =�s:�-c-�a .
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