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<br /> •� � r��� ' t� •. • k .t p ' .
<br /> ' [(, .,4•. ' ' � E! �, . }: �. . . �� .T��,'� (!� . • �S �•t f _ _ c it= 2tY.R��:':
<br /> o .�.i; . ,� • ,._e •.rr.,r : <P'1- '� -•�_��`s_
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<br /> ,..K'G�"�..lk+ � '
<br /> �°°` : ° . . . , � g5o �a�a0��► , � �'
<br /> -�`:'� , ��� � ,�°�� � �7.T�ansfer uf 4t�e Property or o II�eitslal Ir�i�t in Borrower.If al!or aay pacz of the P�operty or eny i�s�rest in it . �.:'"
<br /> �4!�,�. ;g,�� ":. �'`c is sold or uansferred for if a beneficiai intErest in Borrower is sold or uans�erred and Bor�iver is not a natursil petsony without =
<br /> _ '. � ;.;`;�.:;���,. `Lend�c's prior writte� consent. Lender may, at its opiion. re9uire immediate payment in full oP all sums secured' by this �
<br /> - , ..s.. Security Instrument.Howeves.this opuon shalf n�ol be exercesed by L•ender if eaercise�s prohibite3 b�+federal!aw as of the date '
<br /> ' .; , :.' af this Seciuity Wswment. �
<br /> ��. �' •' � If Lender exes�ses this optioa,Lender shal�give Borrower notice of acceleration.7'he nbtice shall provide a periud of not -��
<br /> - - _-- �"�`-�.:�-,. tess than 30 days frc�m tht date tite notice ss delivem,d or mailed vrithin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this �
<br /> �� fr -
<br /> � • ' g�curiry[nspvtnent If Borrower fails to Qay these sums prior to the expiration af this period.I.ettder may invoke any remedfes _
<br /> •,.;�" p��itted 6y ti�is gec�rity Iasuument without fiirt�er aotice or demari�!on Borrower. _=
<br /> ;`.;'���c , . .� 18. Borrowe�s ItigR�t to Reinstate. if Borrawer meets�certain conditions. Bomower shati have the ri�f to have =
<br /> ,i=�= -' efifozcement of ttus Secarity Insut�me�nt discontime� at ar►y time pri°r to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other peraud as
<br /> yt��_`., u�m
<br /> <� . � -_:- applicable Iaw may specify for reinstatea►ent) 6efore sale of the Fcoperty pursuant to at�y power of sale cuntained irt tlris _
<br /> •=�.:: �.; �� f 3�vritY Inste�ment�or{b?entry of a judgment enforring this Secvrity Insuumeut.Those condiaons are that Borrawer.(a)paYs --
<br /> u
<br /> �4;��:�•r�.:<�Y-� Ixnder aU sums wluch theu would 6e due under this Security Insavment and the Note as if no aocelerffiion t�ad ooc�rre�;(b)
<br />- .���::_�=�-s`� •:'° ' cures any default of amY other oovenants os agreements;(c)PaYs aU expenses incurred in enforcing dus Security Instrument,
<br /> - ''``'� iacluding,bui not liffiited to.teasonabte attocneys'fees;and(d)takes sush asuon as Lender may ieasonably require to assur2 =.
<br /> -.-,:�::, '';_ `,��.t, tbat the iien of ttiis S�uriry Ins�umeat,I.endet's rigiits w the Propertq et�d Bormwer's obligation to pay the sums serured by =
<br /> ''°;,�'`- `,..�'`'`" this Security Instrument shall ooatinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer. this Seturity Instrument �d the , --
<br /> :.,<, ;.: '.�;:
<br /> _ � ;�K,�;4��- abligations secured hereby shaU remain fu11y effecrive as if no acceleration had oavrred.However,ttus right to reinstate sha11 _
<br /> j=_., Y=..� �
<br /> .-.�' :�'�...':.�:,.:� rtot aPPly in ehe case of acceteration under paragxaph 17.
<br /> � ,.•Y: •. �- •,;_.. 19. Sale of N�t� Change of i.os�a SQrvioer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with th�s S�curity' . _-
<br /> ;,r;='�'� ' "�.••"��`. Instmment)may be s+old one or iaore times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the eutity(tmpwn _
<br /> 4:�':`,, `� "• �-, as the^Loan Servcoe�'��at collec�s monthly PaYmcuts due under tfie Note and tl�is Security Instrumeut.Tliere a]so may 6e o�e -
<br /> ��� �___�,�.W -
<br />=�� , ` �. =�,� '� '...or.more.cbanges_Q�'13��1.an S�;vicer u;uelatod to a sate af ttte Note.If tl�ere is a change af the iaan Setvirer,Borrower.will be
<br />_ �.. ,........_..,_�.�:. .. ._ .. .. ._
<br /> •:i..�.,:.5�c.i£' Y .
<br /> , �:; , .•.: .�_ ,,', given written aaLr�e cf'the chasge tn accordance with paragiaph T4�aliove aztd�pglic�bl�-Iaw�The notice�will state-the neme and. '.. _
<br /> •`.Y,,�" �. , sddress of the n�Loan 3ervicer and the address to wlricb payments should be made.The�eotice will also contain any other --
<br /> _ �<�=. ..; . information required by applicabie law.
<br /> •� � ,,. �:''��'�`; 1A. Ha�rdons Sahstances.Barrower shall not ca�se or pemut the presence.use. disposal, storage, or release'of any —
<br /> �:.J.. Ha�rdaas Snbstanoes on or in the Praperty. Borrower s�nali not do. nar all�w anyone glse W do. anything affeciiag the
<br /> -- '�-,�:::, r,� p�opeity that3s in violation of any Env�tonmentai I:aw:'C�ce'p{�'�ing tN+o se�ences sttall not aggiy-ta the_P�te to� normal
<br /> �� �.. n
<br />_ �.,,f,r..,,
<br /> ._� s. ,. ,�,} , storage on t h e P z operty o f s m a l l quFin t i t i e�'o f.H a z a r d o u s S u b s t an c e s t l i a t a r e g e n e r a ll y r e c a g h i�d w b e a P P�P
<br /> � _�__..?��• r+esidential ases and to mainrenance of the Property.
<br /> '"`•:"''� � B orro we r s h a l l p m m p t[g�i v e L e n d e r w r�tt e a T c o t i c e o f a n investi gation.�claim,.demand.tawsuit or other action by any .
<br /> #�_�" � y
<br /> .., �_,�'=..,�: govemm�ntal or regulatory�or private paity iuvotvic►g the Praperty and a�r Ha�atdous 5ubstance or Eavisun�ental,�,aa
<br /> f,;„ . y �vemmental or re t autharity,that
<br /> f: .`:•` �- csEwiuch Borrower has actuai�nawledge..If BaTCOwer leams,or is notified b any� ��Y
<br /> ,�„t•�;...:i;•:,;; �removal or other mmediation of any Ha7ardaus Substance affecting t1►e Fraperty is necessary.Borrawer s�all promptly taYce . -
<br /> �:„ �� :� aIl necessary remedial uctions in aocordanoe v-r�th Eavironmental Law.
<br /> �.�.,:,1;f:.,. . As ussd in this paragcaph Z0. "Ha�duus Substances"are those srbstances defined as toxis..m�r hazardous snbstances by
<br /> �?: • �ronmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. k�rosene, other tlainmable or te��'�`�'al�pmducts, toxic
<br /> - g�.;;c.�ides and herbicides,vol�te solvents, maferials�cdnt�ining asbestas or formaldehyde,and ra�c�iye mat..�s.As used in _
<br /> -' .;,:�- ' this para�raph 20, "Environment9l Law" means fedcra!taws and laws of the jurisdiction where c:e'Proper�j"�tocated that
<br /> - selate to heaIth.s�'�ty or environmental protection. � �
<br /> �.;._.r_ NON-UISIJF�2M COVENANTS.Borrower and Leuder funher oovenant and agree as follow s: -
<br />-; --- 22.Accelc�Lnan;Remedtes.Lender s6a11 give anttce to So�aso�psior to seceleratton fx:�r;xving Sorea�ver's breash
<br />- ---
<br />