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<br /> �..,^r ,.r � • paymeata may no taager!ie required`,at the option of.Lender.if mort�a��ce coverage(in the amount and fpr the period
<br /> r.:� �Y ,
<br /> �c_ �c s that Lender �psires)Prnvfd�d by an insurer approvetf by Lender again beoor�s availat:Ie aad'is abtained..Bormwer shall pay
<br /> � �''�'`��``""`'�� the preniluins r�qui�d to mainta�n rscostgs�e iasuraaoe in effect.or to provid�a lass te�erve.untii the�equisement for mortgage`. � -
<br /> ti.�,.��: _�. . .
<br /> �.._••. .:, �� -
<br /> '�i:� '• �°�" °-..': iASUrarzce Bnds in axordaace vrith any written agreement beiweea Bornativet and I.eader or applicabte taw. _
<br /> L'�,;:��``�'°°':;;-.:. � 9.�pactiaa.ixrcder ar its agent may noatce rea�onabl�entries upon and inspectians of the I'mperty. Lender sball give -
<br /> ;< < Eorrower atotfc�ut the dme of or prior to an iaspe�iQn specifying reayonable causs for the u�spection. _
<br /> ,� �'�� ���-::� !m.Cond�Eettoa.T6e pracePds of siry�award or cLtim for damages.d"irect ar wasequentiat,in aonnectfon dvith atry . -
<br />-�•'�'j��'" , �� ooademnatian or ather L�''ng of any part of the Pmperty,or for comreyance in lieu of roudem�tian,are hereby assigned and _
<br />_r:`f�.q � . —..
<br />-:w,� � sball t�e paid to Le�de�. .
<br />�.;�'�--""��� . Ia tli�event of a total t�ng of ths Property,the pmceeds shall be agplied to the sams secur�d by tius Security Insuument,
<br /> -�� �rhether or riot then due. with aay eacess paid to Boirower.�n the eveat of a pardal taking of the Pmperty in w6ich the fair�
<br /> ;:,;�:,�� market value of ttte Prope�ty immed�atedy�before the taldng is equal to or gre�ter than the amount of the stuns secure�d 6y t1�is -
<br /> �� Seauity itutrument immediately 6efoie the tatang.un2ess Borrawer aad Lender other�vise agree in writiag,the snms s�ued by
<br /> �,,,m�:� ttiis S�urity Instrumest shall be�erluced by the amount of the pfooeEds multiplied by t�e foltowing fras:tian: (a)the mml
<br /> = _ -''�`��::� amnunt of the sums secured immediately before the t�idng,divIded by(t�)the fair market vaiue of the Progetty immediately --
<br />--.-;.,_•;�_�yeY��:�1 hefos���he tn&ing. Any 6ata�ce suail be paid to Bonower. Yn the eveat of a partIal taIdng of the Property in wtucb the fa�r
<br /> lv _ marlc�value�of the Pragerty imin�ty tsefon�,dee takIng is less than the amount of the sums secured immediatcl�r before the
<br /> __,;�,���� tt�sing,unless Sarmwer aad Lender atherwise agree in writin�or anless applicable!aw otheswise pmvides,the pmceeds shall ' .
<br /> a�} ��:" be applied to the sums secuced by this Security Cn�tru�nt whether or not the'sua�s are then due. --
<br /> ��,.�r,.a,�� - ,
<br /> ----_ __rn�_�� . Yf the Progerty is abandoned,hy Borrower,or if.after not�ce by Lender to 8otrawer that the onndeuuwr offeis to make aa
<br /> - ----- awand or settle a claim for damages.Borrower faiis to respond to 1*ender�ithin 30 days aftes tt�e.date the noqce is given, •
<br /> -.-_�-,�� �.,...--- - -�---�--- ��--�-�---.._..---- -- �--�-�-�--- -------------•------._...-----------�--------,�---._...._.__._.r--�- �
<br />___��:�� Lextder is authorized m c�olleet and apply the proc�eeds.at its option.either to restotatton or repa�s of tt►e Fioperty or ro"tiie sums�" -
<br /> _ --- - � s�by this Securfty InstNment,tivhettter or aot then due. . ' . .� . �
<br /> - Unless Len¢er and Borrower'otherwise'agres in writing, any agpliration of proceeds w pTincipal sbaU aot extend or
<br />-..-= �=�� „ postpone tbe dae date of the monthty payaients referred to in pa;agraphs 1 and 2 or chang�the amnunt of sucb paymenu:
<br />--��::;�.�;;�� i l.�mrrower-Dtot Rdeased;Fasbearnuce By I.eader Na�t a Wafver.Extensba of tha ti�for payment ar modifrration •
<br /> __=--_—�;, , of amortization of the suxns secured by this Security Imtmment granted by Lender to any sucvessa�r,in interest of EorroRer shall < ,
<br /> __-- -�.� not operate to release the liabiliry of the orig'tnal�orrower or Borrower's successo�s ia intecest,Len,der sl�all not be irequir�d to
<br /> -=
<br />